BOSQUE COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1927 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed, please send a request to the County File Manager listed on the Bosque County, Texas TOC: Be sure to include a copy of the line with your data on it, and the URL of this page to the County File Manager listed above. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - May 5, 2000 *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Allen, Jay F. Inf Of 6-13-1927 M Annie Momaolo Jay F. Allen Amendson, A. G. Inf Of 12-12-1927 M Alvina Grimm A. G. Amendson Anderson, Georgia Elizabeth 7-21-1927 F Lizzie May Evans Geo. E. Anderson Anderson, J. E. 1-3-1927 M Ruthe Cooper Herman Anderson Anz, Alice Lorene 2-23-1927 F Lillie Schultz Robert Anz Autrey, Thomas Jefferson 6-10-1927 M Lucy Barclay Lee Autrey Barnes, Willie Imogene 7-16-1927 F Salina Cavitt Will A. Barnes Jr. Bartley, Ella 11-2-1927 F Bessie Prine Williams Pearl Edmond Bartley Bernhardt, Clarence Raymond 6-11-1927 M Birdie Oszald J. A. Bernhardt Bigham, Howard T. 2-15-1927 M Winnie Higginbotham Thomas H Bigham Blevins, Glynn 4-6-1927 M Dora Hardwick Walter Blevins Boone, Cecil Duran 1-4-1927 M Lizzie Mc Bride Hotcher Boone Bowman, Clark 9-29-1927 M Addie Golden Otto Bowman Bowman, R. L. Jr. 4-29-1927 M Eula Homer R. L. Bowman Bradstreet, Harry Cecil 11-14-1927 M Bessie Dansby Frank J. Bradstreet Brasher, Milton Eugene 1-12-1927 M Opal Sadler Arthur Alex Brasher Braziel, Herma Duel 3-24-1927 M Davie Bill Cannon Frank Regan Braziel Bronstad, Joyce Bernelle 12-31-1927 F J. C. Bronstad Brooks, Lola Grace 7-24-1927 F Birdie Jones Eliza R Brooks Brown, Ralph Vernon 3-31-1927 M Ruth Erickson Alfred L Brown Buckner, J C Inf Of 8-4-1927 M Lucy M. Loftis J C Buckner Bullard, Mary Leita 11-18-1927 F Mary Clark Milford Sterling Bullard Burks, Howard Payne 11-12-1927 M Alpha Hanshew Henry Burks Callahan, Julia May 2-2-1927 F Kate Blackwell Aaron Callahan Capps, Alex Reed 11-22-1927 M Myrtle Reed Allen Byron Capps Carlson, Connie Oneal 6-25-1927 F Pearl Mae Knudson Canute Carlson Carr, Jessie Gerlene 11-29-1927 F Birdie Elizabeth Killgore William E. Carr Chrisienson, Oleta Annabel 10-12-1927 F Agness Dahl O. J. Chrisienson Cole, Richard Davis 1-16-1927 M Nellie Lee Hill Cole William Hugh Cole Conway, Cleora 10-4-1927 F Jewel Sountrall Wylie Conway Cook, Harold Ray 2-20-1927 M Ruby Blankenship Jess Cook Cox, Billie Eugene 8-14-1927 M Ora Goats Clyde Cox Crotser, Jack George 11-12-1927 M Ila Maye Gregory Rolla Purl Crotser Crowford, Luis Inf Of 3-16-1927 F Tina Jay Luis Crowford Crowley, Evelyn Fay 6-29-1927 F Cordelia Watkins Robt. Crowley Cummings, Dorris Lee 2-18-1927 F Florence Kilgore Johnnie Cummings Dahl, Alvon Morris 11-27-1927 M Hannah Tusti P. S. Dahl Damron, Lucile 8-8-1927 F Lucile Owenby Ernest