BASTROP COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1927 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed, please send a request to the County File Manager listed on the Bastrop County, Texas TOC: Be sure to include a copy of the line with your data on it, and the URL of this page to the County File Manager listed above. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - May 5, 2000 *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Abrons, Neoma 6-28-1927 F Eielia Killing Worth Edward Aborons Allen, Jesse Maxine 9-4-1927 F Bertha Reed Alvine Allen Alridge, Harrison 9-9-1927 M Harriet Alridge Willie Alridge Amador, Guadalupe (Lupe) 6-19-1927 F Santos (Tita) Adame Pedro C. Amador Anderson, Davie 4-4-1927 M Mattie Adams Pearl Anderson Anderson, Ernest James 9-27-1927 M Estella Jackson Lee Anderson Arnarld, Willes 1-31-1927 M Rubell Baker Ollia Arnarld Arnold, Baby Doll 9-11-1927 M Julie Arnold Dave Arnold Arnold, Lucile 4-22-1927 F Callie Arnold Elija Arnold Arnold, Lue 10-30-1927 F Annie Arnold David Arnold Baker, W. M. 9-30-1927 M Mable Geane W. T. Baker Barina, Marie 3-13-1927 F Mollie Mares Vinc Barina Baroon, Otis Inf Of 12-28-1927 M Selma Laarke Otis Baroon Barr, Grace Marie 12-7-1927 F Lillian Dell Barr Clyde Barr Bartch, John Inf Of 10-10-1927 M Sophie Hoffman John Bartch Barton, John William 11-27-1927 M Mildred Mcduff William Aldridge Barton Bartsch, Vivian Louise 8-8-1927 F Lizie Gootum Juleous Bartsch Behend, Hester Margarette 7-21-1927 F Irene Barker Willie Behend Bennett, Lloyd Dale 8-18-1927 M Alice Ferris David Cleveland Bennett Berger, David Paul Ernest 2-4-1927 M Emma Noack Paul E. Berger Bishop, Rosanna 4-15-1927 F Pauline Evans Patrick Bishop Black, Thomas 1-16-1927 M Frankie Black Jessie Black Blaylock, Bobbie Lue 4-10-1927 F Mettie Hadow Moe Blaylock Bonner, Calvin 5-18-1927 M Mary Etta Slaughter George Bonner Braum, Ola May 10-21-1927 F Lula Nell Braum Earnest Braum Breeding, John 2-6-1927 M Marie Breeding Ray Breeding Brewer, Lynn Vernon 2-20-1927 M Ida Augusta Bunte Wesley Cornelious Brewer Briger, Mosel 4-24-1927 M Eunice Sampson Benginon Briger Brooks, Louis 12-20-1927 M Eddie Simpson John Brooks Brooks, Walter Lynn 11-11-1927 M Beulah Brooks Criswell Charlie A. Brooks Brown, Edward 2-13-1927 M Daisy Janeson Earnest Brown Brown, Ray 7-21-1927 M Lula Ridge Walter Brown Bunte, Dorothy Genelle 7-19-1927 F Aug W Bunte Bunte, Madalene Augusta 7-5-1927 F Albina A Janus August F Bunte Jr Byrum, Eula May 8-10-1927 F Annie May Mason James Byrum Callahan, Glen Rose 5-14-1927 F Sadie Owens Glen M. Callahan Callahan, John Phillip 10-4-1927 M Amelia Callahan William Wallace Callahan Cameron, Laura Belle 11-2-1927 F Ophelia Cameron Geo. Cameron Camline, Marvin J W 11-27-1927 M Ella Pollock Arlie Camline Campbell, Moody Inf Of 8-27-1927 F Maggie Fort Moody Campbell Carona, Francisco Inf Of 12-18-1927 F Catarinia Fuente Francisco Carona Carr, Alton 10-14-1927 M Hallie Demmerson Early Carr Carter, Jim Howard 1-27-1927 