BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1931 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed, please send a request to the County File Manager listed on the Brazos County, Texas TOC: Be sure to include a copy of the line with your data on it, and the URL of this page to the County File Manager listed above. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - July 21, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Acord, Billy Jack 10-5-1931 M Alberta Carson Wesley Washington Acord Acord, Edwin Earl 9-8-1931 M Myrtle Ethel Harvill David Acord Adams, Major 10-30-1931 M Thelma Keatts Atamus Adams Alexander, Esther Jewel 12-27-1931 F Lillie Mae Chism Garfield Alexander Alexey, Paul 2-2-1931 M Annie Pholek Albert Alexey Alexey, Stephen 2-2-1931 M Annie Pholek Albert Alexey Alfrez, Alijandro 5-10-1931 M Romana Garza Gonsalo Alfrez Allcorn, Emmett 6-16-1931 M Isa Bailey Robert Allcorn Allcorn, Timie 6-16-1931 F Isa Bailey Robert Allcorn Allen, Ruby Lee Jr. 2-1-1931 M Ellen Bailey Ruby Lee Allen Allison, Sue 6-29-1931 F Ester Fuller Ulmont Sterling Allison Amerson, Maber Lee 8-30-1931 F Maber Williams Tomie Amerson Anderson, Willie B. 10-7-1931 M Edna Koontz Elijah Anderson Andrews, Dolores Marie 2-28-1931 F Ruby Leona Fisher Arthur Andrews Armstrong, Jim 8-8-1931 M Gladys Phillips Marion Armstrong Arnold, Jussy 1-9-1931 M Julia Arnold Henry Arnold Arnold, Mary Belle 1-21-1931 F Liddie Bell Marquart H. F. Arnold Asbury, John 8-17-1931 M Mary Houston Will Asbury Austin, Jessie May 11-11-1931 F Ethel Johnson Eugene Austin Avocando, Janie 9-18-1931 F Lucy Bellerina O. Avocando Ayres, Daniel Thomas 11-1-1931 M Rachael Findley Louis Albert Ayres Barnes, Columbus Inf Of 7-9-1931 F Mamie Watson Columbus Barnes Barnes, Joe Inf Of 11-22-1931 F Stella Ayres Joe Barnes Barnes, Joe Inf Of 11-22-1931 M Stella Ayres Joe Barnes Batton, Mary Elizabeth 4-28-1931 F Jessie Lee Crenshaw Rufus Pinkney Batton Beene, Rosalind 7-5-1931 F Denlay Jordan Carl Beene Bell, Charles Douglas 11-24-1931 M Jessie Lee Rapper Charlie Bell Berlanger, Domingo 2-1-1931 M Aurelea Vargos Homfre Berlanger Beverly, A. B. 2-12-1931 M A. C. Macmurray Phillip Beverly Beyer, Melba Ruth 4-11-1931 F Gussie Martha Endler Gue Beyer Black, Byron Eugene 10-10-1931 M Vivian Landers Byron A. Black Blanton, Richard Edgar 8-5-1931 M Mamie Alice Ward Guy Reynolds Blanton Blocker, Thomas Walter 10-14-1931 M Agnes Augusta Linlse Thomas Oscar Blocker Boone, Clarence Wayne 8-27-1931 M Frances Martin Elmo Boone Boriskie, Lawrence 5-7-1931 M Mary Paradowski Antone Boreskie Bostcallie, Josphine Bertice 11-28-1931 M Pena Cash Inez Bostcallie Bradley, Esther Ruth 5-16-1931 F Willie D. Wilson Isaac Bradley Bradly, Alcenay 9-7-1931 F Rosa Lee Harris Marchell Bradly Bridges, Ivy Kay 9-21-1931 F Belle Catherine Kay James Simmons Bridges Brint, Willie 8-10-1931 M Luella Brint Broodrow, Joe Jr. 5-25-1931 M Annie Bell Brown Joe Broodrow Brown, Booker T. 5-31-1931 M Salla Howard Will Brown Brown, Mathers 10-27-1931 M Mollie Wells William Brown Brozollo, Verna Webb 9-20-1931 F Cardelia Webb George Webb Buchanan, Jane 10-19-1931 F Trula Jacksone Durant Samuel