1976 Deaths, Bexar County, Texas *********************************************************** Submitted by: Gina Heffernan Date: 30 Jun 2010 Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm *********************************************************** Deltoro, Maria 19760423 F Deluna, Margarita G 19760930 F Deluna, Rosa A 19760420 F Delvalle, Eleuterio 19760729 M Delvalle, Victor M 19760216 M Deming, Helen M 19760710 F Demmer, William E 19760109 M Demos, Adelaida 19760823 F Dempsey, Loy L 19760320 M Dempster, Brian M 19760307 M Dempster, Devon D 19760307 M Denbow, Gordon E 19760906 M Denby, Elsie 19761124 F Denges, Canary L 19760523 F Denman, Oll D 19760312 M Denn, J B 19760626 M Dennis, Ann 19760717 F Dennis, Edith L 19761212 F Dennis, Jewel P 19760504 F Dent, Ernest B 19761129 M Denton, Claude 19761109 M Deon, Tina M 19761209 F Depland, Annie A 19761210 F Deptawa, Theo L 19760725 M Deramus, Larry D Inf Of 19760416 F Derry, Hazel M 19761115 F Desalme, Amy M 19760822 F Desalme, Erna J 19760129 F Deschner, Henry 19761012 M Desmarais, Asadel L 19760821 F Desoto, Antonio 19760923 M Desoto, Aureliano 19761110 M Desoto, Juan H 19760112 M Desrochers, John B 19761216 M Desrosiers, Albina 19760222 F Determan, Catherine 19760601 F Deutsch, Edwin R 19760226 M Devora, Eddie D 19760917 M Devries, Marion E 19760827 F Dewees, Edward E 19760502 M Dewey, Gwendolyn 19760204 F Dexter, Marguerite B 19760902 F Dias, Doroteo 19760128 M Diaz, Epimenia L 19761113 F Diaz, Eugenio 19761130 M Diaz, Felipe Jr 19760907 M Diaz, Juan B 19761201 M Diaz, Julia P 19760820 F Diaz, Pauline 19760505 F Diaz, Refugia A 19760530 F Diaz, Rosalva 19761030 F Diaz, Susano L 19760830 M Diaz, Teresa 19760514 F Dibrell, Harvey 19760217 M Dichiara, Anthony B 19760830 M Dickey, Esther K 19760618 F Dickson, Delma F 19760214 F Dieckow, Martha M 19760120 F Dieckow, Minnie F 19760823 F Diehl, Edward R 19760526 M Dieringer, Weldon H 19761005 M Diersing, Marie B 19760802 F Dietz, Louise I 19760206 F Dietzel, Edwin F 19761108 M Dildine, Lanell D 19760420 F Dillingham, Lurline 19760802 F Dillon, Sharon I 19760124 F Dismore, Marguerite I 19760817 F Dittrich, Anna C 19761125 F Diver, Iris J 19760619 M Dixon, Durward M 19760605 M Dixon, Ella 19761230 F Dixon, Henry 19760105 M Dixon, Lorraine E 19760718 F Dixon, Sallie C 19760223 F Dixon, Searcy 19760714 M Dlugos, Albert 19760119 M Dlugosh, Ernest J Sr 19760709 M Dobbins, Gilberta W 19760515 F Dobbins, Isabelle 19761012 F Dobbins, Thomas C 19760719 M Dobbs, Michelle L 19760309 F Dobson, Allen 19760204 M Dodd, Beulah L 19760125 F Dodd, Joe M 19760413 M Dodge, William L 19760520 M Dodson, Carol L 19760606 F Dodson, Fred Sr 19761003 M Dodson, Joel J 19760531 M Doherty, Weldon M 19760422 M Dolan, Inez K 19760215 F Doll, Lela M 19760309 F Dolle, Walter C 19761215 M Dominguez, Antonio P Jr 19760914 M Dominguez, Catarino 19760327 M Dominguez, Domingo V 19760802 M Dominguez, Fernando 19761004 M Dominguez, Francisco 19760116 M Dominguez, Mary N 19760611 F Dominguez, William 19760327 M Domres, Lucile E 19760303 F Don, Arcadia M 19761005 F Don, Mike 19760227 M Donaldson, Reginald 19760303 M Dondlinger, Martin C 19760822 M Donnelly, Ava U 19760110 F Donovan, Leighla M 19760220 F Doolittle, Ernest L 19760911 M Doria, Francisco 19760226 M Dorsey, James T 19761011 M Dosdall, Mary L 19760411 F Dotson, Eleanor M 19760121 F Dougherty, Frank R 19760620 M Dougherty, James J 19760514 M Dougherty, Lillian G 19760809 F Douglas, Charlsie D 19760307 F Douglas, Ivan H 19760510 M Douglas, Martha H 19761007 F Douglas, Steven E 19760704 M Douglas, Timothy A 19760829 M Douglass, Ruth H 19760908 F Douthit, George C 19760302 M Dove, Mary E 19761012 F Dowd, James J 19760115 M Dowd, Robert W 19760103 M Dowden, Roselee D 19760819 F Dowlearn, Margaret S 19760504 F Downey, Bennett E Sr 19760802 M Doxie, Robert L Jr 19760305 M Doyle, Jack C 19761205 M Doyle, Russell M 19760430 M Draeger, August Jr 19760107 M Draeger, Irene T 19760623 F Drake, Lillie F 19761129 F Driscoll, Leo J 19760306 M Drummer, Mittie M 19760309 F Drury, Chad A 19760713 M Drzymala, Thomas 19760228 M Drzymalla, Theodore E 19760605 M Dubose, Annie A 19760522 F Dubose, John W 19760330 M Dubose, Paul T 19760119 M Dubose, William M 19760406 M Dubose, Willis R 19760607 M Duckworth, Earl E 19760119 M Duclos, Michelle M Inf Of 19760226 M Dudash, John P 19760504 M Duderstadt, Albert A 19760921 M Duecker, Clarence A Jr 19760112 M Duelm, Belle 19760525 F Duelm, Vlasta M 19760703 F Duenas, Denise C 19760810 F Duffin, Charles B 19760811 M Dufner, Charles 19760508 M Dugosh, Clem 19761025 M Dugosh, George J 19760121 M Duigon, Theodore M Sr 19761027 M Duke, Clara A 19760116 F Duke, Tom C 19760831 M Dukes, Lewis M 19760902 M Dukett, Josephine S 19760825 F Dula, Mason A 19761106 M Dulin, Lela M 19760311 F Dullye, August V Sr 19760329 M Duncan, Newton O Jr 19761130 M Dundas, Augusta 19760218 F Dunkin, John E Sr 19760203 M Dunkin, Mary E 19760419 F Dunlap, Lula M 19761030 F Dunlapp, Beverly L 19760610 F Dunn, Jessie W 19760920 F Dunn, John J 19760218 M Dunn, Patricia A 19760902 F Dunsmore, Richard E 19760327 M Duque, Margarita H 19760321 F Duran, Carolina 19760719 F Durazo, Jose M 19760113 M Durham, Bill V 19760720 M