*************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm Submitted by Scott Fitzgerald - scottfitzgerald@tyler.net East Texas Genealogical Society, President 1 October 2005 *************************************************************************** Originally published in The Tracings, Volume 2, No. 2, Fall 1983, Pages 98- 101 and 103-105 by the Anderson County Genealogical Society, copyright assigned to the East Texas Genealogical Society. [Transcriber's Note: This was copied from the above source and I did not review the original documents. I would suggest that you do so.] Anderson County, Texas 1880 Mortality Schedule Age/Sex/ Color/ Martial Place of Month of Cause of Name of Person Status Birth Occupation Death Death -------------------- -------- -------- ------------- -------- --------------- Hall, Alfred 2 MWS Tex May Bronchitis Dumhell, A. K. 20MWS England Student Oct Typhoid Fever Odomell, Catherine 1 FWS England Oct. Inflamation Chmuress, Louise 1 FWS Tex July Congestion Penny, Gracie 1 FWS Tex Aug Inflamation Nunon, Hattie 4 FWS Ill Dec Congestion Briggs, J. W. 42MWM N.Y. Mechanic July Malarial Mahely, Hannah W. 73FWM Va. Housewife Feb Accident Sutton, Ziepha 60FBW Tenn servant July Old age Slutenburger, ST 44MWM Va Saloon Keeper Nov Dropsy Crawford, M.D. 54FWM Tenn housewife April Dropsy McClure, Lela 1 FWS Tex Nov catarhal fe(?) Scott, Lewis 7/12MBS Tex Jan " " Monton, Arthula 6 FBS Tex March Typhoid Smith, Elison 53MBM Va laborer Dec unknown Jowers, Ella 1 FBS Tex Nov unknown Cummings, Albert 60MBM Ala well digger Nov unknown -------Minnie 40FBM Ala laundress Nov consumption Bailey, David 25MWM Ga July congestion Nunemacher, Wm.E 28 MWS Pa June unknown Johnson, Henry S 25MWM Ind July pneumonia Gamen, L.R. 1 FWS Tex Feb dysentery Calhoon, M.A. 40FBM unknown laborer Oct Dropsy Houth, T.M.(?) MWS Tex May unknown Tumer,--- 2/20MBS Tex Nov unknown Chambers, M. --MBS Tex Oct hemmorage Hall, N. 3 FWS Tenn June unknown Henry, A. 3 FBS Tex Dec unknown Hin, I. 6 FWS Ala Aug Congestion Nixon, M. 30MBM Miss laborer July consumption -----, E. 3 FBS Tex March whooping cough Ayers, J. 6/12MBS Tex Dec unknown Mason, L. 47MWW Ga farmer Nov killed by gunshot Cmm----- 20MWS Tex June inamtion(?) Garrett, T.D. 40FWW Tenn housekeeping July Billous fever Quissenberry, J. 18MWS Tex farmer Sept murdered Caldwell, W.S.(?) 59MWM N.C. merchant June unknown -----, J. 11MWS Tex Jan pnewmonia Watts, R. J. 65FWM S.C. housekeeper May female disease Rhodes, L. 22 FBM Tex July unknown Mitchell, A.M. 2MWS Miss Oct unknown Moore, S.E. 48FWM Fla. housekeeper June abcess liver Kluth, E. 1FWS Tex July cholora inflamation -------- 4/30FWS Tex June unknown Stunlerant, I.(?) 3FBS Tex Aug unknown Micheaux, W. 54MBW Ky laborer Nov pnewmonia Chamber,--- 1/30MBS Tex Aug unknown Hogue, T. 31 MWM Ma farmer May Typhoid Fever Parker, T. 65MWM N. C. farmer Jan Typhoid Fever Hogue, L. 2FWS Tex Apr Typhoid Fever Devis, C.(?) 