BOSQUE COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1930 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed, please send a request to the County File Manager listed on the Bosque County, Texas TOC: Be sure to include a copy of the line with your data on it, and the URL of this page to the County File Manager listed above. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - June 22, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Adkison, Dorothy Helen 6-1-1930 F Opal Adkison Travis Adkison Alexander, Earnestine 9-5-1930 F T. C. Crawford Tell Alexander Alexander, Elinor 2-26-1930 F Mary Wood Ed. Z. Alexander Allen, Eugene 12-21-1930 M Jennie Rosmusson Matt Allen Allen, Ida Mae 12-19-1930 F Soponia Ann Womack J. F. Allen Allen, Lila Ioene 5-31-1930 F Lila Parker Claude Allen Allen, Royce Ray 6-26-1930 M Ethel Fitzgerald Claude Allen Alsup, Dixie Ray Arsheirs 1-19-1930 F Alma Alsup B N Alsup Anderson, Laverne 8-30-1930 F Ruth Cooper Hermon Anderson Anderson, Vera Wyleta 11-16-1930 F Vera Elizabeth Hanna Leroy Anderson Baldridge, Elizabeth Ann 12-20-1930 F Jewell Elizabeth Rogers Henry Ewing Baldridge Barnett, T. G. Johnson 4-13-1930 M Lonie Hart C C Barnett Bartley, Carl Jr. 4-14-1930 M Bessie Norine Williams Pearl Edaner Bartley Bartley, J. W. 10-6-1930 M Beatrice Phillips Willie Miles Bartley Barton, Charles Grady 10-27-1930 M Ollie Opal Cousins Charlie Arlevia Barton Barton, J W 3-1-1930 M Zavalo Barton W C Barton Bass, Bobbie Helen 1-31-1930 F Helen S. Grimm Robert P. Bass Bateman, Dorothy Lee 3-26-1930 F Josie Hughes Leon Bateman Bekkilad, Nelda Ruth 9-24-1930 F Gena Smith Simon Bekkilad Belcher, Araw Dudley Inf Of 9-13-1930 F Wilma Margarette Wintz Araw Dudley Belcher Berry, Bettie Lou 1-26-1930 F Jewel Gladys Berry Beyers, Bonnie Ray 7-6-1930 F Lucile Braswell William Beyers Billing, Weldon Alfred 3-15-1930 M Emma Patterson Alfred E. Billing Billings, Walter Ray 12-15-1930 M Ruby Moore Earl Billings Blackman, Rex Ervin 8-11-1930 M Elnora Caroline Colwick Robert Blackman Blackmon, Hattie Maria 4-15-1930 F Estelle Chatham T. L. Blackmon Blackmon, William Walton 7-17-1930 M Marie Mitten Lloyd Sparks Blackmon Bradley, Joe Charles 12-3-1930 M Mattie Lee Hinton Martin V. C. Bradley Bridges, A. R. Inf Of 5-1-1930 M Edith Evans A. R. Bridges Britton, Josephine 12-28-1930 F Melissa Tolliver G. W. Britton Brown, Rachel Laverne 3-14-1930 F Ruth Esther Erickson Alfred L. Brown Burks, Roy Henry 9-30-1930 M Alpha Hanshew Henry Burks Burns, William Robert Inf Of 4-10-1930 M Joe Willie Thompson William Robert Burns Bush, Jame Wilber 5-28-1930 M Mary Josephine Burney Jake Bush Byrd, Ramona Sue 5-17-1930 F Myrtle Johnson A. D. Byrd Byrum, Melva Jo 8-11-1930 F Ima Virgie Wilkerson Ovie Lee Byrom Canuteson, Wayne Donald 9-17-1930 M Matilda Canuteson Philip Canuteson Capps, Allen Byron 4-28-1930 M Myrtle Reed Allen Byron Capps Chambers, Billy Bob 12-1-1930 M Sadie Ava Hartsfield George Dewey Chambers Chaney, James Ross 3-13-1930 M Ora Jerusha Thomas James Spurgin Chaney Chapplle, Nelda Sue 9-3-1930 