Baylor Co., TX - Cemeteries - Bomarton Cemetery Bomarton *********************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Hall Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************** BOMARTON CEMETERY The Bomarton Cemetery is comprised of two cemeteries: the north side which are Protestant burials; and the south side, named St. Josephs Cemetery, which are Catholic burials.The Cemetery is located about one mile south of the original townsite of Bomarton, on the east side of FM1152. Turn south at the intersection of FM1152 and US277. The land for the cemetery was donated by Mr. W.S. “Willie” Thomas, when the town of Bomarton was growing into a bustling community, with a bank, a hotel, 3 churches, shops, a band, a baseball team, a telephone exchange, and passenger trains. Sale of town lots were begun in 1906 when the Wichita Valley Railroad extended its line from Seymour to Abilene. The earliest burial we found was in St. Joseph’s Cemetery, of Rosalie Farek, in January 1908. However, in comparing with the survey done in 1958 by Miss Dora Holt and Mrs. W.O. Bartos, there were many unmarked graves at that time, many of which there was no indication of a grave at the time of our survey. I was told of one instance where someone knew that a later burial had been in an earlier grave. Quite a number of graves are now marked only with the funeral home metal markers, and some are deteriorating or being knocked down by mowers, etc. The rows are rather helter-skelter, as the cemetery originally was not laid out in rows, and early burials were randomly placed. However, we have tried to make a semblance of rows and our locations will help you to find graves easily.However, since becoming a Perpetual Care cemetery, many families have come back and erected permanent markers for their family members, so we have recorded quite a few that were unmarked in the 1958 survey. We have tried to be as accurate as possible; however, being human,there are possibly errors. Living at a distance from the cemetery, it was not easy to go back and check. I did make one trip back in 1998 and found some errors, which I have corrected. I also added any new burials that I found. Actual inscriptions on stones are enclosed by “__ “; notes by the author are designated by [ ]. There are separate indexes for our survey, and the survey done in 1958. I felt this would be a better method of comparing names and graves that have been lost, or added, in the intervening years. Please remember when comparing, that rows in 1958 probably will not match the numbers we found 40 years later. Our purpose and hope in recording these is that these sturdy settlers in a new land willl not be lost or forgotten, and that future generations will be encouraged to hold on to these roots. SECTION A: ROW 1 (Beginning at North end) NAME DOB DOD REMARKS 1. Concrete Base [Looks like Marker has been removed] 2. Mable A. Hitchcock 1904 1970 “Mother” 3. Eula Elliott Henderson 7 Jul 1890 12 Nov 1968 “The Way of the Cross Leads Home” 4. James Young Elliott 16 Nov 1884 23 Oct 1945 “The Way of the Cross Leads Home” 5. Jimmie Roy Gregg 17 Nov 1933 13 Feb 1985 [Guitar, Fiddle, Masonic emblems on stone; footstone reads “Daddy”] 6. William F. Gregg 1 Aug 1895 29 Jan 1970 [Double Stone w/Annie L.] 7. Annie L. Gregg 7 Mar 1899 6 Dec 1979 “Married Aug 23, 1913” 8. Teddy A. Gregg 22 Jan 1940 8 Jan 1944 “Our love goes with you and our soul waits to join you” 9. Milton M. Latham 18 Oct 1886 1 May 1974 [pictures are on stone] 10. James M. Latham 22 Oct 1861 12 Mar 1950 [double stone w/Mollie . “LATHAM” 11. Mollie B. Latham 8 Jul 1861 15 Mar 1950 “Gone to a Better Land”] 12. George Latham 1900 1942 “Father” 13. Woodrow Dewayne Latham 1937 1941 “Son of George and Mae” “Little Buddy” 14. J.A.V. -- -- [6”x10” granite marker with only initials on it] 15. Warren Rainwater 11 Dec 1920 26 July 1942 16. granite stone, possibly corner marker of lot? 17. Lona P. Latham 19 Jan 1904 8 Feb 1994 [double stone w/Henry] “Book of Life” 18. Henry L. Latham 4 Oct 1889 16 Jul 1982 “Gone But Not Forgotten” [ Military Marker at foot: “Henry Lasrus Latham, PFC US Army, World War I, 1889-1982 “ ] 19. O’dell O. Roberts 1932 1932 “Son” “I Pray Thee Lord, My Soul To Keep” 20. granite rock, no name 21. Rosie E. Pierce 15 Apr 1905 26 Apr 1977 22. Lilburn B. Pierce 15 Apr 1900 3 Jul 1949 23. Hollister S. Green 1869 1946 [double stone w/Birdie] “GREEN” 24. Birdie B. Green 1895 -- [No death date inscribed] 25. Cement Base, marker removed 26. Martin Etta Dickson Roberts 1862 1935 27. Plumer A. Roberts 14 Nov 1889 18 Dec 1915 “Weep Not, He is Not Dead, but Sleepeth” [Woodmen of the World