35FWM Tex keeping house Oct Typhoid Fever Devis, D. 4/12MWS Tex Oct. Typhoid Fever Webb, W. L. 5MSW Ma June congestion ----, R. E. 2FWS Ma June Typhoid Fever Ricks, infant 2/12MBS Tex Aug unknown McBride, infant 1/30FWS Tex June unknown Hasty, W. 20MWS Tex Feb pnewmonia Bryan, Mary K. 45FWM S.C. keeping house Sept Hemmorage of bowels Martzheff, Febeck 20FWM Pa keeping house Feb childbirth Bowlin, Amanda 36FWM Va keeping house Oct Dropsy Ward, Margaret 2FBS Tex Oct teething Schmidt, Julius 43MWM unknown candymaker Dec Dropsy Henson, Michs 7MWS Tex Feb bronchitis Bowen, G.H. Jr. 10MWS Tex March Typhoid Fever Wasden, W.A. 64MWM Ga farmer Jan Typhoid Fever Donnell, Michal 44MWM Ireland hotel prop. Oct. consumption Timmons, Turns, Jr. 42MWM Pa R.R.laborer Aug. Black jundice Timmons, Turns, Sr. 75MWW Ireland farmer Jan Chronic dycentery Ganah, Sallie 27FWM Ala keeping house May Concumption Johnson, Jessie 8FWS Ala Sept malarial fever Fagan, Laura 24FWM Ala keeping house Apr convulsions Mintin, infant 1/12FWS Tex May brain fever Morgan, Miller 7/12MWS Tex Sept abcess in the head Cook, Minnie 5FWS Tenn Oct flux Haman, Carrie 1FWS Iowa Sept cholera infection Hutch, Edith B. 3FWS Ill July congestion of brain Dronin, Thos. Jr. 10/12FWS Tex Oct cholera infection Blount, Bulah 9/12FWS Tex June infection of bowels ----Percy 17MWS Tex June infection of bowels Cox, Infant 2/12MWS Tex Jan unknown Hykes, Catherine 5FWS Mo at home June unknown DeGorssey, infant 1/30MWS Tex May flux Smith, infant 1/12MWS Tex June flux Andrew, Ann 34FWM Scotland keeping house Sept childbirth Andrew, infant 1/12FWS Tex Sept --------- Andrew, Wm. 45MWS Scotland farmer Sept congetstion Douglass, Mattie 27FWM Tex keeping house Nov typhoid Wielemeyer, F.A. Jr. 2/12MWS Tx April unknown Jackson, Cornelius 40MMum Ark laborer Dec consumption Dunn, Saml 41MWS Ala farmer June consumption Jackson, John 44MBW unknown carpenter Mar consumption Williams, Lula 10/12FBS Tx. March unknown Hewines, Shelby C 2MWS Tx May dysentery Merginthal, John 10/12MWS Tx Feb unknown Harding, Jno 11MWS Tx Oct dysentery Martin--- 28FBM Tx May (?) fever Hoge, J.M. 33MWM Ws farmer May malarial fever Hogue ----- 4FWS Tex Apr dirrhea Rogers ---- 1MSW Tex Oct col---inflamation Brudione, --(?) 6/30FWS Tex Oct acute bronchitis Holmes, Eddie 5MWS Oct malerial fever Downs, Wm. 1MMuS Tex Sept malerial fever Collingster, Jos 4MBS Tx. Aug tetanus Hollie, Jos 8MBS Tex May tetanus Lee, Caroline 30FW N.C. Housewife Oct pnewmonia Jefford, --- 63MWM N.C. Tanner Jan pnewmonia Johnson, Bettie 38FMuM N.C. Housewife Jan consumption Mane, Mary 2/30FBS Tex March bled to death Morris, Jane 51FWM Tenn housekeeping Jan pnewmonia McKenzie, Ella M. 15FWS Tex at school Aug unknown Gambrell, Elizabeth 39FWM S.C. Keeps house May childbirth Franklin, Rebecca 5FWS Tex July conj. of bowels Franklin, Tess 3MWS Tex July conjestion chill Airheart, I.C. 25MWS Tenn farmer Apr pnewmonia Davis, Eliza 25FBM Ala keep house Sept childbirth Day, Amanda 22FBS unknown fm. labor Mar childbirth Johnson, Samuel 21MWS Tx. Sept congestion fever Gilmour, Mary 21FBM Tx. farm labor April consumption Jamson, Robert(?) 2/12MBS Tx. June (?) death Williams, Oliver 40MBM unknown Aug pnewmonia Milam, Fanny 1/30FWS Tx. Aug convulsions Quarles, Martha 39FWM Miss Aug consumption Quarles, Wm. W. 49MWM Ala farmer Sept consumption Kennedy, Mary E. 54FWW Ill Feb diseasedheart Washington, Angmia 3FBS Tx. Nov. Infl. of bowels Edwards, Sallie 20FBM Tex laborer March childbirth Helon, Cgous (?) 