SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - James Webb to Adam Thomas ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 11, p. 144: James Webb to Adam Thomas Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 16, 2005 Source: FHL Film# 972708 This Indenture made this 15? th day of October 1831 between James Webb of the one part & Adam Thomas of the other part both of Sullivan County and State of Tennessee Witnesseth that the said James Webb for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred and seventy five dollars & forty seven cents to him in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the said James Webb hath granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell unto the said Adam Thomas his heirs and assigns for ever the following described Negroes to wit a Negro boy named Jim aged about eighteen years a Negro boy named Nat aged about thirteen years a Negro girl named Jude aged about twenty three years and one other Negro girl the child of Jude Caty aged about three years all slaves for life and also Phebe aged twenty five years a slave for life also the following described tract of land containing three hundred and twelve acres the same more or less situated in the County of Sullivan on the north side of Holston river be the same that Benjamin Webb senior conveyed to said James Webb being the one half of a tract of land divided by George Webb deceased between his sons Benjamin Webb and George Webb and conveyed by said Benjamin Webb to the said James Webb but reserving in said deed of conveyance twelve acres of land conveyed by said Benjamin Webb to William King which said twelve acres of land includes the Iron works on Beaver Creek To have and to hold unto the said Adam Thomas his heirs &c forever to the only benefit and behoof of the said Adam Thomas his heirs and assigns and the said James Webb for himself his heirs Executors & Administrators doth by these presents covenant and agree to & with the said Adam Thomas his heirs &c that they shall enjoy the said Negroes as well as the said piece or parcl of land together with every thing thereunto belonging as well the increase of said Negroes free from the claim of all and every person or persons whatever but upon the express trust and condition that whereas the said James Webb is indebted unto Dury & Alison in the sum of five hundred and seventy five dollars and forty seven cents for which amount the said Dury and Alison hold said Webb note payable on the fifteenth January following after date with interest from date executed by said Webb to Dury and Alison on the 15th day of October 1831 Now if the said Webb should fail to pay unto the said Dury & Alison the said sum of five hundred and seventy five dollars & forty seven cents or any part thereof on or before the 16 th day of January next then and in that case the said trustee is authorised & empowered to sell and dispose of said Negros and said tract of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging at publick sale before the Court house door in Blountville in the State & County aforesaid advertising said Negros and land at least twenty days previously in three publick places in said County for the purpose of raising said sum of money aforesaid with the interest arising thereon and all costs charges incident to the execution of said trust and when the said Adam Thomas has raised the said sum of money aforesaid he is hereby directed and fully authorised to pay the same over to Dury & Alison and the said Adam Thomas is fully and completely vested with power and authority when he sells said negroes and land aforesaid to make a complete conveyance to the purchaser for the same which conveyance when made I do bind myself my heirs &c allways and at all times to confirm and any money that said trustee may have left after discharging the aforesaid sum money with interest costs and charges ?? any to be paid over to the said James Webb In testimoney whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal the day first above mentioned Signed Sealed and acknowledged in the presence of Jas Webb (seal) J A Snapp M. Massingill State of Tennessee Sullivan County Court of pleas &c February Session 1832 then was the Execution of the above Deed of trust proven in open Court by Jacob K Snapp & Michael Massingill witnesses let it be registered Rich'd Netherland Clerk Reg February 29th 1832 By G W Netherland D.C. [Note: See Benjamin Webb deed to to James Webb, David Webb Jr, and Benjamin Webb Jr which conveys the slaves mentioned in this deed (DB 10-435); See also Benjamin Webb to to James Webb, David Webb Jr, and Benjamin Webb Jr deed which conveys the land above mentioned (DB 10-434); see also Benjamin Webb to William King (DB 9-76)] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________