Damron Davenport, Jane Frances 11-3-1927 F Mary Velma Carpenter Fred Arnold Davenport Davis, Jackie Reid 11-12-1927 M Benja Bell Cox George Dewey Davis Davis, Roy Inf Of 3-19-1927 F Lillie Sockwell Roy Davis Day, Billie Clyde 6-25-1927 M Clona Alsup Clyde Day Day, Joe Milton 8-30-1927 M Edith May Scroggins Joe Powell Day Dehton, Nicolas Eugene 1-3-1927 M Robbie Edwards Chas Dehton Downey, La Fern 4-11-1927 F Cyril Mcmillan W. P. Downey Duncan, Glenn Wallace 9-27-1927 M Nobel Wills Johnson G. Wallace Duncan Dunlap, Ray 5-28-1927 M Viva Sawyer Austin Dunlap Dunlap, Royce 5-28-1927 M Viva Sawyer Austin Dunlap Eager, Paul Howord 3-16-1927 M Mary Emilie Sorley Chris Eujer Eckert, Vernie Anita 8-3-1927 F Emilie Ott Wm. H. Eckert Eckols, Hazel Imogene 10-2-1927 F Birtie Toten J. B. Eckols Eddings, Haslie Wandella 9-17-1927 F Selma Martin Grover Eddings Erickson, Margie Nell 11-21-1927 F Alice Lund B. L. Erickson Erickson, Tilman Eugene 10-28-1927 M Lilie Larson John E. Erickson Fehler, Charles H. Jr. 11-7-1927 M Chas H. Fehler Ficklin, Alton Boyd 10-14-1927 M Zula Odle Frank Ficklin Ficklin, Lillian Izora 10-28-1927 F Velera Belle Calfee Ernest Lee Ficklin Fincher, Mary Nell 8-6-1927 F Eva May Marchman J. G. Fincher Findley, Horace Smith 11-24-1927 M Bessie Ingram M. A. Findley Flanery, Ona May 2-10-1927 F Francis Sawyer L. L. Flanery Flanery, Virginia Murlene 7-9-1927 F Lela Hanshew Fred Flanery Freeman, Gwendolyn 1-10-1927 F Gertrude Mohan Jno. A. Freeman Fulbright, Helon 2-26-1927 F Jennie B. Fulbright William Clyde Fulbright Sr. Gann, Wanda 1-13-1927 F Maggie Patterson Tom Gann Gardner, Charles Dewitt 12-24-1927 M Rankin Lyle Lofie C. Gardner Gaston, Warren 1-26-1927 M Alice Mc Dugal Raymond R. Gaston George, Wayland Dale 7-7-1927 M Blanche Thompson H. K. George Golden, Thomas Pool 3-14-1927 M Emma Amundson John Golden Goscamp, Lenora 10-4-1927 F Annie Hovercamp Albert Goscamp Griffith, Wanda Gean 12-30-1927 F Sula Rayfield Levi Griffith Grimland, Lloyd 1-28-1927 M Annie Buswold Oscar Grimland Grossman, Ernest Edwin 8-11-1927 M Ida Driham Ed Grossman Groves, Herman Lee 5-20-1927 M Dovie Eary Claude Groves Guthery, Laurence 4-20-1927 M Irine Kelley Clarence M Guthery Hall, Virginia Elane 7-8-1927 F Sunshine Evetts R. B. Hall Hampe, Nuverne 9-21-1927 F Annie Walsleben Henry Hampe Hanna, Alton Lloyd 2-5-1927 M Clara R. Grimm John M Hanna Hanna, Denzal Jean 8-26-1927 F Willie Mae Cannon Herbert Davis Hanna Hanna, J. Woodford Jr. 11-7-1927 M J Woodford Hanna Harmill, Jane 7-28-1927 F Lucile Ferguson E. F. Harmill Harris, Eula Ray 1-13-1927 F Lela Turner Rayford Harris Hauston, Mildred Rudene 7-18-1927 F Maggie Wanell Leonard Hauston Hays, Marry Ellen 11-27-1927 F Amie Isbell Nelson Marshal Hays Hendricks, Roy Thurman 5-19-1927 M Maude Nobles Roy Hendricks Henry, Billie James 