2/12MWS Tx. Nov hives Curtis, Torlor 1/12FWS Tx. Apr. premature birth Bird, L.M. 52FWM Ala keep house Feb pnewmonia Swan, Eva E. 29FWM Missouri June childbirth Walling, Mack 6MBS Miss Aug spine fever Murray, Sam 75MBM S.C. farmer June Killed by mule thrown Murray, Hattie 4FBS Tx. July acute dirrhea Smith, Burboss 20FBM Tx. March pnewmonia Bryan, Mary 45FWM S.C. keep house Sept hemmorage of bowel Fovine (?) Wm. 5/12MWS Tx. Oct hemmorage of bowel Strother, Ida May 1FBS Tx. Oct hemmorage of bowel Waters, Corgatt 2/12MBS Tx. Oct hemmorage of bowel Reeves, Wade 1MBS Tx Aug hemmorage of bowel Burris, Clark 1MBS Tx. Sept hemmorage of bowel Reeves, Clark 9/12MBS Tx. Sept hemmorage of bowel Woodhouse, F.T. 1MWS Tx. Sept hemmorage of bowel Johnson, Bud Mc 5MBS Tx. Nov Typhoid Fever Teaston, infant -MWS Tx. Aug premature birth Torrell, Susan 30FBM Tx. March pnewmonia Jestor, Nichelos 45MWM N.C. farmer March unknown Alexander, Minnie 1FBS Tx. Feb pnewmonia Sims, Jno 40 N.C. laborer Nov pnewmonia Brown, T. D. 28MWW N.C. Sept consumption Howard, M. E. -FWS Tx. Feb pnewmonia Shelton,--- -MWS Tx. Mar stillborn Busby, Andu 5MBS Tx. May anasanca (?) Vaughn, Sarah 35FWM N.C. Housewife June obstruc. of bowel Karnita, T.I.J. 30MWM N.C. teacher Nov consumption Rolston, Minnie 3FWS Tx. Feb convulsions Hurchiman, J. W. 60MWW N.C. physican Sept convulsions McDonald, J. 12FBS Tx June convulsions Cush, Jno 35MWM N.C. farmer Nov pnewmonia Lester, Wm. 70MWW N.C. farmer June pnewmonia Gillam, Osea 2MBS Tx. Dec croup Tippen, Ned 23MBM Tx. laborer Mar poison Ware, Geo 6MMuS Tx. June pnewmonia Witherspoon, Miss 12FBS Tx. Aug malerial fever McDonald, Easter 40FBM Tx cook Mar cancer of stomach Powers, Wm. 30MWM N.C. engineer Nov. fracture of thigh McCarty--- 2MWS Tex Sept unreadable Berry, Elizabeth 4/12FSW Tex July gastritis Easley, Beryn 8/12MSW Tex Feb acute bronchitis Hightower, infant 2/30FSW Tex April unknown Kennedy, John 37MWM Tex farmer July (?) Bryan, Curtis 7/12MWS Tex Sept flux Teppins, Nade 24MBM S.C. work mills April Dropsy Murphy, Edward 34MSW Va. laborer May drowned Brown, Alia 48MBM Ken. laborer Feb consumption Philips, Mary 3FBS Tex Feb diseased of (?) Johnson,---- --FBS Tex Dec stillborn McReynolds Giulford 9MWS Ga student Dec congestion Coleman, Mary 22FMuS Tex laborer May childberth Nona, infant 1/30MBS Tex May jundis Head, Alie 50MBM Ga laborer May Dropsy Head, Alie,Jr. 8MBS Tex Apr typhoid Wood, Isaah 50MWM N.C. Apr pnewmonia Hooper, Allice 23FWM Tex keeping house Dec pnewmonia Morgan, Alonza 14MBS Tex laborer May epilepsy Gusmer, Cinda 90FBW Va Feb pnewmonia Rhodes, Hattie 5FWS Tex July fall from ? Carrol, Ned Jr. 5MWS Tex May dropsey Kimbro, infant 1/30MBS Tex Apr croup Feals, John 62MWM Ill farmer June diabetis Lee, William 8/12MWS Tex Feb flux Aldier, E. 54FWM Ohio farmer Aug typhoid fever Gray, L. 4FBS Tex Dec unknown Gaares, (?) 