M Lida B. Jones John Carter Jr Castaneda, Venicio 10-30-1927 M Tomasa Martinez Vicente Castaneda Castillo, Demetrio 12-22-1927 M Callotta Ewarra Sipriano Castillo Castillo, Luz 5-31-1927 F Adela Galvan Enrique Castillo Cathey, Albert Jr. 2-16-1927 M Gertrude Cathey Albert J. Cathey Chaney, Bettie 11-20-1927 F Lilly Colens Otis Chaney Chastecky, Raymond Joe 2-18-1927 M Tillie Vyopola Joe Chastecky Clarborne, Morris 3-20-1927 M Loutie Norris Steve Clarborne Clark, Allice 5-20-1927 F Comerilia Clark Sam Clark Clark, Alvetta 3-24-1927 F May Francis Clark Bengamin Clark Clark, Larence 11-4-1927 M Oliver Clark George Clark Cooks, Albert Inf Of 7-14-1927 M Albert Cooks Cooks, Georgie Gee 5-27-1927 F Anargie Lee Games Leandman Cooks Corelles, M. W. 10-15-1927 M Alvia Corelles Coy, Blas Inf Of 12-4-1927 F Earet Ramon Blas Coy Craney, E J 3-9-1927 M Ruby Kellough Tom Ed Craney Craney, Robert Lee 2-20-1927 M Mable R. Craney James Craney Cumming, Mary Lena 1-21-1927 F Alma Hoffman John C. Cumming Davis, Bobbie Dean 1-25-1927 M Lidia Maud Woods Dean D Davis Davis, Jennie 10-27-1927 F Luella Davis Ben Davis Davis, Tommy Lee 8-29-1927 M Carrie Turner Tommy Davis De Luna, Manuel Inf Of 1-25-1927 F Marie Ayalea Manuel De Luna Deary, Mary D. 9-12-1927 F Mable Deary Dillard Deary Deshay, Berenece 1-27-1927 F Ida Deshay Emex Deshay Dewey, Martin Wayne 2-9-1927 M Charline Blackburn William C. Dewey Doiessner, Gertrude Irene 1-30-1927 F Theresa Helena Doiessner Gerhardt August Doiessner Dominey, Dorrace Alease 3-18-1927 F Evelyn Currie James Goree Dominey Domingo, Essencia Inf Of 7-25-1927 M Mariana Perez Essencia Domingo Doyle, Clarence Elmo 3-9-1927 M Ida Elnora Wuneberger Ira Reuben Doyle Dunkin, Bessie Naomi 5-31-1927 F Garland Huff Jess Dunkin Dupree, Louise Ethel 7-2-1927 F Irmee Hanke Joseph Dupree Eastell, Anett 7-3-1927 F Lillian Walker Louis Eastell Eisenbach, Cecil Lawrence 6-19-1927 M Amanda Eisenbach William Eisenbach Erhord, Bonnie Marie 7-4-1927 F Maude Miles Harry C. Erhord Ernest, Buno Inf Of 5-20-1927 F Mary A Lawhon Buno Ernest Ervin, Franka May 6-11-1927 F Jessy Bell Ervin James Ervin Eschberger, Hazel Joyce 3-11-1927 F Willie Bertis Miller William Sam Eschberger Eschberger, Rudolph 12-18-1927 M Linnie Smith Herman Jacob Eschberger Esparza, Antonia 5-11-1927 F Lubrada Esparza Tefilo Esparza Fisk, Dave Inf Of 5-26-1927 M Cleo Gorrver Dave Fisk Flake, John Edward 12-19-1927 M Egnes Hilton Henry Flake Flores, Santos 11-1-1927 F Macedonia Flores Felomeno Flores Florez, Fertmoh 10-14-1927 M Mary Rautidon Joe Florez Fowler, Norman U. 11-17-1927 M Parlee Jones Mark Fowler Fowler, Willie Landa 7-7-1927 M Madie Fowler Samuel Fowler Frerich, Aurthur William 6-2-1927 M Amelia Frerich August Frerich Friske, Bruno Inf Of 7-18-1927 M Agnes Probst Bruno Friske Frosch, Milton Edgar 5-9-1927 M Lena Winkler Herbert Otto Frosch Gandara, Fred Jr 3-16-1927 M Aurora Luna Fred Gandara Garcia, David Inf Of 2-23-1927 F Louise Morino David Garcia Garner, Helen Marie 1-20-1927 