Bell Co., TX - Military: Confederate Pension Applications ********************************************************* Contributed by Veda Mendosa Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************* Confederate Pension Applications. On file at the Texas State Library and Archives at Austin, Travis Co., TX September 06, 2002 Eight Hundred forty-five (845) applications were found for Bell County. The index to the confederate pension applications at list the claimant name, application number, county, husband's name for widow pension applications, and the husbands application number if for a widow pension. ============================================================================================= Husband's App. App. Claimant Name No. County Husband No. ============================================================================================= Adair, James Robert Dillard (Mrs) 33766 Bell Adair, James Robert Dillard Adams, A. (Mrs) 00266 Bell Adams, Benjamin Adams, Josie 49572 Bell Adams, Richard Wesley Adams, Julius J. 47163 Bell Adkins, Judith A. 25543 Bell Adkins, William Anderson * 04389 Albertson, Lorenzo Wood 35050 Bell Albertson, Mary Augusta 38488 Bell Albertson, Lorenzo Wood 35050 Alexander, E. A. (Mrs) 09980 Bell Alexander, John R. 06298 Alexander, John R. 06298 Bell Allen, Amanda 00290 Bell Allen, William Allen, Eunice F. 50658 Bell Allen, Lewis Carlton * 32513 Allen, Laura E. 47005 Bell Allen, Benjamin Franklin Allen, T. J. rej Bell Allison, Mary J. 00271 Bell Allison, Thomas J. Altman, D. H. 05169 Bell Anderson, A. J. 00291 Bell Anderson, Antha (Mrs) 00283 Bell Anderson, Davis Anderson, Fannie E. 45265 Bell Anderson, Leonidas Wren 23222 Anderson, J. C. 07445 Bell Anderson, James 47985 Bell Anderson, Leonadus Wren 23222 Bell Anderson, Michael H. 12263 Bell Anderson, Rebecca V. 38428 Bell Anderson, Michael H. 12263 Andress, H. M. 00276 Bell Arbuckle, James K. Polk 29303 Bell Arbuckle, Lucy 32235 Bell Arbuckle, James K. Polk 29303 Arnold, Ann P. 00398 Bell Arnold, M. D. Ashcraft, Sallie Ray 42712 Bell Ashcraft, William James 27766 Ashcraft, William James 27766 Bell Atwood, Mary 00274 Bell Atwood, Thomas Baird, William Cleveland 27749 Bell Baker, Annie Thomas 45120 Bell Baker, Joseph N. Baker, Lou (Mrs) 00319 Bell Baker, John A. Baker, N. A. (Mrs) 05173 Bell Baker, W. W. Ballard, Nannie Carolina rej Bell Ballard, Leonard Barnes, James L. 14119 Bell Barrett, D. E. 11183 Bell Barrington, Manly 00246 Bell Bartles, M. A. (Mrs) 10591 Bell Bartles, S. M. (barttles) 00273 Bartlett, Mary Ann 47943 Bell Bartlett, John Thomas Barttles (Bartles), S. M. 00273 Bell Batson, R. G. 31422 Bell Bauguss, John Warren 17316 Bell Bauguss, Mary Angie Cameron 51767 Bell Bauguss, John Warren 17316 Beck, Hulda 25971 Bell Beck Vivian Jonathan 00297 Beck, Vivian Jonathan 00297 Bell Bell, Elizabeth A. 14687 Bell Bell, James Knox 13214 Bell, James Knox 13214 Bell Bell, Sarah Ann 35072 Bell Bell, Alexander Berry, Elizabeth 32147 Bell Berry, Thomas Rountree Berry, James H. 42043 Bell Berry, James H. (Mrs) 51514 Bell Berry, James H. 42043 Bigham, John S. 43093 Bell Bighorn, R. J. (Mrs) 06296 Bell Bighorn, M. s. Bingham, L. A. (Mrs) 00307 Bell Bingham, James Bishop, Rachel Lee 49683 Bell Bishop, Jacob Blackburn, John G. 19767 Bell Blackburn, S. A. R. (Mrs) 13702 Bell Blackburn, W. L. H. Blair, Emily E. 14661 Bell Blair, J. D. 00296 Bell Blair, J. J. rej Bell Blake, Asa 00317 Bell Blake, M. J. (Mrs) 08839 Bell Blake, Asa 00317 Blankenship, Francis Marion 14118 Bell Blaylock, Richard Avery 25491 Bell Blaylock, Richard Avery (Mrs) 48056 Bell Blaylock, Richard Avery 25491 Blount, Alfred John 20652 Bell Bonner, John Calvin 07442 Bell Booth, Eliza A. 19442 Bell Booth, Joseph A. Boothe, James S. F. 08842 Bell Bowen, Emaline Mary rej Bell Bowen, James Tinsley 20891 Bowen, James Tinsley 20891 Bell Box, Bell P. 18828 Bell Box, Francis Soloman Boyd, Eva 45219 Bell Boyd, William Daniel Boyd, Felix Young (Mrs) 43383 Bell Boyd, Felix Young Boyd, James 26166 Bell Boyd, Martha E. 43344 Bell Boyd, Isaac Boyd, William 14577 Bell Boyd, Willis Woodward 08932 Bell Boyd, Willis Woodward (Mrs) 34456 Bell Boyd, Willis Woodward 08932 Bradford, Emma 49139 Bell Bradford, James Madison * 31668 Bradford, H. E. 14507 Bell Brewster, Blake 00284 Bell Brice, Mary A. 36567 Bell Brice, Charles L. Bridges, Penelope Ake 00311 Bell Bridges, B. F. Bridges, Thomas H. 29448 Bell Brock, Eli 25805 Bell Brock, Martha 40507 Bell Brock, Eli 25805 Brown, Benjamin Franklin rej Bell Brown, G. T. 08616 Bell Brown, H. D. 00309 Bell Brown, John