F Minnie Alice Brown George M. Chapple Christenson, Esther Evelyn 10-6-1930 F Agnes Beatrice Dahl Ole J. Christenson Cole, James Jerry 3-6-1930 M Fannie Lee Shaver Arnold Cole Collohan, Daniel Richard 1-21-1930 M Tishie Anderson Jack Collohan Cook, Kenneth Owen 11-30-1930 M Jessie Cluster Hedrice William B. Cook Cook, William Edward 7-3-1930 M Minnie Gifford Charles E Cook Croford, Orville 8-21-1930 M Mamie Eckols Robert E Lee Croford Cunningham, William Hollis 5-9-1930 M Fannie Tanner Edward Cunningham Dahl, Gwendolyn Travis 3-19-1930 F Lillian May Bell Jermstad Fred L. Dahl Davis, Bobbie Gean 8-15-1930 F Juanita Hensley R. L. Davis Davis, C. W. Inf Of 8-1-1930 M Rema Miller ***Pull Book*** Davis, Henry Bell 4-11-1930 M Nevada Houshew Dennis Davis Day, Dorothy Jean 6-3-1930 F Ema Johnson James L. Day Day, Thomas Jess 11-1-1930 M Myrtle Hornbuckle Charles Day Denton, Juanita Fay 8-19-1930 F Evelyn Evangiline Simpson John William Denton Dodson, Troy Marshall 4-14-1930 M Ellen Williams Wylie Dodson Downing, Faye Lee 6-20-1930 F Inez Snell Emzy Downing Eley, Billie Ann 5-30-1930 F Mary Rayfield Jimmie Eley Empey, Joseph Neville 11-17-1930 M Blanche Nelson Joseph Carruth Empey Evans, John M Inf Of 3-24-1930 M Sarah Ruby Mckee John M Evans Fair, Bootie Jack 4-10-1930 M Liona Henkins A. F. Fair Faske, Loyd Wilford 5-29-1930 M Gertrude Mary Faske Herman Faske Fergeson, Tom Simson 2-17-1930 M Hinnie Mae Wilkins George Ferguson Fincher, Lovie Joanne 4-5-1930 F Eva Mae Marchman J. G. Fincher Finstad, Ray Carroll 7-9-1930 M Annie Olson Henry Finstad Flanery, L. F. Jr 11-10-1930 M Lela Hanshew Fred Flanery Fletcher, B. R. 4-13-1930 M Marrie Roetchke William Henry Fletcher Fletcher, Kenneth Ray 9-8-1930 M Oneta Pearl Baize Truman Simon Fletcher Flowory, William Eugene 6-1-1930 M Clemmie Thompson R. L. Flowory Gay, Mary Ann 5-1-1930 F Lula May Lucy W. R. Gay Glenn, Billie Frank 7-31-1930 M Hattie Mildred Martin Andrew Jackson Glenn Golden, Vernon Ray 12-14-1930 M Lena Krueger Carroll Golden Goodin, Ray Wesley 6-15-1930 M Grace Woody Ray Goodin Grimes, Norma Ruth 5-26-1930 F Ella Annie Wiese John Edward Grimes Grossman, Walter Bodo 6-16-1930 M Ida Driham Edwin Grossman Hamilton, Joy Ree 4-5-1930 F Erma Runyon Albert H. Hamilton Hanna, Charles William 9-6-1930 M Alice Grace Siddal Jeff M. Hanna Harkcom, Sophia Elizabeth 5-6-1930 F Dessie Daniels C. F. Harkcom Harris, Elmer Inf Of 11-31-1930 M Jose Lee Harris Elmer Harris Harris, Louise 2-25-1930 F Leona Spinks N. H. Harris Harris, P. A. Inf Of 2-17-1930 F Stella Gay P. A. Harris Harvey, Edward Allison 9-28-1930 M Evelyn Davis A. W. Harvey Hays, Hazel Jane 6-25-1930 M Annie Isbell Hays Marshal Hays Hederick, Joe Patton 10-19-1930 M Mary Joe Mcelroy George Oland Hederick Helms, Donald Myers 9-4-1930 M Ida Myers J. G. Helms Hendricks, Frank B. Inf Of 7-11-1930 M Maybelle Latham Frank B. Hendricks Hendricks, William Odell 7-11-1930 M Maybelle Latham F. D. Hendricks Hendrix, Wanda Faye 8-15-1930 F Ethel Nobles Roy Hendrix Hicks, Cecil 12-23-1930 M Clarice Irene Keller