WHITE COUNTY, TENNESSEE - MISC - REVOLUTIONARY WAR RECORD, WILLIAM PRICE File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mitzi Freeman SETraveler@tngenes.net ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ The Quarter Master General Memorial Branch William Price War Department W.1072 Washington, D.C. BA-J/AWF Dear Sir: Reference is made to your request for information relative to William Price, who was a private with the North Carolina troops, and died October 30, 1844 in White County, Tennessee. The data which follow were obtained from papers on file in pension claim, W.1072, based on the service of William Price in the Revolutionary War. William Price was born December 19, 1762 in York District, South Carolina and was reared in Rutherford County, North Carolina. He was the son of Thomas Price, the names of his mother was not given, but she was living in 1784 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. While residing in what was later Carter County, Tennessee, William Price volunteered in 1776 or 1777, served one year as fifer under Captain Thomas Price, (his father), in Colonel Sevier's North Carolina regiment, was stationed in Waddell's Fort, and was out in several scouting parties. His father moved to Burke County, North Carolina, and raised a company in which William Price volunteered and served as a private under Colonels Joseph McDowell, John Sevier, and Shelby in the North Carolina troops; he was in a battle near the dividing line between North and South Carolina, name of engagement not stated, and in the Battle of King's Mountain and Black Stocks, also in an engagement at Lawson's Fork of the Pacolet River. He returned to Rutherford County, North Carolina, where his father and whole company volunteered in Colonel Clark's regiment and marched to Augusta; shortly after his arrival there, William Price was transferred to Captain Moses Shelby's Company of Horse; he was at the Siege of Augusta, where his father, Captain Thomas Price, was wounded by a ball in the groin, ten minutes thereafter he died and was buried within the breastworks. William Price stated that the entire length of service was three years. He later served in Captain John McLane's company, Colonel Joseph McDowell's North Carolina regiment, and went on expedition against the Cherokees, no dates for this service given. The soldier, William Price, was allowed pension his application executed October 9, 1832, while a resident of White County, Tennessee, where he lived about twenty years. He died October 30, 1844 in White County, Tennessee. William Price married December 19, 1784 in Rutherford County, North Carolina, Elizabeth Hampton. She was allowed pension on her application executed June 12, 1846, at which time she was aged seventy-nine years and living in White County, Tennessee. She died June 11, 1855. Reference was made to their granddaughter, Catharine wife of James Weatherford, was a resident of White County, Tennessee. George Price, brother of the soldier, William Price, was aged sixty- seven years in 1846, then living in White County, Tennessee. The application for headstone for William Price is returned herewith. There was no correspondence enclosed. Yours, Very Truly, A.P. Heller Executive Assistant To the Administrator Tennessee Nashville Elizabeth Price, widow of William Price, who served in the Revolutionary war, as a ---? from $30.33 Inscribed on the Roll at the rate of 84 Dollars - Cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March, 1848. Certificate of Pension issued the 7th day of June 1842 and sent to W. F. Jones/Present (Died June 11, 1855) Recorded on Roll of Pensioners under act February 2, 1848, Page 301 Vol. 3. West Tennessee William Price of White County in the state of Tennessee who was a musician & pr. In the company commanded by Captain Price of the regiment commanded by Colonel Sevier in the --- line for 1 year musician; 1 year private. Inscribed on the Roll of West Tennessee at the rate of 84 dollars - Cents per annum to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831. Certificate if Pension issued the - day of June 1833 and sent to Nelson & Anderson, Sparta. Arrears to the 4th of March. 168.- Semi annual allowance ending 4 Sept. 42.- ------------------ $210.00 Revolutionary Claim, Act June 7, 1832 Recorded by Danl Boyd Clerk, Book E Vol. 7 Page 92 State of Tennessee White County On this 9th day of October 1832 personally appeared in open court before the worshipful, the Justices of the Court & pleas and quarter Sessions for the said county of White. William Price a resident of White County and state of Tennessee aged about seventy years who first being duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7th 1832 - That he entered service of the United States under the following named offiecers (sic) and served as herein stated. - In the year of 1776 or 1777 he cannot say which, he resided what he understands is now West Tennessee Carter County - he volunteered at the special solititation of John Sevier, who was then Colonel - Sevier knew the superior qualifications of the Declarant as a fifer; and wanted his services - This Declarant thinks that he did not exceed the age of sixteen, but in this he may not be accurate in his recollection - (The country was then a frontier, and exposed to the ravages of the Cherokee Indians - He turned out under his father Captain Thomas Price, and belonged to what he supposes was Col. Sevier's Regiment, although he only recollects of there being more than two Captains companies at the station where this declarant was placed - Toured the company of the said Thomas Price, and the company of Captain Isbell. His recollection now is, that the fort or station where these two companies were placed, was called Waddell's station - He knows that it was within a few miles of where Jonesboro - is now situated in Washington County, East Tennessee - This Declarant remainded with the troops at this station about twelve months was not in any engagement or battle - but was frequently out in quest of the enemy on "scouting parties." His father was his Captain, and as this Declarant was underage, he presumes he got no regular discharge - at any rate he has no recollection of having rec ieved (sic) one - and believes that the custom was simply to "muster" the troops out of service - his lieutenant was Felix Walker and Jared Williams was his Ensign - His next tour of service was, he believes in 1778 or 9 - His father was removed to Burke County, North Carolina and raised a company of volunteers to go against the Brittish --at least this Declarant believes that the company was a vounteer company. He is certain of one fact - that he volunteered himself. His engagement was for three months - but his recollection is that he was out much longer, although he only claims for three months. The company rendezvoused at the courthouse in Rutherford County-This company, commanded by Thomas Price and one commanded by Thomas Kennedy are recollected by this Declarant - Col J. O. McDowell was along, and Major Richard Singleton - They marched near the dividing line between South and North Carolina, and there encamped. The British horseman under Dunlap, came upon them