VITAL RECORDS - BELL COUNTY, TX - DEATHS 1979 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chuck H. Mahaffey - August 23rd, 2001 ************************************************************************ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ************************************************************************ Date of Marital Name Death Sex Status Stepan, John B 22-Jun-1979 M Stevenson, John W 04-Apr-1979 M Stewart, Sarah Mearl 12-Jan-1979 F Stewart, Walter Allen 04-Mar-1979 M Stewart, Albert L 25-Apr-1979 M Stewart, Vada Evelyn 09-Jul-1979 F Stewart, Albert J 18-Jul-1979 M Stewart, Gloria Ann 18-Oct-1979 F Stewart, Archie 08-Nov-1979 M Stigall, Nettie Thelma 20-Aug-1979 F Stock, George A M 29-Oct-1979 M Stone, Thomas Andrew 06-Aug-1979 M Stone, Jesse Robert 24-Sep-1979 M Stone, Charles R 29-Sep-1979 M Stoneham, George C 01-Feb-1979 M Stroburg, John Berndt, SR 27-Apr-1979 M Stuckey, Grover P 02-Apr-1979 M Styczynski, Joseph David 13-Dec-1979 M Suehs, Hilda 18-Jan-1979 F Sulak, John 24-Jan-1979 M Sullivan, Gladys Emma 20-Mar-1979 F Sullivan, Adam 05-Jun-1979 M Supak, Joe R 19-Nov-1979 M Suring, Francisco 02-May-1979 M Surratt, Johnnie C 28-Feb-1979 M Svajda, Edward George 25-Jun-1979 M Swan, Ava Gosnell 19-Jan-1979 F Swan, Hillry P 10-Mar-1979 M Swift, Ola Theron 28-Jun-1979 M Swindler, Dorothy Ruth 14-Jun-1979 F Sylvester, Cecil 31-Jan-1979 M Szentpetery, Michael 23-Nov-1979 M Taggart, Thomas M 18-May-1979 M Taisler, Willie V 03-Apr-1979 M Taylor, Tom Henry 02-Feb-1979 M Taylor, Harry Gooch 19-Apr-1979 M Taylor, R G 20-Aug-1979 M Teague, Harvey 13-Oct-1979 M Teddlie, George Keeton 19-Jan-1979 M Thomas, Elizabeth Belle 20-Jan-1979 F Thomas, Alice Vanilla 19-Apr-1979 F Thomas-grumbach, Cassandra Nic22-Sep-1979 F Thompson, Lehman R 16-Feb-1979 M Thompson, Brian Alan 30-Mar-1979 M Thompson, Travis Wayne 25-Apr-1979 M Thompson, Albert N 16-May-1979 M Thompson, Geraldine 17-Jun-1979 F Thompson, Jesse Caleb 28-Dec-1979 M Thornell, Jewel Agnes 26-Feb-1979 F Thornton, Walter R 15-Jun-1979 M Tibbs, Minnie Bell 11-Jan-1979 F Tidwell, Raymond Maurice 18-Apr-1979 M Tillis, Hamilton G 13-Jan-1979 M Tilo, Eliga, JR 24-Dec-1979 M Tindle, Willie Branson 10-Jul-1979 F Tipton, Lura Nettie 16-Jul-1979 F Tisdale, Morris Lewis 23-Jul-1979 M Tolbert, Osbon Edwin 29-Apr-1979 M Tolkmitt, Ruth Lucille 13-Jan-1979 F Tomasek, Fabian John 08-Dec-1979 M Tomastik, Agnes Bartek 25-Dec-1979 F Tomlin, Wanda 08-Mar-1979 F Torres, Maria De Jesus 29-Sep-1979 F Touchette, Michael Sevia, II 31-Dec-1979 M Tovar, John S 15-Oct-1979 M Trauth, Mary Mazeruk 18-Sep-1979 F Tredway, Carman Dempster 24-Aug-1979 M Trejo, Evelyn Lynn Inf Of 04-Jul-1979 M Trevino, Pilar 10-Oct-1979 M Tripp, Helen Euvon 16-Nov-1979 F Tristan, Mary Lou 23-Apr-1979 F Trosper, Thomas Eugene 22-Feb-1979 M Troup, Elizabeth C 18-Dec-1979 F Trout, Floyd W 02-Jun-1979 M Trumble, Kenneth Wayne 02-Aug-1979 M Tschoerner, Joseph