memorial marker] ROW 2: 1. James Charles Elliott 5 Nov 1914 10 Jun 1986 2. Nona M. Gregg 27 Mar 1917 [double stone w/William] ‘”GREGG” 3. William M. Gregg 12 Nov 1914 17 Mar 1988 [his side has Masonic emblem] 4. J. L. “Fat” Gregg 1 Apr 1920 21 Nov 1984 [double stone w/Mary C]“Married May 4,1940 5. Mary Catherine Gregg 10 Jul 1921 9 Jan 1970 [ his has Masonic emblem] 6. Hazel P. Wicker 5 Oct 1921 2 Jan 1992 “Mama” [double stone w/Melvin][ wedding ring 7. Melvin C. Wicker 16 Apr 1919 9 Nov 1996 inscribed “51 Years”] “Daddy” [on back side of stone “Our Children - Charles and Adrina”] 8. Eva Lee Gambell 1925 1963 “Daughter” 9. Robert T. McMorris 1943 1988 “Gone But Not Forgotten” 10. Harvey L. Rainwater 24 Aug 1929 11 Jul 1998 “In Loving Memory” NAME DOB DOD REMARKS Row 2 (cont:) 11. Ruth Rainwater 1899 1994 [double stone w/Floyd] “RAINWATER” 12. Floyd Rainwater 1892 1963 13. J. F. Rainwater 8 Aug 1918 4 Jul 1972 14. Ella Grace Latham 20 Jun 1921 [double stone w/Eugene] “LATHAM 15. Eugene Thomas Latham 7 Jul 1925 16. Clara Latham Fort 1911 1992 17. Annie Pearl Latham 1880 1965 “Gone But Not Forgotten” 18. Robert Tillman Latham 1873 1942 “Gone But Not Forgotten” 19. Velma Lee Parker 13 Jan 1933 29 Feb 1936 20. Infant Son W.L. & Lanora Phipps 2 Mar 1916 4 Mar 1916 “Budded on Earth to Bloom in Heaven” 21. Littleton James (Bud) Pierce 14 Feb 1887 3 Apr 1974 “A Loving Father” 22. Rosie Lee (Pierce) Cox 3 Nov 1883 11 Aug 1942 23} 24}These two spaces fenced, with a gate, no graves or markers evident. ROW 3 1. [double stone w/Woodrow -No name/inscription] 2. Woodrow Wilson Elliott 28 Nov 1917 2 Jul 1981 3. Clifford C. Jones 24 Jun 1916 6 Jun 1973 “Texas - Tech, US Army, WWII” (Military marker) 4. Carl Marshall 1900 1981 [double stone w/Harry] “MARSHALL” 5. Harry Marshall 1897 1972 “In God’s Care” 6. J. W. Marshall 1867 1936 [double stone w/M.E.] “MARSHALL” 7. M. E. Marshall 1864 1935 8. Sallie E. (Beaty) Paul 28 Mar 1869 5 Jan 1922 [double stone w/Robert] “PAUL” 9. Robert Thomas Paul 23 May 1872 22 Feb 1937 10. Andrew Tilmon Latham 3 Jul 1901 5 May 1933 “Texas - WTIC US Navy” 11. Opal N. Pierce 17 Mar 1916 2 Dec 1920 “Weep Not, Papa and Mama For Me, For I Am Waiting in Heaven For Thee” 12. Dallas C. Pierce 1895 1966 “Mother” [double stone w/Lazrus] “PIERCE” 13. Lazarus Pierce 1893 1969 “Married May 16, 1915” “Father” 14. Garland, infant son of 1 Jun 1908 2 Jun 1908 “Another Little Angel Before the Heavenly T.P. and Bertha Bell Throne” ROW 4 1. Barbara Jean Latham 9 Jun 1945 [double stone w/James] “ELLIOTT” 2. James Young Latham 8 Jan 1946 “LATHAM” 3. Marie Bartos 12 May 1872 30 Nov 1968 “Mother” [double stone w/Simon] 4. Simon Bartos 12 Oct 1868 25 Apr 1957 “Father” “BARTOS” 5. Billie Latham 12 Mar 1928 [double stone w/Houston] “LATHAM” 6. Houston (Hoot) Latham 5 Feb 1924 [heart inscribed “June 30, 1944”] 7. Esabell Mills 1903 1923 [double stone w/Willie] “MILLS” 8. Willie Mills 1902 1923 9. Concrete pad, no name or marker 10. Mary F. Pierce 1864 1919 NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 5 1. C. W. Sims 22 Mar 1899 9 Apr 1952 2. Freda M. Worley 17 Jun 1910 [double stone w/Robert] 3. Robert E. Worley 9 Aug 1907 23 Mar 1975 4. Walter H. Moses, Jr. 7 Aug 1923 5 Nov 1934 “Gone But Not Forgotten” “Son” 5. W. H. Martin 23 Feb 1852 1 Feb 1922 “He is Not Dead, but Sleeping” [double stone 6. Laura Langham Martin 13 Feb 1855 14 Sep 1949 with Laura] 7. George W. Prichard 28 Jun 1880 14 Apr 1969 “Father” 8. Carrie Martin Prichard 2 Oct 1884 28 Feb 1937 “Mother” 9. Infant dau. of M & M G.W. Prichard born and died 1912 10. Baby Ferrier Jan 1 to 2, 1938 11. Edward Moss Lile 29 Sep 1952 11 Feb 1984 12. Robert H. Pierce 1850 1940 13. Clarence E. Morley 7 Apr 1894 27 Dec 1935 “Another Link is Broken, In Our Beloved Band, A Golden Chain is Forming, In a Better Land” {Military Marker “Texas - Pvt. US Army”} 14. Pearlie A. Morley 30 Oct 1897 2 Dec 1984 15. Hershall L. Cox 1912 1914 ROW 6 1. Martin Vance Prichard 29 Jun 1909 13 Feb 1981 2. Neil Lipscomb Prichard 18 Nov 1919 2 Jun 1939 3. Thomas P. Morley 1864 1928 4. Ray P. Morley 20 Jan 1909 9 May 1910 “Sleep On, Sweet Babe, and Take Thy Rest God Calls Away, When He Thinks Best” ROW 7 1. Colleen J. Parker McMorris 6 Sep 1931 [double stone w/William: 2. William T. “Bull” McMorris 31 Mar 1923 “Married July 22, 1956”] 3. Callie B. McElroy 1890 1966 “Faith and Love” [double stone w/Osee] 4. Osee B. McElroy 1888 1972 “Married 1909” 5. Flodell Moore 9 Jun 1928 28 Sep 1948 “Wife” “Daughter of O.B. McElroy” “Resting in Peace” 6. Dora E. Holt 1890 1985 [double stone w/Nancy] 7. Mrs. Nancy M. Holt 1872 1956 8. Jas. C. Holt 1862 1943 9. Mary Susie Worley 30 May 