32FMuM Ga housekeeping June heart disease Cromwell, W. 5/12MBS Tex Sept spasm Holmes, L 110FBW unknown May Old age Johnson, A. 7FBS Tx Oct unknown Cox, G.W. 40MWW Ala farmer Nov consumption -----, J. 4/12FWS Tex Oct unknown Barnet, D. 25 M?S Tex farmer Feb unknown Johnson, M. 3/12FBS Tex May measles Turner, E. 1FBS Tex Jan whooping cough Swanson, M. 39FBM N.C. housekeeping Jan female disease Swanson, M.A. 14MBS Tex Sept ----fever Chambers,--- 1/30FBS Tex April stillbirth Marlow,--- 1/30MBS Tex Feb stillbirth Chase, W. 1MBS Tex Dec unknown Williams, F 5MWS La Aug congestion Rogers, P 24MBS Texas farmer Dec burned ------, B. 6MBS Tex March scroufula ? Phillips, C. 40FBM Tex housekeeping June --- fever Turner, M. 85FBM Ky housekeeping Feb phthisic ----, A. 91MBW Va Aug unknown McGowan, J. 6MBS Tex Mar measles Kidd, N. 5/12FBS Tex Apr croup Lee, W. 8/12FWS Tex Feb dysentery Thomas, M. 47F?M Ala housekeeping July typhoid fever Rawlins, P. 21FWM Ga housekeeping June typhoid fever Wasden, F ?MWS Ga farmer Apr typhoid fever Hanks, L 3FBS Tex Jan Brain fever Moore,-- 1/30FWS Tex Aug unknown Towns, W. 53MWM N.Y. farmer Aug cancer Hamlett,-- 9/30MWS Tex Feb gastretis Housecker, J.L. 1FWS Tex May gastretis Goad, W.V. 21FWS Tex Dec dropsy Early, E. 1MBS Tex Oct quinsey Tosler, E. 10/12FBS Tex July conjestion Carter, F. 1MBS Tex Dec pnewmonia Bryan, Mary K. 45FWM S.C. keeping house Sept Hemmorage of bowels Marhnaff,-- 20FWM Pa housekeeping Feb child birth Cowlin, Amanda 36F?M Va. housekeeping Oct dropsy Ward, Margret ?FBS Tx. Oct teething Schmidt, Julius 43MWM -- cabinet maker Dec dropsy Henson, Nichs 1MWS Tx Feb bronchitis Bowen, W.H. Jr. 10MWS Tx Mar Typhoid Fever -----, W. A. 64MWM Ga farmer Jan typhoid fever O'Donneth, Michal 44MWM Ireland hotel prop. Oct consumption Timmons, T 42MWM Pa. R.R.laborer Aug blk. jaundice Timmons, Turnson 75MWW Ireland farmer Jan Chronic dycentery Ganah, Sallie 27FWM Ala housekeeping May consumption Johnson, Jessie 8FWS Ala Sept malarial fever Fagan, Laura 24FWM Ala housekeeping Apr con----- -----, Mint-- 1/12FWS Tex May Brain fever Morgan, Miller 9/12MWS Tex Sept abcess in head Cook, Minnie 5FWS Tenn Oct flux Haman, Carrie 1FWS Iowa Sept cholera inf. Hatch, Edith 3FWS Ill July conjestion of brain Dronin, Thos. Jr. 10/12MWS Tex Oct ---infection Blount, Bulah 9/12FWS Tex June infection of brain ----, Percy -MWS Tex June inflamation of bowels Cox, Infant 2/12MMuS Tex Feb unknown Hykes, Catherine 5FWS Mo at home June --------- DeGorssey, infant 1/30MWS Tex May flux Smith, infant 1/12MWS Tex June flux Andrew, Ann 34FWM Scotland housekeeping Sept childbirth -----, infant 1/12FWS Tex Sept -------- -----, Wm 45MWS Scotland farmer Sept congestion Douglas, Mattie 27FWM Tex housekeeping Nov typhoid fever Wielimeyer, F.A. Jr. 2/12MWS Tex Apr unknown Jackson, Cornelius 40MWM Ark laborer Dec consumption Dunn, Saml 41MWS Ala farmer June consumption Jackson, John 44MBW unknown carpenter March consumption Williams, Lula 10/12FBS Tx March b---------- Hearnes, Selby C 2MWS Tx May dysentery (?) , John 10/12MWS Tx Feb diptheria Shelton, L.C. 43FWM Miss housekeeping Mar malarial fever Camp, Louisa 50FWM S.C. housekeeping June paralysis ----Leona A. 1FWS Texas May inflamation of bowels Carroll, ---- 