Durham, Minnie C 19761127 F Durham, William H 19761203 M Duron, Ramiro C 19760124 M Duron, Ruben A Inf Of 19760215 M Durst, John E 19760721 M Dutcher, Sidney H 19761120 M Dwyer, Edward J 19760720 M Dwyer, Nora 19760207 F Dyer, Donald A 19760512 M Dykes, William U 19760116 M Dyson, Iva J 19761203 F Dyson, Josephine I 19760502 F Eager, Linda 19760104 F Early, Nellie 19760713 F Earnest, Odell 19760301 M Easterly, Keith R Jr 19760708 M Eaton, Zena V 19760528 F Ebrom, Mary A 19760315 F Echols, Dewey L 19760309 M Eckardt, Lena L 19760918 F Eckart, Johnnie J 19761113 M Eckert, Erwin L 19760822 M Eckert, Willie E 19761031 M Eckhardt, Emil E Jr 19760918 M Eckles, John H 19760622 M Eckman, Carl E 19760220 M Eckmann, Arthur 19760224 M Eddins, William N 19760919 M Eddy, Effie V 19760927 F Edgar, Clyde 19760923 M Edge, Katherine E 19761016 F Edmiston, Eugene 19760722 M Edwards, Arthur I 19761219 M Edwards, Charles A 19760118 M Edwards, David Jr 19760715 M Edwards, Harold L Jr 19761114 M Edwards, Jammie L 19760316 F Edwards, John M 19760807 M Edwards, Lashon L 19760516 M Edwards, Margaret N 19760602 F Edwards, Mary E 19761106 F Edwards, Mattie E 19760627 F Edwards, Nettle L 19761212 F Edwards, Rachel F 19760624 F Edwards, Ruby J 19760313 F Edwards, Sallie A 19761011 F Edwards, Sylvester 19761118 M Edwards, William C 19760725 M Edwards, William S 19760807 M Edwards, William T 19760427 M Egnew, Waltina F 19760903 F Ehrhart, Niles L 19761108 M Ehring, Charles R 19760130 M Eichelberger, Lorena H 19760616 F Eichler, Regina 19761204 F Eichman, Florence P 19761227 F Eickmann, Alma K 19760223 F Eickmann, Henry A 19760903 M Eisenberg, Sam 19760410 M Ekrut, Edwin H 19760311 M Elbel, Roland G 19760617 M Elberg, Robert J 19760726 M Eldridge, Bertie B 19760318 F Elias, Emilio 19760708 M Elizalde, Pedro Sr 19760408 M Elizondo, Felipe M 19760824 M Elizondo, Gonzalo P 19760309 M Elizondo, Jesus V 19760825 M Elizondo, Joe M 19760614 M Elizondo, Maria G 19760913 F Elizondo, Valariana F 19761021 F Elkins, George E 19760915 M Elkins, Margaret G 19760202 F Eller, Louis N Jr 19760306 M Ellerman, William H 19760920 M Elley, George H 19760218 M Elley, Hamilton C 19760723 M Elley, William N 19760218 M Elliff, Loura E 19760918 F Elliott, Billie F 19761127 F Elliott, Roberta E 19760108 F Elliott, Vernon J 19760121 M Ellis, Barbara L 19761026 F Ellis, Doris I 19760408 F Ellis, Herple U Sr 19760724 M Ellison, George G 19760229 M Ellison, Marie A 19761120 F Elmore, Claris M 19760222 M Elo, Joseph 19760105 M Elrod, Jack R 19760717 M Elsberry, May B 19761102 F Emery, Alida M 19760630 F Encina, Leopoldo S 19761203 M Enderle, Ray A 19761206 F Engelke, Edgar J 19760806 M Engelmann, Walter G 19760216 M England, Samuel L 19760916 M Englehart, John R 19761105 M Engleka, Virginia L 19760801 F Engler, Marjorie F 19760924 F Engler, Robert L 19760219 M Englerth, Joseph R 19760922 M English, Elbert E 19760904 M English, Marion H 19760420 M Enochs, John 19760517 M Enriquez, Anselmo G Jr 19760509 M Enriquez, Conception V 19760715 F Enriquez, Francisco S 19761119 M Enriquez, Maria D 19761030 F Epperson, Louise 19760106 F Epstein, Martin 19760113 M Ericson, Hilma M 19760306 F Eriksen, Maria D 19761108 F Erwin, Paul S 19760208 M Erwin, Rickey G 19760326 M Escamilla, Filomena 19760406 F Escamilla, Frank 19760527 M Escamilla, Guadalupe M 19760929 F Escamilla, Patricia A 19761109 F Eschauzier, Isabel 19760222 F Escobar, Jeanette R 19760611 F Escobedo, Bertha B 19761026 F Escobedo, Candelario M 19760211 M Esparza, Daniel V 19761221 M Esparza, Rafaela 19761213 F Espino, Juanita 19760713 F Espino, Richard Jr 19760309 M Espinoza, Antonia H 19760515 F Espinoza, Concepcion G 19760627 F Espinoza, Edward 19760508 M Espinoza, Elisa 19760206 F Espinoza, Frank R 19761222 M Espinoza, Josefina 19761227 F Espinoza, Santos L 19760205 F Espitia, Francisco 19760814 M Esquivel, Dolores L 19760919 F Esquivel, Fidel E 19760426 M Esquivel, Gabriel F 19760305 M Esquivel, Maria D 19760531 F Esquivel, Rafael 19760206 M Essary, Nancy L 19760302 F Essex, Clara L 19760210 F Estep, Robert R 19760229 M Estrada, Alfonso 19760606 M Estrada, Cecilio 19760708 M Estrada, Enrique S 19760224 M Estrada, Enriqueta M 19760828 F Estrada, Francisca 19760805 F Estrada, Francisco 19760710 M Estrada, Fred F 19760628 M Estrada, Joe A 19761011 M Estrada, Maria 19760126 F Estrada, Maria L 19760222 F Estrada, Oscar 19760407 M Estrada, Tomas C 19761028 M Etchison, Edna I 19760301 F Eusan, Binn J 19760603 M Evans, Andrew J 19760728 M Evans, Blanche P 19760504 F Evans, Eldra J 19760904 F Evans, Joe A 19760226 M Evans, Julia B 19761123 F Evans, Kermit 19760117 M Evans, Louise D 19761019 F Evans, Mattie 19760130 F Evans, William E 19761115 M Everingham, Charles W 19761123 M Evers, Sebastian J 19760320 M Ewing, Bula B 19761016 F Ewing, George W 19760105 M Ewing, Halley G 19760301 M Ewing, Rena C 19761124 F Eytinge, Bruce S 19760415 M Ezell, Mada D 19760615 F Ezzell, Homer E 19760803 M Faber, Louise M 19760131 F Fagan, Jeanette D 19760224 F Fairall, Irene J 19760701 F Fajardo, Tomas G 19760719 M Falardeau, Louis J Sr 19761018 M Falk, Eugenia E 19761123 F Farber, Charles M 19760801 M Farias, Antonio N 19760913 M Farias, Jesus 19760228 M Farias, Mario A 19761121 