1874 16 Apr 1963 10. Robert Isaac Worley 4 Jun 1867 19 Sep 1955 11. W. O. Bartos, Jr. 5 Jun 1921 31 Jul 1925 12. William Otto Bartos 7 Oct 1898 20 Dec 1973 [double stone w/Mary] “BARTOS” 13. Mary Rebecca Bartos 5 Jun 1900 31 May 1991 “Married Sept. 1, 1920” 14. Travis R. Higgins 1922 1928 “Another Little Angel Before the Heavenly Throne” [picture of child on tombstone] 15. Jack Holt 1867 1940 [double stone w/Mary] “HOLT” 16. Mary Dossey Holt 1889 1922 “Daughter” (homemade rock marker: Mary Dosey, 17 Apr 1889 20 Sep 19_2) NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 8 1. Gladys Worley Jones 1910 1975 “Mother” 2. Edna Leone Higgins 28 Aug 1902 17 Jan 1987 [double stone w/John] “HIGGINS” 3. John Riley Higgins 14 Jan 1901 13 Apr 1987 {double wedding rings}: “Oct 7, 1921” 4. C. B. Stark 12 Feb 1858 26 Apr 1917 “Resting in Hope of a Glorious Resurrection” 5. Alma N. Johnson 14 Sep 1892 25 Jun 1918 ROW 9 1. Lillian Mozelle Ford 5 May 1923 16 Sep 1990 [double stone w/Eddie] “FORD” 2. Eddie Ferrol Ford 14 Nov 1921 ---- “Married June 21, 1941” 3. Walter Ira Pace 1913 1986 [funeral home metal marker] 4. Ollive Newton Pace 21 Aug 1915 6 Feb 1969 Military Marker: “Texas - US Army WWII” 5. Jessie Pace 1890 1976 [funeral home metal marker] 6. Henry J. Pace 1890 1973 [funeral home metal marker] 7. J.D. “Bud” Johnson 26 Jul 1928 21 Mar 1991 [Military Marker: “US Army-World War II”] 8. Jim Eidson 1889 1936 [funeral home marker mounted in concrete] 9. Ina Angelina Chamberlain 24 May 1910 17 Aug 1987 10. Kirby R. Moore 1880 1950 “Our Beloved Dad” “Rest In Peace” 11. Angie Lue Chamberlain 9 Sep 1930 26 Jul 1935 “Gone So Soon” 12. W. Ray Moore 1928 1932 “Baby” 13. Neva Joe Elliott 12 Jan 1933 22 Feb 1933 “Daughter of Mr & Mrs Edmon Elliott” 14. Sarah N. Harland 1853 1940 [Concrete slab with metal insert] 15. John E. Harland ---- ----- [military marker “Co. F - 49th MO Inf.”] 16. Sarah Louisa Harland 1884 1961 17. Rosa Lee Lamb 25 Mar 19_3 7 Jan 1915 [double concrete slab over 17 & 18, cracked 18. Stoney Bargoyne Lamb 10 Jul 19__ 8 Apr 1917 and broken; hand inscribed, almost illegible] ROW 10 1. Mary F. Chamberlain 1894 1960 “Mother” 2. John A. Chamberlain 26 Sep 1862 13 Jun 1938 [double stone w/Elvira] 3. Elvira Chamberlain 3 Nov 1864 11 Aug 1956 “There’s Rest in Heaven” 4. Mae L. Elliott 23 Feb 1907 6 Sep 1984 [LOU on footstone][double marker w/Edmon]” ELLIOTT” 5. Edmon B. Elliott 31 Jul 1910 23 Feb 1987 [double wedding rings] ”Married Dec. 23,1931” 6. Emma Deen Young 9 Nov 1937 11 Apr 1976 ROW 11 1. Leona Arline Allison 3 Feb 1931 29 Aug 1993 2. Jack B. Washum 27 Nov 1914 2 Feb 1987 [Military Marker:”Pvt. US Marine Corp. WWII”] 3. Robert L. Witty 30 Apr 1875 30 Nov 1971 4. Anna Lee Witty 3 Feb 1882 7 Jan 1946 5. Manda M. McClure 7 Jul 1854 1 Jun 1918 6. T. W. McClure 6 Nov 1847 24 Mar 1918 7. J. W. Cartwright, Jr. - December 26, 1927 - [only one date - evidently b & d same day] NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 12 1. C. F. Rainwater 18 Nov 1915 29 Apr 1988 [double stone w/Lora] 2. Lora Irene Rainwater 14 Nov 1919 [double wedding rings: “December 10, 1938”] 3. Unknown [Marked with glass blocks] 4. Unknown [small cement pad - no marker] 5. James E. McFarlin 18 Jul 1947 19 Jul 1947 “Infant Son of Guy and Minnie McFarlin” 6. Unknown [small footstone w/iinitials “R.P. McD” 7. Guy McFarlin 1894 1978 [double stone w/Minnie] 8. Minnie M. McFarlin 1908 1991 [double wedding rings: “Married Nov. 20, 1944”] 9. Merle S. Hodges 1905 1992 [double stone w/Jodie] 10. Jodie C. Hodges 1903 1979 “Wed March 1, 1925” *** END OF SECTION A *** NAME DOB DOD REMARKS SECTION B - ROW 1 1. Ernest Eugene McKinney 26 Oct 1907 6 Nov 1908 “Blessed are the Early Dead” 2. Peter Carl Elliott 2 Jul 1866 14 Aug 1954 3. G. W. Steele 22 Feb 1927 13 Jan 1928 “Son of Lee and Velma Steele” 4. Nettie Wilson Lewis 30 Sep 1906 12 Nov 1997 “She Gave Us Strength and Taught Us Pride”[her picture on stone] 5. John J. Higgins 1856 1940 [double marker w/Mallie] “Father” 6. Mallie M. Higgins 1871 1918 “Mother” 7. Higgins, Infant Son 31 May 1918 31 May 1918 “Son of G.W. and Julia Higgins” 8. Robert Noel Higgins 13 Nov 1935 22 Dec 1935 9. Emma B. Vincent 1896 1989 [double stone w/M.T.] 10. M. T. Vincent 1891 1961 “Married Jan. 11, 1914 11. Millard Vincent 1919 1994 [Seymour Funeral Home temp. marker] 12. Julia A. Vincent 31 Oct 1869 23 Feb 1920 13. Bertha Pearl Arthur 1896 1930 14. Sarah A. Arthur 1838 1923 15. Mathew T. Arthur 1823 1909 16. O. J. Naylor 30 Sep 1874 10 Nov 1926 17. Mrs. O.J. Naylor 4 Jul 1880 [no date of death recorded] 18. James Gordon Naylor 29 Jan 1909 14 Apr 1909 19. Monroe Arthur 1896 1915 [Concrete slab