Albert 01-Jan-1979 M Tucker, Faye Sims 08-May-1979 F Tucker, Albert R 28-Nov-1979 M Turley, Thomas Brady 29-Nov-1979 M Turner, Jessie W 28-Jan-1979 M Turner, James Walter 20-Apr-1979 M Turner, T J 30-Jun-1979 M Turner, Leslie Dallas 27-Oct-1979 M Tuttle, Sallie 15-Sep-1979 F Tydlacka, Frank John 20-Jul-1979 M Ulrich, Heinz 02-Jul-1979 M Upchurch, John Wright 26-Feb-1979 M Urban, Raymond 26-Nov-1979 M Urdy, Billy 29-Jul-1979 M Valdez, Clemmie 11-Jun-1979 F Valles, Adrian 28-Mar-1979 M Vanderpool, Floyd Wayne 17-Nov-1979 M Vanicek, John H 03-Dec-1979 M Vann, Osee Maedgen 15-Jun-1979 F Vaughan, James Thomas 09-Jan-1979 M Vaughn, Lois L 03-Feb-1979 F Vaughn, Charles Ray 13-Feb-1979 M Vaughn, Nancy Lee 24-Oct-1979 F Vaux, Floy E 02-Dec-1979 M Vialpando, Jose Gabriel 19-Aug-1979 M Vick, Clarence A 12-Feb-1979 M Vick, Patrick T 11-Oct-1979 M Vinson, Guy William 11-Oct-1979 M Vogel, Alton Herman 22-Jun-1979 M Voight, Louis A 16-May-1979 M Volkmer, Alicia 15-Jan-1979 F Volney, Frank R 21-Aug-1979 M Voltin, Edna 06-May-1979 F Von Ach, Eugene D 16-Dec-1979 M Vorwerk, Bernhard A 01-Mar-1979 M Vrazel, Victor F 16-Nov-1979 M Wacha, George E 08-Jun-1979 M Wade, Cecil Beryl 18-Sep-1979 M Waite, Samuel Aubrey 05-Aug-1979 M Walden, Myrtle M 12-Jan-1979 F Walden, William S 08-Dec-1979 M Waldrep, Henry Everett 21-Jun-1979 M Walker, Booker T 01-Jan-1979 M Walker, Lucine Artis, JR 01-Jan-1979 M Walker, Roy Lee 22-Feb-1979 M Walker, Emma 10-Mar-1979 F Walker, Clarance 14-Oct-1979 M Walker, Michael Anthony 16-Oct-1979 M Wallace, Florence Almeda 27-Mar-1979 F Wallace, Hazel Cornelia 13-Aug-1979 F Walraven, Willard Elizabeth 07-Dec-1979 F Walton, Walter Arvel 31-Mar-1979 M Walton, Charles B 01-Oct-1979 M Ward, Irvin Filmore 17-Apr-1979 M Wardsworth, Willie 18-Sep-1979 M Ware, Willie 27-Apr-1979 M Warren, Bessie Pearl K 09-May-1979 F Warren, Leslie 27-Jul-1979 M Washburn, Earl Monroe 09-Jan-1979 M Washington, George K, JR 20-Aug-1979 M Watkins, Jack T 29-Sep-1979 M Watson, Josie W 16-Mar-1979 F Watson, Robert E 29-Oct-1979 M Weaver, Lena 21-Apr-1979 F Weaver, Stanley W 02-Jun-1979 M Weaver, Clara M 04-Jun-1979 F Weaver, Elmer Hanes 10-Jul-1979 M Webster, Daniel Bradley 11-Jul-1979 M Wehr, Fred J 07-Mar-1979 M Welch, Dan Joseph 10-Feb-1979 M Werchan, Evelyn 09-Feb-1979 F Werchan, Herbert P 19-Sep-1979 M West, Hershel Leo 02-Jun-1979 M Westbrook, Nellie Mae 19-Sep-1979 F Westmoreland, Ulyss Edward 09-Mar-1979 M Weyrick, Leroy 27-Aug-1979 M Whatley, Fannie 08-Oct-1979 F Whigham, Robert Glenn 14-Jan-1979 M White, Travis 25-Mar-1979 M White, Ellen W 03-Jun-1979 F White, Syble Virginia 18-Aug-1979 F White, Fred L 19-Aug-1979 M White, Ollie Evelyn 27-Sep-1979 F Whitehead, Robbie Mae 12-Apr-1979 F Whiteley, Oletha Inez 02-Jan-1979 F Whiteley, Travis Rule 02-Dec-1979 M Whitley, Guy 02-Jan-1979 M Whitley, Thelbert C 11-Feb-1979 M Whitley, Charles Cantrell 17-Apr-1979 M Whitt, George Melvin 16-Nov-1979 M