H. 41305 Bell Brown, M. A. (Mrs) 41666 Bell Brown, John H. 41305 Brown, Phoebe Lue 14688 Bell Brown, R. F. 11349 Bell Bunn, William 00292 Bell Burger, Bertha 25261 Bell Burger, Feodor 21384 Burger, Feodor 21384 Bell Burns, B. F. 00243 Bell Burt, Emma Garrett rej Bell Burt, Henry McGuire Burt, Henry M. rej Bell Butler, Sarah J. 42255 Bell Butler, Thomas Steward Cabaniss, Columbia A. 33891 Bell Cabaniss, Napoleon B. 20838 Cabaniss, Napoleon B. 20838 Bell Calder, Margania 27310 Bell Calder, William Washington * 16046 Caldwell, Casper Wister 35352 Bell Caldwell, Fannie 35645 Bell Caldwell, Casper Wister 35352 Caldwell, Nettie 31056 Bell Caldwell, Matthew Moss Caldwell, W. H. 05170 Bell Cantrell, Emma 33182 Bell Cantrell, James Marshall Carlock, James Jackson 29269 Bell Carother, J. A. (Mrs) 09990 Bell Carother, S. D. Carothers, R. J. 00258 Bell Carpenter, James Madison 46923 Bell Carpenter, Mary 41894 Bell Carpenter, Thomas F. Carroll, Mary E. 18827 Bell Carroll, Thomas Henderson Carson, John Pinkney 46382 Bell Carter, Harriett Ann 39476 Bell Carter, William Haywood Carter, Joe C. 00293 Bell Carter, Perlina Ellen 23388 Bell Carter, James Beaver Carver, James Anderson 13213 Bell Carver, Missouri 41225 Bell Carver, James Anderson 13213 Castles, B. T. 07757 Bell Chatham, Jane S. 00282 Bell Chatham, M. H. Chrisman, John Henry 10528 Bell Clark, B. M. C. 00288 Bell Clark, Jamima S. 40214 Bell Collier, Willis B. * 09912 Clark, Mary Ann 11299 Bell Clark, B. M. C. 00288 Clark, Thomas J. 25885 Bell Clay, Francis Marion 06300 Bell Clements, Adam Quincy 17318 Bell Cline, Elizabeth M. 18785 Bell Cline, Sylvester 12686 Cline, Sylvester 13686 Bell Coker, Robert Griffin 10826 Bell Colbert, George Washington 27844 Bell Cole, George Washington 23440 Bell Cole, M. C. (Mrs) 13206 Bell Cole, J. D. Cole, Susan Elizabeth 40820 Bell Cole, George Washington 23440 Collins, John Franklin 12728 Bell Collins, Joseph William 50070 Bell Collins, Mary C. 09982 Bell Collins, William Collins, Olivia 51799 Bell Collins, Joseph William 50070 Cole, J. J. 27159 Bell Cooksey, E. M. 28346 Bell Cooksey, James W. 00306 Bell Cooper, William Joseph 37497 Bell Cope, J. M. 07438 Bell Copeland, Richard Marion rej Bell Corbin, Drury H. 11802 Bell Corley, Josephine 33892 Bell Corley, Thomas Haynes 17317 Corley, Thomas Haynes 17317 Bell Cotton, L. J. (Mrs) 00294 Bell Cotton, Robert B. Couch, Aaron Thomas 23077 Bell Couch, Martha Ann 32726 Bell Couch, Aaron Thomas 23077 Courtney, Mary Elizabeth 10589 Bell Courtney, Frank Cowan, James Washington (Mrs) rej Bell Cowan, James Washington Cox, M. I. (Mrs) 05178 Bell Cox, James Cox, Nancy Ann 05177 Bell Cox, James W. Cox, William Pinkney 18825 Bell Crockett, Edward Richardson 10594 Bell Cross, Virgil A. S. 11345 Bell Crow, Jane 42225 Bell Crow, Jesse Jackson Culbreth, Mary Jane 47442 Bell Culbreth, Thomas Love Cumby, Samantha C. 00257 Bell Cumby, John W. Curry, William Wesley 25446 Bell Damron, America 27803 Bell Damron, Henry Clay 19766 Damron, Henry Clay 19766 Bell Daniel, N. E. (Mrs) 39429 Bell Daniel, George Harris Daniell, L. rej Bell Danley, Altha 42869 Bell Danley, Charles Wesley Danley, Charles W. rej Bell Darwin, Ella 45416 Bell Darwin, Ritson Wildman * 16033 Daugherty, M. E. (Mrs) 43783 Bell Daugherty, William 24958 Daugherty, William 24958 Bell Davenport, M. S. (Mrs) 00316 Bell Davenport, J. H. Davis, D. J. 05188 Bell Davis, M. J. (Mrs) rej Bell Davis, William Davis, Sarah F. 20550 Bell Davis, David J. Davis, Thomas Sparton 27233 Bell Debo, Thomas B. 25171 Bell Debord, Martha J. 14574 Bell Debord, James Decherd, Harriet F. 14675 Bell Decherd, Benjamin Spikes Dellinger, Noah D. 32885 Bell Denman, Izola F. 39966 Bell Denman, William Marion Denson, A. D. rej Bell Digby, Elmira Tennessee 38171 Bell Digby, Martin Van Buren Dillard, Jane C. 10590 Bell Dillard, R. R. * 08392 Dillard, M. J. (Mrs) 05156 Bell Dillard, Thomas M. Dockray, M. E. (Mrs) 14122 Bell Dockray, Samuel R. 05159 Dockray, Samuel R. 05159 Bell Doss, Harmon (Hiram) Wilson 20567 Bell Doss, Sallie E. 38320 Bell Doss, Hiram (harmon) Wilson 20587 Duke, Francis M. 10824 Bell Duke, Hiram Lonzo 29913 Bell Duke, Martha Caroline 34979 Bell Duke, Hiram Lonzo 29913 Duke, S. Irwin 23020 Bell Duke, William H. 25433 Bell Duke, William J. (Mrs) 46077 Bell Duke, William J. Dunavant, James Urban 43669 Bell Dunlap, John 25925 Bell Dunn, S. A. 06302 Bell Dupree, Ella 42967 Bell Dupree, Herod Gossaway 11710 Dupree, Herod Gossaway 11710 Bell Durham, Louisa 08219 Bell Durham, W. G. 00269 Durham, W. G. 00269 Bell Dyess, John J. 05959 