Bexar County, TX - 1937 La Retama, Yearbook of Brackenridge High School, San Antonio, Texas This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Don Brownlee Copyright. All rights reserved. **************************************************** The following students and faculty are individually pictured in the 1937 La Retama of Brackenridge High School. They are listed in order of last name, given names and class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore). For information on club or sports participation, you are welcome to contact: Abbott, Jerry, sr Abbott, Murrell, jr Achterberg, Hettie, sr Ackerman, Edlouis, jr Ahr, Dorothy, so Akers, Violet Dale, sr Albers, Mary Ann, jr Albert, H. R., fac Alberts, Harold, sr Alexander, Martin, so Alexander, Vera, sr Allen, Robert, so Alley, Amos Del Rey, sr Alley, La Verne, jr Almarez, Mary, sr Alsbury, Denny, sr Alston, Mary Imogene, sr Alsup, Edwin, fac Altwein, James, so Amberson, Gloria, so Amos, Mary Katherine, so Anderson, Corine, jr Anderson, Dorothy, sr Anderson, Florine, jr Anderson, Irvin George, sr Anderson, Jacqueline, so Anderson, Jimmie, jr Anderson, Mary Martha, sr Anderson, Virginia, jr Andreolli, Frances, sr Andrews, Kate, fac Apter, Lillie, sr Archer, Peggy Mildred, so Arlitt, Clara Louise, sr Arms, David, sr Arno, Ruth Marie, so Arnold, Edward, so Arnold, Marjorie, sr Avey, Cyrus Hayford, sr Baade, John, jr Bailey, Dorothy, sr Baird, Betty, sr Baird, Oswald, sr Balcombe, Patsy, jr Ball, Julia, fac Ballard, Geraldine, jr Banks, Bernice, sr Banks, Jack, sr Barksdale, E. C., fac Barneburg, Eugene, jr Barnes, Helen, sr Barnholtz, Gerald, jr Barrett, Dorothy, jr Barron, Lucille, fac Bartels, Pearl, jr Bartholomae, Thomas, jr Bass, Harper, fac Bass, Koy M., sr Bates, Era Jean, jr Baumann, Mildred, sr Baumberger, Betty, jr Baumberger, Virginia, jr Beasley, Nell, fac Beevers, Edgar, so Beitel, Gordon, sr Bell, Jerry, jr Bellinger, Adel, sr Benavides, John, sr Benkendorfer, Jack, jr Bennett, Eleanor, fac Benson, Albert, sr Bernhard, R. W., so Bethea, Donnella, sr Biddy, Cynthia, so Biering, Mary Frances, jr Biles, Milton, sr Binger, Wilbur, so Bingham, Loyd, sr Blackwell, Hazel, jr Blount, Martha, jr Blue, Gloria Dawn, sr Blundell, La Nell, so Bodkin, Marion, jr Bond, Frances, sr Boone, Cynthia, so Bosse, Clara, jr Bosse, Clarence, sr Bottorff, Edgar Martin, sr Bowen, Marjorie, sr Bowie, Jewell, sr Braden, Dorothy Mae, sr Bragg, Jeanette, jr Brice, Byron, jr Bridgwater, Mary, so Brinkman, Edith, fac Brockway, Fred Arthur, sr Brodnax, Charlsie, jr Bronocco, Rafeline, so Brown, Billy, so Brown, Minnie Lee, sr Brown, Nell, sr Brown, Richard, sr Buchanan, Parish, so Buchanan, R. D., sr Buratte, Austin, jr Burg, Elsa, fac Burgamy, Eva Lee, sr Burges, George, so Burnett, George, so Burnett, Hazel, sr Busby, Leonard, jr Byrd, William, sr Cage, Opal Irene, sr