Whittenburg, Etta Mae 10-Oct-1979 F Whittington, Elodie 13-May-1979 F Whittington, Della 26-Jun-1979 F Whittington, Vena G 27-Aug-1979 F Widener, Travis Forrester 27-May-1979 M Wiethorn, Louis 07-May-1979 M Wiggins, Jack Lanier 31-Oct-1979 M Wiley, Richard Lee 14-May-1979 M Wiley, Adolphus J 15-Jul-1979 M Wilkerson, Anderson L 20-Jul-1979 M Wilkerson, Edward Lee 22-Dec-1979 M Wilkins, Warren 12-Oct-1979 M Wilkins, Chad Dewayne 10-Nov-1979 M Wilkinson, Cliff Merimand 20-Feb-1979 F Wilkinson, Peggy Sue 19-May-1979 F Wilkinson, Thomas J, SR 22-Jul-1979 M Willenberg, Charles Ray 23-Sep-1979 M Williams, Elmer 08-Jan-1979 M Williams, Mattie 18-Jan-1979 F Williams, Pearl H 03-Feb-1979 F Williams, Maggie 03-Mar-1979 F Williams, Robert L 05-Mar-1979 M Williams, Roosevelt 17-Mar-1979 M Williams, Jesse Bates 07-May-1979 M Williams, Mack, JR 08-Jun-1979 M Williams, Clarence Donald 22-Jun-1979 M Williams, Audra Edward 20-Aug-1979 M Williams, Louie Douglas 04-Oct-1979 M Williams, Jennifer M 10-Oct-1979 F Williamson, C O 12-Jul-1979 M Williford, Cecil J 25-Nov-1979 M Willingham, Elsie Jane 18-Oct-1979 F Willis, Roy 30-Aug-1979 M Willis, Sherry Lynn 17-Nov-1979 F Willis, Floyd Ellis 27-Dec-1979 M Wilson, George Thomas 19-Mar-1979 M Wilson, Lonnie Stevenson 25-Apr-1979 M Wilson, James Milton 17-Jun-1979 M Wilson, Vergil Vencin 17-Jun-1979 M Wilson, Benjamin S 24-Aug-1979 M Wilson, Lula Mae 21-Sep-1979 F Wilson, Homer Lee 05-Oct-1979 M Wilson, Johnny R 21-Nov-1979 M Wilson, Eunice Bertha 08-Dec-1979 F Winkler, Gus Oscar 04-Jan-1979 M Winkler, Wilbert Henry 31-May-1979 M Winkler, Rudolph A 25-Jul-1979 M Winn, Adolphus Kay 15-Dec-1979 M Winters, Melvin Clinton, JR 20-Nov-1979 M Witherow, Mattie 26-Jan-1979 F Woellert, Lawrence C 03-Sep-1979 M Wofford, Annie Myrtle 27-Nov-1979 F Wolf, Eugene 31-May-1979 M Wolf, Mabel 08-Jul-1979 F Wolff, John Melvin 05-Aug-1979 M Wolff, Elvin 23-Sep-1979 M Wood, David W 05-May-1979 M Wood, Layton Monroe 30-Dec-1979 M Woodruff, William Otis 04-Dec-1979 M Woods, Walter Lee 28-Jan-1979 M Woods, Charles John 17-Nov-1979 M Woodward, Bernice N 09-Aug-1979 F Woody, Annie 14-Jun-1979 F Worcester, Evelyn G 10-Dec-1979 F Wren, James D 05-Oct-1979 M Wright, William 16-May-1979 M Wright, Charles H 06-Jun-1979 M Wright, Linnie Eldie 29-Jul-1979 F Wright, Timothy Giron, II 23-Aug-1979 M Wright, Douglas G 21-Nov-1979 M Wright, Letitia Clementine 26-Nov-1979 F Ybarra, Antonio G 06-Sep-1979 M Yett, Nathan 16-Feb-1979 M Yon, Edgar Ruel 18-Nov-1979 M Young, Edgar Loyd 14-May-1979 M Young, Jeff Thomas 20-May-1979 M Young, James Thomas 01-Sep-1979 M Young, Bobby Lee 10-Oct-1979 M Young, Zeke H 03-Dec-1979 M Young, Carol William 05-Dec-1979 M Youngblood, James Herbert 09-Jan-1979 M Zahorian, Elmer 26-Sep-1979 M Zipperlen, Ben G 03-Apr-1979 M Zrubek, Anna Stacy 04-Jun-1979 F Zurovec, Elias J 13-Nov-1979 M Zurovetz, Frances 08-Jul-1979 F Zycha, Leo John 09-Jan-1979 M Zycha, Joe 13-Apr-1979 M