Jonas Cemetery #2 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Wanda Qualls November 07, 2005 ************************************************************************ Jonas Cemetery #2 Blanco County, Texas Provided by Joel Honeycutt and Pat Althaus Blanco County Historical Commission, 101 Pitchfork, Johnson City, TX 78636. Transcribed by: 1983 Prepared for the TXGenWeb Blanco County Web Site by Wanda Qualls Location: Last Name First Name Birth Death Jonas Pauline (Koch) Jun 06 1844 Oct 27 1928 Notes: Birth Place: Saxony, Germany Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Koch Married: Wilhelm (William) Jonas, Sr. Children: Bertha; Augusta; Amelia; Willie, Jr.; Mollie; Oscar, Sr.; Edward, Paulina, Emma Jonas Fisher; Frieda Jonas Sophie Aug 1801 Aug 26 1884 Notes: Birth: Prussia Married: Michael Jonas They were on their wat to Texas from Germany with their six children. Michael Jonas died and was buried near Seguin, Texas. Sophie with her children settled in the Twin Sisters on preemption land grants in 1855 Children: Adolphus; August; Karl (Charles) Wilhelm (William); Emilia Jonas Rochau; Hermann Jonas Infant Mar 15 1896 1896 Notes: Parents: Willie, Jr. and Regina Krause Jonas Siblings: Ella Jonas Fisher; Richard Jonas Jonas Augusta Feb 22 1864 Feb 08 1882 Notes: Parents: Wilhelm (Willie) Sr., and Pauline Koch Jonas Siblings: Bertha; Amelia; Willie, Jr.; Mollie; Oscar, Sr.; Edward; Paulina; Emma Jonas Fisher; Frieda Jonas Wilhelm (William) Sr. Dec 01 1839 Dec 23 1883 Notes: Birth : Prussia Parents: Micheal and Sophie Jonas Siblings: August; Adolphus; Karl (Charles); Hermann; Emilia Jonas Rochau Married: Pauline Koch Children: Bertha; Augusta; Amelia; Willie, Jr.; Mollie; Oscar, Sr.; Edward; Paulina; Emma Jonas Fisher; Frieda Wilhelm came to Texas with his parents and brothers and sisters. His Father died before they reached the Twin Sisters settlement in 1855.