Caine, Ella, fac Cameron, Gladys, sr Cameron, John, sr Campbell, Jeanne, sr Carle, Faye, so Carter, Grace, fac Cartledge, Elinor, sr Caskey, James, jr Castro, Johnny, sr Cauthen, Jean, sr Cavanaugh, Ben, sr Cavender, Doris, so Cepeda, Blanca, sr Chadwell, Geneva, sr Chafetz, Blanche Sadie, sr Chambers, George, sr Chapa, Concha, fac Cheshire, Harriet, sr Childress, Virginia, fac Chism, Bill, jr Clancy, Gwendolyn, so Clare, Freddie June, sr Clark, Joyce, jr Clark, Robert, jr Clarkson, Virginia Clare, sr Clausewitz, Esther, sr Cleveland, Agnes, jr Cline, Elora, jr Clingman, Loraine, so Cobb, J. D., fac Cobb, Marvin, jr Cochran, Chester, fac Cockrell, Natalie, so Cohen, Dorothy, sr Colegate, Mary, fac Collett, Mary Belle, so Collins, Emmilou, so Collins, Roger, sr Collins, Winifred, sr Colosia, Doris, sr Comstock, Carol, jr Conway, Janie, sr Cook, Albert, sr Cook, Jean, jr Corder, Billy, jr Coreth, Wilma, sr Cornelius, Rachel, jr Cory, W. L., fac Cosgrove, Hugh, sr Craig, Marcia, jr Cramer, Julia, jr Crawford, Dorothy, jr Crawford, Louise, jr Crawford, Raymond S., sr Crawford, Virginia, jr Creighton, Mary Lel, sr Cresswell, Mary Ellen, sr Crist, Raymond, sr Croft, Keith, so Crutchfield, La Ruth, sr Cude, La Nelle, sr Curbo, Nita, sr Custer, Hortense, sr Dahl, Willie Lee, fac Dalton, Lewis, so Dalton, William, jr Daniel, Annis, sr Daniel, Bonnie Lou, jr Daniel, Mozelle, sr Darlington, Mary Jane, sr Davis, Dorothy, jr Davis, Elaine, jr Davis, George, fac Davis, H. B., sr Davis, Helen, sr Davis, Mickey, sr Davis, Pauline, jr Davis, Rose, fac Davis, Wilfred Frank, sr De Bell, Elizabeth, sr De Bord, Donald, sr De Bord, Zella, jr Deering, Elaine, jr Deffee, Junie, so De Gasperi, Joseph, jr De Leon, Lupe, sr Dement, Dora Deane, so Dennis, Jerry, so Deussen, Doris, so Deussen, June Elizabeth, sr Devine, June, jr Deyo, Fritzie, sr Diaz, Ralph, sr Dibrell, Joe, so Dickey, Jeston, fac Dickey, Martha, fac Dietert, Evelyn, sr Dillon, Marion Rebecca, sr Dinkla, Karel, sr Dippel, Martha, sr Disbro, John, sr Dodson, Gwendolyn, jr Dodson, James, jr Doolittle, Bebe, so Doran, Winifred, sr Dorough, J. D., sr Dowda, Lucille, sr Dowdy, Mary Louise, so Downs, Andrew, sr Downs, Ellsworth, sr Drake, Sam, sr Dreiss, Amy, so Dreiss, Billy, so Dresch, Doris, jr Driggers, La Verne, so Druce, Mercille, jr Dubose, Maxine, so Duffin, Charles, sr Duke, Allenby, sr Dunaway, Dorothy, sr Dunham, Dorothy, sr Dupree, Mary Elizabeth, sr Durham, Annie, jr Durham, Darlene, sr Dyer, Elizabeth, so Dyer, Marguerite, sr Ealy, Eda, sr Eastham, Charles, sr Eaton, Thelma, jr Ebner, Fern, sr Eckenroth, Hilmer, sr Edmiston, Margaret, sr Edwards, Katherine, so Eggeling, Bobbie Lee, so Eitt, Eileen, sr Elbel, Robert Lee, sr Elley, Eldred, sr Ellis, Carolyn, so Ellis, Stavis, sr Elmendorf, Joan Louise, sr Eng, George, sr Eng, Jane, jr Engelking, Doris Jane, so