Austin Co., TX Cemeteries: Grimes Graveyard ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Virginia Crilley January 1, 2007, 12:39 pm Written: 1853 State of Texas County of Austin 193rd record. Field notes of survey of the Grimes Graveyard Survey of land made off of the Grimes League of one acre of land including the graves of Mr. & Mrs. Grimes & others for a Grave yard. Beginning at a stake set up S.E. of sd [said] graves from which there is a post oak 16 inches diameter, 165 varas dis bears N 80 W marekd X. Hence west 76 varas a stake for the SW corner Thence North 76 varas a stake in the road from which there is a post oak 14 inch dia 6 varas dis bears N55 E marked Thence East 76 varas to a stake for the NE corner thence south 76 varas to the place of beginning containing one acre of land. [Afer] [Asser?} 12, 1853 Additional Comments: Notes: Old George Grimes Survey [near Nelsonville] part of 4,000 acres George Grimes and wife, Eurydice, possibly buried here with no marker other than field stones. George (1781-1847) Eurydice (1788 - Sept 1, 1836) Site was visited by Virginia Day Stevens in 1976 -- it was on the Huff Farm at that time, and referred to as the Huff Cemetery although no Huffs buried there. Very old graves, most just covered over with rocks & with rocks to mark head & foot of graves. Two with sandstone slab with no visible printing. Several unmarked, adult graves & several children's graves. These headstones were mostly knocked over at the time: A.J. Bell b. in Athens AL Aug 12, 1817 d. Austin Co 1875 Dau of John P. Bell b. May 25, 1873 d. June 3, 187? Thos Bethany b. in S.C. Feb 16, 1777 d. April 6, 169 A.C. Tison 1823-1880 Calpurnia dau of J.M. & C.H. Bethany b. ? 17, 1870 d. June 4, 1881 Nora Myrtle dau of J.M. & C.H. Bethany b. Nov 17, 1881 d. April 11, 1884 dau of S.A. Minton d. 1825 ? File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb