SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - State of Tennessee to Nicholas Motton ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 6, p. 295: State of Tennessee to Nicholas Motton Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 9, 2005 Source: FHL film# 972707 The State of Tennessee Number 2311 To all to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that in Consideration of and Entry made in the office of the Survey of the Sixth District of Number 312 dated the fourth day of September 1819 founded on a warrant of Number 1808 Issued by Archabald Roan to John Smith for two hundred acres of Land dated the Eleventh day of April 1808 Sixty acres of which is Entered in Nicholas Motton the Entry by Assign ment there is Granted by the said State of Tennessee unto the said Nicholas Motton and his heirs a Certain tract or parcel of Land Containing sixty acres lying in the County of Sullivan in the District of Washington on the South side of holston River Beginning at five white oaks and a gun then north sixty East sixty three poles to a Spanish Oak and two white oaks thence with Webbs line South sixty six west ninety poles to a white oak and Dogwood North twenty four west forty poles to a Spanish oak hickory and pine on Benjamin Webbs line thence with the same South sixty six west thirteen poles to a white oak on Greenaways line then with the same South forty one poles to two white oaks North eighty six East twenty eight poles to three white oaks South thirty two west one hundred and ten poles to a Spanish oak and two white oaks saplins then a direct line to the beginning Surveyed March 3rd 1810 With the hereditaments and appertainances to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land with its appertanan =ces to the said Nicholas Motten and his heirs forever in Witness whereof William Blount Govenor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto Set his hand and Caused the Great Seal of said State to be affixed at Knoxville on the fifteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twelve and of American Independence the thirty sixth H? G Blount secretary Willie Blount Nicholas Motton is Entitled to the withen Described Tract of Lands Edw Scott Register of East Tennesse Recorded in my office the 15th of Jun 1812 Edw Scott Register of East Tennessee Recr'd 3rd March 1813 the tax on this Grant 12 cents Matthew Rhea Clk Sulvn Cty March 3'd 1813 [Note: See also Geo. Greenway to Henry Massengill DB 9-20] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________