Engels, Lucile, sr Engle, George, so Engle, Eloise, sr Epstein, Martin, sr Erben, Carol, jr Erfurth, Jewel, sr Eubank, Betty, so Evans, Willie Mae, sr Evins, Ruth, jr Ewing, George, so Fallon, Phyllis, jr Farley, Julia, so Farris, Doris Faye, so Farris, Thula, so Farwell, Sammie, jr Faulk, Shirley, jr Fawcett, Leslie, jr Fenske, Carl, jr Ferguson, Marjorie, sr Ferrero, Martin, so Fickes, Dorothy, so Fierro, Adeline, sr Fine, Betty, jr Fine, Jimmie, sr Fischer, George, sr Fischer, Marvin, jr Flaig, Dorothy, sr Flanagan, Dorothy Jane, sr Flores, Hector, sr Flores, Jesse, sr Flores, Rafaelita, so Flournoy, Dayl, jr Foelsing, Bertha, jr Ford, Mary, sr Foster, Arthur Lee, sr Foster, Corinne, sr Foster, Norman, so Fowler, James Franklin, sr Fox, Lucille, sr Fraley, Elizabeth, fac Franke, Bernice, jr Franke, Calvin Paul, sr Franklin, Byron, so Franklin, Jewel, fac Fresenius, Dorothy Adele, sr Frey, Emma, fac Friedmann, Helen, sr Fuchs, Anna Marie, jr Fulcher, Minnie, sr Fuller, Doris, so Funari, Leo Paul, sr Gaffney, Mary, so Gage, Virginia, sr Gandara, Julian, sr Gangwer, Walter, jr Garcia, Joe, sr Garms, Emma, sr Garner, Robert, sr Garoni, John, so Garven, Mary, so Garven, Ruth, sr Gary, Enos, fac Garza, Eugene, sr Garza, Joe A, sr Gascoine, Bernice, jr Gaskins, Marguerite, so Geise, Mildred, jr Gerdes, Wilford, sr Gerfers, Guy, sr Gerlach, Kathleen, sr Gerth, Arrol, so Geyer, Anna Marie, jr Gibbons, Adah, fac Gilbert, Frances, jr Gilbert, Rowena Elanor, sr Gilbert, Rowetta, sr Giles, Lorraine, jr Giles, Vade, so Gipe, Hazel Louise, jr Glaser, Leonard, sr Glass, Vera Mae, sr Gleiser, Margaret, sr Goff, Mildred, so Gold, George, so Goldbeck, Robert, so Gonzales, Lucile, so Gonzalez, James, sr Goodenough, Dorothy, jr Goodwin, Edna Dale, jr Goodwin, Lora, fac Gordon, Emily, sr Gordon, Roland, sr Gowen, Margie, jr Graham, Sybil, jr Grassel, Daniel, sr Grasso, Clarence, jr Graves, Louise, sr Gray, Henrietta, sr Gray, Rebecca, jr Gray, Virginia, so Grayum, Dorothy, jr Greeman, Glenetta, so Greer, Louise, jr Gregory, Mavis, jr Griffen, Aleene, so Grimes, Lurleen, sr Grimm, Elmer, jr Grossenbacher, Audrey, jr Grossenbacher, George, sr Guentert, Harold, jr Guild, Arla, jr Gulley, Martha, sr Guzzardo, Sam, sr Habluetzel, Elsie, sr Hagen, Janice, sr Hagewood, Catherine, sr Hahn, Dorothy, sr Hair, Annie Mae, sr Halamuda, Neal, jr Halbedl, Virginia, sr Hale, Margaret, sr Hale, Marie, fac Haley, Dorothy, sr Hall, Mona Maude, sr Halliburton, Jack, so Halliday, Violet, sr Hambrook, Patty Lou, jr Hamil, Ann Mureen, jr Hamilton, Elinor, so Hamilton, Florene, sr Hancock, Evelyn, so Hannsz, Vivian, sr Hargrove, Rebecca, jr Haring, Margaret, fac Harlan, Celia, so Harlan, Earnestine, so Harlan, Tillie, sr Harless, Margaret Elaine, sr Harrell, Hugh, sr Harris, Joe, sr Hart, Mary Katherine, jr Harter, Clifford, sr Harter, Clovis, sr