F Artie May Garner James Albert Garner Garza, Matilde A. 12-7-1927 F Jesusa D. Garza Manuel Garza Geronimo, Juanita 6-24-1927 F Margarita Segura Santos Geronimo Giddings, Imogene 2-6-1927 F Ima Viola Adkins Eugene Dimmitt Giddings Goericke, Carl William 5-10-1927 M Grace Solomon Henry Goericke Goerlitz, Oscar Inf Of 1-20-1927 M Emilie Eschburger Oscar Goerlitz Goerner, Mildred Marie 7-19-1927 F Alma Marie Goerlitz Charles Emil Goerner Goerty, Raymond Fred 10-6-1927 M Annie Vaneks John Goerty Jr Goertz, Lena Catherine 11-7-1927 F Kate Bartch John B. Goertz Jr. Goertz, Paul Jr 10-13-1927 M Margaret Goertz Paul Goertz Goertz, Wilfred Alfred 11-16-1927 M Lula Goertz Adolph Goertz Gonzales, John 12-27-1927 M Guadalupe Gonzales Antonio Gonzales Gonzales, Mary Ysavel 7-8-1927 F Mary Gongales Florez Celestino Gonzales Graeter, Ellen Mildred 9-3-1927 F Ellie Emma Kunkel Ernest Alfred Graeter Grayer, Johnnie Lee 2-3-1927 M Octavie Grayer Curstes Grayer Green, Arine 5-22-1927 M S. A. Green Gilbert Green Griffin, Mattie Jueleen 3-24-1927 F Willie Lue Griffin Haywood Griffin Griffith, George Wayne 7-15-1927 M Ida Lee Griffith Edy Wayne Griffith Guerrero, Onio May 12-3-1927 F Feliertas Gatica Launeano Guerrero Guierez, Noberto Inf Of 11-17-1927 F Christina Perez Noberto Guierez Guiterrez, Oabaldo Ramon 9-1-1927 M Maria Blanco Raymond Guiterrez Guitierres, Ito Inf Of 8-3-1927 M Lenora Garcia Ito Guitierres Gunn, Alice Christine 11-29-1927 F Maudie Billingsley Marlin Morris Gunn Gutierrez, Dave Inf Of 8-9-1927 F Mannella Gutierrez Dave Gutierrez Gutierrez, Encarnacion 12-18-1927 F Presentacion Gutierrez John H. Gutierrez Guynes, Henry Edwin 1-10-1927 M Murphy Blantiss Jackson Henry Hardie Guynes Haag, Kermit 3-22-1927 M Hildegard Stauke Theophil Haag Hall, Leonard 6-15-1927 F Novella Hall Leon Hall Hancock, Eligeth 12-5-1927 M Hattie Hancock Willie Hancock Hancock, Johnnie Joenell 12-27-1927 F Vivian Buffa Arthur Hancock Hank, Aleen Gray 1-29-1927 F Marie Gray J. T. Hank Hardemon, Eveleen 2-3-1927 F Celestine Hardrick Carry Hardemon Harden, Chester Imogen 3-25-1927 F Ethel Sneed Theado Harden Harris, Charlie Wesley 7-31-1927 M Maggie Benford Mitchell Harris Harris, Z. J. 6-16-1927 M Sallie Baker Leroy Harris Harrison, Joseph Decker 11-8-1927 M Alma Morgan L. Samuel Harrison Harrison, Richard Derwood 11-14-1927 M Sallie Lewart Reo. Harrison Hartmann, Lee Roy Ernest 11-23-1927 M Mary Etzel Otto Hartmann Harvey, Mitchell Inf Of 2-18-1927 M Mary Anderson Mitchell Harvey Hawkins, Oliver 11-1-1927 M Georgia Giden Oliver Hawkins Hayden, Alamay 2-3-1927 F Maya Cockrell Taft Hayden Haynie, Fred Inf Of 7-19-1927 F Margarite Harilson Fred Haynie Haywood, Arlean 4-23-1927 F Hattie Haywood Lonzia Haywood Haywood, C Y 3-14-1927 M Viola Williams Man Bell Haywood Haywood, David E. 6-21-1927 M Cloe. Haywood Willie Haywood Haywood, Freeda 10-6-1927 F Ella Haywood Henry Haywood Haywood, Gay 7-1-1927 M Ella Haywood Gay Haywood Haywood, J. H. 4-18-1927 M Mattie Haywood Ucum Haywood