SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - John Funkhouser to William Rockhold ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 4, p. 632: John Funkhouser to William Rockhold Transcribed by Robert Keyes Jan 31, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972706 This Indenture made this 29th of February 1805 Between John Funkhouser of the County of Buncum & State of North Carolina of the one part & William Rockhold of Sullivan County & State of Tennessee of the other part witnesseth that the sd John Funkh ouser for & in consideration of the sum of 1000 dollars the Receipt Whereof is hereby acknowledged & by these presents have given & granted unto the sd William Rockhold & to his heirs &C forever a Certain tract or parcel of [land] Containing 208 acres be the same more or less sd land lying & being in the Coiunty aforesaid to wit Sullivan on the south side of holston River Begining at a white oak Siglers Corner thence nor th 42 deg'r east 45 poles to a hickory Corner of Jacob Weavers & with his line north 43 deg'r west 142 poles to three white oaks on the bank of Weavers spr ing Branch thence north 31 deg'r East 63 poles to a large white oak thence north 16 deg'r East 60 pol es to two white oaks & dogwood thence north 55 deg'r west 11 poles to a white oak & Beech on the Bank of sd River thence along down the several courses of the sa me to a white oak & three iron wood saplings on the Bank of sd River thence along William Morrels line sou the 16 deg'r East 224 poles to a black oak a spanish oak thence a straight line to the begining together with all & singular the woods & waters & Every other thing thereunto belonging & I the sd John Funkhou ser for my self & my heirs &C do warrant & forever de fend every part & parcel of the above mentioned land with the appertainances unto the sd William Rock hold & to his heirs &C forever against the lawful claim & demand of all persons whatever in wit ness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day & year first above written Signed Sealed & delivered John Funkhouser (seal) in presents of State of Tennessee Sullivan County John McLevin? May session 1805 the Execution his of the within deed is proven in open John Shell Court By the oath of John Shell mark a subscribing Witness thereto let it be Registered Test Matt'w Rhea Clerk of May 29th 1805 Reg'st Sullivan County Ex'd W.A. [Note: See also Christian Weaver to John FunkHowser DB 2-469] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________