Harvel, Louise, so Harwell, Jean, fac Hastings, Margie, so Hastings, Warren, jr Haugher, William, sr Hay, Robert, jr Haye, Carmen, sr Heard, Hazel Inez, sr Heil, Mary Louise, jr Henderson, Irene, fac Hensley, Virginia, jr Hernandez, Aurelia, sr Hernandez, Irene, so Herndon, Charles, so Herring, Violet, sr Herrmann, Ralph, sr Herzog, Betty, jr Hetherington, Tom, jr Hicks, John, so Higgins, Marguerite, fac Hill, Emily, so Hill, Lila Leigh, sr Hill, McRae, sr Hill, Tom, jr Hinton, Allen, sr Hoggard, Jean Rae, jr Holder, Jim, so Holder, John, jr Holmes, Jean, sr Hombach, Josephine, sr Hood, Catherine, so Hopkins, Jane, jr Hopkins, Willie Sue, sr Hopper, Alfred, jr Hornbach, Josephine, sr Hornbeak, Sam, so House, Marjorie, sr Howard, Edna, sr Hoyer, Ruth Evelyn, so Hudson, Barbara, so Hudson, Josephine, so Hudspeth, Joan, so Huhndorff, Ervin, sr Huie, Harvey, sr Hull, Dorothy, sr Hull, Harry, sr Humble, Olive, jr Hummel, Harold, sr Hunt, Lillian, so Hurley, Crystal, sr Huthmacher, Edward, so Hutzler, Doris, jr Hyde, Laura, fac Immicke, Marguerite, sr Ingram, Fred, sr Irwin, Barlow, fac Itz, Theo, fac Ives, Frances, sr Iwig, La Verne Jesse, sr Jackson, Clarabelle, sr Jackson, Estelle, jr Jacobs, Betty, sr James, Agnes, fac James, Amy, so James, David, sr James, Kate, fac Jank, Edward, sr Jary, Annie, fac Jeannin, V. J., sr Jenkins, Jesse Frank, sr Jenkins, Lillian, sr Jimmerson, Imagene, jr Johnson, Gayle, sr Johnson, Gloria, sr Johnson, Margaret, sr Johnson, Mary Virginia, so Johnson, Maurine, fac Johnson, Ruth, sr Johnston, Gloria, jr Johnston, Irma Grace, fac Johnston, Lauren, sr Johnston, Thomas, so Jonas, Elsie M., fac Jones, Alvin, sr Jones, Bonnie, sr Jones, Ethel, fac Jones, James, jr Jones, Mae, jr Jones, Pauline, jr Jones, Robert, so Jones, Tom, so Jordan, Adele, sr Jordon, Jimmie, so Joyner, James, so Joyner, Marion, sr Judlin, Marie, jr Juste, Bernice, sr Kabelmacher, Velma, sr Kanatzar, Hobart, sr Karin, Joel, sr Kay, Roy R., fac Keever, Claude Bernard, so Keith, Marzelle, sr Keller, Mignon, sr Kendall, Aileen, so Kendall, Winifred, sr Kendrick, Flois, sr Kennedy, Charlene, sr Kennedy, Jane, so Kennedy, Norman, sr Kent, Marguerite, sr Kenyon, Jacqueline, so Kessler, Dorothy, jr Kimbriel, Emogene, sr King, Abbie, fac King, Eloise, sr Kinna, Gloria, jr Kinsloe, Jacquelin, jr Kintz, Gloria, sr Klaerner, Curtis, jr Kliefoth, Jane, sr Kline, Lorene, so Klinger, Paul, so Knox, Mary V., jr Koch, Elizabeth, fac Kohler, Mildred, jr Kosub, Elizabeth, sr Kothmann, John Henry, jr Krakow, Mollie, sr Kramer, Dorothy, jr Kramme, Harry, sr Krause, Margaret, sr Krause, William, jr Krieger, Mildred, sr Kuehn, Lois, jr Kull, Herbert, so Kunz, Kathleen, jr Kupfernagel, Frances, jr Kurka, Kathryn, so Lackey, Raymond, so Lambert, John Ray, jr Lancaster, Louise, fac Landrum, Hal, sr Lane, Charles, sr Langholz, Ernest, sr