M Farias, Salvador Sr 19761001 M Farmer, Ruth J 19760316 F Farquhar, Cecil E 19760920 M Farris, Edward R 19760319 M Farris, Helen D 19760420 F Farris, Margie 19760605 F Fatjo, Anthony L 19760821 M Faulk, Eula B 19760814 F Favela, Rosenda S 19761225 F Favella, Katie M 19760908 F Faverty, Edda C 19760814 F Favor, Middleton H 19760710 M Feather, George W 19761215 M Featherstone, Blanche D 19760908 F Fecci, Victor J 19760320 M Fee, Bettye F 19761118 F Fehner, Erna 19760930 F Felan, George M Jr 19760201 M Felan, Jerry Z Sr 19761102 M Fellabom, Alfred R 19760916 M Fels, Dorothy B 19760826 F Felts, Morris L 19760601 M Fennell, Catherine 19760612 F Fennell, Martha L 19760104 F Fenstermaker, Clarence W 19760527 M Fenter, Clayton B 19760221 M Fentiman, Louis J 19760630 M Ferdin, Bernardo 19760623 M Ferguson, Alice 19760709 F Ferguson, Blanche T 19760205 F Ferguson, Clay V 19760124 M Ferguson, Ethel O 19760117 F Ferguson, Katherine 19760602 F Ferguson, Laura A 19760301 F Ferguson, Martha J 19760420 F Ferguson, Ollie 19760630 F Ferguson, Oscar 19761121 M Ferguson, Violet 19760827 F Ferling, George W 19760315 M Fernandez, Alberto G 19760617 M Fernandez, Cancela Emilio 19760707 M Fernandez, Francisco 19760506 M Fernandez, Gilbert E 19760305 M Fernandez, Jose S 19760310 M Fernandez, Juanita 19761209 F Fernandez, Manuel A 19760611 M Fernandez, Maria R 19760223 F Fernandez, Ramon N 19761210 M Fernandez, Rebecca R 19760924 F Ferrell, Alva L 19760630 M Ferrell, Hazel A 19760903 F Ferrell, William M 19760110 M Ferro, Joe 19760506 M Field, Agnes M 19760529 F Fields, Elbert 19760317 M Fields, Fannie M 19760823 F Fields, George 19760123 M Fields, Jesse W 19761016 M Fields, Michael J 19760728 M Fields, Rebecca 19760427 F Fierro, Cecilio 19761023 M Fierroz, Alberto 19761115 M Figueroa, Abundia P 19760718 F Fikes, Leroy H Sr 19760113 M Filip, Stella 19760612 F Fillingame, Jonnie I 19760213 F Fillingame, Walter H 19760803 M Filmore, Johnnie L 19760801 M Finch, William A 19760826 M Fincke, Yvonne 19760216 F Findley, Roberta 19760116 F Fine, Caroline S 19760217 F Fine, Philip 19760911 M Fink, Ethel N 19760612 F Finley, John A 19760802 M Finto, Mattie 19760208 F First, Hilda I 19760324 F Fischer, Harry K Sr 19760926 M Fischer, Otto A 19760422 M Fischnar, Eddie C 19761107 M Fiscus, Russell 19760530 M Fiser, Melvin L 19760621 M Fishback, Warren C 19760312 M Fisher, Norman R 19761112 M Fisher, Otis 19760903 M Fisher, Ralph W 19760211 M Fitch, Charles E 19760907 M Fitzgerald, Ara S 19760520 F Fitzgerald, Louise E 19760125 F Fitzgibbons, Edward P 19760324 M Fitzpatrick, Velva C 19761224 F Flack, Henry B 19760818 M Flaherty, Patrick J 19760427 M Flaherty, Ruth K 19760820 F Flaig, Herman A 19760607 M Fleming, Harriet H 19761122 F Flint, Claude D 19761124 M Flint, Daliza A 19760510 F Flint, Gladys 19760930 F Flint, Sedonia C 19761204 F Florence, John H 19760614 M Flores, Abraham 19760425 M Flores, Adelina G 19761110 F Flores, Albino R 19761012 M Flores, Alfredo A Jr 19760428 M Flores, Antonio R 19760128 M Flores, Beatriz P 19760528 F Flores, Celia 19760730 F Flores, Cesario 19760521 M Flores, Enrique Jr 19760524 M Flores, Enriquio 19761203 M Flores, Estanislado B 19760401 M Flores, Fidel 19760726 M Flores, Francisca 19760719 F Flores, Francisco A 19760131 M Flores, Frank B 19760413 M Flores, Gilberto 19761006 M Flores, Gregorio G 19760226 M Flores, Ignacio 19760429 M Flores, Ines 19761220 F Flores, Isabel R 19760514 F Flores, Jesus 19760114 M Flores, Jose 19760129 M Flores, Jose E 19760507 M Flores, Jose R 19760604 M Flores, Juan J 19761101 M Flores, Juana A 19760415 F Flores, Maria 19760904 F Flores, Maria G 19760820 F Flores, Maria M 19761117 F Flores, Maria M 19760408 F Flores, Mario 19760923 M Flores, Miguel G 19760209 M Flores, Otila Z 19760317 F Flores, Paula 19760910 F Flores, Rene S Sr 19761215 M Flores, Rosa 19760814 F Flores, Rosie 19760518 F Flores, Teresa P 19760828 F Flores, Trinidad 19760725 F Flores, Ysidra D 19760307 F Florez, Gabriel 19761101 M Flournoy, Ruth L 19760925 F Flowers, Frank B 19760610 M Flowers, Mack 19760505 M Floyd, Gladys 19760706 F Floyd, Harold F 19760414 M Fluitt, Gladys D 19760307 F Fohn, Larry J 19761112 M Folks, Sandra M 19760214 F Folks, Walter R 19761130 M Fonseca, Lorenza 19760117 F Fontaine, Laurence W 19760312 M Fontelroy, Ethel C 19760701 F Foote, Edmund R Jr 19761101 M Forbes, John C Jr 19760407 M Ford, Annie M 19760425 F Ford, Clarence H 19760409 M Ford, Clyde R 19760907 M Ford, Dewayne G 19760717 M Ford, Joseph A 19760613 M Ford, Nellie B 19761106 F Ford, Thomas J 19760122 M Ford, Wilfred D 19760829 M Fore, Elma 19761110 F Fore, Thomas L 19760405 M Foreman, Irma M 19760120 F Forestello, Richard C 19760101 M Forister, Charles C Jr 19760918 M Forrest, Mabel W 19761030 F Forsbach, Charles P 19760927 M Forshage, Susan T 19760112 F Fort, John E 19760418 M Forward, Maggie S 19760826 F Forwood, Mayme K 19761014 F Foss, Gladys M 19760926 F Foster, Collie R 19760926 M Foster, Frances I 19760713 F Foster, George E 19760304 M Foster, Grover C 19760303 M Foster, Louise W 19760107 F Foulkes, Mary A 19760615 F Fowler, Alvina E 19760331 F Fowler, Amanda J 19760826 F Fowler, Lowell H 19760425 M Fowler, Mary E 19760801 F Fowler, Myrtle