with metal plate] 20. Mary Ethel Latham 11 Mar 1891 18 Jan 1923 “Beloved Mother” 21. Joe Arthur [Concrete slab w/ metal letters - no dates] 22. Ollie N. Cooksy 1909 1928 [Homemade concrete slab] 23. E. M. (Ted) McElroy 1909 1968 [double stone w/Mary] 24. Mary Naylor McElroy 1911 1946 “Married 1929” 25. Gaines D. McElroy 20 Feb 1920 28 Apr 1988 [military marker: “US Army World War II”] 26. Mattie McElroy 1885 1967 [double marker w/E.A.] 27. E. A. McElroy 1866 1973 “Married 1908” 28. Mack C. Morrison 1858 1927 [McCauley Funeral Home marker] 29. Lee Morrison 1900 1927 [McCauley Funeral Home marker] ROW 2 1. John Y. Elliott 16 Sept 1880 15 Jul 1913 “He has gone from his dear ones, his children, his wife, whom he willingly toiled for, and loved as his life. Oh, God, how mysterious and how strange are Thy ways to take from us this loved one, in the best of his days” 2. James Y. Elliott 1847 1932 “Father” 3. W. H. Elliott 1869 1936 4. Charles Franklin Rainwater 30 Jul 1866 16 Apr 1952 5. Nannie Rainwater 30 Sep 1867 30 Apr 1947 “Darling, We Miss Thee” 6. Unknown [flat sandstone rock - no name] 7. Unknown [flat sandstone rock - no name] 8. Amanda A. Rainwater 1842 1912 9. Harvey A. Rainwater 1877 1935 10. Sadie Tims 30 Dec 1891 16 Mar 1914 11. Margaret McKinney 16 Dec 1867 6 Jul 1937 “Mother” “Our Best Friend” NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 2 -- (cont:) 12. Lena L. Harris 22 Aug 1883 23 Aug 1915 “Gone But Not Forgotten” 13. Unknown [Small marble slab, no name] 14. William M. Peek 20 Sep 1912 28 Oct 1915 15. Sarah Peek 5 Oct 1903 18 Dec 1915 16. Martha Vincent 21 Oct 1908 [double stone w/L.T. Sr.] 17. L. T. Vincent, Sr. 22 Jan 1908 18 Feb 1987 “Wed November 28, 1923” 18. Dona Arthur [homemade concrete slab - no dates] 19. Leonard Vincent [Seymour Memorial Fun. Home metal marker - no dates] 20. Pattie Vincent [Seymour Memorial Fun. Home metal marker - no dates] 21. Joseph Carl Arthur 15 Sep 1913 27 Mar 1991 “F2 U.S. Navy - World War II” 22. Joe Morrison 1898 1928 [concrete w/metal plate {McCauley Funeral Home}] ROW 3 1. Maude Elliott 1880 1958 2. W. S. (Willie) Thomas 27 Dec 1866 3 Mar 1936 “Father” 3. Ruth Thomas Akridge 31 Oct 1914 19 Jun 1943 4. Barker [Lunn Funeral Home Metal marker - no dates] 5. Jamie D. Barker 1971 1973 “Our Daughter” “I Pray Thee My Soul to Keep” 6. Barker [Lunn Funeral Home Metal marker] 7. Barker [Lunn Funeral Home Metal marker] 8. Novelle Vincent Barker 1929 1948 [double stone w/James] “Married July 14, 1945” 9. James Alton Barker 1922 1987 footstone: “James A. Barker-WWII- b.1922,d.1987” 10. Barker [Lunn Funeral Home Metal marker] 11. Barker [Lunn Funeral Home Metal Marker] 12. Daisy Cassle 1882 1940 “Wife of J.N. Cassle” 13. J. N. Cassle 9 Oct 1875 28 Nov 1918 [Woodmen of the World Marker] 14. Oma Cassle 1909 1971 [Metal marker moved to foot, says Oma Grace Cassle] 15. John W. Cassle 1904 1978 [Double stone with Oma] 17. Rex Cassle 1910 1919 18. Hollie Joe Loe 1911 1987 “Justice, Truth, Honor, Law” 19. William M. Braxton 8 Jun 1900 18 Nov 1949 “Daddy” “In Loving Memory” ROW 4 1. Albert L. Taylor 25 Aug 1882 19 Apr 1909 2. Alice E. Taylor 6 Oct 1853 3 Jan 1918 3. Rev. Thomas A. Taylor 28 Mar 1849 3 Jan 1909 4. Taylor [Seymour Memorial Fun. Home Metal marker] 5. Taylor [Seymour Memorial Fun. Home Metal marker] 6. Henry Dawson Crabb 10 Jul 1913 12 Feb 1922 7. Herbert Leslie Crabb 13 Feb 1905 31 May 1915 8. George Crabb 15 Apr 1910 17 Apr 1910 9. Eugene Walla 1917 1918 “Grandson of Simon & Marie Bartos” NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 4 (cont:) 10. Anna V. Malinova 26Rozena1881 28Ledna1913 “Zde Odpociva Va Panu Odpociveu Ve Pokoju” [fenced] 11. Annie Richeson Johnson 28 May 1864 17 Mar 1940 12. Martha A. James 2 Feb 1833 19 Mar 1917 13. Minnie Richeson 23 Dec 1887 19 Nov 1916 “Weep Not, Dear Children, Mother is at Rest” 14. Thomas Richeson 7 Dec 1886 19 May 1919 [Woodmen of the World Marker] 15. John Roy Richeson 6 May 1892 22 Jan 1979 [double stone w/Ella] footstone: “US Army, World War I, PFC” 16. Ella Richeson 6 Sep 1901 16 Aug 1986 “Married April 29, 1924” 17. Jim B. Richeson 16 Mar 1915 29 Nov 1981 [his footstone is his 35 yr. service award from Exxon Corp.] 18. Mildred M. Richeson 22 Dec 1914 23 May 1988 [double stone w/ Jim] “Married September 18, 1937” 19. S. W. Edwards 16 Nov 1852 8 Apr 1915 “Asleep in Jesus” 20. B. F. McHenry 9 Jun 1880 29 Mar 1936 ROW 5 1. Mollie E. Thurman 26 Nov 1874 10 Jan 1909 2. Henry B. Thurman 12 Sep 1869 21 Sep 1966 3. Jessie L. Brown 14 Nov 1892 29 Jun 1984 [double stone w/Lewis] 4. Lewis H. Brown 15 Jun 1887 18 May 1968 5. Martha C. Crabb 1875 1938 6. James M. Crabb 1875 1962 7. Mollie