Buchanan Bullock, Bobby Louis 7-29-1931 M Ebbie Wynelle Henry Walter Louis Bullock Burnhal, Hubert Inf Of 2-8-1931 F Minnie Jones Hubert Burnhal Burns, Curtis Marklyn 6-15-1931 M Julia Evelyn Wilcox Patton Wright Burns Burton, Willadea 4-24-1931 F Annie Bell Carter Willie Burton Bynum, Eddie 11-1-1931 M Rosie Raley ***Stillborn*** Byrd, Walter 4-20-1931 M Mary Ann Toliver David Byrd Byron, Mary Jean 8-17-1931 F Evelyn Mary Dawson Mills Herbert Byron Campbell, Ralph Doccell 7-13-1931 M Helen Ellis Ralph Campbell Carr, Allen Berton 10-16-1931 M Erma Martha Peters Allen Parker Carr Carr, James Junior 10-24-1931 M S. A. Hutchenson James Junior Carr Carrol, Coakey Ellsworth 11-14-1931 M Ijarris Carrol Carroll, Ben Preston 7-7-1931 M Bulah Brooks Richard Carroll Carroll, James Langton 10-22-1931 M Mary Langton James Vincent Carroll Carter, Joe Thomas 8-24-1931 M Bessie Strasrepka James Murdock Carter Carter, Kathleen 6-16-1931 F Ethel Townsend Marion Carter Cashaw, Jesse Lee 7-24-1931 M Effie Jones Wesley Cashaw Cashion, Mason Lee Jr. 11-10-1931 M Winnie Davis Blakely Mason Lee Cashion Castillo, Benny 6-15-1931 M Elizabeth Vasquez Fulton H. Castillo Catalina, Charlie 5-25-1931 M Mary Salidiner Joe Catalina Chambers, Leonard 1-3-1931 M Willie B. Chappel Clifford Chambers Clark, Marrice 10-3-1931 M Lyda Martin Celester Clark Clark, Ola Lee 9-6-1931 F Minnie Ola Petterson Ulysee Clark Clark, Tracy 10-31-1931 M Pearl Clark Clark, Willie Inf Of 11-3-1931 F Clara Irving Willie Clark Class, Charles Henry 12-28-1931 M Bessie May Risinger J. T. Class Jr. Claunch, J. M. 6-7-1931 M Clair Woodard John Miller Claunch Clayburn, Alice Ruth 9-12-1931 F Effie Wilson J H Clayburn Cobb, Mary Ruth 8-20-1931 F Susie Vera Means Charlie Olden Cobb Cobbs, Cora 3-31-1931 F Johnie Mae Mcclain Ennis Cobbs Coleman, O. C. 4-6-1931 F Aubry Washington T. J. Coleman Collins, Arron 6-6-1931 M Corine Hill Earlie Collins Collins, Willie 3-31-1931 M Silverine Clark Gillie Collins Connatello, Charley Jr 11-11-1931 M Minnie Wosta Charley Connatello Cook, John Ella 10-28-1931 F John Ella Cook Cooks, Lorranne 1-28-1931 F Mary F Hornsberry Robert Cooks Cooper, Edd Frank 12-31-1931 M Myrdie Allie Crawford Jessie Cooper Cooper, Roy Jr 3-15-1931 M Osie Clark Roy Cooper Sr. Cordero, Rose Mary 4-7-1931 F Janie Gomez Canuto Cordero Cotropia, Mary Jo 4-4-1931 F Louise Amorelli John Cotropia Crawford, Marvin Eugene 9-7-1931 M Inez Jones David Crawford Curry, Elbert Jr 2-9-1931 M Albertha Robinson Elbert Curry Darling, Ray Buchanan Jr. 12-12-1931 M Annie Metzer Ray Buchanan Darling Sr. Davies, L. C. 4-16-1931 M Ida Turner Hershel Davies Davis, Cleve 10-15-1931 M Gertrude Taylor Jimmie Davis Davis, Henry Lewis 3-3-1931 M Stella Marie Watson Jack Davis Davis, Milton E. Inf Of 2-24-1931 F Gertrude Beard Milton E. Davis Davis, T. D. 7-6-1931 M Mary Murphy Tim Davis Dawson, Don Elizabeth 3-5-1931 F Alice Burliee Joseph Willis Dawson Day, Gloria Mae 3-25-1931 F Jessie Woods Moorecy Day Day, Thomas Henry 3-24-1931 M Lottie Stine Marcelus Day Deboise, Delilah 4-15-1931 F Velma Johns Edward Deboise Debose, Mayella 11-9-1931 F Roberta Cunley J. S. Debose Denman, Jessie