M 19760601 F Fowler, Robert C 19760922 M Fox, Jimmy E 19760706 M Fox, Morris E 19760521 M Fragozo, Emilia T 19761022 F Frances, Jessie S 19760226 F Francis, Clemmie 19760301 F Franco, Carlos 19760607 M Franco, Pablo 19760615 M Frank, Arthur 19760717 M Franke, Adahlia 19761015 F Franke, Helen T 19760713 F Franklin, Sarah 19760909 F Franz, Jason 19760901 M Fraser, Miladie 19761017 F Frasier, Arthur M 19760428 M Frazar, Edward L 19760805 M Frazier, Harris L 19760401 M Frazier, Louise W 19760118 F Frazier, William J Jr 19760720 M Frazier, William R 19760211 M Frederick, Amanda J 19761206 F Frederick, Ira 19760210 M Freeman, David 19760917 M Freeman, Ethel 19760227 F Freeman, Georgia 19760809 F Freeman, Georgia M 19760822 F Freeman, John P 19760222 M Freeman, Lillian L 19760905 F Freeman, Linnie 19761218 F Freeman, Veronica R 19760313 F Frels, Ruby R 19760627 F French, Agnes E 19760703 F French, James T 19760517 M French, Lela J 19760219 F French, Sophia 19760921 F Frese, Nancy I 19761217 F Fricke, Alvin O 19761218 M Fricks, Margaret R 19760326 F Fridge, Annie L 19761105 F Friedson, Ida C 19760716 F Friesenhahn, Leander W 19760119 M Friesenhahn, Othmar 19760119 M Frith, Blanche M 19761027 F Fritz, Eunice N 19760412 F Fritzius, Billie J 19761201 F Froats, Thomas J 19761024 M Froelich, Don T 19761125 M Fromm, Lourena M 19760326 F Fryer, Frances V 19760424 F Fryer, Irma O 19760103 F Fuentes, Augustine N 19761209 M Fuentes, Espiridion S 19760501 M Fuentes, Felipa A 19760908 F Fuentes, Ladislado 19760112 M Fuentes, Luz H 19760301 M Fuentes, Tanya 19760416 F Fuerer, Charles P 19761020 M Fulghum, Addie I 19760818 F Fulkerson, Charlie C 19760207 M Fuller, Charles H 19761219 M Fuller, Donald E 19760320 M Fuller, Eloise O 19761025 F Fuller, George S 19760510 M Fuller, Joseph G 19760303 M Fuller, Lina 19760224 F Fuller, Samuel H 19761212 M Fullerton, Allen B 19760314 M Fulmer, Allison 19761225 F Funk, Dorothy E 19761204 F Fuson, Glen J 19760114 M Gabrysch, Flavia M 19760318 F Gabrysch, Gervase A 19760320 M Gage, Annie 19760707 F Gaines, James M 19760217 M Gaines, Pearl 19760601 F Gaines, William W 19760426 M Gaitan, Abel 19761003 M Galan, Carlos L 19760105 M Galan, Ventura F Jr 19760418 M Galbraith, Amy B 19761013 F Galbraith, Madelyn M 19760802 F Gale, Myrtle F 19760302 F Galilee, Ruby 19760126 F Galindo, Ernest R Jr 19760701 M Galindo, Javier R 19760315 M Galindo, Jose 19760626 M Galindo, Joseph L 19761201 M Galindo, Raul F 19760622 M Galindo, Reyes 19760821 M Galindo, Valentin V 19761205 M Galland, Helen K 19760501 F Gallard, Billie I 19760215 F Gallardo, Dolores R 19760722 M Galle, Edward N 19761119 M Gallego, Lilly A 19761024 F Gallegos, Ezequiel Jr 19760313 M Gallegos, Jesse J 19760918 M Gallegos, Jose R 19760429 M Gallegos, Ramona 19760522 F Gallegos, Robert L 19760121 M Gallegos, Veronica Y 19760622 F Gallison, Mildred B 19760722 F Galloway, Ballard E 19761008 M Galstad, Hazel V 19760911 F Galvan, Benigna G 19760601 F Galvan, Michael R 19760626 M Gamble, Michael R 19761230 M Gamboa, Jose I 19760208 M Gamez, Juan 19760612 M Gamez, Maria J 19760114 F Ganc, Alfred F Sr 19761025 M Gandy, Lannie E 19761104 M Gann, Abner E 19760130 M Garanzuay, Juan A 19760425 M Garbrecht, Harvey F 19760309 M Garcia, Adolfo V 19760215 M Garcia, Alex C 19760312 M Garcia, Alfredo G 19760114 M Garcia, Anastacio C 19760620 M Garcia, Anita S 19760617 F Garcia, Antonio 19761216 M Garcia, Augustine 19760827 M Garcia, Bartolo 19760217 M Garcia, Beatrice 19760909 F Garcia, Carmen C 19761012 F Garcia, Celedonia P 19760114 F Garcia, Clara 19761002 F Garcia, Concepcion 19761108 F Garcia, Concepcion F 19760809 F Garcia, Concepcion S 19760510 F Garcia, Daria Z 19760914 F Garcia, Dario H 19760806 M Garcia, Della F 19760224 F Garcia, Dolores F 19760101 F Garcia, Dominga 19760404 F Garcia, Edward 19761219 M Garcia, Elisa G 19760930 F Garcia, Emilio C 19760906 M Garcia, Estanislado 19760224 M Garcia, Felix D 19760928 M Garcia, Francisco 19760227 M Garcia, Francisco R 19761029 M Garcia, Gilbert 19760413 M Garcia, Glenn 19760403 M Garcia, Guadalupe P 19761012 F Garcia, Irene 19761113 F Garcia, Jesse 19761126 M Garcia, Jesse M 19760808 M Garcia, Jesus R 19760922 M Garcia, Jesus S 19760121 M Garcia, Jesus S 19761218 M Garcia, Joe M 19760729 M Garcia, Jose A 19760309 M Garcia, Jose L 19761229 M Garcia, Jose L 19760216 M Garcia, Jose M 19760717 M Garcia, Juan 19760507 M Garcia, Juan 19760904 M Garcia, Juan R 19760728 M Garcia, Leo S 19761213 M Garcia, Lucia D 19760914 F Garcia, Lupe 19760702 M Garcia, Lydia V 19760213 F Garcia, Macario 19760229 M Garcia, Marcellino 19761214 M Garcia, Margarita R 19760705 F Garcia, Maria A 19760426 F Garcia, Maria C 19760405 F Garcia, Maria J 19761209 F Garcia, Mark A 19760313 M Garcia, Martin Sr 19760626 M Garcia, Mary S 19760107 F Garcia, Max Jr 19760211 M Garcia, Olga 19760217 F Garcia, Olivia V 19760216 F Garcia, Oswaldo 19761030 M Garcia, Pedro M 19760620 M Garcia, Petra G 19760327 F Garcia, Phillip L Sr 19760816 M Garcia, Rafaela E 19760704 F Garcia, Reyes M 19760109 M Garcia, Rita C 19761125 F Garcia, Roberto 19761218 M Garcia, Romana G 19760908 F Garcia, Rosa K 19761216 F Garcia, Santiago V 19760322 M Garcia, Tobias 19760322 M Garcia, Truvie E 