Bexar Co. TX - 1931 yearbook, Incarnate Word College and High School, San Antonio, The Logos ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Don Brownlee =================================================================== The Logos 1931, yearbook of Incarnate Word College, San Antonio, TX The students of Incarnate Word College are listed below with last name, given names, class in school (sr=senior, jr=junior, so=sophomore, fr=freshman, hs=high school). For the seniors, the yearbook lists the area of study, student's home address, club and sports participation, and a brief statement. For example, for Audrey Laura Lee it reads: English; 17 Primrose Place, San Antonio, Texas; Cap and Gown Club, Athletic Association; "The sky was dark/ But her face was a sun in the clouds." For more information on the listed students you are welcome to contact Albert, Regina Doreene, sr, SA, 30 Armbrust, Bessie, sr, SA, 30 Armbrust, Nettie, fr,, SA, 66 Aubin, Louise Adelaide, sr, SA, 30 Bailey, Ramona, jr, SA, 58 Baity, Margaret, jr, SA, 52 Baker, Georgia Wanier, jr, SA, 52 Barcelona, Rachel, hs, SA, 104 Barlow, Margaret, so, Laredo, 58 Barnum, Margaret, fr, SA, 66 Barnwell, Marie Eugenie, hs, SA, 80 Barrera, Emma, hs, Hidalgo Mexico, 98 Barrera, Estelle, hs, SA, 104 Battaglia, Florence, hs, SA, 100 Battaglia, Mary, hs, SA, 98 Bay, Consuela, hs, Mexico City Mexico, 104 Beaumont, Mary Eleanor, hs, SA, 98 Beaumont, Stella, hs, SA, 104 Besalski, Eleanor, fr, SA, 66 Bihl, Alleen, jr, SA, 52 Birdsong, Gladys, so, SA, 58 Bitter, Dorothy, jr, SA, 52 Blakeslee, Rosemary, sr, Austin, 30 Blumrich, Rosa Lee, fr, Lockhart, 66 82 Boehler, Lillian, hs, SA, 100 Boehme, Dorothy, so, SA, 58 Boykin, Helen, fr, Beaumont, 66 Boyle, Mary Augusta, hs, SA, 82 Brackenridge, Margaret Elaine, jr, SA, 52 Brewer, Marguerite, so, Yoakum, 58 Broggi, Lucille, hs, SA, 82 Brosseau, Mary Marguerite, hs, SA, 100 Brosseau, Yvonne, hs, SA, 104 Brown, Elaine, hs, SA, 100 Buchanan, Dorothy, fr, SA, 66 Buchanan, Margaret Christina, sr, SA, 30 Buckley, Dorothy, hs, SA, 104 Buckley, Eleanor Ann, fr, SA, 66 Bushick, Anne Marie, hs, SA, 100 Butler, Grace, jr, SA, 52 Butler, Lillian, jr, SA, 52 Cahill, Joan, fr, SA, 66 Campbell, Elizabeth, sr, SA, 32 Campbell, Hester, so, SA, 58 Cannon, Helen Ruth, hs, SA, 98 Capron, Allyn, fr, SA, 86 Caraway, Mary Frances, fr, Clarendon, 66 Carlin, Blanche, so, Tulsa OK, 58 Carlin, Mamie Louise, sr, Tulsa OK, 32 Carnes, Patty, fr, Floresville, 66 Carnes, Rosemary, fr, Floresville, 86 Carr, Lillian, fr, Stockdale, 66 Cassin, Mary