Calvin Jr. 12-8-1931 M Ora Jewel Byrd Jessie Calvin Denman Dent, Martha Lorene 2-8-1931 F Mattie Milam Carl Wilma Dent Dickerson, Joe Jr. 10-21-1931 M Winona Etheredge Joe Dickerson Duncan, Dorothy Ruth 3-1-1931 F Neoma Rosier Ancie Duncan Eaton, Charley Henry 4-23-1931 M Georgia Eaton Pat James Edwards, Benjamin Henderson 5-9-1931 M Alice Nash Mitchell Edwards Elliott, Richard Lee 8-16-1931 M Pauline Phillipino Augusto Richard Edgar Elliott Emola, Lena 6-5-1931 F Mary Pamilla Sam Emola Endler, Hugo Joe 5-12-1931 M Aline Olga Yeager Philip Joulice Endler Evans, Fay Elizabeth 10-19-1931 F Johnie B. Evans Evans, Jim Inf Of 2-10-1931 F Sallie Bowlden Jim Evans Ezekiel, Raphael Sabra 11-24-1931 M Sarah Ritzen Ezekiel Walter Naphtali Ezekiel Farqhar, Bettie Bernice 4-26-1931 F Rosalie Nichols A. H. Farqhar Fazzino, Johnnie Anthony 8-30-1931 M Mary Salvaggio Tony J. Fazzino Fickey, Louis Thomas 8-21-1931 M Alma Hinze Joe Fickey Findley, Mallie Elizabeth 4-22-1931 F Carrie Belle Ayres Geroge Ollie Findley Fletcher, John Coldwell 11-1-1931 M Estelle Coldwell Robert Capers Fletcher Flores, Dolores 5-16-1931 F Marcelina Escobar Carlos Flores Foote, Verneice 6-7-1931 F Jaunita Wells Ford, Bettie Pearl 6-20-1931 F Allie V. Franklin Lee Talmadge Ford Ford, Pauline 4-9-1931 F Ida Bell Thompson George Ford Jr Forrer, Henry Andrew 12-19-1931 M Dollia Fletcher Oscar John Jefferson Forrer Foster, Margaret 4-7-1931 F Lexana Foster Lessera Foster Foster, Walter Reed 2-18-1931 M Maryann Reed J J Foster Franklin, C. H. Inf Of 2-9-1931 M Maggie Maddox C. H. Franklin Franklin, Charlie Culber Inf Of 3-2-1931 F Ellen May Lovell Charlie Culbertson Franklin Franks, Joyce Lee 10-2-1931 F Millie Riley Ray L. Franks Garcia, Marguerite 3-17-1931 F Romana Hernandez Darniello Garcia Gay, John Gordon Jr. 8-19-1931 M Emma Louise Ryan John Gordon Gay Gayle, Lewis Edward 12-2-1931 M Velma Mae Bond Otis Edward Gale German, Elizabeth Gaynell 2-21-1931 F Mattie Warren F. N. German Gerson, Charles Irvin 6-4-1931 M Bessie Gaitz Sal Gerson Gibson, A. George 4-12-1931 M Cherlear Momon Albert Gibson Gibson, Curtis Dwight 9-14-1931 M Clarissa Curtis H. C. Gibson Gilbert, Herman James 12-13-1931 M Gertrude Gilbert Edward Gilbert Gilmore, Forest Leonard 6-12-1931 M Gladys Myrtle Bond Cecil Lee Gilmore Godine, Jewel 1-4-1931 F Cleola White Rastine Godine Gonzalez, Lucia 4-11-1931 F Audra Monepwez Salome Gonzalez Gonzalez, Tomasa 9-22-1931 F Concepcion Ibarra Cagatianno Gonzalez Gray, Elsie Juanita 12-8-1931 F Tommy May Stell Curtis Luther Gray Green, Argle 3-14-1931 M Rossie Green Green, Rowland L. 3-26-1931 M Rose Lee Terrell Romo Green Green, Steve Jr. 10-8-1931 M Eleveln Chambers Steve Green Greer, James Travis 3-14-1931 M Bertha Mccoy Clayborn Greer Grelen, Patsy Joy 9-5-1931 F Mary Louise Mccerquadale Henry Augusta Grelen Griffin, Adelle 4-10-1931 M Eunice Smith Charles Edmond Griffin Griffin, Maybelle 4-10-1931 F Eunice Smith Charles Edmond Griffin Groce, Bennie Lee 2-26-1931 F Bualah Terry Walter Groce Gross, Lawrence Norton 11-10-1931 M Florence Barnett Edward Harry Gross Gullo, Preston 2-15-1931 M Bessie Roffino Ben Gullo Hailey, Ruby Jewell 