SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Washington Lewis to James Rhea ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 6, p. 395: Washington Lewis to James Rhea Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 17, 2005 Source: LDS FHL Film# 972707 This Indenture made the twenty sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fourteen between Washington Lewis of the County of Madison and Mississippi Teritory Heir & Devisee of Nathan Lewis decd late of the County of Sullivan and State of Tennessee of the one Part and James Rhea of the County of Sullivan and State of Tennessee of the other Part Witnesseth that the said Washington Lewis heir and devisee as aforesaid for and in Con =sideration of the sum of twelve Dollars and fifty cents to him paid and the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath Bargained and Sold and by these presence do Bargain Sell allien & convey to the said James Rhea his heirs and assigns forever all his right title claim & interest as heir & Devisee of Nathan Lewis deceased as aforesaid to one undivided seventh share or Portion of a certain peace of Land lying and being in the County of Sullivan and State of Tennessee near the town of Blountville and containing seventy two Acres more or less bounded as Followeth (to wit) Begining at one old pine corner formerly called Job Keys the with his line South twenty poles to a stake near a pine tree thence along Joseph Coles old line East seveny two poles passing the wagon Road to a Black oak and white oak North forty two poles to a pine Thence West twenty six poles to a white and Gum sapling near said Road thence north twenty nine west forty pole to George Maxwells old Corner a black or red oak thence North twenty six West thirty poles to a Walnut and white oak on John Tiptons line then Running Contigous with the same South seventy West two hundred and eighteen poles to a stake thence a direct line to the Begining, to have and to hold to the said James Rhea his heirs and assigns forever the said one undivided Seventh share or portion of the aforesaid seventy two acres of Land more or less with all and singular the appurtenances and advantages thereunto Belonging and the said Washington Lewis heir and divisee of Nathan Lewis deceased as aforesaid [line inserted above unreadable] with all and singular the appurtenances and advantages thereunto belonging or appertaining to the said James Rhea against himself his heirs and assigns will forever Warrant and Defend in testimony whereof the said Washington Lewis hath hereunto subscribed his name and affixed his seal the day of and year first above written. Signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of Wm King Thomas Mayon Washington Lewis (seal) Zach Cross Joshua Johnson State of Tennessee Sullivan County May Session 1814 The Execution or the within Deed of convayance from Washington Lewis to James Rhea was Proved in open Court by the oath of Thomas Mayon & Zachariah Cross subscribing witnesses thereto let it be registered Matthew Rhea Clk of Sullivan Registered 2nd of June 1814 County By Matthew Rhea his Deputy ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________