19761006 F Garcia, Urbano 19760409 M Garcia, Valentine 19760822 M Garcia, Vincent O 19760729 M Gardner, Demoville Q 19760430 M Garen, Tibor A 19760817 M Garibay, Petra P 19761026 F Garner, Jesse W 19760209 M Garrard, Bailey E 19760118 M Garrard, Sam E Jr 19760212 M Garrett, Barbara 19761227 F Garrett, Bruce A 19760116 M Garrett, Germaine J 19760112 F Garrett, Lela O 19761117 F Garrison, Hugh 19760328 M Garvey, Ruby A 19761027 F Garwood, Roy H Jr 19760204 M Garwood, Theodore 19761124 M Garza, Adalberto 19760930 M Garza, Alejandro 19761001 M Garza, Alfonso D 19761019 M Garza, Amelia 19760824 F Garza, Andrea 19760719 F Garza, Angelita 19760225 F Garza, Ascencion P 19760209 M Garza, Bella V 19760205 F Garza, Benito S 19760831 M Garza, Benjamin 19761004 M Garza, Carlos 19761008 M Garza, Christopher S 19760523 M Garza, Domingo Jr 19760719 M Garza, Domingo B 19760711 M Garza, Elias Sr 19760113 M Garza, Guadalupe R 19760204 M Garza, Gumesinda F 19760520 F Garza, Hector 19760417 M Garza, Henry A 19761112 M Garza, Jesus F 19760729 M Garza, Joe A 19760418 M Garza, Josefina C 19760103 F Garza, Juana T 19761028 F Garza, Julian L 19760711 M Garza, Magdalena D 19760325 F Garza, Margarita 19760317 F Garza, Maria L 19761007 F Garza, Mariana R 19761110 F Garza, Mateo F Sr 19760121 M Garza, Pablo Sr 19760812 M Garza, Pablo G 19760806 M Garza, Pedro 19760611 M Garza, Petra Y 19760906 F Garza, Rafael R Jr 19760716 M Garza, Ramon U 19760117 M Garza, Remberto 19760507 M Garza, Robert M 19760129 M Garza, Roberto 19760625 M Garza, Rosalinda 19760602 F Garza, Sabino R 19760225 M Garza, Salvador M 19760803 M Garza, Vicenta Y 19760327 F Gasca, Maria T 19760603 F Gates, Anna M 19760124 F Gatwood, Jack L 19760223 M Gaughan, Ruth B 19761104 F Gault, Vactor J 19760401 M Gauna, Antonio L 19760127 M Gauna, Aurora P 19760407 F Gauna, Magdalena 19760306 F Gay, Lowell A 19760219 M Gayden, Florence M 19760527 F Gebhardt, Elizabeth 19761125 F Geddes, Paul W Jr 19760427 M Geiger, Karolina 19760807 F Geisen, Glenn R 19760226 M Geiser, Buena C 19761111 F Geisler, Gertrude M 19760824 F Geissler, Edward A 19760607 M Geissler, Hugo V 19760201 M Gelpke, Paul P Sr 19761113 M Genera, Carmen 19760107 F Gentile, Ernest C 19760503 M Gentling, Allen A 19760712 M Gentry, Madolia 19760115 F Gerfers, Clyde O 19760328 M Gerfers, Tillie 19761009 F Gerlich, Charles J 19761003 M German, Marie W 19760709 F Gerten, Frances S 19761013 F Gesaman, Nancy G 19760522 F Gesche, Hilda K 19760710 F Gessler, Jessie F 19760312 F Geyer, Edmund F Jr 19760108 M Geyer, Roy E Jr 19761112 M Gianotti, Doris I 19761230 F Gibbs, Nathan T 19760429 M Gibson, Elmer B Iii 19760719 M Gibson, Regina S 19761229 F Gibson, Ruth S 19761021 F Gidley, Herbert D 19760907 M Gie, Henry 19761231 M Gifford, Vernon 19761101 M Gil, Guadalupe C 19760331 F Gil, Manuel E Jr 19760702 M Gil, Mary F 19761102 F Gil, Polinario 19760612 M Gilbert, Orelious A 19760227 M Gilbert, Ruth 19761205 F Gilbertson, Randall L 19761114 M Gilbreath, Alexandra 19761022 F Giles, Bernice J 19760219 F Gilford, Bishop 19760330 M Gill, L C 19760630 M Gillian, Alfred N 19760520 M Gilliland, Mary J 19760531 F Gilliland, Myrtle I 19760324 F Gillis, Ruth 19760616 F Gillum, James H 19760615 M Gilmore, Burton W Jr 19760707 M Gilmore, Cassie L 19760406 F Gilmore, Lila M 19760408 M Gilnick, Frank 19760602 M Gimbel, Bertha L 19761001 F Ginn, John L 19761025 M Gipson, Terrence J Jr 19761109 M Giraud, Joseph I 19760119 M Girdner, Dovie D 19760123 F Giron, Feliciana F 19760512 F Gittinger, Edgar A 19761207 M Giunta, Joseph 19760623 M Glaenzel, Martha M 19760821 F Glass, Frances A 19760123 F Glass, Henry F Jr 19760515 M Glass, John W 19760120 M Glass, Mark M 19761002 M Glass, Robert L 19760129 M Glasscock, Thomas F 19761217 M Glaza, Louis S 19760424 M Gleitz, Hugo J 19761203 M Glenn, Clemons 19760301 M Gloria, Jose 19760803 M Goacher, Russell B 19760404 M Goddard, John R Ii 19761228 M Goertz, Rudolph W 19761220 M Goff, Lloyd E Sr 19760321 M Gohlke, Alfred W 19760213 M Gohmert, Ella G 19760317 F Gohmert, Lillie C 19760822 F Gold, Brent L 19760223 M Goldenberg, Clara 19760902 F Goll, Anna M 19760620 F Golla, Julius P 19760911 M Gomez, Arturo Jr 19760825 M Gomez, Ascencion 19761109 F Gomez, Concepcion M 19761019 F Gomez, Daniel 19761130 M Gomez, Edmundo 19761005 M Gomez, Ernesto M 19760411 M Gomez, Felix R 19760817 M Gomez, Gilbert 19760114 M Gomez, Gloria 19760217 F Gomez, Helen D 19761009 F Gomez, Margarita 19760929 F Gomez, Rafael Sr 19760726 M Gomez, Reyes F Jr 19760724 M Gomez, Ruben A 19761020 M Gomez, Salvador A 19760113 M Gomez, Santos P 19760307 F Gomez, Sophie E 19761205 F Gomez, Stephanie A 19760708 F Gomez, Viviano Sr 19760106 M Gongora, Gaspar Sr 19761225 M Gongora, Teodoro 19761009 M Gonzales, Adela 19761125 F Gonzales, Adolfo G 19760418 M Gonzales, Alejandro G 19761023 M Gonzales, Antonio 19760207 M Gonzales, Bernabe F 19760415 M Gonzales, Brigida 19760927 F Gonzales, Candelaria R 19760912 F Gonzales, Consuelo 19761024 F Gonzales, Consuelo A 19760702 F Gonzales, Doroteo H 19760226 M Gonzales, Esther C 19761012 F Gonzales, Eugenio R 19760424 M Gonzales, Eulalia L 19760323 F Gonzales, Eva T 19761102 M Gonzales, Fernando M 19760526 M Gonzales, Frank R 19760517 