1933 Diamond Back, Yearbook of St. Mary?s University, San Antonio, Texas submitted by Don R. Brownlee ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitted, and contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGENWEB Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** 1933 Diamond Back, Yearbook of St. Mary?s University, San Antonio, Texas The following students and faculty from St. Mary?s University in San Antonio, Texas are individually pictured in the 1933 Diamond Back. They are listed in order of family name, given names, class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr-junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshman), hometown and yearbook page. For each senior the yearbook includes a listing of sport and club activity. For this or other yearbook information, you are welcome to contact: Arnaud, Elie E., so, San Antonio, 40 Baass, Alfred C., so, Victoria, 40 Baetz, Bert, jr, San Antonio, 34 Baier, Leo J., fac, 18 Banck, Leo J., fac, 18 Barry, Thomas G., fr, San Antonio, 48 Bates, Roy C., fac, 18 Biaggini, Benjamin F., fr, San Antonio, 48 Billingsley, Oliver F., fr, San Antonio, 48 Black, John J., fac, 18 Braden, William H., so, San Antonio, 40 Brown, Robert R., sr, San Antonio, 24 Buchek, Harvey J., jr, San Antonio, 34 Caldwell, Beverly, fac, 18 Caldwell, Donovan, jr, San Antonio, 34 Campbell, Robert P., sr, San Antonio, 24 Cartwright, Carl O., fac, 18 Catalani, Albert, jr, San Antonio, 34 Cates, Howard, so, Knightstown IN, 40 Cavanaugh, Woodrow W., sr, San Antonio, 25 Chapman, John, so, San Antonio, 40 Clubb, C. Calder, jr, San Antonio, 34 Cohn, Joseph D., fr, San Antonio, 48 Collman, Frederick W., sr, San Antonio, 25 Condon, James M., fr, San Antonio, 48 Cox, William F., fac, 18 Crossette, Murray F., fr, San Antonio, 48 Curda, Robert E., so, Chicago IL, 40 Dailey, Thomas M., so, San Antonio, 41 Davison, Lawrence L., so, Almeda, 41 Deegan, Robert D., fr, San Antonio, 49 Delemater, Harold, so, San Antonio, 41 Doyle, John A., fr, San Antonio, 49 Drought, H. P. III, so, San Antonio, 41 Duffy, Lawrence T., fac, 18 Freeman, William C., so, San Antonio, 41 Golatka, Walter F., fac, 18 Guzman, Luis F., fr, San Antonio, 49 Haegelin, Charles A., jr, San Antonio, 35 Haegelin, Milton L., so, Hondo, 41 Hagemann, Albert J., fac, 18 Hay, Samuel J., fr, San Antonio, 49 Hess, Francis, fac, 19 Hickey, Richard P., fac, 19 Hill, Peter, fac, 19 Hodges, J. Guinn, so, San Antonio, 42 Hoffmann, Harold H., fr, MEXICO, 49 Hoffman, Robert R., fr, MEXICO, 49 Holmgreen, Herbert H., fr, San Antonio, 50 Holzhaus, Clement J., fac, 19 Huebert, Michael G., fac, 7 Huhndorff, Roland F., so, San Antonio, 42 Hyman, Herbert H., fr, San Antonio, 50 Jackson, Emmett, T., so, San Antonio, 42 Jambers, George T., jr, San Antonio, 35 Jennings, William J., sr, San Antonio, 25 Johnson, Edwin M., sr, San Antonio, 26 Johnson, Richard G., sr, San Antonio, 26 Joyce, Walter H., jr, San Antonio, 35 Junker, Fred J., fac, 19 Karsch, Herbert L., so, San Antonio, 42 Kauss, Theodore, fac, 19 Kenny, Joseph T., so, San Antonio, 42 Kerr, Armstrong, so, San Antonio, 42 Kleeman, George, so, San Antonio, 43 Klein, Lester