4-11-1927 M Stella Richards James Henry Herrin, Annie Velma 1-16-1927 F Nettie Woody T. E. Herrin Hicks, Magdoline 2-24-1927 F Della Dunn Joe Hicks Hillesland, Carl Bjarne 9-14-1927 M Alma Hoff Anton Hillesland Hoff, Frances Marguerite 3-31-1927 F Clara Melissa Mickelson Otis Elvin Hoff Holey, Marion Jess 1-27-1927 F Kate Morrison John H. Holey Holloway, Vera Mae 9-18-1927 F Bertha M. Pollard Arbra Holloway Horton, Annie Endell 5-19-1927 F Bertha Elizabeth Atkinson Wm Madison Horton Houston, Lela Ruth 3-2-1927 F Irene Moore Harve Houston Hughes, Billie Marie 2-23-1927 F Elsie Moore Charley Hughes Hughs, Cecil Ray 3-22-1927 M Jessie Agnes Cox James H Hughs Humphries, Leon Ray 9-26-1927 M Agnes Jenson T. J. Humphries Humphries, T. J. Inf Of 9-26-1927 M Agnes Jenson T. J. Humphries Humphries, William Calvon 7-16-1927 M Annie B. Bridger Calvon D. Humphries Hutchins, Katherine 2-15-1927 F Dovie Worrell J. W. Hutchins Izell, Charlcie May 12-9-1927 F May Linewebber D. A. Izell Jackson, Earnest Carlton 7-2-1927 M Mary Elizabeth Martin W. A. Jackson Jackson, Ila Cooledge 7-2-1927 M Mary Elizabeth Martin W. A. Jackson Jackson, Mattie Lee 12-18-1927 F Lucile Guytavo Walter Jackson Jenson, Arden Leroy 9-1-1927 M Frieda Schultz Palmer S Jenson Jiles, Ernest Lynn Jr. 10-7-1927 M Syble Brunson Ernest Lynn Jiles Johnson, Clara Fern 6-27-1927 F Alma G Bakke Oscar C Johnson Johnson, Ivan Allison 4-24-1927 M Edith Viola Carlson Charlie Oscar Johnson Johnson, Rufus Sidney 1-26-1927 M Ella Morris Rufus Johnson Jones, Hilton Jr 7-4-1927 M Erna Perl Glass Hilton Pressley Jones Jones, Lila Bess 9-12-1927 F Mattie Micars O. M. Jones Jones, Melba Dean 6-5-1927 F Vella Burns Frank Jones Kanz, Alma Lena 7-3-1927 F Josephine Ludwig Andrew Kanz Lambert, Olive Marie 4-8-1927 F Agnes Ringness M. I. Lambert Landon, Hellen 8-15-1927 F Rual Capps Frank Landon Lanehart, Mildred Frances 12-23-1927 F Grace Moorman James Dixon Lanehart Larson, Paul Hobert 9-10-1927 M Caroll Groves Elmer R. Larson Laxson, Jois Lewis 7-25-1927 M Lela Burdette Jess Laxson Lehrman, Karlvin 1-8-1927 M Emma Meyer Thedore Lehrman Light, Patricia Ruth 6-23-1927 F Emy Esther Wiseman John Hudson Light Little, Guy Holland 8-23-1927 M Genette Pulliam Abe Little Lyon, J. L. Jr. 1-23-1927 M Cordin Bornette Lawrence Lyon Mackey, Laura Edzora 1-18-1927 F Emma Morgan Ollie S. Mackey Massey, Patsy Jane 10-10-1927 F Ruth Dominy Paul Massey Mcbride, Laverne 6-15-1927 F Willie Talley Roy Mcbride Mcdonald, Katie Katherine 7-18-1927 F Ludy Cox Barnhill Mcdonald Mcdonald, William Andrew 2-26-1927 M Minnie Viola Welborn Harlin Mcdonald Mcdowell, Fred Arthur 8-30-1927 M Ollie Alsup Eugene Mcdowell Mcdowell, Paralee 3-22-1927 F Madie Mcdowell Mcgregor, Lou Chastine 6-15-1927 M Annie Chastine A. W. Mcgregor Mckinney, Lillian Ione 4-17-1927 F Charlie