SUMNER COUNTY, TN - COURT - David B. Yandel Court Records ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Anne Jefferson ==================================================================== Meridith Hodges Esq. please pay over the amount of the Execution to John Durham you hold against David B. Yandle in my favour for twenty one dollars principal when collected of this my order shall be your receipt for the same this 22nd day of Janry 1832. Signed Morris Miller Frances Boren (his mark) 12474 State of Tennessee Sumner County To the Sheriff of said County, Greeting You are commanded, that you expose to public sale agreeable to law , one hundred and fifty acres of land or property of David B. Yandle, adjoining the land of Wm McGlothin and Eli Meador which lately in our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, began and held for Sumner County, at the Court House in the town of Gallatin, on the second Monday in November, 1831 was on motion, condemned and ordered sold to satisfy an execution from a Justice of the Peace in favor of Francis Boren against the said David B. Yandle for ten dollars and fifty cents, debt and interest thereon from the 3rd day of Sept. 1831, and fifty costs thereon--Also the further sum of two dollars which was adjudged by the same court to the said Frances Boren for costs of said motion, whereof the said David B. Yandle is convicted and l iable as to us appears of record: and have you those monies before the Justice of our said court at the courthouse in the town of Gallatin on the second Monday in February next ready to render to the said William Yandle for his debt, interest and costs aforesaid, and have then there this writ,--Witness A.H. Douglass, Clerk of said court at office, the second Monday in November 183 and ____ year of American Independence. Signed A.H. Douglass, Clerk 6645- Certificate of Bond State of Tennessee, Sumner Co.----Know by all Men by their Presence, that we David B. Yandell and Elijah Wright be held and firmly bound unto Jesse Skeen in the peual sum of two hundred and forty six dollars to be paid the said Jesse Skeen heirs, executors or administrators, to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seal and dated this 10th day of March 1824. The condition of the above obligation is such , whereas the said David Yandle has obtained writs of Certiorari* and Supercedes to remove the proceedings of a certain Judgement obtained before Joshua Rice Esq. against David Yandle to the County Court of Sumner, NOW if the said David Yandle shall prosecute said Certiorari with effect, or in case he fail therein, that he will perform whatever judgment shall be awarded by the said County Court, or in case the said Certiorari shall be dismissed for informality, or for want of sufficient substance, the said David Yandle shall well and truly satisfy such judgement as the magistrate aforesaid shall have given against him then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. By their mark David B. Yandle Elijah Wright Justice of the Peace for the county of Sumner and the state of Tennessee Your petitioner David B. Yandle _____ _____ to represent to your worship that sometime in the year of 1816 he executed a promisary note to his father Wm. Yandell for about the sum of 151 dollars payable thirty one months after date but to have interest from its execution. That great peace and harmony prevailed between him and his father until sometime in the month of January or February last when he for the first time discovers that theold man was becoming disatisfied about his son your petitioners claims against each other. That your petitioner had made hay and accounts against the old man for ............ or be in a loan to him after .... to be just against said $ 151.00 note. That before this claim he had one note of $39 executed by Wim Yandle in 1817 and one for $25 executed in 1819. That the word of your Petitioner claims as above stated none their part said $151 dollar notes that he believes they would have been covered by his Father had it not been for the inter muddling of Jesse Skeen that now .... about this ... of ........... William Yandle and your petitioner against to have the matter of differences to Eli Meador, Wm. Durham, John Hoddy, John McGlothin, William Hoddy and Jesse Skeen that on the day set a part for the arbitration Jesse Skeen, Wm. Hodge, Eli Meador and John Durham appeared and went into an examination for the matters aforesaid that just arbitration did not settle the matter but it was done the day the said William Yandle that your Petetion's claim against him was well founded as to $144 due by account as aforesaid that shortly after this went the way warranted by Skeen and apparently of said William on the assignment that purported to have before the day of the arbitration as above stated the Skeen recovered judgement before Joshua Price Esq. in he is in from for $12 ... costs in ...about that new judgement was recovered on 25 day o f February 1824, that he was sick and unable to attend said trial or he would have appealed to the county court of Sumner that he verify between ..fair trial of this matter that he ought not to pay one cent on ....$ 17 dollar note that he is also misinformed said justice had jurisdiction of the matter as to ..........the judgement aforesaid . ......Consideration might please your worship to grant your Petitioner Writs of Certioria* and supercedes to the ... that he may have a fair and ......local in the County court of Sumner. March 10, 1824 David B. Yandle State of Tennesee Sumner ..........................This day personally appear two of the petitioners before us. Duties of the justice in the aforesaid county did make ... the .... ....facts set forth in the forgoing petition which are his own knowledge untrue. Those ......from the information of this........ David B. Yandle (by his mark) March 10, 1824 Elijah Dobbs, J.P. Wm. Alexander To Alfred H. Douglass, Clerk of the county court of Sumner. Writs of Centiorai and superceded .... *Certiorari -A writ of review issued by a higher court to a lower court. A means of getting an appellate court to review a lower court's decision. If an appellate court grants a writ of certiorari, it agrees to take the appeal. (Sometimes referred to as "granting cert.") Writ of certiorari - An order issued by the Supreme Court directing the lower court to transmit records for a case for which it will hear on appeal. (See certiorari in Foreign Words Glossary.)