10-4-1931 F Virginia Countel E. H. Hailey Hale, William Robert 3-9-1931 M Sena Mae Mounts Fred Hale Hall, Adury Lee 3-8-1931 F I. V. Peterson Hall, Hettie Jo 11-8-1931 F Inez Viola Etheridge Dan Hall Hammond, Charles Henry 11-24-1931 M C. A. Lewis William Hammond Hampton, Louise 4-12-1931 F Catherine Taylor C. B. Hampton Harper, Erline 9-19-1931 F Daisy Tyler Earl Herbert Harper Harris, Marshall 3-10-1931 M Ada Peyton Mat Harris Harris, Willie Mae 10-14-1931 F Alice Harris Harris, Zlatha B. 12-28-1931 F Eunice Jordon Leroy Harris Hawkins, Goree 5-20-1931 M Elnora Washington **Death File Number Exists** Hawkins, John 5-20-1931 M Elnora Washington Jim Hawkins Jr Haywood, Ethel 10-14-1931 F Vivian Allen Willie Haywood Head, David Kent 3-28-1931 M Lester Lee Hawkins V. J. Head Hearne, William Bryan Inf Of 9-20-1931 F Cora Emma Cook William Bryan Hearne Heine, Edwin Jr. 8-17-1931 M Mary Englebrecht Edwin Heine Henley, Clara 6-14-1931 F Alma Martin ***Stillborn*** Hensarling, Abe Jr. 12-7-1931 M Zona Colbert Abe Hensarling Herndon, William Lee 6-11-1931 M Sherline Oneal Earnest Herndon Herrera, Elvira 11-4-1931 F Francis Luna Paul Herrera Herrera, Francisco 11-7-1931 F Guadalupe Allesandro Casiuto Herrera Hicks, Cora Mae 9-3-1931 F Maude Hicks Hicks, Doisie Lee 12-24-1931 F Sarah County Dodie Hicks Hill, Carrie Lee 11-29-1931 F Nettie May Ward Robert Lee Hill Hill, John Inf Of 7-6-1931 M Alice Sterns John Hill Hines, Carrie 11-4-1931 F Vernon Hunter Sam Hines Hines, Harry Jr. 4-13-1931 M Aubra Manley Harry Hines Hines, Leon 3-9-1931 M Elsie Speaks Arthur Hines Hines, Mary Francis 1-18-1931 F Lottie Eldridge William Hines Hinz, Myrtle Annalee 5-28-1931 F Minnie Hahn Theodore Hinz Hodge, Jannie Beatrice 8-28-1931 F Deala Dix Edward Sylvester Hodge Hogans, Richard Inf Of 2-16-1931 F Frangia Hollins Richard Hogans Holden, Barbara Pearl 9-2-1931 F Alma Kindt C. A. Holden Holick, Billie 12-9-1931 F Bessie Elizabeth Sanders Johnny William Holick Holiday, Daisy Mae 11-26-1931 F Georgia Penson Johnny Holiday Holland, Joan 12-27-1931 F Lida Dillen Newell C. Holland Holliday, Billy Earl 8-11-1931 M Zelma Earline Barnett Leonard Holliday Holliday, Lorreta Maye 12-20-1931 F Annie May Bennett Guillermo Holliday Holligan, Lowell Allen 11-8-1931 M Julis Sarah Mattis Alva Monroe Holligan Horn, Billy Ray 7-24-1931 M Frieda Schmabriede Willie Horn Hotard, Clifton Madison 8-29-1931 M Emily Jewel Holligan Joseph Clifton Hotard Huckaby, Laura Lenora 10-4-1931 F Effie Collins B. K. Huckaby Hudetts, Elva Jana 12-17-1931 F Lucy Novak Steve Hudetts Hunt, Sammie Marcella 6-15-1931 M Bessie White Sammie Hunt Hunter, Dora 12-31-1931 F Laurine Williams Wade Hunter Hunter, Lillie Mae 1-3-1931 F Rutha Mae Carter Rosevelt Hunter Hunter, Ora 12-31-1931 F Laurine Williams Wade Hunter Huse, Jessie Mae 12-28-1931 F Jestella Anderson Jessie Huse Hyden, Claude Morgan Inf Of 8-26-1931 F Alma Pettie Claude Morgan Hyden Jackson, Dortha Mae 3-16-1931 F Willie Mae Jackson Jackson, Jonnie Lee 11-22-1931 M Evelena Jackson Pink Jackson Jackson, Willie B. 1-8-1931 M Evelena Washington Pink Jackson James, Joe Jr. 3-19-1931 M Annie Hawkins Joe James Jenkins, Charlene 