Larkin, Eugene, sr Laue, Maida, sr Lawrence, Cecile, fac Lawrence, Christine, fac Lawrence, Elliott P., so Lawrence, Frances, sr Lawson, Elizabeth, so Lawson, Mildred, jr Lay, Virginia, jr Layton, Eloise, so Leach, Edward, so Lehmberg, Alfred, fac Lehmberg, Virgil, sr Lepick, Gertrude, jr Lesser, Henrietta, sr Lewis, Albert, sr Lewis, Dorothy, jr Lewis, Effie, fac Lewis, Eileen, sr Lewis, Eldon, jr Lewis, Frances, jr Lewis, Ted, jr Lifshutz, D. Alexander, sr Lilly, Dorothy, sr Linder, Mary Louise, so Linnartz, Dorothy, jr Little, Leonard, sr Livingston, Lynda Beth, jr Lobello, Josephine, sr Locke, Buddy, sr Lockhart, Billie Jean, jr Loeffler, H. W., fac Logan, Theresa Jo, sr Lohse, Norma, jr Long, Ernestine, jr Longoria, Alfred, sr Looney, Dorothy, sr Looney, Forrest, so Lopez, Lydia Viola, sr Lord, Sidney, sr Lovell, Jack, so Lowe, Paul, jr Lowrance, Kenneth, so Lujan, Raymond, jr Luna, Betty Lee, sr Luna, Janice, so Lyles, Johnny Lou, fac Lynch, Hazel, sr Lyons, Alene Ruth, sr MacFadden, Scotty, so Macfarlane, Charles R., sr Mack, Joe, jr MacTavish, William, sr Magee, Rupert, so Maher, James, sr Manger, Betty, so Mansfield, Marian Eloise, sr Marceau, Pauline, jr Marchiori, Frank, sr Marchiori, Rose Marie, so Marfin, Alice, so Markusich, Nelda, jr Marshall, Opal Ruth, so Martin, Elizabeth, fac Martinez, Carmen, sr Martinez, Mary, sr Massengale, Maevis, jr Massey, Doris, jr Mathis, Arthur, fac Mathis, Bill, jr Matthews, Geraldine, fac Matthews, Jimmie, sr Matthews, William, jr Maud, Mary Helen, so Mayer, Carolyn, jr Mayes, Robert, sr McCall, Ben J., sr McCaskill, Helen, sr McConnell, Lucille, jr McCormick, June, jr McCoy, Mary Louise, sr McDonald, Willie Ray, fac McElwee, Katherine, sr McGregor, Ellen, so McKay, Betty Jane, jr McKay, Billy, so McKay, Ruth Eileen, jr McKim, Alma, so McKinney, James, sr McKnight, Ellen, so McPeak, Merry Ann, sr McPherson, Florence, sr McShan, Charles, jr Meadows, Louise, jr Mechler, Helen, sr Meerscheidt, Maxine, so Mendina, Billy, sr Melton, Zora, fac Mezzetti, Bernice, jr Miles, Genevieve, jr Miller, Betty, jr Miller, Carrol Maxine, sr Miller, Dean, so Miller, Dorothy, jr Miller, E. Alton, sr Miller, Katherine, jr Miller, Mary E., fac Miller, L. S., sr Mitchell, Dorothy, sr Mitchell, Mattie, fac Mock, Tom, sr Moltz, Jo Celia, sr Montanio, Irene, sr Montfort, Aileene, so Moore, Dean, sr Moore, Leslie, jr Moore, Marilyn, jr Moore, Selby, fac Moore, Viola, fac Moore, Wallace, jr Moran, Mickey, sr Moreland, Evelyn, jr Morgan, Alice, so Morgan, Bertha, jr Morin, Raymond, sr Morris, Fredericka, jr Morris, Lucille, sr Morris, Peggy, sr Morris, Ruth, jr Morrison, Esther, sr Moshier, Carmi, sr Mueller, Novella Inez, sr Mueller, Uudolph, sr Mullens, Bryan, sr Mullens, James, so Muller, Barbara, sr Mullin, Marjorie, so Musgrave, Dorothy, sr Musser, Billy, sr Mussey, Alley, sr Myer, Denton, so