SUMNER COUNTY, TN - VITALS - William A. White Death Certificate ----¤¤¤---- Reg No: 841 Reg. Dist. No: 48414 Full Name: William A. White Date of Death: March 21, 1945 Place of Death: Sumner Co. TN Civil District: 14 City or Town: Rural Usual Residence: Sumner Co. Tenn City or Town: Ft. Heat Tenn RR. 1 Race or Color: White Sex: Male Single, Married, DIvorced, Widowed: Married Age: 90 years, 2 months, 2 days Date of Birth: Jan 19, 1855 Place of Birth: Macon Co. TN Husband or Wife: Mrs. Dona White Age of wife: 61 Usual Occupation: Farmer Name of Father: Jake White Birthplace of Father: Unknown Maiden Name of Mother: Unknown Birthplace of Mother: Macon Co. TN Informant: Owen Hue White Address: Ft. Head, Tenn, RR.1 Immediate Cause of Death: Buerger's Disease Duration: 6 months Due To: Arteriosclerosis Duration: 10 years Physician: G.H. Robbins, M.D. Address: Gallatin, Tenn Date signed: 4-1-1945 Burial, Removal, Cremation: Burial Date: Mar 23, 1945 Cemetery: Old Brush Cemetery Place: Sumner Co. Tenn Undertaker: Wilkinson Bros. & Wiseman Address: Portland, Tenn By: J.W. Wiseman Date Filed: 4-15-1945 Registrar: W.B. Farris Note: William A. White's father was Jacob White who was born in Virginia ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jennifer Brown ___________________________________________________________________