Bell Easterwood, John Calvin 23605 Bell Easterwood, William J. 23599 Bell Eaton, N. E. (Mrs) 05958 Bell Eaton, S. N. Eberhart, Eliza 20070 Bell Eberhart, Henry 00302 Eberhart, Henry 00302 Bell Echols, M. J. (Mrs) 32361 Bell Echols, William Franklin 21535 Echols, William Franklin 21535 Bell Edmunds, Nicholas E. 21742 Bell Eldred, L. (Mrs) 05176 Bell Eldred, J. F. Elkins, Margaret rej Bell Elkins, Thomas Jasper Ellington, Alfred B. 11800 Bell Elliott, Bell 50187 Bell Elliott, Thomas A. * 21061 Elliott, Callie E. 36317 Bell Elliott, James Hamilton Elliott, Susie Denison 51759 Bell Elliott, James Ebeneezer Ellis, Eugenia Ramsey 47229 Bell Ellis, Porter Letherman Ellis, William S. rej Bell Elmore, Alice E. 46887 Bell Elmore, William Nathan Elmore, J. W. 00249 Bell Epperson, Elizabeth rej Bell Epperson, John L. Eslinger, Julia A. Parsons 08045 Bell Eslinger, Richard Andrew Estes, James William 24739 Bell Eubanks, James Polk 24981 Bell Evans, D. W. 06304 Bell Evans, James Whaley 25545 Bell Evans, Lou 40278 Bell Evans, James Whaley 25545 Farish, Susan 49758 Bell Farish William Duval Farrow, Elizabeth Williams 09989 Bell Farrow, S. W. 00278 Farrow, S. W. 00275 Bell Ferguson, Lucy K. 49593 Bell Ferguson, Joseph Gains Finley, John Murf 25474 Bell Finney, John Henry 08843 Bell Fisher, George 21241 Bell Fisher, John Mabry 09981 Bell Fisher, Mary M. 12271 Bell Fisher, Joshua Fitzgerald, Arthur J. 13698 Bell Fitzpatrick, John S. 14676 Bell Flewellen, Wilbur Fisher 28381 Bell Flewellen, wilbur Fisher (Mrs) 40821 Bell Flewellen, Wilbur Fisher 28381 Ford, Lawson D. 20113 Bell Forrest, Jennie 46193 Bell Forrest, William Franklin 45113 Forrest, William Franklin 45113 Bell Foster, Mary D. M. 25390 Bell Foster, Andrew Jackson Foster, William Thomas (Mrs) rej Bell Foster, William Thomas Franklin, Mary 28772 Bell Franklin, James Johnson Freeman, Mary Francis 30947 Bell Freeman, Levy Wshington Freeze, S. N. 06301 Bell Fritz, H. F. 20841 Bell Fugate, Elizabeth 25243 Bell Fugate, James Welborn Fuller, Mary Jane 00264 Bell Fulfer, Zachariah Fuller, Cade 41198 Bell Fuller, Elizabeth 31018 Bell Fuller, John Hinch 19901 Fuller, John Hinch 19901 Bell Fuller, Selina 41426 Bell Fuller, Cade 41198 Fuller, Zacherias Taylor rej Bell fulwiler, Roxie Ann rej Bell Fulwiler, Joseph Calvin Furnace Joseph 05717 Bell Furnace, Nancy C. 19390 Bell Furnace, Joseph 05717 Gaddis, Elizabeth 40371 Bell Gaddis, William Gafford, William Rowson 25620 Bell Garmany, Hubert H. 14121 Bell Garner, W. W. 42396 Bell Garrett, Frances rej Bell Garrett, Arch P. Garrison, Nancy Jane 07435 Bell Garrison, James Mitchell George, Francis Marion 21053 Bell George, Mattie 42415 Bell George, Francis Marion 21053 Ghent, Sarah J. 46987 Bell Ghent, Henry Clay Gibson, Anna 35121 Bell Gibson, George Washington Goodnight, Ellen Griffin 51855 Bell Griffin, George Washington Goodnight, Henry 47889 Bell Gore, Sarah J. 49048 Bell Gore Elijah Gotcher, J. N. 00320 Bell Gotcher, Susanah 10592 Bell Gotcher, J. N. 00320 Graham, Mattie E. 36566 Bell Graham, Jesse * 35182 Graves, Elizabeth J. 00282 Bell Graves, J. H. Graves, Hattie Sophenia 48011 Bell Graves, Benjamin Worth Graves, Jessie C. 20266 Bell Gray, Louisa Lee 25518 Bell Gray, Feilden Lucas Greathouse, Augustus Delaware 08620 Bell Green, Amanda 28586 Bell Green, Berry Smith 21468 Green, Berry Smith 21468 Bell Grimes, Louis Gantt 25766 Bell Grimes, Xantha Rosalee 30858 Bell Grimes, Lewis (Louis) Gantt 25766 Griswold, Cora C. Smith rej Bell Smith, Hugh Grounds, L. 00308 Bell Gwyn, Hugh Lawson 34130 Bell Haedge, August 50099 Bell Haedge, Wilhermena 50334 Bell Haedge, August 50099 Haggarton, Henry H. 05158 Bell Hale, William Edward 00303 Bell Haley, C. A. (Mrs) 21559 Bell Haley, James Hall, Angerone (Mrs) 13701 Bell Hall H. M. C. 05157 Hall, H. M. C. 05157 Bell Hall, William D. 12736 Bell Halliburton, Matilda Ellen 42290 Bell Halliburton, Moses Ridley 37337 Halliburton, Moses Ridley 37337 Bell Hallmark, John Thomas 00278 Bell Hallmark, M. J. (Mrs) 34823 Bell Hallmark, William Jefferson 26073 Hallmark, William Jefferson 26073 Bell Hamilton, Francis M. 10825 Bell Hamilton, Margaret P. rej Bell Hamilton, William Hamlett, A. J. 09985 Bell Hammack, Edward Harper 46789 Bell Hannon, Frances (Mrs) 00280 Bell Hannon, Saul Hannon, Mary 05180 Bell Hannon, Elijah Harling, Frances Jane 42094 Bell Harling, John Eldred 40165 Harling, John Eldred 40165 Bell Harris, Cynthia Mahala 24164 Bell Harris, Benton Henley Harris, John W. 14673 Bell Harris, Mary Emaline 43225 Bell Harris, Thomas Benton 42851 Harris, S. C. (Mrs) 00259 