10-18-1931 F Ruby Mae Clary Harry Stuart Jenkins Jenkins, Edgardene 10-18-1931 F Ruby Mae Clary Harry Stuart Jenkins Jensen, Bernyce Iris 1-12-1931 F Ita Viola Molkentine Frederick Wilhelm Jensen Johns, Judie Belle 3-8-1931 F Adeline Cross Henry Johns Johnson, Earmer 2-24-1931 F Birtha Jenkins Tiree Johnson Johnson, Fredie Douglas 7-14-1931 M Bulah Johnson Johnson, Jimmie Lee 6-24-1931 F Valmer Meree Johnson Jimmie Johnson Johnson, Joseph Jr. 10-11-1931 M Mary Richardson Joseph Johnson Johnson, Woodly 8-22-1931 M Willie Jones James Johnson Jones, Charlie 12-28-1931 M Amber Pat Martin Walter Jones Jones, Cicero Jordan 10-5-1931 M Lillian Jordan Clarence Howard Jones Jones, Edna Lee 1-29-1931 F Earma Johns Robert Jones Jones, Jane Patricia 8-12-1931 F Jimmie Dale Galloway Clarence Jones Jones, Lorene 4-25-1931 F Malissia Bell Robert Jones Jones, Mary Irene 9-4-1931 F Pearl Mathes Will M. Jones Jones, Mattie Lee 4-20-1931 F Jerline Mcwashington Maren Jones Jones, Opel 1-10-1931 F Georgie Wilson J B Jones Jones, Rastine Jr 2-17-1931 M Willie Mae Philps Rastine Jones Jones, Thomas Henry Jr 9-20-1931 M Annie Lillian Hayes ***Stillborn*** Jones, William 5-13-1931 M Georgia Hackett Anderson Jones Jurik, Dalmer Dolen 5-6-1931 M Fannie Kochtik J. H. Jurik Juroski, Leafy Marie 11-6-1931 F Ruthie Mae Jenkins Joe Adolph Juroski Kalinec, James Louis 1-25-1931 M Lucile Hebron John Kalinec Keith, Louis Stone 7-20-1931 M Desyre Stone Harwood Keith Kelley, Cecil Maudine 2-4-1931 F Maud Robertson Cecil Kelley Killough, John Henry 12-11-1931 M Mabel Durham David Thornton Killough Kirwin, Margie Lee 2-17-1931 F Julia Eden N. J. Kirwin Klintworth, Morris Edward 9-14-1931 M Clara Emily Hahn William J. Klintworth Knox, Carolyn Ruth 5-10-1931 F Frances Eda George John Harvey Knox Kolimer, Frank Jr. 7-4-1931 M Mary Nemes Frank Kolimer Komcny, Martha Jane 12-21-1931 F Hattie Nance Steve Komcny Jr. Kosh, John Marvin 8-16-1931 M Rosalie Wuenscher Charles Kosh Krenek, Ernest Jean 4-20-1931 M Emma Sebesta Joe Krenek Kurmey, Joe Jr. 11-5-1931 M Berthell Thurman Joe Kurmey Lang, Ruby Jewel 10-19-1931 M Ruthie Lang Lassiter, Jeanette Iris 3-13-1931 F Lucy Jewel Gregory Levi Charles Lassiter Lawrence, Kelley Edward Ii 9-14-1931 M Hazel Deffebach Kelley Edward Lawrence Laws, Juanita Catherine 2-12-1931 F Mattie Murphy Seldon Laws Leal, Tom 2-8-1931 M Jessie Madez Pedro Leal Leighman, Nellie Lue 3-11-1931 F Ethel Rumfield James Leighman Leskey, Haldagord 3-5-1931 F Minnie Franke Rinehalt Leskey Lilly, Theodore Roosevelt 6-26-1931 M Georgia Lilly Linzleman, Guy Donald Jr. 8-30-1931 M Mataline Jewel Closs Guy Donald Linzleman Jr. Locke, Robert William 11-18-1931 M Maudelle Alberta Batten Joe Thomas Locke Loughridge, Pearl May 1-21-1931 F Pearly Neal Sarmoneus Loughridge Love, Louis Alfred 1-24-1931 M Alberta Green Andrew Love Luckenbach, Angela 2-10-1931 F Frances Louise Smith Fritz Luckenbach Jr Lucky, Rosevelt Jr 7-5-1931 M Lula Johnson Rosevelt Lucky Ludd, Julia 3-4-1931 F Meller Lee Murphy Elzie Ludd Lys, Lee 6-27-1931 M Mary Sodek Lee Lys Lys, Robert 6-27-1931 M Mary Sodek Lee Lys Malik, Dorothy Allene 2-28-1931 F Carrie Hopecky Joe Malik