Nash, Dorothy, jr Naylor, Douglas, sr Naylor, Joe, sr Naylor, Melvin, so Neal, Tom, jr Neighbors, Margaret, so Neill, Dennis, sr Neill, Floyd, so Nelson, Dorothy, sr Nelson, Margaret Elizabeth, sr Nelson, Ralph, jr Nevill, Vance, sr Newberry, Gatewood, fac Newcomer, Gladys, jr Newton, Jerry, sr Niblack, Ruth, sr Nichols, Audrey, sr Nichols, Betty, jr Nichols, Georgette, sr Nichols, Jean, sr Nicholson, Jimmie, sr Nicholson, John, sr Nickens, Ellen, so Nielsen, Maurice, sr Niendorff, Harry, sr Nolan, Joan, jr Norman, Grace, fac Nornhausser, Margie Mae, jr Norton, Mildred, so Norvell, Frances, so Nuessle, Joe, sr Nugent, Alex, jr Nunn, Almada, jr Nunn, Chester, sr Oakley, Ruth, sr Obenhaus, Ruby, jr O'Briant, Bonnie Ruth, sr Offer, Emil, sr Ofton, John Philip, sr Ohnesorge, Harry, sr O'Larnic, Gladys, sr O'Larnic, John, so Olfers, Louise, sr Oliver, Rebecca, sr Oosterveen, Ella, sr Oppermann, Freida, jr O'Quinn, Jacques, sr O'Rourke, Marie, sr Ott, Roderick, jr Overman, Marilyn, so Pagel, Lydia E., fac Palmer, Lois, so Palmer, Wilma, sr Paplaczyk, Frances, so Park, Helen Fay, sr Parker, Barton, jr Parks, Beulah Mae, sr Parr, Ruth Virginia, sr Passur, Marvin, so Patterson, Alice, sr Patterson, Mary Alice, jr Patterson, Sue, so Paulos, Versallia, jr Payne, David, sr Pearce, Gladys, sr Pearce, Susie, jr Pearson, Margaret, jr Peeler, Thomas, so Penney, Mary, jr Perez, Louis, jr Peters, Annie Lou, jr Peters, Elizabeth, jr Peters, Etoile, sr Peters, Henry, sr Peters, Phil, jr Petersen, Elizabeth, sr Petersen, Jimmie, so Peterson, Joe, sr Petrie, Richard, so Pfaendler, Nancy, jr Pfiester, Robert W., sr Phelam, Billy, so Phelps, Eleanor, sr Phelps, Mary Ann, jr Phillips, Juanita, jr Phillips, Louise, fac Phillips, R. P., sr Phipps, Verda Mae, sr Pickrell, Germaine, so Pieper, Elaine, sr Pierce, Marshall, sr Pilant, Frances, sr Pingenot, Leon A., sr Piper, Juanita, so Pitman, Elleen, so Pitman, Jerome, jr Plantowsky, Morris, so Plummer, Marguerite, fac Pogue, Blanche, jr Pokloff, Ann, jr Pons, Frank, sr Porter, Goldie, so Porter, Thelma, sr Portwood, Thomas B., fac Posert, Louis, sr Pote, Marie, sr Poutra, Bertha, sr Powell, Adeline, sr Power, Bill, sr Prange, Mildred, jr Presley, Doris, sr Pressler, Hazel, sr Prints, Billy B., sr Pruitt, Frances, jr Puckett, Manor, fac Pugh, Harold, jr Pundt, Morris, sr Queen, Lucille, sr Rafalsky, Lloyd, sr Rahlmann, Melvina, sr Rahlmann, Ruth, so Rambo, Ernest S., fac Ramsey, Flo, fac Rance, Alvin, sr Randall, Mary Pat, jr Randolff, James, jr Rather, Lucie Jane, jr Reaser, Glenn, sr Redwine, Belle, jr Reeder, Fay Eileen, sr Rees, Norma, jr Reese, Lois, jr Rehberg, Antoinette, jr Reicherzer, James, so Reicherzer, Lillian, jr Reichert, Bobbie, sr Reilly, B. J., fac Ressmann, Christine, jr Rex, Selvin, sr Reynolds, Thomas, jr Richardson, Ann, jr Richardson, Pearl, so Richey, George, sr