WARREN COUNTY, TN - LAND RECORDS - James Anderson to Daniel and William Smoot ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Fred Smoot fred@dogtrot.com ==================================================================== Warren County Deed Book "L" Page 205-6 Warren County Tennessee Deed Book "R" Page 398-9 This indenture made and entered into between the heirs of James Anderson, late of this County of Warren and State of Tennessee of the one part and Daniel and Wm Smoot of the other part Witnesseth that said Daniel and William Smoot for and in consideration of the sum of Eight hundred Dollars to them in hand paid here this day bargained and Sold transferred and conveyed to said heirs all their right title claim and interest to a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Warren and State of Tennessee upon the Waters of the Barren Fork, adjoining the Lands of Shields, Crisp and others it being the Land upon Which Said Anderson died. Containing by Estimation Two hundred and twenty acres more or less together with all the appurtenances therein to belonging and said Smoot will warrant and defend said title against themselves and heirs Beginning on or at a White Oak the south west corner of the tract of one hundred and ninety Acres, formerly Two Hundred acres It being the Beginning Corner of said Survey. Thence running south eight poles to a Horn Beam in the North boundary line of a 40 acre Survey. Thence East with said line 20 poles to a Black Oak. Thence South 113 poles to a Black Oak, Thence west 56 1/2 poles to a Black Oak. Thence North 43 poles to a Stake, thence west 100 poles to a Hickory. Thence North 82 poles to a post Oak, Thence west 43 1/2 poles to a stake, Thence North 85 poles to a stake on the Bluff of said River. Thence down with the meanders of the river to the Beginning. To the only proper use and behoof of the heirs of James Anderson Decd forever In testimony whereof we have hereinto Set our hands and Affixed our Seals this 24th day of May 1850 Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of Alex Shields Isaac Wilson [Signatories] Daniel Smoot (Seal) Wm Smoot (Seal) [Entry of Richmond McGregor, Clk. dated 2d Nov 1852 followed this deed.] [End] [Notes: This land is located on the south side of the Barren Fork River, across the river from Crisp. The present day intersection of Old Shelbyville Road and Old Well Road are on the original tract. An "Anderson Cemetery" is located on the southeast portion of this tract; now just the foundation of a Tennessee grave house remain. There are no visible headstones. James Anderson and his wife Elizabeth died in 1846. Family tradition names the wife of James as Elizabeth Smoot. James was an older brother (or half brother) of Matilda Anderson, wife of William Smoot. One child of James and Elizabeth was named Daniel Smoot Anderson.] Contributed by Fred Smoot, 1999 fred@dogtrot.com