Maly, Clarence Henry 10-20-1931 M Agnes Clara Hebron Henry William Maly Manning, J. F. B. 9-7-1931 M Grace George Albert Manning Manthei, Aline Ella 1-29-1931 F Heady Jeske Henry Manthei Marim, Julia 11-31-1931 F Victoria Moniciaiz Jose Marim Martin, Billy Jean 11-7-1931 F Leona Scott Ernest Dummord Martin Martin, Ruth 8-30-1931 F Birdie Bolston Wesly Martin Martinez, Felix 3-23-1931 M Carman Flores Pedro S. Martinez Martinez, Macario 3-23-1931 M Carmen Flores Pedro S. Martinez Martinez, Pete Inf Of 4-4-1931 M Francis Lora Pete Martinez Mason, Wilbert Jr. 6-20-1931 M Doris May Cooper Wilbert Mason Massey, Bobbie 7-10-1931 M Jennie Belle Clary Robert D. Massey Matthews, Lois Bernice 8-13-1931 F Myrtle Hair Earl Matthews Matthews, Roscoe C 4-1-1931 M Ellen Neblett Sampson Matthews Mauldin, Edna Louise 11-10-1931 F Eura Mae Wofford Rieuzio Augustin Mauldin Mayo, Willie Lee 8-23-1931 M Annie May Mayo Mccoy, Billie Jean 10-29-1931 F Rosanna Stepney J. H. Mccoy Mccoy, Florance May 7-8-1931 F Laura Chrismon Frank T. Mccoy Mcfarland, Billie Jean 1-6-1931 F Millie Warren Ira Vernon Mcfarland Mckeever, Lovie Mae 10-25-1931 F Alma Roy Charles Mckeever Mckim, Marilyn Verna 3-22-1931 F Florence Fay Bradshaw Verl Calvon Mckim Mcmillan, Joyce Evelyn 7-28-1931 F Aline Lloyd Wilton Mcmillan Mcmurray, Charlie William 5-29-1931 M Georgie Johnson S. A. Mcmurray Mcswain, Mary Lois 9-23-1931 F Lois Elizabeth Pipkin Angus Stewart Mcswain Mcwhorter, Joyce Marie 9-19-1931 F Alma Rae Wilson Charlie Thomas Mcwhorter Medina, Rozario 4-27-1931 F Natividad Gomez Miguel Medina Melesky, Margaret Clara 3-1-1931 F Stevie Millberger Henry John Melesky Mendon, Pearl May 4-15-1931 F Cloudie Mendon Merka, Dorthy Ray 11-28-1931 F Francis Zemanek August C. Merka Metzer, Edward Fredrick 12-14-1931 M Gussie Wiese Will M. Metzer Metzer, Harold 4-15-1931 M Hulda Leeman Dase Metzer Meyne, Elizabeth Louise 11-7-1931 F Margaret Gorzycki Herman Meyne Mikulec, Doris Evelyn 10-6-1931 F Fannie Mateyka Joe J. Mikulec Miles, Robert 12-21-1931 M Lily Sallie Mayer Miles Milhollin, Quinten Keahey 5-18-1931 M Ila Bonita Keahey Robert Mabry Milhollin Miller, Laura 11-29-1931 F Tassie Mccowan ***Stillborn*** Mills, Louis 7-29-1931 M Ollie B. Mills Mitchel, M L 12-15-1931 M Mary Lois Johnson M. C. Mitchel Mitchel, Minnie Lee 2-3-1931 F Minnie May Toliver Aaron Mitchel Monroe, Cleopatra 7-29-1931 F Alberta Thornton Janie Tate Monroe Monroe, Dorothy May 8-5-1931 F Roxy May Greene Luther Monroe Moore, Della Mae 8-1-1931 F Nellie Bell Townsend Sidney Moore Moore, Rosalee 7-19-1931 F Maggie Ellis Ernest Moore Mooring, R. J. 6-24-1931 M Jessie Hill Richard Mooring Mosley, Joe Dalton 11-7-1931 M Myrtle Northcutt Joe Thomas Mosley Mosley, Joe Inf Of 4-11-1931 M Beulah Fillio Joe Mosley Munson, J. C. 5-6-1931 M Armetter Paten Jimmie Munson Munson, Mary Jane 12-20-1931 F Minnie Hardwick Thurmond Amos Munson Murmon, Andrew 4-17-1931 M Hattie Grays J S Murmon Murphy, Vivian Lee 4-1-1931 F Vera Mcgee Thomas Murphy Murphy, William Jerry Jr. 10-6-1931 M Mary Belle Bryant William Jerry Murphy Murphy, William Raymond 9-20-1931 M Oma Belle Duncan James Henry Murphy Neloms, George 