Bell Harris, Henry Harris, Thomas Benton 42851 Bell Hartrick, F. C. (Mrs) 47926 Bell Hartrick, William Theodore Julius Harwell, Lemuel C. 41347 Bell Hatcher, Elbert Morgan 33292 Bell Hatcher, Elbert Morgan (Mrs) 51436 Bell Hatcher, Elbert Morgan 33292 Havins, Louisa 32832 Bell Havins, Thomas Talbert Hawkins, Joseph Henry 13215 Bell Hayes, Stephen Leonard 22560 Bell Haynes, Sarah Eliza 49393 Bell Haynes, William P. Haynie, Susie 34412 Bell Haynie, Thomas Hoxey * 23355 Hampel, John Henry 46620 Bell Hendrick, Cassie C. 12270 Bell Hendrick, Gustavus Jasper Hendrick, W. H. H. 31097 Bell Henson, R. J. 00304 Bell Herbert, George P. 11798 Bell Hewett, Joseph Augustus 47031 Bell Hill, John N. rej Bell Hilliard, Harriett 28989 Bell Hilliard, John Lafayette Hines, Bettie 39093 Bell Hines, Joseph Little 29305 Hines, Joseph Little 29305 Bell Hodges, Temperance C. 14666 Bell Hodges, George Poindexter Hogan, Albert M. 23567 Bell Hogan, Alonzo 28515 Bell Hogan, Bell 39289 Bell Hogan, Alonzo 38515 Holcomb, Lou F. 43170 Bell Holcomb, Francis Newton Holcombe, Eliza C. 27639 Bell Holcombe, William Thomas 11796 Holcombe, William Thomaas 11796 Bell Holcome, Laurah 08217 Bell Holcome, James M. Hold, Frederick, Henry 23991 Bell Holland, Annie 11346 Bell Holland, Oscar C. Holland, Mary T. rej Bell Holland, James Reuben Holland, N. B. (Mrs) 00253 Bell Holland, James Holliday, A. J. 38800 Bell Homesley, John Benjamin 47035 Bell Honeycutt, John McTroy 42192 Bell hood, A. 11184 Bell Hoover, Adeline 47289 Bell Hoover, John Wesley Hoover, Cordelia 47139 Bell Hoover, Andrew Jackson Houseright, Susan 10530 Bell Houseright, Gipson Hubbard, G. L. (Mrs) 14665 Bell Hubbard, W. H. Huckabay, John Cater 20832 Bell Huckabay, John Carter (Mrs) 14665 Bell Huckabay, John Cater 20832 Huckabee, John H. 14669 Bell Huddleston, Abigail Martha 25751 Bell Huddleston, James William Huddleston, George W. (Mrs) 36078 Bell Huddleston, George Washington Hudson, Alonzo D. 51160 Bell Huggins, Zilah E. 20132 Bell Huggins, George Burrel Hughes, James K. 14668 Bell Hughes, Nancy 00265 Bell Hughes, Smith Hughes, Robert Francis 17229 Bell Hughs, J. J. 35372 Bell Hull, Nett E. 25023 Bell Hull, William Pinkney Humphries, James Thomas 32766 Bell Hunt, Thomas J. 48040 Bell Hutchinson, Joseph L. 29690 Bell Irby, Marcus 21184 Bell Irish, James Lee 47030 Bell Irish, Mary Jane 40553 Bell Irish, James Lee 47030 Izard, Julia 19883 Bell Izard, Thomas Argyle Jackson, Francis Marion 25495 Bell Jackson, Harriett Amanda 47260 Bell Jackson, Columbus Jeremiah James, Julia Womack 50306 Bell James, James Harrison Jenkins, Roxie rej Bell Jenkins, Thomas Jefferson Jenkins, Thomas Jefferson (Mrs) 51782 Bell Jenkins, Thomas Jefferson Jennings, Arminta M. 50015 Bell Jennings, George Washington Johnson, Harriet E. 25326 Bell Johnson, William Elisha Johnson, Mary Ann 25716 Bell Johnson, Sidney Augustus 13208 Johnson, Sidney Augustus 13208 Bell Johnson, William Lawrence 21842 Bell Joiner, Angeline rej Bell Joiner, Daniel E. Joiner, George Washington 18826 Bell Joiner, Margaret I. 19532 Bell Joiner, George Washington 18826 Jones, Armenty Jane 45975 Bell Jones, Jasper Meriwether 29312 Jonew, E. E. 00312 Bell Jones, Jasper Meriwether 29312 Bell Jones, John Carter 29311 Bell Jones, Laura Doxey 09984 Bell Jones, V. R. Jones, Mildred Reid rej Bell Jones, Isaac Van Zandt Jones, Mittie rej Bell Jones, James Jones, REbecca rej Bell Jones Asberry Capers Jones, Wash L. 28932 Bell Joyce, Tennessee C. rej Bell Joyce, Little Berry William Keel, John W. 23180 Bell Kelly, Pleasant 10593 Bell Kelly, Margarett A. 29304 Bell Kelly, Patrick A. Kemp, Charles S. 10823 Bell Kennedy, Samuel Franklin 38996 Bell Keys, Nancy M. 17320 Bell Keys, Matthew Kidd, Crawford Josephine 45304 Bell Kidd, James Brown 25927 Kidd, James Brown 25927 Bell Kleschnick, Louisa 25291 Bell Kleschnick, Andrew Killingsworth, Jahu Hugh 14663 Bell Killingsworth, Sarah Louis 51848 Bell Killingsworth, Jahu Hugh 14663 King, Annie O. 21276 Bell King, Willis Justin King, H. F. 05160 Bell Kirkpatrick, Mary Elizabeth 34205 Bell Kirkpatrick, William Morgan 28761 Kirkpatrick, William Morgan 28761 Bell Knight, Amanda 47074 Bell Knight, Joseph Robert Knight, Andrew Van 33302 Bell Knight, James Patrick 29744 Bell Knight, Mary Rebecca rej Bell Knight, Andrew Knox, Sallie N. 33151 Bell Knox, Marshall D. Lamar, Emily 31416 Bell Lamar, Zacharias Lancaster, Jane 27702 Bell Lancaster, John William Dickson Lanier, Amon Franklin 08055 Bell Lanier, Iantha D. 33802 Bell Lanier, Isaac Dickson Lankford, Lela Cockerham 52002 Bell