Haywood, Sertie 6-12-1927 M Amanda Green Roy Haywood Henderson, Gaberelle 7-20-1927 F Addie Bell Freman Kenneth Henderson Henderson, Mac Inf Of 11-18-1927 F Alena Williams Mac Henderson Hewing, Bertha Marie 10-8-1927 F Bertha Williams Walter Hewing Higgins, Mary Lue 4-30-1927 F Winnie Higgins Richard Higgins Hill, Ross 8-24-1927 M Etta Mae Ross Bud Hill Hoffman, Auther Inf Of 10-3-1927 M Ether Sdlina Auther Hoffman Hoffman, Brino Inf Of 10-21-1927 M Ida Mcduff Brino Hoffman Hoffman, Jacob Inf Of 5-5-1927 F Viola Oshine Jacob Hoffman Hoffman, Jefferson 5-23-1927 M Fannie Rogers Powell Hoffman Hoffman, Johnnie Inf Of 3-1-1927 M Bertha Osborn Johnnie Hoffman Hoffman, Lerah Charlestine 9-25-1927 F Mary Knnschick Charles Monroe Hoffman Hollub, Edmond Elvin Jr 10-24-1927 M Annie Farek Edmond Elvin Hollub Sr Hoodye, Essie Lee 1-26-1927 F Viola Slides Louis Hoodye Huey, Allen Elnora 11-23-1927 F Beatrice Allan Ulmer Huey Inge, Mary Ann 4-10-1927 F Lillie Ross Lonnie Inge Issac, S. J. 11-1-1927 M Laura Moten J. H. Issac Ivory, Albert 7-15-1927 M Rubie Mcneil Albert Ivory Ivory, Allet 7-15-1927 M Rubie Mcneil Albert Ivory Jackson, Buddy 12-23-1927 M Otho White Bennie Jackson Jackson, Cora Inf Of 7-28-1927 M Cora Jackson Jackson, Isiaac Inf Of 10-2-1927 F Lillie Mae Powell Isiaac Jackson Jackson, Rose 8-24-1927 F May Ollie Craney Lemous Jackson Jackson, Saul 10-27-1927 M Lessly Jackson Johnie Jackson Jackson, Thirmon 7-6-1927 M Meruine Jackson Sharm Jackson Jackson, Will Pearl 10-10-1927 F Ineas Cather Peet Jackson Jakobeit, Mildred Della 4-4-1927 F Julia Susan Willie Jakobeit Janecka, Adolph Albert 7-27-1927 M Antonia Kusak Albert Janecka Jenke, Agnes Dorothea 11-16-1927 F Emma Zander Alvin Charles Jenke Johnson, Arbie William 4-5-1927 M Annie Matycek Arthur E Johnson Johnson, Lorene Lavern 4-28-1927 F Hilda Goetz Clarence Johnson Johnson, Raymond Aldine Elvis 2-4-1927 M Sarah Pearson A. D. Johnson Johnson, Robt Inf Of 5-10-1927 F Lula Whitehead Robt Johnson Johnson, Viven Amelda 6-1-1927 F Emma Peacock Oscar J. Johnson Jones, Albert Jr 10-31-1927 M Etta M Stanles Albert Jones Jones, Albert Lee 4-2-1927 M Willie Jones Eddie Jones Jones, Bessie 8-20-1927 F Allie Williams Milbon Jones Jones, Ernest 4-2-1927 M Lillie Jones Lewis Jones Jones, Ordner Inf Of 12-7-1927 M Willie Roaks Ordner Jones Jones, Paul 6-18-1927 M Nellie Jons Conrada Jonse Jones, Ruby Nell 3-11-1927 F Eudra Woodruff Joe J. Jones Jones, Ruby Nell 3-17-1927 F Udana Warduff Joe Jones Juarez, Mike Inf Of 3-9-1927 M Encamacion Marolis Mike Juarez Kadura, Leo Inf Of 11-18-1927 F Ila Siedel Leo Kadura Kaiser, Melvin 3-15-1927 M Else Prinz Alvin Kaiser Kastner, Alvara 3-6-1927 F Alma Brown Alfred Kastner Kellough, Ester Ray 8-14-1927 F Larsealia Staples Albon Kellough Kelly, Lawrince 7-2-1927 M Myrtle Cruoford Chester Kelly Kelton, Carrie Amanda 12-31-1927 F Vera Carter Herschel Kelton Kelton, William Eddie 1-7-1927 M Thelma Frost Lee Kelton Kennedy, Loree Arlyn 9-22-1927 F Lidia Kennedy Julian Marie