6-27-1931 M Ora Ruth Walker Joe Neloms Nelson, Cleo 5-13-1931 F Ella Foster Peter Nelson Netall, C. D. 4-6-1931 M Olivira Turner Lon Netall Netall, Neel Jr. 3-24-1931 M Beatrice Donley Neel Netall Nettles, S. H. 11-10-1931 M Tiny Scales Samuel Nettles Nitch, Phyllis Josephine 2-16-1931 F Mary Braczyk Ernest P. Nitch Nolan, Donald Edward 12-17-1931 M Hollie Ruth Eden Raymond Andy Nolan Odom, Dorthy Louise 8-30-1931 F Hellen Odom Oliver, Louis Jr. 6-14-1931 M Leno Loury Louis Oliver Opersting, Jinne Elsie 11-6-1931 F Winnie Albine Bubouski Louis Albert Opersting Osborn, Charles 6-23-1931 M Vera Head Fred Osborn Outlow, Ruth Elizabeth 1-9-1931 F Norma Ruth Hill G. L. Outlow Paine, J. T. 6-26-1931 M Bobbie Ware Thedro Paine Parsons, Deward Ross 5-16-1931 M Lena Logan James Gray Parsons Payne, Annie Ruth 4-21-1931 F Hattie Bingham Albert Payne Payton, Joseph Jr. 12-15-1931 M Theo Edna Maxey Joseph Payton Penson, Margre 8-22-1931 F Amanda Dorsy Sam Penson Pequeno, Frances Maria 2-6-1931 F Irma H. Salinas John N. Pequeno Perry, Jessie 12-27-1931 M Hazel Perry Peterson, Earnest 3-10-1931 M Hellen Carrell Eddie Peterson Pilera, Joe Inf Of 12-21-1931 M Analtacia Perez Joe Pilera Pistole, L. L. Inf Of 10-17-1931 M Katherine Higgs L. L. Pistole Pitman, Oscar Inf Of 11-30-1931 M Willie Logan Oscar Pitman Plagens, Morris Dran 2-7-1931 M Ella Hood T. R. Plagens Plazzo, Charles Vance 9-20-1931 M Mary Cirmino Charles C. Plazzo Powers, Helen Ruth 7-18-1931 F Annie Ruth Dowling Roger William Powers Putz, Mary Louise 7-19-1931 F Mary Sosolik Louis Putz Pyles, James Hubert 1-13-1931 M Margaret Parlee Hopkins James Jackson Pyles Rasy, Nicholas 9-10-1931 M Pater Hernandez Joe Rasy Reed, Walter Earl 2-28-1931 M Della Marie Walter Steve Reed Reina, Josie Mary 1-3-1931 F Annie Shustala Joe Reina Renner, Jerry Lee 10-16-1931 F Eunetta Verna Doty Elver William Renner Resendez, Ortancia 3-4-1931 F Maria Flores Pedro Resendez Resendez, Ortencia 3-4-1931 F Maria Flores Pedro Resendez Restino, Corine Anne 11-30-1931 F Lena Hraghlia Andrew Henry Restino Rhodes, Earl Deen 10-3-1931 M Nina Bared Martin Charlie Edward Rhodes Rice, L. C. 6-29-1931 M Alberta Banks Alex Rice Riley, Almedia Mary 1-18-1931 F Victoria Merka C. C. Riley Riley, Charlotte Ruth 10-9-1931 F Mamie Cargill James Franklin Riley Riley, Joe B. Jr. 5-20-1931 M Christine Riley Joe B. Riley Rivers, Horace Howard 8-21-1931 M Arlethia Jones Horace Rivers Roberts, John Paul Jr. 10-15-1931 M Alma Cornell John Paul Roberts Rocha, Nicolas 8-25-1931 M Ramona Gamboa Santiago Rocha Rodriguez, Elena Late 1-20-1931 F Paula Ramirez Joe Rodriguez Rodriguez, Jimmie 5-25-1931 M Josephine Rodriguez John Rodriguez Roney, Vera 9-3-1931 F Faye L. Thompson John Henry Roney Rooks, Henry James 10-17-1931 M Rosetta Wilbon Walter Rooks Rooks, Iama 3-18-1931 F Ora Lee Sobb Eddie Rooks Ross, Jack Jr. 3-2-1931 M Josephine Ford Jack Ross Rush, Ofelia 10-20-1931 F Annie Mae Taylor Charlie Rush Rychlik, Ed Inf Of 4-7-1931 F Beatrice Jenkins Ed Rychlik Sample, Alice Jayne 1-19-1931 F Lola Irene Foster Johny Bickham Sample Sanangelo, Lena 11-11-1931 F Lena Santani Peter Sanangelo Sanders, Robert 11-26-1931 