Elizabeth, hs, SA, 100 Cavenaugh, Catherine, jr, SA, 52 Cayo, Constance, fr, Beeville, 66 Cech, Mary, jr, Corpus Christi, 52 Chalkley, Dixie Lee, so, Ranger, 58 Chalkley, Margaret, so, SA, 58 Chamberlain, Eva, fr, Laredo, 66 Chasey, Miriam, so, SA, 58 Chrisman, Hazel, fr, Denison, 66 Christophel, Kathryn, fr, Fort Sam Houston, 66 Church, Mary June, jr, SA, 52 Clark, Dorothy Mary Alyce, sr, SA, 32 Clarke, Katherine, jr, Denver CO, 52 Clinton, Merriam, fr, SA, 66 Cocreham, Mrs. J. T., jr, SA, 52 Coleman, Anna Louise, jr, Floresville, 52 Collins, Margaret, hs, SA, 104 Comegys, Elizabeth, fr, SA, 86 Connors, Marguerite, sr, Galveston, 32 Copeland, Margaret, so, Palestine, 58 Cotham, Margaret, so, SA, 58 Cowen, Winifred, hs, SA, 98 Craig, Melba Lydia, sr, SA, 32 Craighead, Ada, fr, Floresville, 66 Crawford, Bonnie, fr, Beaumont, 68 Crawford, Lorene, hs, Alpine, 100 Cullen, Bonnie, hs, SA, 100 Currington, Katherine, hs, Corpus Christi, 100 Darby, Ruth, so, SA, 58 Darlington, Dorothy, fr, SA, 68 Davis, Edith, hs, Del Rio, 98 Davis, Ethel, so, SA, 58 Davis, Violet, so, Del Rio, 58 Davison, Lera, fr, Alameda, 68 Day, Phyllis, hs, SA, 104 Derby, Mary Louise, hs, SA, 104 Dewees, Corabel, so, SA, 58 Dimick, Josephine, so, SA, 58 Dodson, Margaret, sr, SA, 34 Donoho, Olive, sr, SA, 34 Dougherty, Mary Tarleton, hs, Beeville, 86 Doughty, Grace Belle, hs, Edinburg, 98 Doyle, Agnes, so, Houston, 60 Drought, Mary, hs, SA, 98 Dullrig, Marie, jr, SA, 52 Dullye, Mabel, so, SA, 60 Eccell, Frances, hs, SA, 88 Echterhoff, Lela Gabbart, SA, 34 Edwards, Celeste, hs, SA, 98 Elks, Alloah, so, Dallas, 60 Ellerman, Phyllis, fr, Three Rivers, 68 Evetts, Elizabeth, so, SA, 60 Evins, Margaret, so, SA, 60 Finck, Mary Margaret, hs, SA, 100 Fischer, Dorothy, fr, SA, 68 Fitch, Frances, so, Fort Sam Houston, 60 Flavin, Valerie, so, Houston, 60 Fleming, Jacqueline, hs, SA, 104 Flowers, Dorothy, fr, SA, 68 80 Fournier, Margaret F., hs, SA, 88 Fowler, Aline, fr, Houston, 68 Fowler, Mary, fr, Houston, 68 Freeman, Mary Helen, so, Del Rio, 60 Francis, Lucille, so, SA, 60 Frost, Sadia, fr, SA, 68 Galbreath, Mary Lee, sr, SA, 34 Gerlich, Marguerite, so, New Braunfels, 60 Gersdorf, Dorothy, fr, SA, 68 Gibbs, Gertrude L., sr, Dallas, 34 Giesecke, Carolyn Frances, sr, SA, 36 Giles, Elizabeth, fr, Houston, 68 Gilliland, Burt, sr, SA, 36 Glover, Ida Mae, jr, SA, 54 Gochicoa, Lupe, hs, Tampico Mexico, 104 Goodman, Josephine, fr, Sa, 68 Gray, Agnes, so, St. Louis MO, 60 Greathouse, Katherine, jr, SA, 54 Groom, Sella, so, SA, 60 Grote, Lonie, jr, SA, 54 