Lewis Alvie Hicks Holder, Ernest Inf Of 9-5-1930 M Madie Lundkry Ernest Holder Holly, Robert Lee 9-22-1930 M Thelma Josey Lee Holly Horn, Mabel Joyce 4-8-1930 F Salley Emma Duke Richard Columbus Horn Hudson, Jimmie Louise 8-28-1930 F Alma Gann Melvin Hudson Huggins, John Allen 12-1-1930 M Francis Coleman A. Cecil Huggins Humphries, Thomas Joe 8-24-1930 M Agnes Jenson T. J. Humphries Hurt, Irvin Lagene 7-12-1930 M Clyde Tillinghast I. D. Hurt Hyles, J. A. Inf Of 2-27-1930 M Leone Handley J. A. Hyles Jackson, Billie Rex 4-16-1930 M Myrtle Doty William Rex Jackson Jeanes, Arthur Inf Of 2-16-1930 M Emma Ott Arthur Jeanes Jenkins, Claudie Marie 9-8-1930 F Gracie Edna Wood Claud T Jenkins Jensen, Will Inf Of 12-15-1930 F Clara Jenson Will Jensen Jenson, Phil Gene 3-26-1930 M L. A. Windham John Leo Jenson Jermstad, Jimmie Rea 7-15-1930 M Hannah Johnson Selmer C. Jermstad Johnson, Lucy Ann 9-23-1930 F Ella Morris Rufus Johnson Jones, Alice Josephine 6-9-1930 F Lottie Mae Griffin Harvey Jones Jones, Charlotte May 9-24-1930 F Cathey Merriam Lea Charles Myrtis Jones Jones, Leonard Sidney Jr. 4-3-1930 M Mildred Louise Arthur Leonard Sidney Jones Keller, Weldon Roy 3-5-1930 M Myrtle Rainwatter H. E. Keller Kelly, H. B. Jr. 7-30-1930 M Gladys Corine Cole H. B. Kelly Kendall, Roeline 7-22-1930 F Luna Brister O. W. Kendall Kettler, Willie May 9-5-1930 F Freda Schmidt Albert Ketter Kilgo, William George 2-22-1930 M Maggie Cozby N. C. Kilgo Kirkpatrick, Louis Burnett 1-18-1930 M Willie Thomas Walter Kirkpatrick Knudson, Muriel Mae 8-16-1930 F Mattie Carlson Molden G. Knudson Lambert, J. D. Inf Of 2-12-1930 F Grace Moorman J. D. Lambert Lander, Viola 4-12-1930 F Olga Kaatz Valintine Lander Lane, S. D. 8-14-1930 M Mottie Lou Miears Jack Lane Lane, Virgil Davis 3-5-1930 M Morietta Garitt Mabry Lane Larson, Cleo Belvin 9-8-1930 M Clara Billman Clarence Belvin Larson Larson, Neldine Lavern 12-25-1930 F Cora Nina Carlson Julius Leander Larson Laudon, Perry Burnett 7-23-1930 M Ivy Victoria Cox James B. Laudon Laxson, Joy Lee 5-9-1930 F Lela Burdett Jess Laxson Lay, Billy Gene 9-11-1930 M Ione Bryan E C Lay Linch, Neva Jenelle 4-12-1930 F May Blue Marion Linch Loader, Marcus Grant 12-18-1930 M Viola R. Pylant Oscar W Loader Locker, Minnie Lee 12-3-1930 F Minnie Casper Rayford Lee Locker Lockley, Freddie Wannita 1-17-1930 F Viola Moore G. F. Lockley Lomax, Martha Ann 4-6-1930 F Mary Jane Evans James T. Lomax Jr. Long, Weldon Carl 7-18-1930 M Faye Holt Weldon Long Lundberg, Catherine 8-3-1930 F Ila Bennett Edgar Lundberg Lyon, Ray Loran 7-2-1930 M Cliffie Earle Alfie Joe Clarence Lyon Mann, Alta Lee 10-29-1930 F Vada Barnett Mitchell Mann Mann, Irene 4-26-1930 F Olive Row P. M. Mann Marshall, Glant Durwood 4-19-1930 M Elnora Chessie Humphries Francis Earl Marshall Marth, Bettie Jane 7-12-1930 F Bessie Me Richards Charlie Marth Martin, Gloria Louise 11-28-1930 F Leona Fricke Dock Martin Mathews, J. L. Inf Of 12-19-1930 M Ida Ziegelt J. L. Mathews May, Betty Ruth 12-3-1930 F Lillie Goains Walter May Mccandless, Aubrey Alan 7-15-1930 