Probate Record for J. A. Harrell Dated: June 1926 Submitted by: Marshaleigh Bahan *************************************************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. *************************************************************************************************** In Re Estate of J.A.Harrell, deceased In County Court of Bell County, Texas June Term 1926 Statement of the charger and claims against the estate of J.A.Harrell deceased in above cause heretofore allowed and rejected with the expense of Administrative and of the property belonging to said estate liable for the payment of debts thereof. 1st I have received the sum of $1059.45, cash from insurance policy and have paid out all but $54.30, under orders of this court as follows. Court costs in this case $ 38.10 Belton Journal printing notices 5.35 Appraiser 9.00 W. W. Hair, Atty fee 75.00 Mrs.J.A.Harrell 565.00 Mercantile Co., funeral expenses 148.15 Drug Co. 24.53 Dr. Humble 40.00 to ad. 100.00 Total $1,005.15 That in addition to the above claims all of which were allowed approved and ordered paid. The following claims have been allowed and are wholly unpaid towit. Open account Mercantile Co. for $42.95, dated Jan 1925 due Jan 1925 Owe Promissory note sun of $50.00, dated March 13,1924, due Sept 1, 1924 Principal and interest $58.60, due W.W.Harrell One note pr sum of $25.00, payable to R.B. Harrell, dated 11-3-1923, due 9-15-1924, principal & interest due $31.00. One note payable to Frank Harrell dated Aug 12, 1921 due Jan 1 1922 of $100.00, principal and interest de $170.00. One promissory note payable to First State Bank of Holland amt of $220.00, dated Nov 13th 1924, due Nov 13th 1925, principal and interest due $230.50. One note due same bank sum of $108.00, dated Janary 16, 1925, due Oct 1, 1925, principle & Int due $114.75.