before daylight; our loss was three killed dead - Noah Hampton and Andrew Dun - the name of the third was [unintelligible] daylight our troops drove the enemy, and pursued them at least ten miles - completely routed the -- killed a number - took some prisoners, and retook some of our own men who been captured in the morning - This was the only battle or skirmish in which he was, this tour - The british became too numerous in this part for Col. McDowell and his small fource to encounter them - He passed over the mountains into West Tennessee - this Declarant and the company to which he belonged came with him - and numerous other troops - how many he has no means of stating with accuracy -- about this time - his father's company was attached to Col John Sevier's Regiment in what is now Carter County, West Tennessee - There was then there as officers, Sevier, Willicums, or Williamson, McDowelll, Shelby and Campbell - Col Charles Robinson also was along - the troops then marched against Ferguson at Kings Mountain - This he thinks was in the Fall season of the year 1780. This Declarant was in the memorable battle of King's Mountain. He could here give a circumstantial account of the Battle but deems it unnecessary as it is part of the history of the country - He recollects of seeing Col Williamson, or Williams, carried off in a horse litter, wounded - He heard afterwards of his death - From the battle of Kingsmountain. This declarant and his father, and the company to which he belonged were by some means attached to Col. Shelby - From there, Col. Shelby marched southward and fell in with an officer who was then called Col. Sumpter - They fell in with the British at Tiger River Blackstocks ford - and had an engagement with the British and drove them - Sumpter received a wound in the shoulder - we beat them back until dark, and then recrossed the River northward - and came as far as Lawson's fork of Pacolet River - The British in town pursued our troops - and overtook us at Lawson's fork - our troops again beat them back - We lost Captain Potts - who was killed - the british desisted from pursuing us to the northward - the american troops kept on northward into North Carolina - Rutherford County - There to raise men as volunteers out of our ranks to go to Augusta which was then in possession of the Brittish and tories. This Declarant, with the Captain his father and the whole company which he commanded, with many other troops, their commanders not particularly remembered, went with Col. Clark to Augusta. This Declarant went there under his father, but shortly after arriving there he joined Capt. Moses Shelby's company of horse - The british and tories were in the city of Augusta and had possession of it - They were in two forts. The tories were commanded by Col. Grayson - We took the fort commanded by Grayson - by storm we killed a great many of them, and captured the balance - Shortly after this were reenforced by Col . Lee, who commanded a Regiment of horse, from Virginia - upon his arrival he marched in, inside of our breastworks, and between our men and the British - They fired on him - killed Major Eaton, and some horses - the death of Eaton was much lamented - Lee was a regular officer and took command of the troops at Augusta - He has already stated that fort in which the tories were, was commanded by Grayson - The fort in which the british were, was command by Brown - After the arrival of Lee, we finally captured the British - The fort surrendered. During the seige, Captain Thomas Price the father of this Declarant was killed by the enemy - He died about ten minutes, after receiving a ball in the groin - and was buried under the breastwork - here this Declarant was mustered out of service, or disbanded - he did not receive a written discharge, nor can he say how long he was out against the british; but thinks it could not have been less than three years - he cannot now pretend to entire accuracy - as to the length of time-Thus his services against the British terminated - He afterwards went against the Cherokee Indians - but for this he asks nothing - he was not out long on this occasion - Answer - the interrogation being profounded 1st He was born 19 December 1762 in York District, South Carolina 2 He has now possession a Record of his age; in a family Bible taken from his father's bible 3 The place of his residence when he first entered the service as a fifer at the solicitation of Col. Sevier as above state was what is now Carter County East Tennessee - When he again entered the service he resided in Burke County North Carolina - Since the Revolutionary War he lived in the County of Rutherford, N. C. From thence he removed to the County of White and State of Tennessee where he now lives and has lived for about Twenty years - 4th He volunteered each time he was in the service - except his last service agains the Indians - He then went as a substitute for Benjamin Hyder, in the company commanded by John McLean - Col. McDowell from Burke was also along, likewise Major Singleton; but as he above intimated, this service is only mentioned incidently - he asks nothing for it. Answer to the 5th Interrogation He has already given the name of all the officers he know whether any of them were "Regular" officers or not with the exception of Lee he cannot say. 6th He has no recollection of ever having received a written discharge - being under his Father as Captain the whole time, except a short time at the seige of Augusta when he was under Capt. Moses Shelby as above stated, being a short time attached to his company of Calvary - therefor (sic) thinks it probable that he never did receive a discharge in writing. 7th He refers to the following well known individuals to whom he is known in his present neighborhood and who can testify as to his character for veracity and their belief of his service as a soldier of the revolution - Viz - Isaac Taylor, Jesse Lincoln, Nathan Hasgards, Anthony Dibrell, George Dufreese, and the Rev. James Anderson. He has no documentary evidence by which he can establish the foregoing facts nor does he know of any living witness by whom the same can be proved. He hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension or annuity and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of any agency in the state. Wm. Price (signed) We James Anderson A clergyman residing in the county of White and George Dufreese residing in the same do hereby certify that we are well acquainted with William Price who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration and that we believe him to be about seventy years of age - that as far as their knowledge extends he is refruted and believed in the neighborhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion never having heard it doubled or disputed - Sworn in open court James Anderson 9th October 1832 George Dufreese Jacob Alan Clk And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the war department that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states - and the court further certifies that it appears to them that James Anderson who signed the preceeding certificate is a clergyman resident in [the rest is unintelligible]