Cockerham, Charles Winfield Lawhon, Victoria V. 34496 Bell Lawhon, Leonidas Scorates Lawrence, W. L. 12264 Bell Lawson, Eliza Jane 41775 Bell Lawson, William Lewis * 15863 Layton, Joseph Patrick 11344 Bell Leach, Amanda A. 27845 Bell Leach, Mungo Park Lee, J. A. 00254 Bell Lee, M. C. Lee, Jary R. 27734 Bell Lee, James Elijah Lester, E. S. (Mrs) 00255 Bell Lester, S. C. Lewis, Margaret E. 14662 Bell Lewis, John Light, Mike D. 25714 Bell Lindeman, Katie 21871 Bell Lindeman, Fritz C. * 09015 Linton, Mary A. 23768a Bell Linton, William Edney Little, Jane 41932 Bell Little, Robert Henry 25801 Little, Robert Henry 25801 Bell Lloyd, E. C. (Mrs) 12269 Bell Lloyd, J. H. Long, Nancy Blake 46907 Bell Long, William Jasper Love, Huldah 10317 Bell Love, W. E. 09431 Bell Lovell, Laura B. 43182 Bell Lovell, William Timpson Lusk, N. A. (Mrs) 09988 Bell Lusk Marion Lynch, James Elliot 27661 Bell Mabry, Mirandy (Mrs) 00247 Bell Mabry, T. L. Madden, R. A. (Mrs) rej Bell Madden, S. H. Malicoat, Hamilton rej Bell Malone, J. W. 07436 Bell Mann, Missouri Elizabeth 43212 Bell Mann, Edward Augusta Maples, R. A. rej Bell Marks, Ezekial Mc. 14672 Bell Marks, James H. 27417 Bell Marks, Margaret I. 34329 Bell Marks, Ezekial Mc. 14672 Marshall, Elizabeth 27337 Bell Marshall, William Jackson Marshall, Patrick Henry 33212 Bell Martin, Sarah A. 36974 Bell Martin, Nepolian Bonaparte Martin, Winnie 14671 Bell Martin, James Crayton Mathews, Emily Annie 25813 Bell Mathews, William Chandler Matthews, Mercella 08840 Bell Matthews, Jesse Lane May, W. F. 12733 Bell Mays, D. H. rej Bell Mays, D. H. 05172 Bell McAlpine, D. A. rej Bell McBeth, Anthony E. 14670 Bell McBride, J. W. 00240 Bell McCallister, P. T. rej Bell McCasland, James L. 08526 Bell McClung, J. A. 32221 Bell McDaniel, J. C. 11803 Bell McDonald, Benjamin Franklin 43046 Bell McDonald, Lydia 08963 Bell McDonald, William 00268 McDonald, William 00268 Bell McDuffie, George Washington 21914 Bell McDuffie, Rachel Huggins 46298 Bell McDuffie, George Washington 21914 McElroy, Rebecca R. 25394 Bell McElroy, Moses M. McGill, W. L., Sr. 27458 Bell McGinnis, William 28028 Bell McGlothlin, John Joseph 29429 Bell McGlothlin, John Joseph (Mrs) 37129 Bell McGlothlin, John Joseph 29429 McKenney, Annie Eliza 27819 Bell McKinney, James Porter 24482 McKinney, J. H. 07440 Bell McKinney, James Porter 24482 Bell McLaughlin, Martha F. 15938 Bell McLaughlin, Thomas J. 09432 McLaughlin, Nancy C. 41672 Bell McLaughlin, William McLaughlin, Thomas J. 09432 Bell McLaurin, John Robert Melvin 28562 Bell McLaurin, Talula rej Bell McLaurin, John Robert Melvin 28562 McLean, John 38369 Bell McLelland, Frank Moses 00299 Bell McMickle, John Colquit 27372 Bell McQueen, William M. 26201 Bell Meand, Sarah Jane 28496 Bell Means, James Mullis Mears, A. W. (Mrs) rej Bell Mears, Ara 45629 Bell Mears, Sydney Macom, H. H. rej Bell Meek, Cannie 42268 Bell Meek, John Thomas Miller, Sarah Ann 07439 Bell Millr, J. P. Millsaps, Mary Katherine 47510 Bell Millsaps, William Theopolus Mims, Martha J. 23015 Bell Mims, William Riley Mitchell, Ephram Pinkney Jones 28907 Bell Mitchell, James Allen 25559 Bell Mitchell, Nancy Agnes 46169 Bell Mitchell, Ephram Pinkney Jones 28907 Moffitt, Thomas Jefferson rej Bell Morris, James Samuel 12731 Bell Morris, M. F. (Mrs) 35509 Bell Morris, James Samuel 12731 Morris, Rachel 11795 Bell Morris, W. T. Morton, Rachel E. Heard 46354 Bell Heard, Hubert Tompkins Moss, Thomas J., Sr. 28302 Bell Munn, Daniel Richard (Mrs) 51174 Bell Munn, Daniel Richard Murphree, D. J. 08961 Bell Murphy, Margaret Ann 50983 Bell Murphy, William Gray Myer, Lillie J. 50325 Bell Myer, Isaac Solomon Myers, Sarah 00270 Bell Myers, William Nelson, S. E. (Mrs) 06306 Bell Nelson, D. D. Newman, Anna 35101 Bell Newman, John Sardent (sartain) 33335 Newman, John Sartain (Sardent) 33335 Bell Newsom, Emma 49865 Bell Newsom, Glaucus Newsom, Mary E. 45615 Bell Newsom, John Lafayette Nichols, Melissa Anne 49282 Bell Nichols, William Hatch Nichols, Susan 47981 Bell Nichols, John Niebling, Allena A. 49281 Bell Niebling, Frederick Nobles, Nathan 25527 Bell Nobles, Violet 33198 Bell Nobles, Nathan 25527 Norton, Ann Elizabeth 24354 Bell Norton, Richard William O'Keefe, Presley 11343 Bell Oliver, Eunice Walters 47292 Bell Oliver, William Henry Harrison Oliver, Martha 33437 Bell Oliver, Samuel Lewis (Louis) 20105 Oliver, Samuel Louis (Lewis) 30105 Bell Orgain, John H. 14684 Bell Oswalt, Francis rej Bell Oswalt, Lebury Paden, Franklin B. 07443 Bell Parker, Lucy B. 00250 Bell Parker, Needham Parks, H. T. 00286 Bell Parks, Hamilton 