Kennedy Kirkpatrick, Leroy Inf Of 10-11-1927 F Mary Berkey Leroy Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick, Leroy Inf Of 10-11-1927 M Mary Blokey Leroy Kirkpatrick Kobonek, Sims Julius 11-19-1927 M Ohelia Holubec Will Kobonek Koenning, Milton Erwin 4-2-1927 M Herminia Mitschke Willie Koenning Kostner, Charles William 2-6-1927 M Henrietta Lieasmon Martin Kostner Kroger, P. W. Jr. 5-7-1927 M Annie Wood P. W. Kroger Krueger, Margie Mae 8-31-1927 F Ida Mary Gebert Oscar Albert Krueger Kuhn, Roy 8-15-1927 M Emma Orts Albert John Kuhn Kunschick, Lee 9-8-1927 M Clara Eisenbeck Adolph Kunschick Kylberg, Marvin Leroy 4-18-1927 M Lillian Collins Carl L. Kylberg Lanfear, Frank Edward 10-1-1927 M Bettie W Loge Clifford Lanfear Lawhaun, Milton Harrell 11-1-1927 M Marlie Hibler Orbra Lawhaun Lawhon, Eldred 9-9-1927 F Mary Goericke Edridge E. Lawhon Lawhon, W E Jr 12-10-1927 M Edna Donnor W E Lawhon Lee, Addie Mae 8-1-1927 F Rosa Lee Wilson Charlie Lee Leonard, Wallace Junior 11-15-1927 M Mae Lou Vickers Wallace Leonard Lewis, J. G. 12-1-1927 M Angie Miller Joke Lewis Limuel, Junnie Lee 4-16-1927 F Vellmon Limuel T. V. Limuel Litton, Bettie Rose 6-28-1927 F Rose Hoftoe Hilhie H. Litton Litton, Betty Rose 6-28-1927 F Rose Hoftoe Hillie Hester Litton Loehman, Joe Inf Of 12-29-1927 F Ruby Lanom Joe Loehman Lofton, Frank 6-16-1927 M Savannah Lofton Frank Lofton Lostovica, Lillie Ludnita 6-7-1927 F Albina Lostovica Paul Lostovica Lowden, James Ferguson 6-8-1927 M Susie Catherine Asteen Alfred Morris Lowden Lowden, Marven 12-30-1927 M Clara Wichman G W Lowden Lowharn, Francis Edith 12-4-1927 F Florence Foot Frank Lowharn Luna, Antonio 12-11-1927 M Mikola Gomez Nik Luna Lundgrave, Clyde Travis 12-25-1927 M Ella Johnson Fred Lundgrave Lundgren, Edwin O Jr. 12-1-1927 M Hulda Johnson Edwin O Lundgren Lundner, Herbert Trank 4-4-1927 M Clara May Davis Oscar Lundner Lunedquist, John L Inf Of 4-11-1927 F Annie Suzkrul John L Lunedquist Malone, Claud Thomas 7-20-1927 M Beulah May Crow Gordon Malone Martain, Horace James 11-2-1927 M Daisy Eastell Fred Martain Martin, J. Alonzo Inf Of 7-11-1927 M Minnie Chandlen J. Alonzo Martin Martin, Rose Katherne 10-24-1927 F Tillie Reed Floyd Martin Martinez, Orubano Lopez 5-15-1927 M Narlida Lopez Rosaleno Martinez Matocha, Alfred Eroin 9-7-1927 M Theresa Adamcik Alf Matocha Maxey, Curtiss William 1-6-1927 M Edna Maxey Earl Rice Mud Maxey Mayes, Ina Besse Inf Of 5-15-1927 M Ora Mayes Brown Ina Besse Mayes Mays, John Jr. 10-27-1927 M Genieva Lee John Mays Mc Clure, Billy Odelle 2-12-1927 M Lilly Mc Clure Dale Wm Mc Clure Mc Marion, Precious Inf Of 1-14-1927 M Leenora Mc Marion Precious Mc Marion Mcdonald, Velma Elizabeth 5-16-1927 F Elisabeth Morrisom J. F. Mcdonald Mcmarion, L. V. 6-23-1927 M Bertha Mcmaron James Mcmarion Mcshen, Leeroy Inf Of 8-18-1927 F Lucy Mcshen Leeroy Mcshen Mcveal, Edward Earl 9-19-1927 M Tomie Mcveal Henry Mcveal Meshack, Bettie May 3-3-1927 F Pinky Meshack Charles Meshack Meshack, Dallas Inf Of 10-25-1927 