Crabb 20 Oct 1854 18 Apr 1918 [wife of J.C. Crabb] 8. Jeremiah Thomas Crabb 1844 1936 9. Jeremiah T. Crabb 17 Dec 1895 2 Mar 1967 “Pvt Co. C - 85th Infantry - World War I” 10. Mary Alice Thomas 16 Nov 1897 16 Mar 1981 [double stone w/Henry] 11. Henry Fred Thomas 22 Aug 1891 19 Dec 1984 “Married August 22, 1915” 12. Alice Malinda Tucker 21 Oct 1901 4 May 1983 13. Thomas Milton Tucker 5 Sep 1890 1 Jan 1973 footstone: “Pvt. Co. A -144th Inf. - World War I” 14. Mozelle Caldwell 21 Jun 1917 20 May 1972 15. Georgia Caldwell 16 Aug 1885 4 Jul 1969 16. W. R. Caldwell 1 Nov 1876 8 Jan 1958 17. Victor R. Caldwell 5 Aug 1910 22 Mar 1930 “Safe In the Arms of Jesus” 18. Susie Louise Shaw 1919 1935 19. Mrs. W. S. Shaw 1879 1942 20. W. S. Shaw 21 Aug 1874 22 Jun 1919 “Asleep in Jesus” [Woodmen of the World marker] 21. Mary Sue Arnold 5 Jan 1927 19 Jan 1927 22. Mary Ella Mayo 18 Jul 1889 4 Jul 1971 [footstone “MAYO” 23. Sam M. Mayo 15 Sep 1893 9 Sep 1963 both plots] ROW 6 1. B. Ballow 25 Oct 1855 30 Jan 1913 “Thy Will Be Done, Not Mine” 2. Nettie Ballow 26 Sep 1867 18 Mar 1917 3. Mary Louise Sherrell 1920 1987 [double stone w/Arvil] 4. Arvil Dale Sherrell 1917 1990 “In Loving Memory” 5. Addie May Wilson 22 Mar 1907 28 Aug 1922 “In Thee Oh Lord, Have I Put My Trust” NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 6 (cont:) 6. J. Edwin Flynt 1881 1942 7. Samuel H. Flynt 1885 1941 8. Thomas H. Goostree 1879 1940 [double stone w/Anna] 9. Anna E. Goostree 1889 1940 10. Boone Clarke Parks 1894 1918 11. Florence D. Goostree 1881 1916 “And Infant” 12. Alice Susan Holland 7 Aug 1898 19 Oct 1983 13. Osee Holland 21 Nov 1893 1 May 1980 [Military marker: Pvt - US Army - WWI] 14. Thelma Mae Holland 14 Feb 1920 21 Mar 1920 “Darling, We Miss Thee” 15. Susan Margaret Truman 1857 1938 16. William Thomas Truman 1847 1930 [oral history says this is a relative of Harry S. Truman] 17. Unknown [Small granite slab] 18. Ben L. Walters 1860 1956 [funeral home marker] 19. Mrs. I. N. Adams 6 Sep 1854 16 Jul 1936 “Gone But Not Forgotten” 20. I. N. Adams 20 Mar 1852 8 Feb 1919 “Asleep In Jesus” 21. Frank Adams 1 Dec 1888 19 Mar 1949 22. Allene Adams McKinney 11 Apr 1919 10 Mar 1991 ROW 7 1. Saddie Butler 26 Nov 1896 [double stone w/Roy] 2. Roy D. Butler 3 Jan 1898 22 Sep 1976 “Married September 9, 1917” 3. Joan E. Butler 26 Aug 1945 26 Aug 1945 [daughter of James & Joyce] 4. Kathleen Butler 30 Oct 1943 29 Jan 1997 5. David Leon Bibb 16 Aug 1941 29 Mar 1942 [picture on stone] 5. _____ Linebarger [Seymour Memorial Funeral Home marker- no dates] 6. Mary C. Linebarger 28 Nov 1883 12 Dec 1962 [double stone w/Paul] 7. Paul D. Linebarger 11 Apr 1870 20 Jun 1931 8. James C. Nance 4 Sep 1881 8 Jul 1924 “Our Darling One Hath Gone Before, To Greet Us On the Blissful Shore” 9. Mary Isabel Thomas 27 Mar 1857 29 May 1941 “Mother” 10. T. S. Thomas 12 Jul 1852 11 Jan 1931 “Father” 11. Nancy A. Price 4 May 1853 14 Nov 1951 [double stone w/James][ footstone: “Mother”] 12. James Price 20 Oct 1854 2 Aug 1937 [footstone: “Father”] 13. Lelah M. Price 22 Oct 1896 7 Feb 1920 “Wife of W.V. Price” “Gone But Not Forgotten” 14. Blanche Gaines 1890 1975 “Mother” [footstone: “Mother”] 15. Ella Carroll 19 Jul 1863 13 Apr 1930 16. Morris P. Gaines 1911 1986 ROW 8 1. Bob T. Tipton 3 Mar 1910 15 Sep 1910 2. Joe W. Tipton 3 Sep 1901 9 Sep 1911 3. Wiley B. Tipton, Jr. 2 Apr 1914 9 Mar 1915 4. Jacqueline Mayo March 17, 1926 [only one date recorded, obviously b. & d. same day] 5. Dallas Tipton Mayo 15 Oct 1905 16 Apr 1926 NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 8 (cont:) 6. Bettie L. Garner 28 Feb 1928 31 Mar 1928 7. Unknown [stone marker - no inscription] 8. Wanda Ruth Garner March 25, 1931 [only one date recorded] 9. Unknown [stone marker - no inscription 10. Unknown [stone marker - no inscription] 11. Susan J. Henderson 1865 1924 [double marker w/E.W.]”Gone But Not Forgotten” 12. E. W. Henderson 1852 19__ [year of death not complete] “HENDERSON” on back 13. Roberta Akridge 15 Nov 1924 4 Jun 1927 “Your Loving Mother, Daddy, Sisters and Brothers” 14. Unknown [stone marker - no inscription] 15. E. H. Akridge 1 Sep 1866 11 Oct 1930 16. Narcissus Akridge 1 Jan 1877 24 Dec 1962 17. Infant of J.O. & Dot Warren 1922 [only this date inscribed] ROW 9 1. Mary Eliza Williams 27 Jan 1853 29 Nov 1921 [double stone w/Davis] 2. Davis Hiram Williams 25 Jul 1854 28 Feb 1924 “In After-Time, We’ll Meet Them” 3. Ina L. McGlothlin 27 Dec 1884 18 Jan 1923 [new marker-old small one moved to foot] 4. C. W. McGlothlin 1910 1928 5. Baby Boy Brown 1927 1927 6. John Edwin Brown ____ 2 May 1934 “Louisiana, Pvt. 84th Infantry, 17 Div.””Our Fondest Hopes Lie Buried Here” [no