SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Jacob Emert to John Smith ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 6, p. 279: Jacob Emert to John Smith Transcribed by Robert Keyes Feb 8, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972707 This Indenture Made this twentyeth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twelve BETWEEN Jacob Emert Senr of the County of Sullivan & State of Tennessee of the one part and John Smith Carpenter of the county and state of aforesaid of the other Part Witnesseth that the said Jacob Emert hath for and in Consideration of the sum of five Hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by the said John Smith the Receipt hereby is acknowledged hath Bargaind and sold unto the aforesaid Smith a certain tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the county and state above mentioned containing by estimation two Hundred and Seventy eight acre Bounded as follows Begining at a Black oak and White on Samuel Smiths Line then alon George Emert Jun line South fifty eight Degrees West one hundred and thirty six poles to his Corner Pine then with said line South Twenty two poles to John WertMillers Corner Pine then on said Millers Line South Eighty three West one hundred and forty eight poles to his corner pine on George Emert Snr line then on his line north thirty one east one hundred poles to his Corner White oak then on his line North eighty seven West Eighty poles to two white oaks then north forty East sixty six poles Frames corner Elm ???? ????? then on his line north thirty eight poles to his corner pine then West forty two poles to a Chesnut tree then north thirty two East forty eight poles to a corner White oak then north Eighty Six West forty eight poles to a poplar thence north thirty four poles to a stake then on or near John Scotts line East Eighty eight poles to Said Scotts Corner White oak and Black oak then on or near Samuel Smiths line South forty west Eighty poles to his corner stake then straight on said Smith line to the Begining together with all Woods Water mines minerals headitements & appurtenances to the said Land Belonging or Appertaining to hold to the John Smith his hiers and assighns forever in testimoney Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Day and year above written Sighned Seald and Delverd in Prescence of Benjamin Web George Wolfred Jacob Emert (seal) State of Tennessee Sullivan County at august Session 1812 the Execution of the within deed was acknowledged in open Court by Jacob Emert party thereto let it be Registered Test Matw Rhea Clk Sullvn Cty 17th Febry 1813 ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________