SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Jacob Fluner to Samuel McCorkle ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 3, p. 398: Jacob Fluner to Samuel McCorkle Transcribed by Robert Keyes Feb 18, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972706 This Indenture made this 19th day of May 1800 Between Jacob Fluner of Sullivan County and State of Tennessee of the one part and Samuel Mcorkle of said County and State of the other Witnesseth that the said Jacob Fluner for and in Consideration of the Sum of three hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said Samuel Mcorkle the receipt whereof is hereby acknow ledged hath bargained and sold and by these presants doth bargain and sell and confirm unto the said Samuel Mcorkle his heirs &C all that tract or parcel of Land Containing sixty six acres lying and in said County on the South Side of holston River and Bounded as follows Viz begining at a black oak on Charles Rock =hold Corner then with his line South 45 degrees E 72 pol to two white oaks on the Bank indian Creek then crossing said Creek North 64 degrees East 14 poles to a white oak and two maples thence South 48 degrees East 34 poles to a large white oak thence South 50 poles to a forked Black oak then South 82 degrees West 30 poles crossing said Creek to a Black oak thence South 57 degrees West 100 along a Road to a white oak and Gum then by a straight line to the Begining together with all and Singular the appertainances there unto belonging to have & to hold the aforesaid Land and premis es unto him the Sd Samuel MCorkle his heirs & assigns forever and he the Sd Jacob Fluner doth for himself his heirs and assigns and all person whatever Claiming or to Claim the said land and premeses warrant and forever defend against all Law ful Claims whatsoever in witness I have hereunto Set my hand and seal the day and year above written Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presants of Jacob Fluner (seal) Sullivan County May Session 1800 the Execution fo the within deed is acknowledged in open Court By the oath of Jacob Fluner party thereto ordered to be Registered November the 10th 1801 { Test Mathew Rhea then Registered } Clerk of Sullivan County Ex'd W.A. [Note: See also Andrew little NC Grant DB 1-99; See also Andrew Little to Jacob Flumer DB 2-461] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________