M Helen Ray Beaty Andrew Jackson Mccandless Mcclintock, Hoyt Mingus 1-4-1930 M Aliene Woody M. M. Mcclintock Mcdowell, George Wesley 8-16-1930 M Ollie Alsup Eugene Mcdowell Mcmillan, J V Inf Of 7-13-1930 M Mattie Bearder J Mcmillan V Meinkowsky, Henry Louis 7-23-1930 M Emma Theile H. G. Meinkowsky Meinkowsky, Roy 9-13-1930 M Minnie Ickert Willie F. Meinkowsky Minix, Joyce Marie 3-30-1930 F Velma Pettiette Roy Minix Moore, Elizabeth Amelia 2-20-1930 F Carol Semith Fred Moore Morris, Joe Lou 5-9-1930 F Hallie Brown Leon Morris Morrison, Nona Lou 7-14-1930 F Grace Ryals Earl Morrison Mounce, Charles Weldon 10-22-1930 M Bonnie Baucom J. B. Mounce Mounce, Floyd Wayne 5-27-1930 M Bessie Earneastine Harvey Floyd Lindsey Mounce Murphy, Lu Tissue 10-30-1930 F Lucille Thomas P. J. Murphy Nelson, Dorthy Ellen 9-7-1930 F Myrtle C. Ellenor Allen E Nelson Nelson, John Alstin 10-6-1930 M Ida Porter John Alstin Nelson New, Etta Faye 2-5-1930 F Essie Duncan W. R. New New, Roy Ray 2-5-1930 M Essie Duncan W. R. New Nichols, Billie Jo 10-11-1930 F Omer Rollins B W Nichols Nixon, Dorthy Nell 8-15-1930 F Clara Elibeth Adams Nix Nixon Nystel, Cleo Altan 2-7-1930 M Maggie Knudson Sam Nystel Oliver, Charles Phillip 6-9-1930 M Marie Worley Walter Oliver Olsen, Cathalin La Neal 8-15-1930 F Cora Olsen D. O. Olsen Olson, Hazel Jean 8-27-1930 F Jennie Fergerson C. H. Olson Olson, Willma Joyce 4-8-1930 F Hilga Dahl Willie John Olson Oswell, Billie Joe 8-8-1930 M Mary Daniels Joe Oswell Patterson, Lee Inf Of 3-6-1930 M Grace Hart Lee Patterson Payne, Norma Joyce 2-2-1930 F Thelma Pauline Walker Cicerto Wayne Payne Pederson, E. M. Inf Of 4-13-1930 F Malla Olson E. M. Pederson Perkins, Reba Nell 4-21-1930 F Minnie Kincanon W. D. Perkins Phillips, George Clayborn 3-5-1930 M Zelma Stephens George Phillips Pierce, Etta May 10-11-1930 F Ruby Ley Mobley Jewell Edward Pierce Pinnell, Max Elmo 8-13-1930 M Avia Loftis Vernie Pinnell Polk, Leonard 3-24-1930 M Susa Busby J. E. Polk Polnod, Neal Dwain 5-14-1930 M Ruth Allen Andy Polnod Porter, Billy Joe 5-17-1930 M Clara Snelson Marvin Porter Powell, Billie Earl 12-19-1930 M Gladys Chaney O. J. Powell Powell, Margie Mae 6-7-1930 F Voleta Vivian Walton Arlie Roy Powell Powers, Ellis Vo 12-19-1930 M Alice Lawrence J. W. Powers Prause, Vera Alvena 1-5-1930 F Marie Bryant J. L. Prause Qualls, Margie Burness 9-4-1930 F Sadie Thomas Johnie Qualls Ragsdale, Mildred Lucille 10-19-1930 F Anna Mae Westley Fred D. Ragsdale Rains, Ray Donald 6-22-1930 M Sarah Elizabeth Greene William B. Raines Ray, Raymond Earl 3-20-1930 M Eula Mcgee Jessie Ray Reeves, Bobbie Joe 7-15-1930 M Lou Gilcrest Clent Reeves Remington, Carl Franklin Jr. 9-12-1930 M Emma Bell Frazier Carl Franklin Remington Sr. Rhodes, Harold Clinton 1-18-1930 M Linnie Wedemon R. L. Rhodes Rice, Thomas Gerald 10-7-1930 M Ruby Jenkins George Rice Rice, William Wesley Inf Of 11-17-1930 M Lucy Elberta Pugh William Wesley Rice Richards, Bryan Inf Of 7-6-1930 M Viola Raines Bryan Richards Richards, H. L. Inf Of 3-10-1930 M Clevie Jones H. L. Richards