Grothaus, Martha, jr, SA, 54 Gruber, Betty, fr, SA, 68 Gruber, Eloise, fr, SA, 68 Hahn, Evelyn, so, Fort Sam Houston, 60 Haligman, Annie Laurie, hs, SA, 98 Halloran, Mary Elizabeth, fr, SA, 68 Halloran, Pauline, hs, SA, 100 Hammill, Mary, hs, Detroit MI, 100 Hargrove, Vera Siler, sr, SA, 36 Harley, Ann, hs, SA, 104 Harper, Ellen Douglas, sr, SA, 36 Harper, Jimmy, fr, SA, 68 Hatzenbuehler, Frances Mildred, hs, SA, 88 Hearne, Bertha Elizabeth, hs, SA, 88 Heath, Roberta, fr, SA, 68 Hedges, Dorothy, hs, SA, 88 Hennessey, Peggy, jr, Fort Sam Houston, 52 Hennessy, Mary, jr, SA, 52 Henson, Mary Ellen, hs, SA, 90 Hering, Marie, hs, SA, 100 Hickey, Elizabeth, so, Laredo, 60 Higdon, Modean, so, San Jose, 60 Higgins, Annie, sr, SA, 36 Himes, Helen Guadalupe, hs, Monterrey, 90 Hissner, Dorothy, so, SA, 60 Hoelscher, Rosa Lee, fr, Lott, 70 Hoffman, Helen, fr, SA, 70 Hooker, Virginia Ann, sr, SA, 38 Horn, Hermion, hs, SA, 104 Houston, Lurline, fr, SA, 70 Hudson, Helen, hs, Tampico Mexico, 104 Huey, Katherine, fr, New Orleans LA, 70 Huston, Margaret, so, SA, 60 Hutchinson, Mary Louise, hs, Tampico Mexico, 104 Irwin, Dorothy, jr, SA, 54 Ivers, Mary Alice, sr, Dallas, 38 Jackson, Delia Huff, sr, SA, 38 James, Joy Alma, jr, SA, 54 James, Laura, sr, SA, 38 Jefferson, Jordine, jr, Seguin, 54 Jennings, Jean, hs, Harlingen, 90 Jennings, Nancy, fr, Harlingen, 70 Jersig, Grace Clara, sr, SA, 38 Johnson, Dorothy, fr, Floresville, 70 Jones, Florence, jr, Post, 54 Kalsted, Evelyn, jr, SA, 54 Kayser, Mildred Wright, hs, Pachuca Mexico, 90 Kearney, Emma Mae, hs, SA, 98 Kelly, Jean, hs, SA, 90 Kelly, Mary Catherine, hs, SA, 102 Kempf, Virginia, so, SA, 62 King, Frances, hs, SA, 98 King, Grace Geneva, hs, SA, 106 Klecka, Evelyn, so, Cuero, 62 Kleinecke, Mary Katherine, sr, Galveston, 40 Knopp, Lillian, jr, SA, 54 Koehler, Clara Nellie, so, Somerset, 62 Kowalski, Sophia, so, Brownsville, 62 Kraut, Lela, jr, Sabinal, 54 Kress, Edith, so, SA, 62 Kroeger, Beryl, hs, SA, 98 Krueger, Dorothy Lee, so, SA, 62 Kuehler, Charlotte, hs, Marion, 92 Kuntz, Mary Jane, so, SA, 62 Kusel, Eda, fr, Edinburg, 70 Lee, Audrey Laura, sr, SA, 40 Lewis, Betty, hs, SA, 92 Long, Rose, hs, SA, 102 Loughborough, Mary Julia, hs, SA, 102 Loustaunau, Juliette, fr, SA, 70 Luckenbach, Eunice, fr, SA, 70 Lyons, Minalee, hs, Beaumont, 98 Maessen, Jeanette, so, SA, 62 Maffi, Mildred June, hs, SA, 102 Makrow, Ray, sr, Alice, 40 Manry, Corrine, sr, SA, 40 Mapes, Louise, hs, Bridgeport CT, 92 Marek, Albina, fr, Floresville, 70 Martin, Dora, fr, Laredo, 70 Martinez, Anita, fr, SA, 