27640 Bell Parks, Stateira 44068 Bell Parks, Hamilton 27640 Parmer, Susan Jane 14667 Bell Parmer, William Houston 10529 Parmer, William Houston 10529 Bell Patterson, Cornelia G. 39222 Bell Patterson, Henry Dorsey 38111 Patterson, Henry Dorsey 38111 Bell Patton, Mat C. (Mrs) 23430 Bell Patton, Panel T. Paul Mahala 25435 Bell Paul J. Paulk, Louise 26676 Bell Paulk, Daniel Washington Paulk, Martha 13700 Bell Paulk, Levi Pearce, Mira Jane 27584 Bell Pearce, David Lipscomb Pearce, Stephen A. 41710 Bell Pedigo, Charles H. rej Bell Pedigo, John J. 27747 Bell Pedigo, Manervia E. 38259 Bell Pedigo, John J. 27747 Pedigo, W. W. 36751 Bell Pennington, John B. 28722 Bell Perdue, Charles Porter 36586 Bell Perkins, Mahala J. 39406 Bell Perkins, George David Perkins, Martha Elizabeth 29337 Bell Perkins, Hezkiah Franklin Persky, William 33450 Bell Petty, G. R. 00279 Bell Petty, Mary H. 08617 Bell Petty, G. R. 00279 Phelps, J. J. S. 00295 Bell Phillips, John Gaines 25473 Bell Phipps, David Wiley 24417 Bell Phipps, Sallie 41382 Bell Phipps, David Wiley 24417 Pickens, Mary 50394 Bell Pickens, William Albert Pierce, B. L. 06641 Bell Pierce, John Harvey 00315 Bell Pinkston, Catherine 23298 Bell Pinkston, James David Pittman, Linsey 00256 Bell Pittman, Matilda 06297 Bell Pittman, Linsey 00256 Pittman, R. E. (Mrs) 00239 Bell Pittman, W. R. Pool, Amanda Jane 51199 Bell Pool, Robert Church 47021 Pool, Robert Church 47021 Bell Porter, J. H. rej Bell Porter, Nancy Eva 25713 Bell Porter, Claiborn N. Potter, Drew D. 00267 Bell Potter, Laura 47987 Bell Potter, William Thomas Carr Powell, Benjamin Franklin 13212 Bell Power, Elizabeth 29671 Bell Power, George Tyler (powers) 18824 Powers, George Tyler (Power) 18824 Bell Pratt, T. M. rej Bell Price, Lon 09430 Bell Pricer, Martha E. 37724 Bell Pricer, John Martin Priddy, Benjamin Franklin 27585 Bell Priddy, Charlotte T. 30356 Bell Priddy, Benjamin F. 27585 Prince, John W. 12265 Bell Prince, L. W. 00314 Bell Proctor, George W. rej Bell Pryor, James Thomas 45034 Bell Pryor, Mollie H. 51651 Bell Pryor, James thomas 45034 Puett, Susam M. 51075 Bell Puett, William Elisha Pulley, John William rej Bell Punchard, Samuel W. rej Bell Rampy, Isabelle H. 41768 Bell Rampy, Thomas Franklin Ramsey, Puss E. 13581 Bell Ramsey, John Raney, George Washington 12267 Bell Raney, Sarah Jane 12732 Bell Raney, George Washington 12267 Ranne, W. A. 08618 Bell Ratliff, John Anderson 25735 Bell Ratliff, John Anderson (Mrs) 34710 Bell Ratliff, John Anderson 25735 Ratliff, Joseph 11797 Bell Rawls, Mary P. 14680 Bell Rawls, Thomas Jackson Ray, Augustus Hamilton 14679 Bell Ray, James Thomas 20649 Bell Ray, Lon 27309 Bell Ray, Mary Ann 28540 Bell Ray, Augustus Hamilton 14679 Ray, Ruby Emeline 47401 Bell Ray, Joel Ray, Sallie 41052 Bell Ray, Lon 27309 Ray, Z. S. 00245 Bell Reddell, R. 00301 Bell Redden, Elizabith 32177 Bell Redden, John Griffin Redden, William Robison rej Bell Reed, M. J. (Mrs) 08933 Bell Reed, W. W. Reese, John Tyler 43951 Bell Reid, Maggie S. 47243 Bell Reid, William Hume Reid, S. E. (Mrs) 14120 Bell Reid, McLure Rich, Cornelia 47008 Bell Rich, Eugene Lavert Richardson, Margarett 07555 Bell Richardson, William H. Richter, Ann 42420 Bell Richter, Frederich Ridings, W. H. 00272 Bell Rigby, Eliza S. 14583 Bell Rigby, William Bryant Riggins, Andrew Jackson 26299 Bell Riggs, Francis Camelia 31629 Bell Riggs, Harvey Riggs, James Low 11799 Bell Riggs, William S. 14581 Bell Riley, Amanda 05179 Bell Riley, Wright Rivers, Jacob 00305 Bell Robert, Anna L. 43800 Bell Robert, William H. * 33911 Roberts, Minerva 25269 Bell Roberts, Samuel Robinson, Florence Crabtree 45740 Bell Robinson, John Bailey 39396 Robinson, J. F. 12266 Bell Robinson, J. G. 00242 Bell Robinson, John Bailey 29396 Bell Robinson, Mary I. 18829 Bell Robinson, Braxton Robison, Mariah Basheba 27638 Bell Robison, Hosea Emanuel Rodgers, John Alonzo Cohon 17253 Bell Rodgers, Mary Jane 20286 Bell Rodgers, John Alonzo Cohon 17253 Rogers, George L. 24315 Bell Roop, B. J. rej Bell Rose, James Hilliard (Holcomb) 25472 Bell Rose, Mary Zatella 47339 Bell Rose, James Holcomb (Hilliard) 25472 Rosson, G. W. rej Bell Routon, Louisa Calhoun rej Bell Routon, John Rowe, Margaret Jane 31174 Bell Rowe, John William Rowland, M. D. (Mrs) 05175 Bell Rowland, William P. Rozell, P. M. 09983 Bell Rucker, Alice M. 28625 Bell Rucker, John Elzy Rucker, Blanche Ludlow 37106 Bell Rucker, William Tarver Ruff, J. W. 40188 Bell Russell, William Absolm 19415 Bell Sayler, David Jasper 08218 Bell Sanderford, Colon C. 40451 Bell Sanderford, Benjamin Allen