M Eddie Gilmore Dallas Meshack Mettag, Viola Ruby 10-12-1927 F Louise Yindler Max Mettag Jr Meuth, Alb H. Inf Of 12-5-1927 M Amanda King Alb H. Meuth Meuth, Caillie Grace 6-12-1927 F Orgonie Sherrey Willie Meuth Mibulec, Willie 6-8-1927 M Annie Mikulenka Paul Mibulec Miller, Florence Maria 4-24-1927 F Addie Taylor George Miller Miller, Jerry Gene 7-7-1927 F Ella Marie Cunningham E B Miller Milton, Tommy Leatrice 10-14-1927 F Edna Blackwell Tom Milton Mitchell, Erline Kay 5-11-1927 F Hattie Mitchell O. Mitchell Mogonye Jr, Charlie 1-6-1927 M Rosa Mcchelk Charlie Mogonye Moon, Charles Ray 4-27-1927 M Edna Prinz William Ray Moon Mundine, Arthur 12-30-1927 M Mattie Harrison Robert Mundine Murchison, Arvil Charles 2-26-1927 M Sadie Mc Duff Claud Murchison Noack, Elton Rndie 9-30-1927 M Alwine Emma Pictoch Carl August Noack Noldon, Rubin David 9-16-1927 M Tennpie Thomas David Noldon Null, George Oscar 6-3-1927 M Meta Altman Oscar Null Nunez, Aurora 1-29-1927 F Virginia Pena Isabel Nunez Oldfield, Malcom Inf Of 5-18-1927 F Belle Alexander Malcom Oldfield Osborne, Elsie Genelle 2-16-1927 F Eugenia Elsie Osborne Ben Osborne Owens, Billie Jene 9-25-1927 M May Moods Norman Owens Owens, Leon 3-12-1927 M Laurene Davis Willie Owens Padreo, Franeces Inf Of 5-13-1927 F Buaha Garzice Franeces Padreo Palmar, Cherry Lee 12-17-1927 F Jewel Foster Marshell Palmar Parker, Eunice Laverne 12-22-1927 F Mildred Lucille Parker Blackstone Parker Parker, R. Lee 1-25-1927 M Alice Ophelia Parker Joe Gordon Parker Patten, Lewis Inf Of 10-31-1927 F Pearlie Patton Lofton Lewis Patten Patterson, J. C. Inf Of 8-18-1927 F Viola Beknight J. C. Patterson Patterson, James William 9-28-1927 M Rose Briggs J. P. Patterson Pauls, Elsie Jeannette 12-16-1927 F Mamie Emma Fritsche Edward Conrad Pauls Pearson, Julia Mae 2-20-1927 F Laura Pearson Costella Pearson Perez, Elollio Inf Of 12-18-1927 F Adelia Rosales Elollio Perez Perez, Isauro 11-2-1927 M Josefa Cortez Simplicio Perez Perice, Belinda 5-22-1927 F Mannela Sarety Joe Perice Perkin, Edith Pauline 12-12-1927 F Clara Robertson Leonard Perkin Perkins, Glorie Lee 4-15-1927 F Matty Perkins Oliver Perkins Petty, Le Roy 12-20-1927 M Ethel Bernard Louis Petty Pitts, Verner Marice 3-23-1927 F Ruby Perkins Aswald Pitts Polla, Wilbert Frank 1-21-1927 M Mellie Polla Chas. Polla Powell, Charline 11-23-1927 F Adie Mae Murchison Charles Powell Powell, Ruth Elizabeth 12-10-1927 F Gladys Tanner Bryant E. Powell Psencik, Alice 1-7-1927 F Sophie Holubec Chas Psencik Queen, Elisha Hill Jr. 8-21-1927 M Rena Richter Elisha Hill Queen Sr. Ramirez, Beatrice S. 8-16-1927 F Mercedes Saucedo Vidal Ramirez Ramon, Manuel Inf Of 10-18-1927 M Petra Arragon Manuel Ramon Rangel, Joaquin 8-16-1927 M Felipa Mouricio Joaquin Rangel Raschke, Adeline Hermine 7-6-1927 F Hermine Winke Henry Raschke Ray, Roy Inf Of 9-17-1927 M Pearl T Davis Roy Ray Ready, Edith 6-4-1927 F Ella Hoffman Tom C Ready Reece, Isom Inf Of 3-9-1927 F Viola Wall Isom Reece Reese, Melvin James 11-26-1927 