SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Jonathan and Nancy Lewis power of attorney to David & George Lewis ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 6, p. 327: Jonathan and Nancy Lewis power of attorney to David & George Lewis Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Dec 2, 2004 from FHL film# 972707 Know all men by these presents that we Jonathan Lewis and Nancy my wife of the Indiana Terretory and County of Franklin For divers good causes have maid ordained constituted and appointed and by these presents do make ordain constitute and appoint our trusty friends and Brothers David and Gorge Lewis in the county and Terretory aforesaid our True and Lawful attorneys for us and in our names and to ???? to ask demand recover or receive any money due us and to to grant Bargain and sell all our rights and title of certain tracts or parcels of Land lying and sittuated in the State of Tennessee and County of Sullivan ???? land left to us by our Father Nathen Lewis and by these presents we do appoind the above named David and Gorge Lewis our lawfull attorneys and sole and full power and authority to grant Bargin and sell all our right and title to the above Des cribed land and to make a good and ????? title for the same as we might or cold do were we personally present and for them to do and perform and execute for us and in our names all and singular thing or things which shall or may be necessary touching and concerning the said premises as fully thoroughly and entirely as us the said Jonathan and Nancy Lewis or in our own persons ought or cold do in and about the persons ratifiing alowing and confirming watsoever our said attorneys shall lawfully do or cause to be done in and about the Execution of the premises by virtue of these present in witness wereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal the thirtieth day of July in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirteen 1813 Test Charles Waldridge? Jonathan Lewis [seal] Nancy Lewis [seal] Indiana Territory Franklin County Be it remembered that on th thirtieth? day of July eighteen Hundred and thirteen personally appeared before me Saml Rockafeller one of Justices of the pice in and for said court aforesaid county aforesaid Jonathan Lewis and Nancy his wife the within Grantor and acknowledged the within Power of attorney to be thare vallenterry act for the purposes there in contained the said Nancy being examined separrate and aparte from her said husband Relinquisted her Right of Dowery in the within presises. Saml Rockafeller [seal] Indiana Territory Franklin County I Enoch McCarty clerk of the Court of Common Pleas for the County aforesaid do hereby certify that Samuel Rockafellar before whom the foregoing power of attorney was acknowledged to which Certificate of acknowledgement he hath affixed his name as an acting Justice of the peace in the county aforesaid and was at the time of subscribing ??? thereunto. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of our Court of common pleas at Brookville this 30th day of July in the year of our Lord 1813 [seal] Enoch McCary Clk State of Tenessee Sullivan County at August session 1813 The within power of attorney was exhibited in Court and ordered to be registered (21 August 1813) Sect Matthew Rhea Clk Sulv Cty ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________