Blanco County, Texas - Wegner-Wagner Cemetery ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bob and Donna Fox Directions - Take 281 south out of Blanco, turn right on Little Blanco River Road. Go 4.2 miles, road will fork to the left, look immediately to your right. And there are the graves, no fence, and in poor condition. GEB translates to born or born as GEST translates to died Martin Wegner 11 GEB- June 14,1823 12 GEST- Sept 7,1911 Wife of Martin 15 Orathea Wegner (GEB- Pfeiffer) 16 GEB Aug 8,1824 17 GEST- July 20,1897 Martha M.D. Wegner (believe this is a Daughter To Martin And Orathea) 20 GEB- Aug 9,1863 21 GEST April 20,1950 GEB- June 14,1823 GEST April 20,1950 GEST- July 20,1897 GEST- Sept 7,1911