M Gonzales, Gabriel 19760506 M Gonzales, Geronimo V 19761004 M Gonzales, Gilberto M 19760307 M Gonzales, Gregorio 19760722 M Gonzales, Hector 19760607 M Gonzales, Hortense 19760307 F Gonzales, Joann 19760428 F Gonzales, Joe R 19761031 M Gonzales, Josefa P 19760618 F Gonzales, Juan C 19760529 M Gonzales, Juanita 19761031 F Gonzales, Louis Sr 19760418 M Gonzales, Louis A 19760225 M Gonzales, Lucianita E 19760328 F Gonzales, Margarito Sr 19760516 M Gonzales, Maria A 19760424 F Gonzales, Maria L 19760510 F Gonzales, Maria T 19760211 F Gonzales, Mary A 19760803 F Gonzales, Maurilio 19760128 M Gonzales, Olga 19760416 F Gonzales, Ramon 19760929 M Gonzales, Raymond M Sr 19760318 M Gonzales, Rene 19760305 M Gonzales, Renee M 19760807 F Gonzales, Santos S 19760330 M Gonzales, Spencer C 19760504 M Gonzales, Terry 19760618 F Gonzales, Virginia L 19760410 F Gonzalez, Armando 19760223 M Gonzalez, Benito 19761016 F Gonzalez, Cruz Jr 19761208 M Gonzalez, Dolores G 19760311 F Gonzalez, Eduardo 19761004 M Gonzalez, Esther B 19761201 F Gonzalez, Esther P 19760425 F Gonzalez, Francisco 19760721 M Gonzalez, Frank M 19761101 F Gonzalez, Genoveva O 19761116 M Gonzalez, Herbert C 19760817 F Gonzalez, Irene M 19760212 F Gonzalez, Isabel M 19760419 M Gonzalez, Jack W 19761022 M Gonzalez, Jesus 19760205 M Gonzalez, Jose B 19760108 F Gonzalez, Joseph C 19760124 M Gonzalez, Luis N 19760304 M Gonzalez, Manuel 19760319 M Gonzalez, Maria G 19760304 M Gonzalez, Mark 19760208 F Gonzalez, Mark E 19760624 M Gonzalez, Michael A 19760309 M Gonzalez, Natividad B 19760325 M Gonzalez, Pedro M 19761202 M Gonzalez, Porfirio S 19760929 M Gonzalez, Raul Sr 19760620 F Gonzalez, Raymond L 19760324 F Gonzalez, Theodore W 19760102 F Gonzalez, Tomas Jr 19760212 M Gonzalez, Vera 19761110 F Gonzalez, Virginia 19760426 F Goode, Harley 19760429 M Goodfleisch, Lillian M 19760414 F Goodhue, Sherman J 19760320 M Goodman, Fred P 19761216 M Goodnight, James E 19760827 M Goodwin, Hether N 19760612 F Gorba, Kristin M 19761030 F Gorden, Arie C 19760518 F Gordon, Agnes 19760917 F Gordon, Jean C 19761215 F Gordon, Sam K 19760402 M Gore, Amelia 19761224 F Gorzell, Ben A 19760723 M Goss, Mary E 19760823 F Gosse, M J 19760909 F Gossett, Henry 19761029 M Gossett, Mattie L 19760311 F Gothardt, Lillian M 19760808 F Gott, Mollie J 19760602 F Gould, Hurley B 19760629 F Govan, Milton B 19761218 M Govea, Francisco Jr 19760627 M Govea, Petra C 19760409 F Gover, James F 19761221 M Goyette, Charles D 19760708 M Grabs, Nancy P 19761210 F Grabun, Wladyslawa 19760318 F Graham, Aline 19761206 F Graham, Carolyn H 19760307 F Graham, James K 19760318 M Graham, Willie D Jr 19760430 M Grams, Emil J 19760117 M Granado, Amado 19760215 M Granados, Daniel D 19761107 M Granata, Michelina 19760731 F Granato, Larry F 19761002 M Granato, Louis A 19760911 M Granberry, Winfred M 19760125 M Granieri, Pearl F 19760225 F Grantland, Alice W 19760412 F Grasty, William F 19761112 M Gravell, Carl 19760922 M Gray, Anna L 19760227 F Gray, Cecil V 19760325 M Gray, Cornelius Jr 19761231 M Gray, Ruby H 19761202 F Gray, Thomas C 19760321 M Grayston, Sarah 19760803 F Greathouse, Herman 19760226 M Greeble, Bernard R 19760826 M Green, Alice W 19760411 F Green, Alverta A 19760125 F Green, Frances T 19761216 F Green, Gladys 19760620 F Green, Henry 19761229 M Green, Jessie M 19761009 F Green, John L 19760905 M Green, Lloyd N 19761214 M Green, Mary E 19760827 F Green, Minnie 19761219 F Green, Thor O 19760503 M Green, Virgie B 19760223 F Green, William A 19760728 M Greenstreet, Thomas A 19760322 M Greenwood, Annie P 19760206 F Greenwood, Lucille 19760925 F Gregory, Alma E 19761216 F Gregory, Anna B 19760807 F Gregory, Ina M 19761128 F Greiner, Clara R 19760905 F Gres, Pedro R 19761115 M Gresham, Bert R 19761022 M Griffin, Bertha W 19760623 F Griffin, Gerald H Sr 19760520 M Griffin, Harold R 19760211 M Griffin, Lector 19761109 M Griffin, Sidney S 19761130 M Griffing, Lewis S 19760129 M Griffith, Glenn 19760112 M Griggs, John R 19760604 M Grimaldo, Enrique R Jr 19760819 M Grimes, Mary L 19761025 F Grimm, Henrietta 19760301 F Grimm, Rudolph Jr 19760718 M Grinage, Latasha L 19760228 F Grisham, Dolores M 19760309 F Grizzard, Ocea C 19760903 F Grochoske, Otto E 19761114 M Grochowski, Kamila 19761126 F Groesbeck, David M Jr 19760105 M Gromke, Agnes 19761018 F Gronskei, Brandon A 19760730 M Grosse, Walter L 19761202 M Grosskreutz, George C 19760515 M Grossman, Lillian 19760404 F Grote, Wesley H 19761102 M Grothaus, Walter S 19761017 M Grumbeck, Edward K 19761129 M Guadarrama, Dolores 19761110 F Guadarrama, Jesus F 19760207 M Guardia, Olivia G 19760812 F Guardiola, Delfino R Jr 19760626 M Guardiola, Dora 19760809 F Guardiola, Roberto B 19760606 M Guardiola, Trinidad 19761226 M Guemes, Edward Sr 19760622 M Guenther, Charles F Jr 19761013 M Guenther, John E 19760802 M Guernsey, George 19760510 M Guerra, Andres M 19760618 M Guerra, Angela V 19760228 F Guerra, Ernesto 19760707 M Guerra, Federico R 19760503 M Guerra, Francisco 19760912 M Guerra, Joe C 19760518 M Guerra, Lorraine R 19760807 F Guerra, Manuel G Sr 19761127 M Guerra, Maria S 19761006 F Guerra, Mary G 19761207 F Guerra, Ninfa 19761010 F Guerrero, Brenda A 19760707 F Guerrero, Elizabeth T 19760421 F