Miles John Mckinney Meyer, Liddie May 10-11-1927 F Mildred Walker Quintess Meyer Meyer, Willie Inf Of 4-17-1927 M Thickla Lehrman Willie Meyer Miihlause, Ruby 2-9-1927 F Lizzie Lehrmon Will Miihlause Miller, Daris 8-23-1927 F Ruby Lundberg W. A. Miller Mitchell, Raymond Lester 8-7-1927 M Annie Robinson J. H. Mitchell Moffatt, Edwin Lee 12-2-1927 M Diasy Lyle Hanna Joe Roy Moffatt Montgomery, Joseph Rex 9-14-1927 M Lottie Thomas David S. Montgomery Moorman, Joe Harold 8-4-1927 M Anis Richard A. H. Moorman Moseley, Teddie Jean 9-26-1927 F Fay Callan Ted Moseley Mueller, Priscilla 7-24-1927 F Adelia Arlitt Herman Mueller Mullins, Jean Ruth 2-3-1927 F Mabel B. Cox Jasper E. Mullins Music, Eugenia 4-3-1927 F Ida Lester Will Music Music, Unice 4-3-1927 F Ida Lester Will Music New, Lois Irene 9-7-1927 F Ida Parker Earl New Newsome, Burnett 11-18-1927 M Mollie Williams Pete Newsome Oliver, Elizabeth Jean 11-25-1927 F Pearlie Vell Morton Jerry Lee Oliver Olson, Carl Vernon 5-17-1927 M Beatrice Helm Fred Olson Oslon, Media Beth 9-11-1927 F Ethel Lowe Archie C. Olson Oswald, Hazel Lavon 1-31-1927 F Hattie Schulze H. L. Oswald Owens, Roy Leon 8-7-1927 M Ethel Durham Willis Owens Pendleton, William Lund 5-18-1927 M Gina Louise Lund Homer Denton Pendleton Petty, Jesse Lois 6-18-1927 F Lillie Reed J. S. Petty Pilant, Joyce Faylene 7-21-1927 F Edna May Earl Pilant Polei, Critel Fern 9-10-1927 F Julia Bernhardt Fritz Polei Potter, Sammie Elizabeth 2-16-1927 F Vivia Rutherford Houston Potter Pylant, Syble Loraine 3-4-1927 F Emma Steveson Arthur Pylant Railsback, Evelyn Gene 6-14-1927 F Ada Alma Johnson John Bertran Railsback Raley, Billy Jack 8-5-1927 M Zuma Odle E. B. Roley Raley, Harlan Lynn 4-4-1927 M Auderey Janson W D Raley Ramsey, Dorthy Louise 6-16-1927 F Beulah Dennis William Aubry Ramsey Rasseter, Erelene 10-14-1927 F Henrietta Weise A. F. Lassiter Rickard, Eugene 12-13-1927 M Pearle Irene Mcgehee G. Earnest Rickard Rider, Geraldine 12-10-1927 F Nelle Lorena Houston John Rider Rierson, James Arnold 1-15-1927 M Vinnie Harvey John R. Rierson Rierson, James Arnold 1-15-1927 M Vinnie Harvey John R. Rierson Roberson, Opal Lee 11-10-1927 F Robert Lillian Pool Austin Roberson Roberts, Olin Jean 7-22-1927 M Ida May Nelson H. R. Roberts Robertson, Marshall Jr 4-7-1927 M Madie Spence Marshall Robertson Robinson, Annie Pauline 4-21-1927 F Ona Wallace H. M. Robinson Routh, Edward Elmo 4-25-1927 M Myrtle Allen Rowan, Mary Ann 3-20-1927 F Nona Westmoreland Perry Rowan Rowan, Perry Dan 3-22-1927 M Nona Westmoreland Perry Rowan Royal, Joe Lucille 1-20-1927 F Lucile Rosenquist J Clark Royal Rozell, A. C. Inf Of 12-9-1927 F N. C. Casler A. C. Rozell Russell, Mary Francis 6-30-1927 F Myrtle Francis Odom Chas. Wm Russell Ryals, Howard Randolph 7-8-1927 M Stella Cecil Wood James Ryals Ryan, Mary