date of birth inscribed] 7. Balden Chambless 7 Apr 1907 3 Sep 1932 “The Smiles That You Gave Us Linger Fresh in our Memories” 8. Faye Bartos 25 Nov 1902 18 Jul 1985 [double stone w/Milton][Archer Funeral Home]”Like 9. Milton Bartos 7 June 1911 One Who Wraps the Drapery of His Couch About Him, and Lies Down to Pleasant Dreams” Thanatopsis - William Cullen Bryant 10. Unknown [marble stone base - 3”x6”] 11. Unknown [brick marked DA] 12. Unknown [brick marked CA] 13. Unknown [brick marked MT] 14. V. L. Thomas 23 Jul 1924 19 Nov 1981 Concrete slab over grave inscribed”Billy, David (sons); Diane, Beth (daughters); Mark Holly, Bryan, Kimberly (grandchildren) - May 16, 1988” 15. Verbie O. Thomas 1890 1976 16. W. Curtis Thomas 1893 1952 17. E. Simmons Thomas 1916 1933 18. Hattie Lou Thomas 1887 1979 [double stone w/Herschel] 19. J. Herschel Thomas 1885 1971 “Married December 29, 1907” 20. Infant of J.H. & Hattie 1919 [only this date inscribed] 21. Soloman H. Swindell 24 Sep 1889 30 May 1933 “The Path of Life is Not Divided, They Meet” 22. Olive S. Swindell 17 Mar 1894 10 May 1980 23. James E. Swindell 31 Oct 1893 4 Feb 1959 NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 10 1. Isaac Heartsill 21 Nov 1868 1 Jan 1925 2. Avie Heartsill 15 Oct 1870 11 Feb 1952 3. Ollie Heartsill 29 May 1892 25 Mar 1963 4. Otis R. Rushing 22 Feb 1912 10 Feb 1979 [double stone w/Johnie - picture on stone] 5. Johnie L. Rushing 30 Dec 1914 “In God’s Care” 6. Ada Charlotte Bohanon 17 Jan 1897 12 Oct 1967 “Mother” “Gone But Not Forgotten””Asleep in Jesus Til We Meet Again” 7. Amos Bohanon 26 Sep 1919 3 Mar 1924 [double stone w/Clifford Joe] 8. Clifford Joe Bohanon 11 Dec 1926 11 Dec 1926 [double stone w/Amos] 9. Jesse R. Swindell 5 Aug 1921 29 Oct 1974 ROW 11 1. Joline Dodd 14 Jul 1933 7 Mar 1943 2. Vernon Leo Dodd 22 May 1923 16 May 1933 3. Bobbie L. Snyder 9 Apr 1909 19 Apr 1909 4. Alma Snyder 6 Oct 1880 25 Nov 1969 5. John Snyder 5 May 1874 31 Jan 1930 6. John W. Snyder (PFC) 23 Jul 1914 25 Dec 1966 Military marker: “Tex - 240 Gen. Hosp. WWII” 7. Vera O. Snyder 7 Aug 1903 10 Feb 1995 [double stone w/Charlie] 8. Charlie D. Snyder 29 Sep 1901 15 Nov 1976 “Married May 20, 1922” [New curbing around plot between these graves - no burials yet] 9. Mary C. Reed 1899 1981 10. John L. Reed 1893 1968 11. Royce Joe Reed 8 Apr 1940 26 Jul 1940 12. Mary Catherine Reed Wilson 28 Oct 1920 [double stone w/ John] “Married April 4, 1939””Love is Eternal” 13. John Debs Wilson 11 Apr 1914 “Parents of David John and Deborah Ann” 14. Jewel E. Thomas 10 May 1919 [double stone w/P. Bruce] 15. Pascal Bruce Thomas 7 Feb 1912 29 Aug 1992 “Parents of Charles Dale” 16. Alfred W. Arthur 29 Dec 1895 3 Dec 1966 17. Vernay Lynn Arthur 1926 1926 18. Floy N. Arthur 7 May 1902 15 Oct 1977 19. Martha Karr 27 Mar 1840 13 Jan 1919 ROW 12 1. C. T. Field 23 Dec 1884 1 Oct 1917 “Our Darling One Has Gone Before, To Greet Us On The Blissful Shore” 2. Maggie Field 2 Mar 1858 30 May 1913 [Woodmen Circle Memorial]”Thou Art Gone, Our Precious Mother. Never More Can’st Thou Return. Thou Shalt Sleep a Peaceful Slumber, Til the Resurrection Morn” 3. Charlie L. Field 6 Aug 1878 8 Apr 1910 “A Light From our Household is Gone, A Voice We Loved is Still, A Place is Vacant in our Heart, That Never Can Be Filled” “Husband of Ethel Field” 4. Wayne F. Ramey 11 Oct 1910 6 Mar 1911 “A Little Bud For Earth Too Fair, Has Gone to Heaven to Blossom There” “Son of W.E. and E. Ramey” END OF SECTION B SECTION C No Rows 1 or 2 12 NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 3 1. Angelina Braxton 12 May 1896 9 Dec 1950 “Mother” “In Loving Memory” 2. Marie Anne Holacka 2 Aug 1893 23 Jun 1961 3. Stephan John Pribyla 25 Oct 1901 22 Dec 1969 [KJT marker] 4. Albina L. Pribyla 14 Sep 1904 13 Oct 1984 [KJZT marker] 5. Anna S. Pribyla 28 Mar 1894 6 Jun 1981 6. Raymond M. Pribyla 31 Aug 1891 29 Sep 1977 ROW 5 1. Henrietta Motl 26 Aug 1917 [double stone w/Jerome] 2. Jerome Motl 10 Oct 1914 “Children: Jerrie Ann, Larry, Patsy, Sally” ROW 6 1. Janie Simek Cepica 24 May 1914 [double stone w/William] 2. William J. Cepica 9 May 1909 1 Jun 1998 “November 23, 1938” 3. Alma C. Simek 25 Feb 1923 [double stone w/Joseph] “In God’s Care” 4. Joseph L. Simek 25 Aug 1917 28 Apr 1984 [footstone: Sgt. US Army W.W. II] 5. Amelia M. Macha 12 Aug 1910 17 Apr 1982 [double stone w/Jerome] 6. Jerome G. Macha 31 Mar 1898 13 Apr 1979 “Married August 18, 1931” 7. Albina Motl 1903 1975 [double stone w/Emil] 8. Emil Motl 1900 1988 ROW 7 1. Teresa Jane Kolacek 1 Jul 1970 19 Nov 1970 2. Josephine A. Peters 8 Oct 1909 3. Albert F. Peters 1 Apr 1908 21 Aug 1969 4. Bessie L. Kolacek 29 Dec 1905 2 Feb 1977 