Richie, Wilbur, jr Richter, Elsie Mae, jr Richter, Leilet, fac Riedner, Dorothy, so Riegel, Mary Louise, fac Ries, Elsie, sr Riggs, Bonita, sr Riley, Jane, sr Riley, Jimmie, sr Rilling, Mary Elizabeth, jr Rios, Esther, sr Roark, Genie, sr Robbins, Dawn, so Robbins, Donald, sr Roberts, Jerome, jr Roberts, Judy, so Roberts, May, jr Robinson, Bill, sr Rock, Lillian, jr Rodgers, Nanette, jr Rodgers, Price, sr Roley, Joyce Anna, sr Roper, George M., so Rose, Bolen, so Rose, Charles, jr Roselle, B. L. D., fac Rosow, Robert, sr Rowell, Kathryn, sr Roy, William, sr Rubin, Harry, sr Rudi, Doris, sr Rum, Ruth, sr Rumans, Lola, jr Ruppell, Josephine, sr Rust, R. V., fac Rutherford, Jonnie, so Ryan, Jay Arthur, sr Sagray, Harry, sr Salazar, Consuela, so Salmon, Marjorie Louise, sr Sanders, Emily, sr Sapson, Dolly, jr Sargent, Jack Scott, jr Sargent, Jimmy, sr Sauermilch, Joyce, jr Sawers, Elizabeth, jr Sawyer, Adolf, sr Sawyer, Elizabeth, sr Schafer, Gertrude, so Schendel, Alfred, sr Scherer, Betty Jane, so Scherer, Dorothy, sr Scherrer, Lorraine, so Schildknecht, Grover, sr Schmidt, Dorothy, sr Schoenemann, Grace, so Schoepfer, Charles, sr Scholz, Olga, fac Scholz, Willliam, so Schott, Helen Joyce, so Schulze, Jack, jr Schumann, Ethel, sr Schwartz, Walter, sr Scott, Charlotte, jr Scott, Wallace, sr Seale, Margie, sr Seele, Hermann H., sr Seidel, Kathryn, so Selsor, Roy, sr Selsor, Troy Elmo, sr Seydler, Florine Louise, sr Seymour, Lois, so Shapiro, Edith, so Shavers, Bonnie Lee, so Shaw, Genevieve, sr Sheffield, Helen, sr Sherherd, john, jr Shiddell, Jack, sr Sibley, Burton, jr Silcock, Jeannette, sr Silcock, Nella, so Sills, Edward, sr Simmons, Bettye, sr Simmons, Katherine, sr Simon, Mildred, jr Sitton, Billy, jr Slay, Ethel, jr Small, Elizabeth Frances, sr Small, Jack, jr Smith, Bob, sr Smith, Bonnie Ellen, jr Smith, Lester, sr Smith, Marjory, jr Smith, Naomi, sr Smith, Ray, jr Smith, Stella Q., fac Snodgrass, Roy, jr Sonnen, Daniel, sr Sotomayor, Leonore, jr Southerlin, Jesse, jr Sowell, Asa, jr Sowell, Margaret, so Sowell, Mildred, so Spangler, Dorothy, jr Spangler, George, sr Spencer, Frank, jr Spencer, Howard, sr Spratt, Miriam, fac Stafford, Margaret, sr Stanley, Mary Louise, jr Stanteen, Willie Mae, so Stanush, Edward, jr Staph, Horace, so Stath, Elizabeth, so Stein, Justine, sr Steinbach, George, sr Stephens, Laura, fac Steubing, Lucille, jr Stipp, Vernon, sr Stolte, Doris Jean, so Strange, Maude Lillian, so Straton, Ollie, fac Strunk, Thelma, jr Sturm, Ted, sr Styers, Josephine, jr Suche, Henry, sr Sillivan, Dorris, jr Summers, Edna, so Summers, Myrrl, fac Sumner, Fred, so Suttle, Edna Mae, sr Swayze, Elizabeth, so Swayze, Roy, sr Swayze, Walter, jr Sweet, Dorothy, jr Sweet, Winfield, sr Talley, Martha Ann, sr Taubert, Louis Earl, sr Taylor, Betty Mae, sr Taylor, Cassie, so Taylor, James, sr Taylor, Kathleen, sr