WHITE COUNTY, TN - DEED - William Price to George Dawson ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Judy House ==================================================================== Grantor Wm. Price - Grantee Geo. Dawson Book G page 54 Sparta, White County Courthouse This Indenture made this twenty seventh day of October in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen. Between William Price of the county of White and State of Tennessee of the one part - and George Dawson of the same county and State aforesaid of the other part . Witnesseth that the said William Price for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred dollars current? Money by the said George Dawson to him in hand paid the ?whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath granted bargained sold a? and confirmed and by tho? presents Doth grant bargain ? and confirm unto him the aforesaid George Dawson his heirs or assigns? fore a certain tract or parcel of land containing fifty acres ? lying and being in the county of Bledsoe and State afforesaid on the Waters of Dadleys? Creek known by Hotts? Stand on the Walton road? Beginning at a ? tres? by a clift of rocks near a Branch running South fifty five West Eighty poles to two red oaks thence North thirty five West one Hundred poles to a red oak thence North fifty five East Crossing the road Eighty poles to a red oak and past thence South thirty five East one Hundred poles to the Beginning, also one tract in the county aforesaid on the waters of Obido? River joining a piece of natural meadow ground of John Kinners? Kimmers? containing twenty five acres including a part of a natural meadow. Beginning at a small post? oak near the head if this meadow running thence North Eighty four West fifty one poles to a post? oak thence South six West Seventy eight poles to a stake thence South eighty four East? Fifty one poles to a stake thence North Six East Seventy eight poles to the beginning also one tract in the same county and waters of Obido? River containing eight acres on the North side of the Cumberland road including a part of a Natural Meadow - Beginning at two post? Oaks near the head of said Meadow thence North fifty poles to a stake then East twenty six poles to a stake, thence South fifty poles to a Stake, thence West twenty six poles to the beginning - also one tract in the same county on Daddys? Creek ajoining the above fifty acre tract containing Eighty acres. Beginning on a White oak below a clift of rocks on the second line of the above fifty acre ? running thence South fifty five West Eighty poles to a White Oak North thirty five West ? marked White oak and Dogwood at one hundred and forty in at? One hundred and Sixty poles to a Stake. North fifty five, East Eighty poles to a Stake and pointers South thirty five East one hundred and sixty poles to the Beginning - also one tract of twelve acres in the same county on the waters of Daddys? Creek in the Cumberland mountains - Beginning at a hickory thence East fifty nine poles to two chestnuts thence North thirty three poles to a stake, thence West fifty nine poles to two standing rocks thence South thirty three polesto the beginning. Together with this appertenances there unto belonging To have and to hold the afforsaid tract of land with their apportainc???to the proper use and behoofs? of him the afforesaid George Dawson his heirs or assigns forever and the aforesaid William Price for himself his heirs & Executors? The right title interest and claim of and for the aforesaid Tracts of land with the ? unto him the aforesaid George Dawson his heirs or assigns forever will warrant and forever defend against the claim and demand of him the aforesaid William Price his heirs or executors and all manner of person or persons claiming under hime or them or any whatsoever. In Testimony whereof he the aforesaid William Price his hand and ? Page 55 Hath hereunto subscribed and set the day and year first above written. Signed Sealed & acknowledged In presents of us William Price Attest William Pegrnasee? George Keesce? State of Tennessee October ? 1820 White County The due execution of the written? Deed of conveyance from William Price to George Dawson was this day proven in open court by the oath of William Peg? One of the Subscribed Witnesses thereunto for the purposes and things there in mentioned which was ordered to be recorded - let it be registered. Given at office 16th day of October 1820 Jacob A Lake? Clerk White County