Sanderford, John Rice (Mrs) 43396 Bell Sanderford, John Rice Sanderford, M. J. (Mrs) rej Bell Sanderford William Elisha 25481 Sanderford, William Elisha 25481 Bell Sanders, Mary Willis Swayne rej Bell Sanders, Sarge Prentiss Sanford, M. J. (Mrs) rej Bell Sapp, Mary F. 19363 Bell Sapp, William Franklin 13699 Sapp, William Franklin 13699 Bell Saunders, Phoebe Ann 10318 Bell Saunders, Andrew Jackson * 04399 Scott, Robert Marshall 25431 Bell Seamans, Martha 20016 Bell Seamans, William Thomas 11348 Seamans, William Thomas 11348 Bell Sellers, M. M. (Mrs) 07434 Bell Sellers, W. S. Shanklin, Mary E. 14684 Bell Shanklin, John Watson Sharp, levila 46141 Bell Sharp, William Christorpher Shaw James M. rej Bell Shea, John 43029 Bell Shelton, Annie 14582 Bell Shelton, Samuel Shipley, C. C. 11347 Bell Shipley, James H. 00244 Bell Shipley, M. E. (Mrs) 29987 Bell Shipley, James H. 00244 Short, A. M. 00313 Bell Simmons, Ed 27160 Bell Simmons, Martha E. 38864 Bell Simmons, Ed 27160 Simmons, Martha E. 14686 Bell Simmons, John Mills Simonton, Nancy Ann 30965 Bell Simonton, Fleming Simpson, Mary A. 47639 Bell Simpson, William Barham Sims, L. McCall 23527 Bell Sims, Franklin Leonidas Sims, Lena Gibson rej Bell Sims, William Humpreys Sims, Seaborn Monroe 20857 Bell Singletary, J. A. 07444 Bell Singletary, M. K. Slaughter, John W. 05167 Bell Smith, Annie Eliza 39040 Bell Smith, Samuel Edwin 13182 Smith, Cahterine 32700 Bell Smith, Thomas Edward Smith, Eliza 25647 Bell Smith, William Duget Smith, Fannie rej Bell Smith, Thomas W. 05174 Smith, Henry C. 25401 Bell Smith, James Z. T. rej Bell Smith, Jehu R. 25767 Bell Smith, Missouri Ann 26173 Bell Smith, Felix Grundy Smith, Pleas 51500 Bell Smith, Ples rej Bell Smith, Rosana C. 40794 Bell Smith, Thomas Lafayette Smith, Sallie 47771 Bell Smith, Joshua (wiley S.) Smith Samuel Edwin 13182 Bell Smith, Thomas Jefferson 28868 Bell Smith, Thomas W. 05174 Bell Smith, W. S. 08619 Bell Smith, Walter S. 13210 Bell Snodgrass, David Crockett 08046 Bell Snodgrass, Nannie 50539 Bell Snodgrass, William Marion Sorter, Susan 32278 Bell Sorter, William Perry 20474 Sorter, William Perry 20474 Bell Speed, Harriett E. 40113 Bell Speed, David Smith * 26788 Speer, Thomas Alfred (Mrs) rej Bell Speer, Thomas Alfred Spoonts, William W. 40326 Bell Stafford, Louis Pickney 43743 Bell Stansley, Jesse Payne 28624 Bell Stanton, Mell Merth rej Bell Stearns, Sarah Ann 24811 Bell Stearns, Ancil * 04430 Steel, Virginia T. 51327 Bell Steele, William Newton 46917 Steele, William Newton 46917 Bell Stephens, J. J. 08215 Bell Stephens, J. M. 00260 Bell Stephens, Sarah Adeline 46825 Bell Stephens, William Wallace 37062 Stephens, Thomas W. 42164 Bell Stephens, William Wallace 37062 Bell Stevens, Amanda 37651 Bell Stevens, James Wilkins 25528 Stevens, James Wilkins 25528 Bell Stevens, Margaret S. E. 29306 Bell Stevens, William Lamar Stevens, R. C. 08303 Bell Stewart, J. W. 05171 Bell Stewart, William P. rej Bell Stockton, Amanda M. 43644 Bell Stockton, William Richard David Stockton, T. F. 12735 Bell Story, Catherine 22712 Bell Story, Richard Duncan 13211 Story, Richard Duncan 13211 Bell Sumrall, Norvell R. 17319 Bell Sutton, James R. 14685 Bell Sweat, Seaborn 19693 Bell Sypert, Ada Frances rej Bell Sypert, William Rufus Tarrant, Harriet W. 32342 Bell Tarrant, Terry Gideon Taylor, James C. 14678 Bell Taylor, Lavenia 35694 Bell Taylor, L. Pinkney Taylor, Mary E. 00277 Bell Taylor, R. H. Thomas, Rebecca Eglentine 45708 Bell Thomas, William Jackson Thomas, William Ander 23130 Bell Thompson, Addie Jane 29920 Bell Thompson, John quincy Thompson, Doctor Peola 14691 Bell Thompson, Ellen C. rej Bell Thompson, H. A. (Mrs) 00252 Bell Thompson, John M. Thompson, John William 26226 Bell Thompson, L. e. (Mrs) 19750 Bell Thompson, Jacob Jefferson Thompson, Martha Louise 47053 Bell Thompson, John Quincey Thompson, Mary Francis 32951 Bell Thompson, James Henry Thompson, Mary J. 25949 Bell Thompson, Doctor Peola 14691 Thompson, Sudie M. Pruitt rej Bell Pruitt, Spencer Howard Thompson, Ellen Clay rej Bell Thompson, Jasper McDonald 11801 Thompson, Jasper McDonald 11801 Bell Thornhill, James Hawkins 27662 Bell Tildon, Sarah S. 00241 Bell Tildon, Norwood Todd, Elizabeth R. rej Bell Todd, Felix Franklin Towery, Phonissa P. 21287 Bell Towery, Wade Hampton 05960 Towery, Wade Hampton 05960 Bell Traylor, Alice 41664 Bell Traylor, Thomas Winston 18749 Traylor, Thomas Winston 18749 Bell Treadwell, Helen M. 42137 Bell Treadwell, King David Trussell, Nancy E. 43352 Bell Trussell, Daniel Carson * 24769 Tucker, William Russell 07437 