5. Steve J. Kolacek 9 Aug 1905 29 Jan 1962 ROW 8 1. Olga Hostas 29 Dec 1901 2. Ignac Hostas 31 May 1903 17 May 1989 3. Bessie O. Vacek 24 Sep 1908 14 May 1959 4. Willie J. Vacek 7 Jul 1904 7 Aug 1967 5. Mary K. Simek 14 Mar 1877 3 Jun 1957 6. John J. Simek 15 Nov 1872 4 Feb 1961 7. Amalie M. Motl 1878 1944 8. Joseph P. Motl 1877 1964 NAME DOB DOD REMARKS 13 ROW 9 1. Joe Hostas 10 Apr 1905 11 Jul 1960 2. Josephine Hostas 27 Mar 1869 16 Feb 1955 [double stone w/Inoceny] “Mother” 3. Inoceny Hostas 17 Dec 1865 5 May 1945 “Father” 4. Ludmila Vita 1882 1972 [double stone w/Joe] 5. Joe J. Vita 1872 1944 6. Vlasta Idaline Simek 30 Nov 1900 11 Nov 1943 [pictures of her & Charlie on her stone] “We Have a Home For You in Heaven Dear Children, Pray For Us” 7. Charlie Victor Simek 27 Oct 1896 11 Nov 1943 “Do Not Grieve For Mother and Me, We Are Waiting In Heaven for Thee” “Texas - Pvt. 165 Depot Brigade” 8. Katerina Krahula 21 Oct 1892 25 May 1963 [double stone w/Frank] “Mother” 9. Frank M. Krahula 1 Oct 1885 29 Nov 1961 “Father” ROW 10 1. Lillie Ptacek 17 Sep1921 [double stone w/Otto] 2. Otto Ptacek 19 Feb 1916 9 Feb 1990 “Married October 25, 1938” 3. Thersia Havran 28 Sep 1873 20 May 1947 [double stone w/Frank] 4. Frank Havran 1 Feb 1876 13 Jul 1943 5. Evelyn H. Stengel 23 Aug 1922 [double stone w/Gerald]“Wed June 25, 1946” 6. Gerald C. Stengel 16 Dec 1920 6 Dec 1981 “SSgt. US Army, World War II” “Our Children: Sidney V, Randal L, Dennis A, Karen A, Jerry W, Patricia M.” 7. Marie Regoni 15 Feb 1866 _______ [no death date] “Odpocivejte v. Pokoji” 8. Dominik Regoni 12 Dec 1860 26 May 1943 9. Hermina (Hattie) Pavlicek 16 Jul 1899 10. Bedrich W. Pavlicek 19 May 1898 9 Jan 1982 ROW 11 1. Emily J. Cernoch 31 Aug 1889 16 Jan 1948 2. Anna Cernoch 1873 1946 [double stone w/F.K.] 3. F. K. Cernoch 1869 1949 “Odpocinte Vpokoji” “Po Boji” 4. Joe H. Orsak 7 Oct 1900 2 Dec 1940 5. Ludmila Orsak 1892 1986 [double stone w/Peter] 6. Peter Orsak 1870 1937 “Odpocivejte V. Pokoji” 7. Frantisek S. Simek 7 Kvetna 1911 22 Ledna 1937 “Odpocivej V. Pokoji” 8. Mary Marak Macha 26 Apr 1896 28 Nov 1992 “Rest In Peace” 9. Louis J. Macha 11 Apr 1887 24 Feb 1928 “Gone But Not Forgotten” NAME DOB DOD REMARKS 14 ROW 12 1. Elizabeth Baca 6 Nov 1879 9 Jan 1960 2. Joseph Baca 6 Dec 1874 21 Feb 1947 3. Vladimer Baca 29 Jan 1906 23 Feb 1934 “Born in McLennan County Texas” “Weep Not Papa and Mama for me, for I am waiting in Glory for thee” 4. Ana E. Morris 1891 1931 [double stone w/Johan] 5. Johan S. Morris 1883 1939 6. Andela Pribyla *18 Srpen 1868 25 Apr 1956 [*18 Aug 1868] 7. Jan Pribyla *27 Ledna 1858 23 Ledna 1931 [*27 Jan 1858/23 Jan 1931] 8. Rosa Orsakova 1861 1953 [double stone w/Josef] 9. Josef Orsak 1864 1926 10. Marie Marakova 27 Zari 1857 4 Dub 1936 11. Matej Marak 24 Nar 1851 15 ___ 1925 ROW 13 1. Vincent S. Gerik 22 May 1863 16 Jun 1939 2. Tarezia Gerik 22 Sep 1887 6 Oct 1935 3. Veronika Gerik ____ 27 Jul 1921 “Age 44 Years” “Rest In Peace” 4. Marie Z. Sykorova *Nar 1898 *Zem 1917 *[born 1898 - died 1917] ROW 14 1. Joseph Zbavitel 1871 1916 2. Edith [No other name or dates] “Born in Bomarton, Texas on the 11thHour (P.M.) on the 11th day in the 11th month of 1912.” 3. Jaroslava Dibala *27 Dub 1882 16 Cervce 1914 [*27 Apr 1882-16 Jul? 1914] 4. Unknown [metal marker - no name] 5. Unknown [metal marker - no name] 6. Barbara Farek *2 Pros 1873 22 Zari 1908 [*2 Dec 1873-22 Sep 1908] 7. Rosalie Farek *4 Zari 1828 23 Ledna 1908 [*4 Sep 1828-23 Jan 1908] 8. Ciril Janik *5 Cerv 1838 9 Kvetna 1908 [*5 Jun/Jul 1838-9 May 1908] END OF SECTION C SECTION D: NO ROWS 1-3 15 NAME DOB DOD REMARKS ROW 4 1. Steven Michael Motl 4 Oct 1959 23 Apr 1994 “Son of Melvin & Shirlee Orsak Motl” 2. Gertrude H. (Weitz) Holub 28 Aug 1929 [double stone w/Edwin] 3. Edwin Ervine Holub 4 May 1933 “Married April 28, 1958” 4. Angelina A. Psencik 30 May 1907 24 May 1992 [double stone w/Robert] 5. Robert F. Psencik 30 May 1901 25 Jan 1988 ROW 5 1. Catherine Berry Vita 23 Dec 1924 [double stone w/Ernest] 2. Ernest F. Vita, Sr. 2 Apr 1920 “VITA” “6 October 1947” 3. Anna J. Maloy 14 Apr 1906 21 Sept 1996 4. Rayburn S. Maloy 17 May 1904 29 Oct 1987 5. Mary Simek Motl 10 Mar 1905 10 Jun 1995 [double stone w/Alfred] 6. Alfred A. Motl 28 Mar 1903 31 Oct 1992 “Married February 22, 1927” 7. Margaret Holub 24 Feb 1926 [double stone w/George] 8. George E. Holub 10 Aug 1924 11 Sep 1995 9. Edna Holub 22 Mar 1911 10. Julius Holub 27 Mar 1905 12 Oct 1987 ROW 6 1. Luy John Krahula 25 Aug 1923 3 Dec 1973 Military marker: “Sgt. US Army” 2. Albina Ann Motl 1910 1965 [double stone w/ Robert] 3. Robert P. Motl 1908 1992 “Married November 24, 1931” 4. Pauline Holub 30 Aug 1909 [double