70 Martinez, Celia, hs, Mexico City Mexico, 102 Martinez, Elvira, hs, SA, 92 Mathis, Agnes Bell, hs, SA, 92 Mathis, Mary, jr, SA, 54 Matthews,Clara, so, Laredo, 62 McCann, Agnes Teresa, hs, SA, 94 McCulloch, Jewel, so, Bryan, 62 McCurdy, Elizabeth, fr, Beeville, 70 McDade, Phyllis, fr, Amarillo, 70 McDowell, Dorothy, so, Bryan, 62 McGarry, Isabelle, fr, Chicago IL, 72 McGee, Dorothy, fr, SA, 72 McKee, Mary Frances, jr, SA, 54 McQueen, Virginia, hs, Dallas, 106 Merithew, Gladys, hs, Oklahoma City OK, 102 Meyer, Thelma, hs, SA, 94 Mihalogou, Helen Marie, hs, Torreon Mexico, 86 Miller, Margaret E., sr, SA, 40 Miller, Ruby Louise, fr, SA, 70 80 Mims, Reba, fr, Laredo, 70 Moore, Elinor, so, SA, 62 Moreland, Edith, fr, Galveston, 70 Morrow, Helen Marion, sr, SA, 42 Moss, Frances, hs, Refugio, 94 Moynahan, Mary, so, SA, 62 Muller, Mary Gose, sr, SA, 42 Murphy, Juanita, jr, SA, 54 Myers, Etta Louise, jr, Floresville, 54 Nacke, Patricia, hs, SA, 106 Niggli, Josephine Morgan, sr, SA, 42 Norris, Mary Edna, sr, Galveston, 42 Nixon, Hazel, sr, SA, 42 O'Connell, Mary Margaret, so, Fort Worth, 62 Ogilvie, Virgina, hs, SA, 98 Olivarez, Carmen, hs, Mexico, 106 Oliver, Mary, sr, SA, 44 Orchard, Elizabeth, jr, SA, 54 O'Rourke, Kathleen, jr, Chicago IL, 54 Palmer, Dorothy, hs, SA, 102 Parkinson, Margaret, fr, SA, 72 Parma, Alta Louise, so, SA, 62 Peltier, Mary Eleanor, hs, SA, 106 Penaloza, Catherine B., hs, SA, 102 Pettus, Josie, hs, SA, 102 Pianta, Catherine, so, SA, 62 Pinc, Mary, hs, SA, 98 Pingenot, Louise, jr, Eagle Pass, 56 Poole, Winifred, fr, Cotulla, 72 Potera, Jane, hs, Chicago IL, 106 Prida, Josephine, hs, SA, 102 Procissi, Estelle, hs, Monterrey Mexico, 94 Purvis, Edith, so, SA, 62 Rakowicz, Irene, fr, SA, 72 Randolph, Dorothy Elizabeth, hs, Sao Paulo Brazil, 94 Ray, Mamie, hs, SA, 98 Raymond, Maydell, hs, SA, 106 Rees, Margaret, fr, Beeville, 72 Rehm, Mary Jane, jr, SA, 54 Rehm, Willie Lee, jr, SA, 56 Reichard, Eleanor, hs, SA, 106 Reiley, Beverly, hs, Sonora, 102 Renken, Helen, so, SA, 64 Remy, Doris, jr, SA, 56 80 Reynolds, Betty, fr, Fort Sam Houston, 72 Reynolds, Lucy, hs, SA, 98 Rice, Bernardine, sr, SA, 44 Rice, Ellenor Ann, sr, SA, 44 Richey, Eloise, fr, SA, 72 Riegel, Felton, fr, SA, 72 Rigg, Mary Elizabeth, jr, Houston, 56 Roberts, Kathryn, sr, SA, 44 Roberts, Martha Elizabeth, so, Tyler, 64 Roehl, Geraldine, so, Fort Worth, 64 Rosenblum, Numie, hs, Laredo, 98 Rossy, Alva, so, SA, 64 Rossy, Charlotte, jr, SA, 56 Rossy, Margaret, jr, SA, 54 Rubiola, Ayleen, hs, SA, 106 Ruiz, Mary, fr, SA, 72 