Teskey, George, sr Teskey, Margaret, jr Thigpen, Evelyn, jr Thomas, Howard, sr Thompson, Annie Laurie, so Thompson, Dora Ellen, sr Thompson, Edithlyn, so Thompson, Lenora Ann, so Thompson, Wirt E., jr Thormahlen, Hazel, so Thrailkill, Imogene, so Tietze, Robert, jr Timm, Fayrene, jr Todd, John W., fac Tollett, Evelyn, jr Tomlinson, Hettie Bell, sr Townsend, Winifred, so Tracy, Dorothy, sr Traudt, Naida, jr Travis, Dorothy, so Trembley, June, so Treybig, Ursula, jr Triesch, Gilbert, sr Trimble, Christine, so Trimble, Mary Arden, sr Troutman, Elizabeth, jr Truex, Clarence, jr Trumbo, George H., sr Tryon, Marguerite Hazel, sr Turner, Helen, sr Turner, Jarrell, sr Turner, Lucille, jr Uhl, Arthur, so Vakey, Dorothy, sr Valenzuela, Bill, sr Vanderheider, Richard J., sr Vann, James, so Vargas, Rudolph, sr Vela, Mary Lou, jr Velinder, Raymond, so Verberne, Marguerite, jr Villareal, Ella, sr Villarreal, Geraldine, jr Vogelsang, Margaret, jr Vogt, Mildred, sr Voss, Laura, so Wade, Lorraine Adele, so Wagner, Royce, sr Wahrmund, Dorothy, sr Waits, Homer, so Walker, Fay Louise, jr Walker, Lillian, sr Walker, Marvin, sr Wall, Lucille, sr Wallace, Carter, sr Wallace, Frances, sr Waller, Ted, sr Walton, Mary Jean, so Wangler, Mary K., fac Wanke, Ida Mary, so Ward, Henry, sr Warnke, Harry, sr Warnke, Margaret, so Webb, Daniel, so Weber, Joyce Mae, sr Weber, Leo, jr Weers, Fred, sr Weilbacher, Cleburne, sr Weisinger, Frank, jr Weissinger, Billy, so Wenzler, Rosemary, jr West, Pauline, sr Westerhoff, Jean, jr Wetteran, Marguerite, sr Wetteran, Rose Marie, jr Weynand, Doris, sr Weyrich, Dorothea, so Wharton, Lucille, fac Whitaker, Kent, so White, Gerald, jr White, Geraldine, jr Whiting, Jo Beth, jr Whitley, Letitia, so Wiggins, Barbara Sue, sr Wight, Charles, jr Wight, Doris, jr Wilcut, Mary Ellen, jr Wildenstein, Jean, sr Wiley, Jimmie, sr Wiley, Malcolm, jr Wilke, Elmer, sr Williams, Blanche, fac Williams, Maurine, sr Williamson, Priscilla Mary, sr Williamston, Elsie, so Wilmers, Florence, so Wilson, Arthur, sr Wilson, J. H., sr Wilson, Pansy Fay, jr Wimberly, Alyce, fac Winkler, Emil, sr Winsett, Billy, sr Winter, Betty, sr Winter, Juanita, jr Wipff, Charles, sr Witt, Marsaleete, sr Witta, Louis, sr Woerner, Ruby, so Wolbrecht, Lillian, jr Wolfe, Mildred France, sr Wolfgang, Barbara, so Wolverton, Edna La Verne, sr Woodrum, James, sr Word, Roberta, so Wozniak, Ruth, jr Wright, Maurine, so Wright, Nellie Gray, sr Wright, Rosemary, so Wulfe, Marjorie, so Wurzbach, Ellen Joy, jr Wyatt, Dell, jr Wynns, Jewel, jr Yaeger, Charline, jr Young, Jean, jr Youngblood, Hull, fac Younger, Kathleen, jr Zaiontz, Christine, so Zerr, Albert Clifford, sr Ziegler, June, jr Zimmerman, Edward, sr Zimmerman, Henry, sr Zintgraff, Alfred, sr Zipp, Hazel, so Zirkel, Betty, so Zoeller, Otto, fac Zook, Glayda, sr Zuercher, Lillian, so Zumberge, Pauline, fac