L., fr, San Antonio, 50 Klemcke, George, fr, Somerset, 50 Kneupper, Wilford A., so, Converse, 42 Lahourcade, Fred G., jr, San Antonio, 35 Lahourcade, Sidney F., sr, San Antonio, 26 LeBaron, Howard F., sr, San Antonio, 27 Levenson, Hertzel N., fr, San Antonio, 50 Licata, Alex T., sr, San Antonio, 27 Lockwood, Ray J., so, San Antonio, 43 Logan, James C., so, San Antonio, 42 Lovelace, M. Boone, so, San Antonio, 42 Mabrito, Martel E., jr, San Antonio, 36 Mayl, Robert W., fac, 19 McGary, Barney T., so, San Antonio, 43 McIlhenny, Thomas H., jr, San Antonio, 36 Micher, Manuel, fr, Torreon MEXICO, 50 Miller, Jarrell I., jr, San Antonio, 36 Mitchell, Albert, fac, 19 Mitchell, Harold, fr, San Antonio, 51 Moore, Oliver S., fr, San Antonio, 51 Morales, Joe A., so, San Antonio, 44 Morrison, Frank B., fr, San Antonio, 51 Moss, Basil A., sr, Refugio, 28 Moynahan, Lawrence G., sr, San Antonio, 27 Mozersky, Victor, jr, San Antonio, 36 Myers, Gerald J., sr, San Antonio, 28 Neumann, Edward, jr, San Antonio, 36 Obriotti, Jacob F., so, San Antonio, 44 O?Byrne, Michael, fr, Maydelle, 51 Oloresisimo, Lorenzo M., fr, San Fernando PHILIPPINES, 51 Pancoast, Christopher P., fr, San Antonio, 51 Plaut, Stephen F., jr, New York NY, 37 Post, S. Perry, so, San Antonio, 44 Powers, William D., fac, 19 Praeger, Walter D., jr, San Antonio, 37 Quinlan, John L., jr, Ottumwa IA, 37 Quirk, Frank J., fr, San Antonio, 52 Raba, Ernest A., jr, San Antonio, 37 Rabe, Alfred H., fac, 17 Rankin, James B., fr, San Antonio, 52 Reichmuth, William E., fr, San Antonio, 52 Resendez, Adam R., sr, San Antonio, 28 Richards, John T., sr, Rockdale, 29 Rives, William T., sr, Victoria, 29 Roch, Leslie J., fac, 20 Rothe, Courand N., so, San Antonio, 44 Rothman, Leslie E., sr, San Antonio, 29 Routledge, Rodham C., so, San Antonio, 44 Ryan, William R., fr, Ottine, 52 Safir, Nathan, so, San Antonio, 44 Salter, John J., so, San Antonio, 45 Sauer, Raymond C., fr, San Antonio, 52 Saunders, Clarence, fac, 20 Saunders, Elliott, jr, San Antonio, 37 Scanlan, Nestor, jr, Brownsville, 38 Schlitt, Peter J., fac, 20 Schmidt, Milton J., sr, San Antonio, 30 Schnepp, Gerald, fac, 20 Schnepp, Raymond, fac, 20 Sein, A. C., fr, San Antonio, 52 Sharp, Charles E., so, San Antonio, 45 Sheridan, Dennis P., jr, San Antonio, 38 Siemer, William, fac, 20 Snyder, A. A., so, San Antonio, 45 Speier, Anthony H., fr, San Antonio, 53 Stecker, Theodore J., sr, San Antonio, 30 Ternus, Joseph C., sr, Clodine, 30 Thein, Louis, fac, 20 Trevino, Virgil B., sr, San Antonio, 31 Trueheart, John D., sr, San Antonio, 31 Ulbrich, Lloyd E., fr, San Antonio, 53 Villarreal, Virgilio O., so, Frontera MEXICO, 45 Vistura, Simon P., fr, San Antonio, 53 Vollmer, Ferdinand J., so, San Antonio, 45 Walker, Dudley R., fac, 20 Wepreck, Anton, fr, Victoria, 53 Wepreck, Fred C., fr, Victoria, 53 Wild, Herman B., jr, San Antonio, 38 Wilde, Victor F., fr, Rowena, 53 Williams, Henry G., jr, San Antonio, 38 Williams, Tim C., sr, Victoria, 31 Winn, Murray A., so, San Antonio, 45 Withoff, James O., jr, San Antonio, 38 Withoff, Paul A., sr, San Antonio, 31 Wurzbach, Clemens K., fr, San Antonio, 53 Zirnheld, Frank, fac, 20