SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - William McCormack to Stephen Wallin ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 3, p. 66: William McCormack to Stephen Wallin Transcribed by Robert Keyes Jan 31, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972706 This Indenture made this twenty fourth day of May in the year one thousand seven Hundred & ninety six Between William McCormack of the County of Sullivan & State of Tennessee of the one part & Stephen Wallin of the County & State aforesaid of the other part witnesseth tht the sd William McCormack for & in consideration of the sum of one hundred & thirty pounds to me in hand paid the Receipt where of is herby Acknowledg hath by these presents doth grant Bargain sell alien enfeoff & confirm unto the sd Stephen Wallin his heirs & as signs forever a certain tract or parcel of Land Containing one hundred acres be the same more or less lying in the County of Sullivan lying on the South side of holston River Begining at a shugar tree on a hill side corner sd McCormack former survey & with his line north 5 west 34 poles to a white oak & beach north 30 west 40 poles to two white oaks on the Bank of the River and Down the meanders of the same 104 poles to two white oaks Frederick Keilers Corner and with his line South three west 126 poles to three Dogwoods on a hill side South 47 East 20 poles to a Hickory and dogwood Jacob Ellers corner & with his line North 69 East 164 poles to two Beaches on the hill side thence a straight line to the begining containing one hun dred acres with all & Singular the appurten ances ??????? to the sd tract of Land belong ing or appertaining & the Reversion & Reversions of Rents & Issues thereof & all the estate right title In trest Property Claim & Demand of him the sd Wm McCormack his heirs &c of in & to the same & Every Part & parcel thereof either in law or equity to have & to hold the sd one hundred acres of Land with the appur tneances unto the said Stephen Wallin his heirs & assigns forever against the lawfull title claim and Demand of all & every person or persons whatsoever shall & will warrant & forever defend by these presents to him the sd Stephen Wallin In witness whereof the said William McCormack hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day & year above written Signed Sealed & Delivered William McCormack (seal) In the presents of James Gaines Sullivan County May Session 1796 the Execution of the within Deed was acknowledge in open Court by William McCormack a party thereto Test Matt'w Rhea CSC June 10th day 1796 then Reg'st Ex'd W.A. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________