Sullivan-Greene-Rutherford County TN Archives Military Records.....Crockett, Robert February 11, 1833 Revwar - Pension Militia ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deanna Sanner March 11, 2006, 3:24 pm Revolutionary War Pension Claim #30353 Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of an act of Congress passed June 7th 1833. State of Kentucky County of Cumberland Personally appeared before us composing the county court for said county this 11th Feb. 1833 Robert Crockett aged 78 years who being first duly sworn according to law on his oath make the following statement or declaration in order to obtain the benefit of an act of Congress passed June 7th 1833. This declarant entered the service of the United States in 1776 under Capt. James Johnson and Col. Wm. Grimes. He served along the frontier of N. Carolina. He served as a substitute for Jacob Wills one month - He entered in June. In 1776 he entered under Capt. Isaac Bletcher and served 3 months. He was engaged building a fort on the frontier of Sullivan County. His next tour he performed under Wm. Asher for a month as a draftedman. This was in 1777 - His next tour 1778 he went to Chickamaga country - He served under Col. Isaac Shelby and Capt. Bledsoe. He served 7 weeks. His next he went as a draft to King's mountain. He was in the Battle - He served 2 months. His next tour 1781 - he was drafted for three months for which he got his discharge from Isaac Shelby. He served in all 14 Months. He has a living witness of his services. He has no discharge though he received one from Shelby. He lived in Sullivan County when he entered the service. he was born in Bartly County Virginia. He lived in Greene County Tennessee until about 33 years ago when he moved to what is now Cumberland County Ky. in which he now lives. He has no record of his age. He was acquainted with Col. Williams, Col. Campbell, Col. Cleveland. He refers to Genl. John M. Emerson, Col. Semuel (? or perhaps the word is Lemuel) Stockton and many others for his character. He has no documentary evidence of his service. He relinquishes all claim to any pension or annuity except - the present - and declares that his name is not on the pension rolls of the agency of any state. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year above mentioned. Robert Crockett Second sheet: 1st I was born in Bartley County Virginia in the year 1755. 2nd I have no record of my age but from the best information I have I am 78 years of age. 3rd I lived in Sullivan County Virginia when called into service. Shortly after the war I moved to Green County Tennessee where I lived until 1800 when I moved to Cumberland County Ky where I have lived ever since and now live. 4th I served my 1st tour as a substitute for Jacob Wills. My 2nd, 3rd, and 4th tours as a volunteer and my 5th and 6th as a draftee. 5th I was acquainted with while in service and frequently saw Colonels Williams, Campbell and Cleveland. 6th For the whole of my service I never received but one discharge which I received from Isaac Shelby and which is now lost or destroyed for though sought for I have not been able to find it. 7th This interrogatory is answered on page 2nd of this declaration. his Robert X Crockett mark Application for a new certificate County of Cumberland State of Kentucky (illegible word) On this 3rd (or 30) day of April 1834, before me the subscribed, a justice of the peace for the said County of Cumberland personally appeared Robert Crockett of said County who on his oath declares that he is the same person who formerly belonged to the company commanded by Captain James Elliott. Regiment commanded by Colonel Isaac Shelby in the service of the United States. His name was placed on the pension roll of the State of Kentucky as he has been informed and believes to be true. That a certificate of that fact under the signature and seal of the Secretary of War was forwarded to Milton King of Burkesville, directed as (he?) is informed and (believes?) to said Milton King of Burksville Tennessee, through mistake: when it should have been Burksville Kentucky, which place is in the County of Cumberland Kentucky, and tho there is no such place as Burksville Tennessee, which certificate his is informed and believes was forwarded as above stated by the Commissioner of pensions on or about the 4th day of September 1833, but which certificate he has never received, (illegible word) he has made frequent application to said King for it, nor does he believe said King has ever received it, or that it has ever arrived at or been sent to Burksville Kentucky which it should have been sent, and the said Crocket further states that he did not believe he ever would be inabled to procure said certificate for he believed it was miscarried and lost and therefore desiring a new certificate might be granted and forwared to him. Sworn and subscribed to (2 illegible words) Robert Crockett Day and year aforesaid. John T (illegible) Treasury Department - Second Comptroller's Office Nov. 11th, 1839 (form letter) Sir, Under the act of the 6th of April, 1838, entitled "An act directing the transfer of money remaining unclaimed by certain Pensioners, and authorizing the payment of the same at the Treasurey of the United States" The children of Robert Crockett, a Pensioner on the Roll of the Kentucky Agency at the rate of Forty five Dollars and forty three cents per annum, under the law of the 7th June 1832, has been paid at this Department from the 4th of Sept. 1835, to the 26th Feb'y 1836, the day of his death. Respectfully yours, (too hard to read) comptroller Additional Comments: A copy of his original pension was obtained from the National Archives and Record Administration, Wash., DC. This is my transcription of that document. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.3 Kb