Tazewell W. Powers Obituaries - Bell County, TX submitted by Janet Gardner 11/98 ************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. *************************************************************************** T.W. POWERS - Former T.W. POWERS was born in Coffee County, Tennessee on the 9th day of May, A. D. 1829 and died in Belton, Texas on the 26th day of August A.D. 1908, In the Spring of 1856, he settled in Belton, which place continued to be his home until the day of his death. In the year 1858 he was married to Miss May M. MOORE of Bastrop County, Texas who survives him as well as the eleven children, the fruit of marriage. In the year 18-Brother POWERS became a member of the Presbyterian Church in his mother Sate, in which faith he died. In the year 18?? He was made a Master Mason in Belton, Texas in Belton Lodge 166. A.F. & A.M. and in the year 18?? he was made a Royal Arch Mason in Belton Chapter 76; and remained a member of both bodies in good standing during the remainder of his life. As the crowning test of his adopted State and his native South, he voluntarily entered the service of the Confederacy, whose cause he faithfully served from 1862 until the close of the great War between the States as a private in "company I, 17th Texas Volunteer Infantry. During the long and useful life he lived in this community, notably modest and unobtrusive in his demeanor, liberal, and courteous, yet firm and steadfast in his adherence to principle as he saw the right, charitable in opinions of the shortcomings and difference of others, true and sincere in his friendships, a good citizen, a kind and affectionate man, he has passed away without an enemy, venerated and regretted by all who knew him, and as to him it may be truly a said "the memory of the just smell sweet, and blossoms in the dust. Therefore be it resolved, that in the death of brother POWERS this lodge has lost one of its truest members, and we will cherish with pride the memory of his virtues. His family has lost a devoted husband and father, and his state one of the worthiest citizens. That the Belton, Texas and Manchester, Tenn., papers be requested to publish these proceedings; that the secretary of this lodge furnish a copy thereof to his family and that the members of this lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. X.B. SAUNDERS Highly Honored Citizen Dead -In the death of Tazwell POWERS on last Thursday, Aug 27th, Belton loses one of her oldest and most honored citizens. He had resided in Belton for more than half a century, and there were none in this community but who knew and admired him. Until recent years Mr. POWERS was a most active factor in the affairs of the town, in fact until his age forbade his taking part in public matters. Mr. POWERS was born May 9, 1829 in Coffee Co., Tenn., thus being at the time of his death in his eightieth year. He came to Belton in 1856, and he was married to Miss Mary Margarette MOORE of Bastrop, who survives him. They celebrated their golden wedding in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends last March. To Mr. and Mrs. POWERS were born eleven sons and daughters, all of whom are living, as follows: Jno, POWERS and Mesdames Tom HUGHES and W.J. STONE of Belton; Mrs. Clint BOYD, Temple, Mrs. J.L. BROWN, of Beaumont, Mrs. Jno. BEAL of Houston; Mesdames David DOW and Joseph DOW and T.E GEORGE and Will POWERS of Seattle, Washington. The first six of these were with their father in his last illness of several weeks, comforting him and their aged mother as only loving children can. The interment took place in the South Belton cemetery at 5 p.m. yesterday, at which place the funeral services were conducted by Pastors W.M. WILLIAMS of the Christian Church, and the Masonic lodge of Belton of which order Mr. POWERS was a faithful member. By the death of T.W. POWERS, Belton has lost one of her honored pioneer and devoted citizens. As a friend he was always faithful; as a husband and father he was true, tender, and loving. As a soldier in the Civil War from 1862 to1865 he was constantly at his post with the bravest of the brave, being a member of company D of the 17th Texas infantry. Peace to the ashes of this honorable, son of the old South Land; and green may his memory ever grow in our hearts.