SUMNER COUNTY, TN - VITALS - Marriage Bond, William C. Barnes and Nancy Curry, 7 Jul 1829 --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- Marriage Bond STATE OF TENNESSEE SUMNER COUNTY TO ANY REGULAR MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL, HAVING THE CARE OF SOULS; OR TO ANY JUSTICE OF THE PREACHER FOR SAID COUNTY GREETING: BY virtue of the full power and authority in me vested, I do hereby authorize and empower you, or any of you, to celebrate and perform the Rites of Matrimony between, William C. Barnes and Nancy Curry and join them together as husband and wife; he having given security according to law. Given under my hand at office, this Seventh day of July A.D. 1829 and 54th year of American Independence. Signed: A. H. Douglas Clerk of County Court KNOW ALL MEN, That we William C. Barns Alfred M. Beard of the county of Suner and State of Tennessee, are held an dfirmly bound unto the GOVERNOR of the said State, for the time being, or his successors in office, in the penal sum of Twelve Hundred dna Fifty Dollars, to be void on condition that ther be no lawful objection why William C. Barns and Nancy Curry may not be joined together as husband and wife, in the holy estate of Matrimony Witness our hands and seals this 7th day of July A.D. 1829 William C. (Not clear)(seal) Alfred M. Beard (seal) ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Carol Stott ___________________________________________________________________