M Flossie Ann Price James Pearlie Reese Reese, Odest 6-25-1927 F Carrie Reese Petter Reese Rhodes, James Archie 12-23-1927 M Gladys Bailey A. R. Rhodes Riojas, Charley Inf Of 11-23-1927 F Francisca Gutierrez Charley Riojas Rivers, Baby Doll 10-7-1927 F Willie Rivers Willie Rivers Rivers, Joane 9-25-1927 F Winnie Heaston Roy D. Rivers Roberts, Bruce Valree 10-21-1927 M Viola Roberts Robertson, Ester Lean 2-12-1927 F Callie Robertson Jessie Robertson Robinson, Hulon Leroy 5-12-1927 M Florence Jones Hosea Lee Robinson Robson, Eller May 3-22-1927 F Martha Robson James Robson Rogers, Alberta 7-23-1927 F Roberta Bogans Sammie Rogers Rogers, Floyd 2-2-1927 M Lula Griffen Shield Rogers Rollins, Ruth 9-11-1927 F Jewell Tiner Flem Rollins Saidal, Laresua 2-16-1927 F Loraene Garty Frank A Saidal Schmidt, William Wesley 8-17-1927 M Eulia Mosebach William Frederick Schmidt Schott, Robert Benson 11-18-1927 M Bazie Schott J. E. Schott Schulz, Dorothy Marie 7-4-1927 F Frieda Emma Ihlo Wilhelm Ferdinand Schulz Scott, James Jr. 2-17-1927 M Rosie B. Clemon James Scott Scott, John Harvey 12-31-1927 M Gertrude Fleming Walter Scott Scott, Melford Doyle 3-26-1927 M Marcil Hibbs Henry Scott Scott, Millard Inf Of 11-15-1927 F Ivy Bowen Millard Scott Seigler, Jimmie Dell 5-2-1927 M Maud Siles Iva Seigler Sepedo, Secora 8-14-1927 F Reta Borteo Ramon Sepedo Shelton, Marvin Steve 9-9-1927 M Bert Hager Dan Shelton Shelton, Melvin Henry 9-9-1927 M Bert Hager Dan Shelton Shuler, Pearlie Mae 2-24-1927 F Louisa Clark James Shuler Simms, James Oscar 8-9-1927 M Georgian Marshall Everett Sims Simpson, Bernice 7-29-1927 F Ruby D Duval Belmont Simpson Sisak, Bernice Egypt 1-10-1927 F Celia Henrietta Sisak Joe George Sisak Smith, Carroll Jr 11-17-1927 M Jewel Marie Fite Carroll Smith Smith, D C 9-23-1927 M Mary Lee Read D C Smith Smith, Estelle 2-5-1927 F Ella Carter E. Smith Smith, Haroey Inf Of 12-16-1927 F Grace De Glondon Haroey Smith Smith, Inell 12-9-1927 F Julia Smith Willie Smith Smith, Loise Marie 1-13-1927 F Ethel Martin Dixon Smith Smith, Priscella 9-4-1927 F Gertrude Grant Nathan Smith Smith, Thelma Christine 7-23-1927 F Mary Hallie Mcclintock Joe Smith Smith, William Jr 7-8-1927 M Christine Reid Will Smith Snowden, John Henry 5-19-1927 M Mary Dorine Bragg Otreo Snowden Soloza, Pabulo 3-2-1927 M Mary Gonzales Santiago Soloza Spencer, Doyle 9-8-1927 M Marie Spencer Steree Spencer Spier, Buford Roy 1-1-1927 M Virita Owens Buford Spier Sr Sroder, Mary 12-31-1927 F Anie Sroder Harman Brown Stagner, Clara Bernice 3-26-1927 F Roezittia Lillian Critendan Ruly Flemming Stagner Stall, Delfa Estell 10-16-1927 F Annie Stall Murphy Otto Stall Staples, Anna Mae 10-16-1927 F Hattie Mera Staples Steadman, Buelah Jane 12-20-1927 F Beulah Helena Steadman Stiles Hilry Hobbard Steadman Stephenson, Milton J. Inf Of 12-2-1927 F Evelin Miller Milton J. Stephenson Steward, James L. 10-4-1927 M Essie Henington Lessie Steward Strong, James 4-23-1927 M Mary B. Mccantern Wiley Strong Sullivan, Dorothy