Ann 3-20-1927 F Nona Westmoreland Jack Ryan Ryan, Perry Dan 3-20-1927 M Nona Westmoreland Jack Ryan Sanders, David Junior 4-20-1927 M Ella Stephens J. M. Sanders Scott, Dan Moody 2-13-1927 M Neva Barfield Jess E. Scott Scott, Tommie Nell 8-2-1927 F Myrtle Noel R. M. Scott Sellars, Ruby Lee 8-27-1927 F Maude Arnold John Sellars Shelley, Joseph Wendell 12-22-1927 M Lora Lee Brown Louis Otto Shelley Sheppard, John D. 12-28-1927 M Loddie Wodington Dick Sheppard Simpson, Tom Caruth 5-29-1927 M Pearl Smith Weck Simpson Smith, Esther Regina 5-14-1927 F Esther Swenson O. B. Smith Smith, Floyd Eugene 11-13-1927 M Opal Jasey Aubrey Smith Srader, Billie Joe 11-28-1927 M Melsenea Brinegar F. J. Srader Stewart, Mary 7-6-1927 F Mildred Shrader J. W. Stewart Stocha, Edward Louis 1-15-1927 M Lillie Kahanek L. E. Stocha Surley, Anna Marie 9-7-1927 F Alma Leona Bakke Chriss Surley Swiney, J. C. 5-6-1927 M Nena Wright M. L. Swiney Tennison, Ralph Gayle 3-17-1927 M Rita Lillian Davis Roy Lee Tennison Terrell, Dolores 9-21-1927 F Bert Loggins W. R. Terrell Thomas, Elmo 9-7-1927 M Maud Hazel Moore Sidney Elmo Thomas Tidwell, Anna Elizabeth 5-27-1927 F Lela Parker Clyde A. Tidwell Tidwell, Peggie Gean 3-25-1927 F Fannie Harris Charley Tidwell Tilley, Imogene 11-6-1927 F Ruth Billings Steve Tilley Tittle, Rebecca Ann 1-21-1927 F Berta Tidwell Lloyd M Tittle Tucker, Homer William 11-2-1927 M Aline Albert Jordon Cecil Rhodes Tucker Uloth, Del. Louise 7-22-1927 F Willie George Stevenson J. C. Uloth Uloth, Wanda Jean 4-10-1927 F Homazelle Sallie Daniels James Phillip Uloth Urban, Mary 9-29-1927 F Elma Sommerfeld Pete Urban Voiles, Ira Beverly 9-5-1927 M Erma Callan Spurgeon Voiles Wade, Albert Laurence 10-29-1927 M Maggie Galden Ren. B. Wade Walker, Annie May 1-13-1927 F Josie Hadley Rome Walker Walker, Leona 5-17-1927 F Ruthe Duckworth Jno Walker Walker, Marion Jack 4-2-1927 M Artie Lee Honeycutt Floyd Walker Ware, Leola Maxine 7-11-1927 F Margie Carlisle Mack Ware Warrell, James Oliver 6-1-1927 M Katie Herring W. B. Warrell White, Tommie Lee 5-15-1927 M Gradie May Smith J. L. White Wilburn, Ruby Fay 1-12-1927 F Vera Jones Grover Wilburn Williams, Dorris Laverne 8-2-1927 F Marie Grimm Collis Williams Williams, Wallace Franklin 2-14-1927 M Vera Horn Joe A. Williams Wilson, Bobbie Caroline 11-24-1927 F Mettie Snell Z. T. Wilson Wilson, James Oliver 3-31-1927 M Lorena Willingham S. A. Wilson Wilson, Mary Francis 6-1-1927 F Ouida Bateman Chas Wilson Winfield, Monette 9-12-1927 F Marguerite Bradstreet Oscar Winfield Winkler, George Wilton 5-15-1927 M Annie Bullard George Winkler Woody, Mary Alice 6-2-1927 F A. Z. Parter Jim Woody Woosley, Hollis Lee 8-18-1927 M Myrtle Walter T. L. Woosley Wren, Sherald W. 4-21-1927 M Lizzie Rhodes O. W. Wren Young, Clyde R. 8-31-1927 M Estel Parish Clyde R. Young