11/12MWS Tx Oct ------------ Crawford, Toby 1/12MWS Tx Jan pnewmonia Sadler, H---- 5FBS Tx Apr worms Swilson, P 39FWM Ala housekeeping Sept ------------ Watts, infant 1/12MWS Tx Nov bleeding Easley, Nancy 35FWM Tx housekeeping --- ------------ Murdock, Miles 42MWW Va mechanic Apr consumption Rhodes, Nathan 26MBW Tx farmer July lock jaw ----, Georgia 8/12FBS Tx Feb ------------ Rucker, Calvin 59MWM unknown farmer Nov pnewmonia Killion, J.C. 10MWS Tx Sept ------------ Smith, A 40MWM Endland lawyer Nov malarial fever Jackson, John 44MBW Tx laborer Mar consumption Bishop, Rachel B. 11/12FWS Tx Oct unknown Admas, Sarah 77FWW N.C. Sept Old age Green, Jennie 23FBM Ga housekeeping May consumption Evans, China 70FWW Tenn lives with son Nov bronchitis infant -FWS Tx Oct congestion of brain twin infants ---S Tx Feb premature birth Dean, James D. 3/12MWS Tx June congestion of brain infant 3/12MBS Tx Jan premature birth Woffard, Hamet 30FBM unknown keeping house Apr injuries in accident Admas, Muse 23FWS Tx May disentary Hamilton, An 28FBS S.C. housekeeping Sept consumption Craven,----- 19FWM Miss housekeeping Feb consumption Gevrson, Elizabeth 63FWW Ga housekeeping July -----fever Knight, Wm. S. 1/12MWS Tx Feb abcess Govan, Sofia 22FBW Tx farmer Nov consumption Govan, Rainy 18FBS Tx farmer Feb consumption Granger, Mary 6/12FBS Tx Nov fall from a horse Kinny, Alabama 14FBS Tx works on farm Mar epilipsy Brooks, Buddie 2MBS Tx Feb flux Fowler, Augusta 35FWM Ala housekeeping Dec pnewmonia Crear, Johanna 23FBM Tx housekeeping Apr pnewmonia Cook, Mary Ann 35FWM Ala housekeeping Mar ----fever Hardin, John E. 8MWS Tx Oct flux Jenks, Stephen 60FBM Va keeping house Mar -------------- Pierce, Wm. M. 50MWM Tenn Dec typhoid fever Parker, Abraham 48MBM Va laborer Mar pnewmonia Jackson, Maggie 7/12FBS Tx June strangulation Brown, Robt. J. 2MBS Tx May congestion Campbell,----- 114FBS Tx Aug congestion Brown, Sallie 2FWS Tx Aug -------------- Jones, Albert 7MWS Tx July quinsey Norris, Jackson 4/12MBS Tx Jan pnewmonia Callington, Silas 5/12MBS Tx Aug catarhal fever Alexander, Lee 21MBS Tenn farmer Mar pnewmonia Wynn, Jesse 1MBS Tx Mar billious fever Tucker, Nann 26MBM Tx farmer Feb shot Gilchrist, Manda 5FWS Ala Feb pnewmonia Gilchrist, M.C.B. 15FWS Ala Feb pnewmonia Hassell, Angelina 20FBM Tx keeping house Mar pnewmonia Barnett, CH--- 5MWS Tx Sept congestion Jamison, Osborn 67MBM Ala farming Jan ------------ Goodwin, T.J. 35MWM Miss farmer Dec encsy------- McCreary, infant MWS Aug stillborn Andmlas, E. 60MWM Canada farmer Feb consumption Bi----J.M. 55MWM Miss farming Feb pnewmonia Smith, Susan 39FBM Tx keeping house Sept pnewmonia Wood, E. B. 39MWM Ga farmer June ---------- Jones, George 1MWS La Feb pnewmonia Germin, W.C. 50MWS Ga farmer Apr pnewmonia ----, Lizzie 52FWS Ga Apr pnewmonia Kelly, Pauline J. 1FWS Tx Oct ---------- Ha---, Dora 24FBM Tx Mar congestion Fitzgerald, ABJ 51MWM Tenn farmer June congestion Carl, Kinson 65MBM Va farmer June apoplexy Hopper, Frances E. 11/12FWS Tx Oct congestion of brain Blanton, James C 1/12WMS Tx Sept yellow thrush Blanton, Missoura 27FWM Ga housewife Sept congestion of lungs