Lorelle 2-3-1927 F Ida Belle Sullivan Blake A. Sullivan Swearingen, Luther Jr. 5-20-1927 M Nellie Fifer John Luther Swearingen Symm, Margaret Catherine 9-3-1927 F Mary Happler John E Symm Tanner, Bobby 8-26-1927 M Florence Johnson Eugene Tanner Taylor, Morid 7-14-1927 M France William Thurman Taylor Thomas, Clarence A 1-14-1927 M Mary Lee Thomas Isiah Thomas Thomas, Urseline Marie 8-13-1927 F Alberta Hennington Kara Thomas Thompson, Lura Elaine 6-25-1927 F Lucy Harris Eugene Earl Thompson Thompson, O. B. 7-8-1927 M Maggie Daniel R. N. Thompson Threadgill, Ella Egness 10-5-1927 F Vina Mc Kion Ed Threadgill Threadgill, Frank Gerold 8-31-1927 M Salina Annie Wooldridge William Threadgill Tillman, Louise 11-21-1927 F Bernice Martindale Jim T. Tillman Tomme, Beathris 3-5-1927 F Ruby May Wilson Sam Leon Tomme Towlam, Doris Louise 6-3-1927 F Delight Leo Lee Towlam Turner, T. W. 5-17-1927 M Chloe Owens H. L. Turner Uher, Alice Vernell 7-8-1927 F Myrtle Donaldson Alfred Uher Urban, Walter 4-19-1927 M Erma A. Boling Awald S. Urban Vanstan, Canarf Carter 7-16-1927 M Bernice Alexander Tanvil Vanstan Veal, Virginia Etta 12-4-1927 F Lauraetta Owns Sam Veal Voight, Afton Inf Of 12-28-1927 F Lora Culpeper Afton Voight Vrazel, Frank John 5-26-1927 M Mary Krampata Ed Vrazel Waits, Samil 7-1-1927 M Purl Holbert Samie Waits Waren, Gladis May 11-5-1927 F Elen Waren C L Waren Warren, Edward Robert Jr 2-23-1927 M Zera Mamata Denerks Edward Robert Warren Sr Washington, Litte Jr 6-27-1927 M Rubie Lee Franklin Litte Washington Washington, Margie Ree 9-28-1927 F Jessie Green Sam Washington Waterson, Margie Lice 3-12-1927 F Nancy Murchison Ogden Waterson White, Lela Mae 10-21-1927 F Mary Ealey Worth White Wilhelm, Alma 1-14-1927 F Gussie Motjek Joe Wilhelm Willenberg, Hubert Edwin 6-23-1927 M Emma Eugenia Gest Helman Willenberg William, John Edward 11-1-1927 M Pearl Johnson John E Williams Williams, Clarance 8-5-1927 M Ellen Barnett Bud Williams Williams, Clarence Earl 12-4-1927 M Irdelia Williams Ras Williams Williams, Dorothy Lorene 8-18-1927 F Effie Calley Leslie Williams Williams, Lucille 4-25-1927 F Ardessa Williams James Harris Williams, Vernon Hart 9-27-1927 M Louis Hart Chas Williams Williams, Wade Inf Of 3-19-1927 F Elnora Williams Wade Williams Wilson, Back Inf Of 6-11-1927 F Siggar Wilson Back Wilson Wilson, Horrace Alvin 10-19-1927 M Iris Robertson Frank Wilson Wilson, Wallie Limbery 6-5-1927 M Maudie Wilson Wallie Wilson Winn, Zutella 2-2-1927 F Sophia Edmonson Willie Winn Wolf, Edward Tobiss 8-1-1927 M Marble Jane Wright Henry Wolf Wonek, Oflia 1-30-1927 F Gertrude Goertz Joe Wonek Wotkins, Joe Hellen 5-8-1927 F Julia Josephine Phiffer T. J. Wolkins Wright, Dora Lee 11-2-1927 F Bessie Lee Moore Ammie Wright Wright, Lewis Oliver 11-9-1927 M Mable Anderson Abner Wright Wunneberger, Alma Alice Marie 1-15-1927 F Lula Thames Dave Wunneberger Yancey, George Vernon 5-25-1927 M Myrtle Jackson Lawrence Yancey Zucknick, Alice Nance 1-1-1927 F Louise Mayes Alvin Zucknick