SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - MILITARY - Benjamin Webb Revolutionary War Pension Application ----¤¤¤---- Benjamin Webb Revolutionary War Pension Application S3487 Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes from FHL film# 972514 Feb 17, 2005 Note: Not a complete transcription of the entire file but only some of the most importants documents State of Tennessee } On this 24th day of Jany Sullivan County } personally appeared before me William Rockhold a Justice of the peace for said County Benj Webb aged 79 years or there about a resident of the state an county aforesaid who being sworn according to law doth on his oath make the folowing state ment and declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions made by the act of congress passed June 7th 1832 That he was dreafted from berks county pensylvania in the year 1776 in the fall of the year and did serve said three months tour un der Capt David Webb in Col Webbs Regiment and marched through Philadelphia to Mor ristown In the state of Jersy to Gen Wash =ingtons head quarters and did serve said three months and he thinks was verbally dischared by his Brother Capt D Webb The next spring at Tennessee he removed with his fathers family to the neighbourhood where he now lives in the later part of the summer or early in the fall of the year he was draf =ted to go against the cherokee Indians for three month and did serve said tour under Capt Asker Co Cristies Regiment and floated or marched to the nation in canoes 500 men in the same body went to the Look out mountain chico mauga towns burnt the towns destroyd their property kild some Indians and made many prisners was verbally dis charged by Capt Asher and served in said tour five months, some time in the spring of the year of the next season he says he volunteered for the expedition against Cherokee Indians then supposed not to be longer than three months and served under his brother Capt Jonathan Webb Col. Estes Regiment & served some thing over four mont and was verbally discharged in said last tour Dep. says they destoyed much of the enimies property kild some Indians &c. marched through the ????? country and was verbally discharged by Capt Jonathan Webb In the sumer of the next year he says he volunteered under Capt Jonathan Webb Col Seviers Regiment went to the Indian Nation was at the ?hotatowns the towns, on Highwassee & this tripp as it was cald we scoured the nation & made a few prisners came back to tillio? block house & was stationed there for some time & was kept ??? the frontiers for a time longer then He volunteered for & then was verbally dischar =ged by Jonathan Webb His last tour served between five & six months say at least five months Dep further saith he was drefted for a tour to Kings mountain and marched under Capt Jonath Webb Col Shelbys regiment and did serve said three months and was verbally discharged Deponant say he served in all from one year & nine months to two years at the least he served 21 months in the revolutionary war and does declare his name is not on any pension rool of any agency of any state or teretory and does hereby relinquish every claim to a pen sion or annuity accept the present sworn and subscribed the day and year last above mentioned his Benj + Webb mark We George WEbb & William Lindamond citizens of Sullivan county do here by certify that we are well acquainted with Benj Webb and we do believe his state ments to be correct and the said George Webb does positively say he well recollects that that he served every tour as he sets fourth in his de claration and that he is recognized and belie =ved in his neighboaurhood to have been a revolutionary solder and we concur in that opinion sworn to and subscribed before me 24th Jany 1834 George Webb sworn & subscribed Wm Rockhold JP William Lindamood William Rockhold one of the Justices of the peace for the court of please & quarter sessions for sullivan county do hereby certify that I have attended to this examination out of term time at the house of Benj Webb he being a cripple & unable to leave home and attend court and that I have put the following questions and have recd the following an's q When and in what year were you Born A In berks county pensylvania in the year 1755 q have you any record of your age and if so where is it A the record of my age is in the possession of my Brother George as he has this morning told me and I believe it q where were you living when cald in to service & where do you now live A I lived in berks county pensylvania when first cald into service the balance of the service rendered I lived in sullivan coun ty & have lived there ever since the re volution q how was you cald in to service ?? A the first tour drafted some of the others volunteered & some drafted as set fourth in the declaration q state the names of some of the officers &c A I new Col Webb Col Shelby Sevier Christy & served under them q did you ever receive a writen discharge if so where is it A I was for every ??? I served verbally discharged q state the names of some of the persons in your neighbour hood who can testify as to your service & verasity A I now the witnesses who has certified and all most every person near me and do believe all that knows me believes my statements And I do further certify that the fore going questions & ans were pend by me as they were stated by the applicant and the reason why it was done out of court was because the applicant is a cripple and unable to attend court I further certify there is not any requ =lar ordaind minister of the gospel in this neighbourhood and that I believe the decla rant is 79 years old as he has stated and the two witness and applicant are esteemed honest respectable citizens and I further certify from an acquaintance of 38 or 40 years with the applicant I do believe he served as he sets fourth in his decll ration giving under my hand and seal the day & year first above writen Wm Rockhold (seal) Justice of the peace State of Tennessee { I George W. Netherland do certify that Sullivan County } William Rockhold whose name appears to the foregoing Affidavit and Power of Attorney is now and was at the time of Signing the Same an acting Justice of Peace in for said County and that his Sig- niture appears to be in his own proper hand writing In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and affixed the Seal of my office at office in Blountville the 2? January 1834 G.W. Netherland Clerk By James Clound D. Clerk ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________