Guerrero, Jose C 19761207 M Guerrero, Leonicia D 19760613 F Guerrero, Luis G Sr 19760419 M Guerrero, Teodora F 19760805 F Guerrero, Teodoso G 19761220 M Guest, John L 19760118 F Guevara, Antonio 19760320 M Gugenheim, Rosetta D 19760928 F Guidroz, Annetta L 19760704 F Guillen, Norma D 19761024 F Gulley, John A 19761121 M Gunkel, Lavina 19760511 F Guppy, Percy E 19760504 M Gurrola, Leandra 19760416 F Gustamente, Manuel Jr 19761214 M Gutierrez, Antonia 19761223 F Gutierrez, Cruz 19760121 M Gutierrez, Domingo S 19760601 M Gutierrez, Lee 19760911 M Gutierrez, Manuel 19760804 M Gutierrez, Narcisa R 19760607 F Gutierrez, Pedro A 19760726 M Gutierrez, Pilar 19760923 F Gutierrez, Sostenes L 19760617 M Gutmueller, Madelyn F 19760420 F Gutzeit, Rose M 19760215 F Guzman, Efraim F Jr 19760630 M Guzman, Esmerejildo N 19760610 M Guzman, Guadalupe Sr 19760119 M Guzman, Jose 19761216 M Guzman, Pedro M 19760224 M Guzman, Refugio H 19760301 M Guzman, Usvaldo C 19760925 M Haag, Minnie B 19760805 F Haas, Debra L 19760418 F Haben, Verna M 19760308 F Haby, James U 19760604 M Haensel, Gus O 19760418 M Haese, Walter 19760420 M Hagan, Stella F 19760709 F Hager, Zack P 19761122 M Haight, Josephine R 19761110 F Haigler, William M 19761223 M Hair, Katie J 19760705 F Hairston, Irene S 19760419 F Hakala, Thomas M 19760118 M Halamuda, Harold G 19760802 M Halbardier, Frieda M 19760423 F Hale, Beryl K 19761204 F Hale, Emily T 19761205 F Hale, Manuel M 19761124 F Hale, Richard 19760423 F Hale, Santiago L 19760708 M Hall, Anna 19760907 F Hall, Aubie 19760523 F Hall, Con J 19761202 M Hall, Fred 19760130 F Hall, Hazel V 19760715 F Hall, John L 19760119 M Hall, John W 19760930 M Hall, Margarita 19760111 F Hall, Ola H 19761025 F Hall, Ora E 19760825 F Hall, Zenaida 19760317 M Halliburton, Annie A 19760205 F Hallmark, Dorothy B 19761011 F Hallmark, Minnie M 19760909 F Hallock, Robert F 19761231 M Hametner, Marie 19760509 F Hamilton, Earl L 19760513 M Hamilton, John A 19760213 M Hamilton, Pattie J 19760615 F Hamilton, William B Jr 19760314 M Hamilton, William W 19760807 M Hamlett, George W 19760825 M Hamlin, Barbara L 19760426 F Hamm, Carla D 19760503 F Hammel, Adela H 19760609 F Hammer, Imogene A 19761109 F Hammerle, Karl H Iii 19760828 M Hammett, Helen 19760322 F Hammond, Lillian F 19760408 F Hammond, Mary E 19761228 F Hammonds, Virgie L 19760418 F Hampton, Henry F 19760831 M Hampton, Kenneth D 19760515 M Hampton, Lucy B 19760419 F Hampton, Mildred G 19761005 F Hand, Paul W 19760727 M Handler, Louis 19760117 M Hanes, Nathan A 19760517 M Hanke, Floyd N 19760621 M Hankins, Lavelle H 19760331 M Hanks, Mary E 19761216 F Hanlon, Robert C 19760101 M Hansford, Geneva 19760611 F Hansmann, Robert T 19760915 M Hanzal, Josephine M 19761012 F Hapgood, Martha 19761204 F Harber, Frieda 19760128 F Hardee, William J 19760114 M Hardin, Anna M 19761201 M Hardin, Clara M 19760617 M Harding, Arnolia 19760331 M Hardt, Lilly G 19761015 F Hardwick, Leatha E 19760713 F Hardwick, Mabel C 19760625 F Hardy, Dorothy 19760203 F Harkey, Dee F 19760810 F Harlan, Effie M 19760607 F Harless, Dorothy A 19761220 F Harmes, Joseph R 19760714 M Harmon, Helen K 19760308 F Harnden, Dawes T 19760511 M Harp, D L 19760306 M Harp, Laura K 19760222 F Harpel, Kenneth J 19761126 M Harper, Dave 19760204 M Harper, Mamie C 19760725 F Harper, Mattie O 19761104 F Harper, Selma A 19761024 F Harper, William E 19760504 M Harper, Wilma J 19760803 F Harper, Woodrow R 19760306 M Harpool, Archie L 19761018 M Harrell, John M 19760414 M Harries, George H 19760916 M Harrington, Roy L 19761024 M Harris, Blanche E 19760506 F Harris, David W Jr 19760203 M Harris, Dorothy R 19761203 F Harris, Emma R 19760118 F Harris, Esther M 19761123 F Harris, Henry 19760805 M Harris, Joe N Jr 19761118 M Harris, Lewis G 19760924 M Harris, Mary G 19760104 F Harris, Robert L 19760228 M Harris, Roberta L 19760914 F Harris, Vernon C 19760928 M Harris, Yolanda R 19760930 F Harrison, Adeline 19760610 F Harrison, Billy M Sr 19760111 M Harrison, Ima J 19760513 F Harrison, John E 19760622 M Harrison, Patricia M 19760614 F Harrison, Sarah V 19760523 F Harrison, Sidney L 19760212 M Harrison, Thomas M 19761114 M Harrison, Victor W 19760702 M Harrod, Kimberly D 19760426 F Harshaw, Leonard L 19761005 M Hart, Maximiliano G 19760809 F Hart, Thomas M 19761116 M Hartfield, Carl 19760109 M Hartfield, Joseph J 19760321 M Hartfield, Rosetta 19760611 F Hartfield, Zack 19760317 M Hartman, Albert X 19760610 M Hartmann, Alma 19760901 F Hartmann, Valentine 19760209 M Hartsell, Ollie M 19761214 F Hartung, Herman W 19760318 M Harty, Marie B 19761023 F Harvel, Allison L 19760805 F Harvey, Henry B 19761228 M Harwell, Robert F 19760826 M Haslam, Adeline T 19760625 F Hasley, Quiana L 19760123 F Hass, Fred 19760909 M Hassell, Sarah L 19760816 F Hastings, L T 19760420 M Hatch, Jane H 19761202 F Hatcher, Carl L 19760619 M Hatcher, Edna E 19760413 F Hatfield, Marion P 19760904 F Hathaway, Adelaide W 19760607 F Hathaway, Armond J 19761123 M Hathcox, Olif F 19760416 F Haufler, Edwin F 19760608 M Haufler, Opal E 19760718 F Haughton, Ronnie 19760831 M Haurum, Lester L 19760212 M Hausler, Gussie 19760702 F Hausler, Monroe L 19760626 M Havel, Alois J 19761008 M Havens, Josephine 19760819 F