stone w/ George] “Mother” 5. George Holub 9 Jan 1904 14 Apr 1967 “Father” 6. Mary M. Holub 14 Nov. 1893 12 Feb 1980 [double stone w/Edward] 7. Edward E. Holub 6 Aug 1896 9 Aug 1977 Military footstone: “Pvt. US Army WW I” 8. Claudia R. Holub 22 Mar 1911 [double stone w/ Emil] 9. Emil W. Holub 22 Jan 1901 7 Jun 1985 ROW 8 1. Julius J. Marak 8 Oct 1915 9 Mar 1944 “TX- PFC 145 Inf., 37th Div., W.W.II” 2. Mary K. Marak 1891 1977 3. Emil F. Marak 1884 1961 4. Helen V. Marak 1 Aug 1933 22 May 1994 5. Sophia Kohut 6 Aug 1897 31 Dec 1963 6. Anton Kohut 4 May 1894 _____ [no death date inscribed] 7. Josephine Holub 1878 1965 8. Anton Holub 1873 1971 9. Tersie Kovar 1888 1974 10. Frank Kovar 1883 1968 NAME DOB DOD REMARKS 16 ROW 9 1. Randall George Marak 19 Dec 1953 8 Jul 1959 “Our Angel” 2. Alice H. Kuhler 29 Aug 1912 [double stone w/ Julius] 3. Julius J. Kuhler 20 Jul 1915 19 Jul 1963 “Married February 8, 1938” 4. Melba M. Pribyla 1924 1996 [double stone w/Henry][6-28-24/9-14-96] 5. Henry J. Pribyla 1925 1982 [military footstone: ”PFC US Army WW II”] ROW 10 1. Johana Macha 1870 1947 “Zde Odpocivaji Bohu” 2. Joseph Macha 1861 1939 3. Celestina Pribyla 9 Jul 1893 9 Jul 1982 [double stonew/Frank] 4. Frank J. Pribyla 30 Aug 1888 18 Oct 1946 5. Pat J. Pavlicek 1913 1962 6. Jerome Pavlicek 1903 1997 7. Frank Henry Sosolik, Jr. 21 Apr 1910 3 Sep 1965 8. Adolph George Sosolik 22 Feb 1918 25 Sep 1965 9. August Peters, Jr. 19 Jan 1916 7 Oct 1973 [double stone w/Mary] 10. Mary V. Peters 30 Nov 1920 ROW 11 1. Emilia Pavlicek 1883 1974 2. Adolph Pavlicek 1874 1968 3. Marie J. Sosolik 28 Sep 1882 22 Nov 1956 4. Frank J. Sosolik 8 Apr 1876 4 Jan 1964 5. Rudolf Sosolik 17 Apr 1887 2 Dec 1962 6. Agnes Kovar 1916 7. Albin A. Kovar 1 Jul 1915 11 Nov 1963 ROW 12 1. Mary Pavlicek 24 Mar 1880 25 Aug 1962 2. Wesley Pavlicek 28 Sep 1918 27 Apr 1923 3. Louis Pavlicek 29 Mar 1872 17 Dec 1958 4. Irene Mary Francis 1914 1995 [Archer Funeral Home metal marker] 5. Edwin Marak 12 Apr 1921 11 Aug 1924 6. Baby Pribyla 23 Jun 1933 23 Jun 1933 7. Helen J. Pribyla 15 Mar 1931 17 May 1937 ROW 14 1. Hermina Ludmila Cocek 19 Jan 1908 16 Apr 1908 2. Albert Stavinoha *25 Brez 1895 15 Rijna 1908 [*25 Mar 1895-15 Oct 1908] 3. Julie Ermis *24 Brezna1877 7 Cerv 1909 [*24 Mar 1877-7Jun/Jul 1909] 4. Milie Ermis *19 Kvelna1909 15 Cerv 1909 [*19 May 1909-15 Jun/Jul 1909] END OF SECTION D SECTION E ( BABYLAND) 17 ROW 1 1. Arnold Gene Holub* 21 Aug 1942 26 Dec 1943 “A Little Time On Earth He Spent, Til God for Him His Angels Sent” 2. Paul Allen Holub* 24 May 1992 24 May 1992 “Infant Son of Stephen and Cheryl” “Paul, You Will Always Be Loved Forever in Our Hearts” 3. David E. Kovar 1938 1938 4. Ray Gene Marak 7 Jan 1938 16 Jan 1938 “Our Darling” 5. Baby Girl Kovar 1945 1945 6. Alton Keith Kovar 5 Mar 1952 22 Jul 1952 ROW 2 1. Stanley Joe Ondricek 12 Dec 1932 13 Dec 1932 2. Albin Holub 8 Sept 1930 16 Jan 1931 3. Raymond Holub June 8, 1935 [only one date inscribed] 4. Mary Catherine Krahula 23 Jan 1925 17 Jun 1927 “Little Angel” ROW 3 1. George H. Vita 28 May 1925 2 Jun 1925 “Angel in Heaven” 2. Holub Infant 1921 1921 “Infant Son of Edward and Mary Holub” 3. Unmarked [Marble square with cross inscribed - no name] 4. Mathias Charles Krahula 4 Nov 1917 21 Nov 1917 “Little Angel” 5. Joe J. Vita 9 Jan 1916 10 Jun 1917 Angel in Heaven” ROW 4 1. Emil Marak 16 Aug 1911 8 Sep 1911 “At Rest in Heaven” 2. Pavlicek 1918 [no other names or dates inscribed] 3. Jaroslav Baca 4 Nov 1912 13 Feb 1914 “Son of Mr & Mrs Joe Baca” “Gone to Be An Angel” [This Row has 5 marble square markers, 6”x8”, inscribed with a cross on each one - no names] **Both Holub infants are buried in the same plot; two separate markers on it. END OF SECTION E 7a *BURIALS SINCE SURVEY WAS DONE: BOMARTON PROTESTANT CEMETERY: NAME DOB DOD REMARKS Kathleen Dale Sherrell Butler 30 Oct 1943 29 Jan 1997 Margaret Griggs Latham 23 Nov 1928 26 Jun 1999 Nettie Wilson Lewis 30 Sep 1906 12 Nov 1997 W. T. ÒBullÓ McMorris 31 Mar 1923 8 Feb 1999 Anita Irene Rainwater Newton 7 Oct 1944 27 Dec 1997 Harvey Loyd Rainwater 24 Aug 1929 11 Jul 1998 Melvin Charles Wicker 16 Apr 1919 9 Nov 1996 ST. JOSEPHS CATHOLIC CEMETERY: William J. Cepica 9 May 1909 1 Jun 1998 Claudia R. Kovar Holub 22 Mar 1911 11 Mar 1997 Dominick John Krahula 4 Sept 1932 27 Jul 1999 Anna Vita Maloy 14 Apr 1906 21 Sep 1996 August Eugene Peters 22 Aug 1944 23 Dec 1998 Melba Burnett Pribyla 28 Jun 1924 14 Sep 1996 Jerome Pavlicek 25 Aug 1923 9 Sep 1997 *This is probably in incomplete list; it was taken from obituaries of known burials. In some instances, where a stone was already erected, the information is also shown at that place in the listing.