Bell Turner, Della 24923 Bell Turner, John Timmons Turner, Robert Hampton 22266 Bell Tweedle, W. H. rej Bell Tyler, J. A. 08216 Bell Upshaw, Thomas Allen 25437 Bell Upshaw, William Wesley (Mrs) 46272 Bell Upshaw, William Wesley Valiant, Adlie H. 22909 Bell Valiant, James Thompson Vernon, Henry 00310 Bell Vineyard, Hattie Adaline Doss rej Bell Doss, Christopher Columbus Vinson, Dorothy Ann 14690 Bell Vinson, Rufus Lafayette Wakefield, Alexander 11794 Bell Walker, J. C. 00285 Bell Walker, Mary A. 08838 Bell Walker Lysander Walker, Robert H. 00261 Bell Wallace, Dora Alice 46831 Bell Wallace, Granderson R. Wallace, Nancy 50868 Bell Wallace, William Wallace, T. D. 00261 Bell Walton, Francis E. 09986 Bell Walton, G. W. 00283 Walton, G. W. 00283 Bell Walton, J. E. 27456 Bell Ward, Eletha A. 06305 Bell Ward, Jesse Watson, John 33296 Bell Watson, John M. 06295 Bell Watson, Julia 27037 Bell Watson, John Thomas Watsn, S. A. (Mrs) 12268 Bell Watson, John M. Watters, M. A. E. (Mrs) 30120 Bell Watters, Samuel Madison Watts, Adelia 25275 Bell Watts, Burrel Peoples 13205 Watts, Burrel Peoples 13205 Bell Wayland, George W. 44006 Bell Wear, Hugh Andrew rej Bell Webb, M. K. (Mrs) 00287 Bell Webb, J. B. Weissinger, Elijah Bell (Mrs) 35696 Bell Weissinger, Elijah Bell Wells, Elijah Horatio (Mrs) 36129 Bell Wells, Elijah Horatio West, Demcy F. rej Bell West, Thomas Jefferson 12734 Bell Whatley, John James 22269 Bell Wheat, Annie Challenger 35450 Bell Wheat, Samuel Dewitt 27038 Wheat, Samuel Dewitt 27038 Bell Wheat, William J. 40037 Bell White, Mary Lizzie rej Bell White, Joseph M. Jackson White, Robert 05166 Bell White, Sarah Kate 24018 Bell White, Thomas Pinkney White, William Alexander rej Bell Whiteley, J. C. 00300 Bell Whiteley, Thomas 30032 Bell Whitley, Annie 46976 Bell Whitley, William Columbus Whitley, Cleo Emiline 43838 Bell Whitley, James Wylie Whitley, Eliza Ann 14101 Bell Whitley, Wilson Whitley, Mary Ann 21095 Bell Whitley, Thomas Benjamin Whitley, Willie 38221 Bell Whitley, Nathan * 11666 Whitsitt, Joseph G. 16418 Bell Whitsitt, Moses G. 00289 Bell Wilder, J. M. 00318 Bell Wilder, Savannah 32019 Bell Wilder, Andrew Alexas Wilkerson, Josephine 20540 Bell Wilkerson, James Eli Wilkerson, Larkin Anderson 29313 Bell Wilkerson, Susie 41608 Bell Wilkerson, Larkin Anderson 29313 Wilkinson, Fannie 27079 Bell Wilkinson, Robert Dade Wilkinson, Mary E. rej Bell Wilkinson, Albert Galliton Willeford, C. J. 05161 Bell Williams, Abraham Miles 29075 Bell Williams, J. W. 00251 Bell Williams, S. L. 10827 Bell Williams, Sarah Regan Hawthorn 38660 Bell Williams Abraham Miles 29075 Wills, A. 07756 Bell Wills, George Alexander 04947 Bell Wills, Saluda Elizabeth 49469 Bell Wills, William Wills, Sarah E. 38120 Bell Wills, George Alexander 05957 Wilson, James J. 40366 Bell Wilson, Ludie J. 20682 Bell Wilson, Samuel Obed. Wilson, Mary 40620 Bell Wilson, William Lowndes Wilson, Thomas E. 05181 Bell Windett, T. J. rej Bell Winfrey, William Reuben 42812 Bell Wiseman, Alice 35225 Bell Wiseman, William Henry Withers, Lida Ann 33199 Bell Withers, George Washington Witt, Eliza 06299 Bell Witt, P. F. Witt, Mary Etta 46994 Bell Witt, Francis Marion Wood, James I. 14689 Bell Wood, Mollie 42261 Bell Wood, Joe Wood, Priscilla Ann Elizabeth rej Bell Wood, Hiram Marian Wood, Reubin J. 39133 Bell Woodruff, J. T. (Mrs) 08962 Bell Woodruff, Robert W. 05812 Woodruff, Robert W. 05812 Bell Worden, Henry rej Bell Wylie, Julia A. 22271 Bell Wylie, Jackson Avander Yarbrough, John C. 42491 Bell York, Lucinda 00248 Bell York, William M. Young, Emily Elizabeth 47111 Bell Young, Thomas Transcriber/Compiler Notes: * Adkins, William Anderson listed in Williamson County, TX. Allen, Lewis Carlton listed in Matagorda County, TX. Bradford, James Madison listed in Limestone County, TX. Calder, William Washington listed in Mills County, TX. Collier, Willis B. listed in Williamson County, TX. Darwin, Ritson Wildman listed in Milam County, TX as Darwin, Ritson Wyldman. Dillard, R. R. listed in Lee County, TX. Elliott, Thomas A. listed in Williamson County, TX. Graham, Jesse listed in Coryell County, TX. Haynie, Thomas Hoxey listed in Lampasas County, TX. Lawson, William Lewis listed in Lampasas County, TX. Lindeman, Fritz C. listed in Fort Bend County, TX. Robert, William H. listed in Bexar County, TX. Saunders, Andrew Jackson listed in Williamson County, TX. Speed, David Smith listed in Travis County, TX. Stearns, Ancil listed in Williamson County, TX. Trussell, Daniel Carson listed in Hill County, TX. Whitley, Nathan listed in Travis County, TX.