Probate Record for J. A. Harrell Dated: January 1927 Submitted by: Marshaleigh Bahan *************************************************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. *************************************************************************************************** No. 2090 Estate of J. A. Harrell, deceased – In County Court of Bell County, Texas In Re Term of said court 1927. To Hon O.P. Carpenter, Judge of said court. Now comes W. P. Denman administrator of said estate with the will annexed and presents his final account with said estate as follows to-wit. Since he has qualified, the following property has come into his hands: 1..Real Estate Lot No 2 Block No 1 Wilkinson Addition to Holland Bell County Texas 2. Personal estate – Proceeds of Insurance property sum of $1059.45 cash 3. 1 Cow 4. 1 Ford Automobile 5. Household and kitchen furniture (In explanation of above, the cow – automobile and household and kitchen furniture has never been in the actual possession of administrator) 6. The lot described above was sold by due order of this court and I received sum of $101.00 cash for same. 7. The court duly ordered as an allowance to widow of decd. And in lieu of homestead said cow – said automobile and household and kitchen furniture and the sum of $640.00 in money all of which order your administrator has carried out paying to W. W. Hair, attorney for Mrs. J. A. Harrell out of said $640.00 the sum of $75.00 8. That he has paid the following debts of said estate after being ordered so to do by this cout to-wit a. _______Mercantile Co. sum of $148.15 b. To _____Drug Co. sum of 24.55 c. Dr. B. H. Hamblen, last sickness bill 40.00 d. Court costs in this case to Co. Clerk 38.10 e. Court costs Belton Journal printing notices 5. 35 f. Appraisers fees 9.00 g. Mrs. J.A. Harrell ($75.00 of which to W.W. Hair 640.00 h. Court costs to County Clerk 22.35 i. I have retained commission on monies pd out and on monies collected _______ Total pd out $1043.50 Cash on hand 116.00 That the debts and expenses owing by said estate are as follows: Open Acct. of ________Mercantile Co. of $ 42.95 dated Jan 1925 and due January 1925 One promissory note sum of 50.00 dated March 13th 1924, due Sept 1st 1924. principal and interest abt 60.00 due to R. B. Harrell dated 11-3-1923 due 9-15-1924 One note payable to Frank Harrell dated Aug 12th 1921, due July 1, 1922 sum of $100.00 principal and amount ____ about 185.00 One promissory note payable to First State Bank of Holland sum of 220.00 dated Nov 13th 1924 due Nov 13th 1925. Principal & Int. now due ab 240.00 One note de same bank sum of 108.00 dated January 16th 1925, due Oct 1st 1925, principal & interest now about 120.00 That there are taxes due State and County 21.50 That there are taxes due City of Holland 4.30 I herewith present proper vouchers for each item in said account and ask the account and vouchers be filed with the Clerk of this Court and said report be recorded. Wherefore your petitioner prays that due notice and citation of the filing hereof be made as the law requires and that an order be made approving this report and authorizing him to pay the court costs accrued and to accrue and to pay the attorney W.W. Hair the sum of $35.00 for his services and the balance to apply in taxes unpaid and that upon his complying with such order that he and his bondsmen be discharged from any further liability herein and that this estate be declared closed. W. W. Hair, Atty for Petitioner W. P. Denman Administrator of estate of J. A. Harrell Subscribed to and sworn to by W. P. Denman on this the day January 1927 Albert McKay, Jr. Notary Public Bell County, Texas