Russell, Marion, so, Del Rio, 64 Ryals, Della, hs, Refugio, 86 Ryan, Genevieve, so, SA, 64 Ryan, Mary, hs, Brooklyn NY, 106 Saenz, Elvira, fr, Laredo, 72 Sanner, Renee, jr, SA, 56 Sansoube, Concepcion, fr, SA, 72 Schelper, Anna, hs, SA, 106 Schiebl, Margaret, so, SA, 64 Schroeders, Adele, so, SA, 64 Schroeders, Cora, jr, SA, 56 Schroeders, Paula, jr, SA, 56 Sculley, Dorothy, fr, Houston, 72 Selfridge, Mary Rachel, sr, SA, 44 Selna, Fede, jr, Jerome AZ, 56 Seng, Martha, hs, SA, 98 Seng, Vera Frances, hs, SA, 98 Sheridan, Helen Elizabeth, hs, SA, 102 Siler, Pattie, hs, SA, 102 Simmons, Bettie, Sweetwater, 72 Simmons, Maryemma, jr, Sweetwater, 56 Smith, Eleanor, so, SA, 64 Smith, Helen, hs, SA, 106 Sobrino, Josephine, hs, SA, 98 Spears, Lois Harky, hs, SA, 82 Spence, Isabel, so, SA, 64 Spruce, Virginia, fr, Floresville, 72 Stallings, Virginia, so, SA, 64 Stanford, Helene, hs, Houston, 106 Stansell, Camille, so, Kansas City MO, 64 Stavinoha, Lucile, fr, Temple, 72 Steinle, Iris, so, SA, 64 Stewart, Ida Louise, so, Del Rio, 64 Stewart, Nell, hs, SA, 98 Stiles, Dorothy, Thorndale, 72 Stone, Lillian, hs, SA, 102 Storts, Alice, jr, San Marcos, 56 Strain, Ann, hs, SA, 106 Strain, Jane, hs, SA, 106 St. Wrba, Alba, fr, Caldwell, 74 80 Surtees, Eleanor, so, SA, 64 Swearingen, Nelle, sr, SA, 46 Sweeten, Elizabeth, so, SA, 64 Symanski, Mary Louise, hs, Tampico Mexico, 84 Taliaferro, Doris Ethel, sr, SA, 46 Thompson, Beatrice Syers, sr, SA, 46 Thompson, Marguerite, fr, Galveston, 74 Timberlake,Edna Lou, so, SA, 64 Tippett, Annie, jr, San Angelo, 56 Tom, Genevieve, fr, Campbellton, 74 Treaccar, Caroline, fr, SA, 74 Treadaway, Mary Alice, sr, SA, 46 Ulmer, Olivia, fr, SA, 74 Underwood, Francesca Valencia, hs, SA, 84 Villareal, Lois, fr, Monterrey Mexico, 74 Vinton, Lorraine, so, SA, 64 Vogel, Dolores, fr, Lockhart, 74 82 Voigt, Delia A., sr, SA, 46 Voigt, Mary Dorothea, fr, Galveston, 74 Voight, Fanora, sr, SA, 48 Walker, Jane Marie, sr, SA, 48 Wallace, Evelyn, fr, Henderson, 74 Walsh, Dorothy, fr, SA, 74 Walsh, Irene, hs, SA, 106 Welder, Pattie, fr, Sinton, 74 Wemhaner, Mary Elizabeth, fr, McAlister OK, 74 Wheelis, June, jr, SA, 56 Whitfield, Mary Elizabeth, hs, , 84 Wiggins, Mary Louise, sr, SA, 48 Wildenthal, Mary Louise, fr, Cotulla, 74 Williams, Alta Mae, jr, SA, 56 Williamson, Sarah Lewis, sr, SA, 48 Willingham, Mary Elizabeth, fr, SA, 74 Willmering, Ruth, fr, Amarillo, 74 Wilson, Sudie, sr, SA, 48 Wood, Catherine, fr, Refugio, 74 Wood, Marie, fr, Refugio, 74 Wood, Patricia Claire, fr, , 84 Yonker, Jeanette, so, Ranger, 64