Hawe, Lillie P 19760424 F Hawk, Lillie M 19760413 F Hawkey, Herbert S 19760214 M Hawkins, Clifford D 19760417 M Hawkins, Elizabeth M 19760415 F Hawkins, Troy B 19760819 M Hawley, Hazel H 19760327 M Haws, Jose Jr 19761218 F Hawthorne, Elton F 19761106 M Hay, Robert P 19761217 M Hay, Rosa L 19761028 F Hayden, Lars A Jr 19760210 M Haye, Martha F 19760415 F Hayes, Forest G 19760321 M Hayes, James P 19760909 M Haygood, Mary L 19760105 F Haynes, Carmen G 19760607 F Haynie, Claribel W 19760618 F Haynie, Ralph W 19760202 M Hays, Brown L 19760606 M Hays, Louie M 19760422 F Haywood, Edward M 19760127 M Haywood, Selma 19761209 F Hayworth, Cecil E 19760313 M Hazel, Austin 19760905 M Head, Moise C 19760509 M Headrick, Lurline M 19760209 F Healy, Homer 19760615 M Healy, John J 19760531 M Heaner, Cruz A 19760916 F Heard, Juan 19760831 F Heard, Martin G 19761025 M Hearne, Ella 19761215 F Heater, Sherzol E 19760410 M Heath, Odis H 19760228 M Hebener, Mary M 19760328 F Hebert, Marie I 19760526 F Hedgecock, Delma N 19761015 M Heiligman, Anton L 19760406 M Heimer, Leonard 19760119 M Heimer, Vera R 19760604 F Heisler, Eddie M 19760725 M Heisler, Louise 19760218 F Heitkamp, Erna 19761101 F Heitman, Paul F 19760908 M Hellman, Carl M 19760629 M Helm, Albert L 19761009 M Helmcamp, Paul 19760627 M Helmke, Nola H 19760131 F Helton, Gertrude L 19761201 F Helton, Joseph D 19760329 M Hemby, Birdie R 19761016 F Hemmen, Dorothy A 19760817 F Hemphill, Archie 19761219 M Hemphill, Charles H 19761004 M Hemphill, John E 19761117 M Hemstreet, Allena B 19760611 F Henckel, Edward V 19760205 M Henckel, Tommie A 19760827 F Henderson, Byrne M 19760615 M Henderson, Charlie 19760804 M Henderson, Elizabeth S 19760118 F Henderson, Fred C 19760926 M Henderson, George C 19760629 M Henderson, Jeremiah J 19761123 M Henderson, Oma A 19760225 F Henderson, Thelma Z 19760120 F Henderson, Waldo 19760331 M Hendrickson, David B 19760317 M Hennessey, Carleton T Jr 19760731 M Henning, Charles H 19760706 M Henri, John 19760107 M Henry, Clyde 19761218 M Henry, Harold R 19760109 M Henry, James F 19761215 M Hensch, Louise M 19760309 F Henshaw, Paul A 19761125 M Hensley, Joe L 19760719 M Hensley, Joseph H 19760117 M Hensley, Lula M 19760515 F Henson, Phyllis I 19761002 F Henson, William H Jr 19761225 M Heppes, Julien O 19760131 M Herb, George R 19760512 M Herff, Lucie F 19761028 F Hernandez, Agustina C 19760606 F Hernandez, Alejandro C 19760302 M Hernandez, Alejandro M 19760930 M Hernandez, Alfred D Sr 19760912 M Hernandez, Angela 19760829 M Hernandez, Aurelio 19761008 M Hernandez, Aurora 19760317 F Hernandez, Bonnie M 19760907 F Hernandez, Bryan J 19760601 M Hernandez, Candida 19760209 F Hernandez, Catarina N 19760103 F Hernandez, Catarino 19760129 M Hernandez, Cipriano 19760116 M Hernandez, Cipriano 19761106 F Hernandez, Concepcion 19760827 M Hernandez, Cora S 19760320 F Hernandez, Cynthia A 19760119 F Hernandez, David G 19760730 M Hernandez, Diamantina 19760618 F Hernandez, Edwin M 19761126 M Hernandez, Emilio G 19761229 M Hernandez, Encarnacion A 19760304 F Hernandez, Esther M 19760612 F Hernandez, Felipe R 19760314 M Hernandez, Francisco G 19760314 M Hernandez, Geraldine L 19761027 M Hernandez, Gloreather W 19760818 M Hernandez, Guillermo 19760601 M Hernandez, Herlinda C 19760311 F Hernandez, Hilario A 19761213 M Hernandez, Humberto L 19760401 M Hernandez, Isedro Z 19761201 M Hernandez, Jessie M 19760208 M Hernandez, Jesus C Jr 19760312 M Hernandez, Jim 19760806 M Hernandez, Jimmy S 19761227 M Hernandez, Jose A 19761120 M Hernandez, Juan 19761006 F Hernandez, Juan M 19761205 M Hernandez, Juanita E 19760402 F Hernandez, Leonardo Sr 19761016 F Hernandez, Leonor A 19760908 F Hernandez, Lucio 19760510 M Hernandez, Lustriano 19760617 M Hernandez, Macario 19760215 M Hernandez, Manuel 19761202 M Hernandez, Margarita C 19760222 F Hernandez, Maria A 19760630 F Hernandez, Maria D 19760213 F Hernandez, Maria O 19760715 F Hernandez, Martin 19760423 M Hernandez, Miguel G 19760605 M Hernandez, Ofelia G 19760920 F Hernandez, Pablo G 19760621 M Hernandez, Pedro B 19760215 M Hernandez, Prudencio S 19761203 M Hernandez, Regino 19760109 M Hernandez, Rosalva C 19760105 F Hernandez, Rosaura D 19761109 M Hernandez, Santiago N 19761220 M Hernandez, Tangie N 19760324 F Hernandez, Teresa D 19761216 F Hernandez, Tomas Q 19761212 M Hernandez, Tomasa 19761018 F Hernandez, Tomasa B 19761111 M Hernandez, Vicenta A 19760713 F Hernandez, Victor C 19760828 F Hernandez, Victor R 19760410 M Hernandez, Vidal Sanjuana F 19760928 M Hernandez, Wright C 19760912 M Herr, Raymond C 19760118 M Herrera, Antonio P 19761101 M Herrera, Arturo 19760413 M Herrera, Atilano B 19760305 M Herrera, Eligio 19760820 M Herrera, Elisandro 19760215 M Herrera, Esther Q 19760901 F Herrera, Faustino S 19760719 M Herrera, Felipe 19760812 M Herrera, Josefina M 19760612 F Herrera, Julia C 19760213 F Herrera, Julia G 19761117 F Herrera, Michael 19760216 M Herrera, Rick A 19761029 M Herrera, Rodolfo U 19760418 M Herrera, Urvano B 19760826 M Herron, Alice R 19760731 F Herron, John B 19760328 M Herweck, Frank E Jr 19761214 M Herweck, Harriett J 19760110 F Hess, Eric L 19760810 M Hewgley, Lyda B 19760708 F Hewlett, Johnny R 19761118 M Heylman, Edna B 19760315 F