Robinson, Lucy 7-22-1930 F Dovie Talley Ben F. Robinson Rosas, Threna 5-19-1930 F Monrvaila Astrado Modero Rosas Rose, Bebe Dell 9-16-1930 F Emma Smith Sam Rose Roses, Mike Inf Of 7-17-1930 F Susana Estroda Mike Roses Ruder, Mary Ethel 8-11-1930 F Francis Pope Don Ruder Sages, Dortha Vernell 9-22-1930 F Marry Henkleman Charles Sages Sanders, Aron Inf Of 10-18-1930 M Vera Roberts Aron Sanders Sanders, Wilburn Joseph 3-16-1930 M Hattie Phillips Wilburn Sanders Sautler, Wayne Edward 5-6-1930 M Willie Saulter W W Saulter Schow, Peter Evan Iii 2-5-1930 M Leony Jones Peter Evan Schow Jr. Schulze, E N Inf Of 11-10-1930 F Bula Doser E N Schulze Sellers, Lela Josephine 5-2-1930 F Maudie Arnold John Sellers Shaddock, Le Roy Burnett 9-27-1930 M Erline Johnson Hubert R. Shaddock Sheppard, Patsy Ruth 11-5-1930 F Lottie Waddington Sam Henry Sheppard Shew, Fred Harvey 8-12-1930 M Gladis C. Davis D. L. Shew Simpson, H T 12-6-1930 M Nannie Mulican Elmer Simpson Sinderud, Clinton Royce 8-10-1930 M Clara Canuteson Norman Clarence Sinderud Small, Carl Gene 11-2-1930 M Mary Voiles T H Small Smart, Cecil Eugene Jr. 8-19-1930 M Katie Mae Forson Eugene Smart Smith, Anna Gertrude 9-28-1930 F Esther Orean Patterson Jake Hampton Smith Smith, Lila Ruth 5-14-1930 F Johnie Boiles Porter Hugh Smith Smith, Marcus Edward 6-11-1930 M Odessa Modesett L. E. Smith Smith, R O Inf Of 11-4-1930 M Fay Walker R O Smith Sommerfeld, Adolph 9-2-1930 M Marry Erben Adolph Sommerfeld Spitzer, Gus Inf Of 5-8-1930 M Matilde Budenberg Gus Spitzer Spitzer, William Frank 9-11-1930 M Violeta Nivins William F. Spitzer Stanford, Evelyn Francis 9-17-1930 F Grace Mcgowen Walter D. Stanford Steinbaugh, Billie Owen 12-29-1930 M Ora Belle Parker John S. Steinbaugh Thomas, W H Inf Of 5-20-1930 M W H Thomas Tilley, Billings Welton 1-26-1930 M Ruth Billings Steve Tilley Turner, Martha Rose 4-14-1930 F Juanita Boykin Hubert Turner Turner, Peggy Joy 8-23-1930 F Jemie Outlaw Claude Turner Urban, Johnnie Charles 2-13-1930 M Mary Lueck John Urban Utoch, Betty Dolores 11-30-1930 F Alice Geraldine Davis Philip George Utoch Walker, Charlie Inf Of 7-3-1930 F Una Odle Charlie Walker Walker, Jerome Jr. 1-7-1930 M Josie Hadley Jerome Walker Walls, Gerald Wayne 1-15-1930 M Lois Kirkpatrick St. Elmo Walls Walsleben, Laverne 2-18-1930 F Pearl Blackwell Otto Walsleben Warren, Sadie Dalva 5-7-1930 F Alma Cannon Jim Warren Watson, William Herbert 1-17-1930 M Ruby Oswald Curtis Watson Weehunt, Rhynold Lee 10-17-1930 M Berniece Miears Roy L. Weehunt Welborn, Billie Joe 1-14-1930 M Ora Locker L. T. Welborn White, Ola Mae 10-3-1930 F Grady Smith J. L. White Whitley, H. A. Inf Of 10-25-1930 M Cora Lee Rushing H. A. Whitley Wicker, Lawanda June 7-29-1930 F Bertha Spinks Eldridge Wicker Wiese, William Carl 10-14-1930 M Lorena Pierce Charlie Wiese Wilson, Bobbie 11-23-1930 F Josephine Wilkerson George Wilson Wilson, Verna Lee 3-19-1930 F Luciel Standifer Doss Wilson Word, Dorma Jane 11-8-1930 F Rosemary Dorman Charles K. Word Yale, Junior Chesley 9-11-1930 M Ossie Lee Wagner James Chesley Yale