SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - State of North Carolina to William Wallace ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 1, p. 71: State of North Carolina to William Wallace Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 23, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972705 State of North Carolina No 107 To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know ye that we for and in Consideration of the sum of fifty shillings for every hun dred acres hereby granted paid into our treasury by William Wallace have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the sd William Wallace a tract of Lands containing three hundred acres lying and being in our County of Sullivan Begining at a spruce pine on the river Bank thence North fifty East forty six poles to a larg white oak North eighty two East forty poles to a white oak North fifty eight east one hundred and thirty four poles to a Black oak along John Coxes line North twenty eight east sixty six poles to a shell Bark hic kory South sixty two east one hundred and four poles to a large White Oak South thirty East one hundred and Eighty two poles to poplar on George Littles line thence on sd line south sixty six West twelve pearches to a spanish oak West fifty eight poles to a spanish Oak South thirty four West forty poles to a large Ceder on the bank of Holsten river thece down the river the several Courses there of to the Begining As by the plat hereunto annaxed doth appear together with all woods waters mines minerals hereditaments and appurtenances to the sd land belonging or appertaining to hold to the sd William Wallace his heirs and assigns forever yielding and pay ing to us such sums of mony yearly or otherwise as our General assembly from time to time may direct provied allways that the sd William Wallace shall cause this grant to be registered in the registers office of our sd County of Sullivan within twelve months from the date hereof otherwise the same shall be void and of no eff ect In testimony whereof we have caused our great seal to be here unto affixed Witness Alexander Martin Esq'r our govenor Captin general and commander in Chief at fairfield the twenty third day of October in the seventh year of our Independence and in the eyar of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty two By his Exclly Com'd J Glasgow Sec Ex'd Alex Martin [Note: Sold to Jacob Miers 10 Jan 1784 (DB 1-183)] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________