M Martha Olney Lewis Sanders Sandifer, James Deane 3-17-1931 M Mary Mann J. C. Sandifer Sandle, Jessie Mae 10-11-1931 F Mamie Anderson Edgar Sandle Sausage, Dora 4-22-1931 F Anna May Sarpinato Dominek Sausage Scasta, Cornelia Jane 3-23-1931 F Emma Milberger Albert R. Scasta Schaeffer, Mary Lou 8-8-1931 F Minnie Miller Fritz Schaeffer Schoeneman, Jack Laruth 4-4-1931 M Leila Holmes William Herman Schoeneman Scott, Elaine 6-21-1931 F Jewel Easter Rudasill James Archie Scott Scott, Ossie Lee 2-4-1931 F Johnie Carrie Wesley Scott Seaton, Lillie 12-15-1931 F Lillie Mosley Charlie Seaton Sebesta, John Edward 9-23-1931 M Mildred Margaret Zubik Emil Thomas Sebesta Segundo, Severa Lucy 7-12-1931 F Severa Martinez Lorenzo Segundo Sheffield, Jennetta Pearl 8-29-1931 F Pollie Marie Beall George Washington Sheffield Shipp, Dannie Inf Of 3-16-1931 F Sophie Iola Davis Dannie Shipp Shorter, Leatha B. 5-29-1931 F Deola Franklin Will Shorter Sikorski, Raymond 1-17-1931 M Hattie M. Olexey Antone F. Sikorski Silleman, Gussie Mae 9-17-1931 F Bessie Mcgee John H. Silleman Simpson, David 3-1-1931 M Luevenia Randolph Albert Simpson Sims, Ella 10-25-1931 F Ella Mae Phillips Henry Sims Sims, William Richard 1-15-1931 M Hazel Ward William G. Sims Slurdge, Moses 1-13-1931 M Mary Richardson Simon Slurdge Smith, Elizabeth Esther 1-1-1931 F Sara Rowland Lull Elmer Gillam Smith Smith, Elsie Marie 2-26-1931 F Mary Margaret Baynes William Mccarthy Smith Smith, John Elvin 9-10-1931 M Myrtis Estelle Bullock John Thurmon Smith Smith, Lizzie Lock May 11-14-1931 F Birdie Morgan Jim Smith Smith, Mary 2-15-1931 F Viola Wilson Jetson Smith Smith, Minnie Louise 10-21-1931 F Euna Neily Cooper Thomas Jefferson Smith Smith, Ralph David 1-5-1931 M Willie Blanche Bullock Lloyd David Smith South, Charles Nelson 1-3-1931 M Glover Carroll Besta H. South Sparks, Henlette Carolyn 1-3-1931 F Henlette Mckinly William Mckindey Sparks Stasney, Claude Neal 3-7-1931 M Lola Schebler Cecil Ellis Steen, Willie Aron 5-18-1931 M Daisy Flowers Walter Steen Stenzel, Leah 10-27-1931 F Elsie Agnes Brodbeck Henry Bronislaw Stenzel Stephens, Cecil Elbert 10-25-1931 M Helen Marie Sibley William Sidney Stephens Steptoe, A. J. Junior 10-16-1931 M Clara Emerson A. J. Steptoe Steptoe, Ora Lee 4-16-1931 M Matha Coleman Willie Steptoe Sterling, Andrew 9-14-1931 M Elizabeth Morgan Oscar Lorenzo Sterling Stevenson, Beverly Ana 12-15-1931 F Frances Rosalie Boriskie John Brooke Stevenson Jr Stewart, Bobbie Andie 5-19-1931 M Daisy Stewart James Stewart Stratta, Joe 9-8-1931 M Serna Saladina Pete Stratta Sustaita, Leonnda 11-28-1931 F Suisa Macias Jim Sustaita Sweed, Thomas Junior 10-6-1931 M Ardine Wooderd Thomas Sweed Tate, Ada 1-12-1931 F Della Payton Fred Tate Taylor, Mary Virginia 1-16-1931 F Lester B. Teague Clarence Taylor Taylor, Maxie Jr. 9-7-1931 M Edna Andrews Maxie Taylor Terrell, Marsh L 2-22-1931 M Ruby L Green Bernice Terrell Terrell, Vergie 3-10-1931 F Agnes Taylor Thomas, Robert Lee 10-27-1931 M Elnora Holiday Dave Thomas Jr. Thompson, Willie Jewel 8-23-1931 F Rosie Lee Hollie Roosevelt Thompson Thornton, Elizabeth 8-24-1931 F Laura Moment Frank Thornton Thornton, Helen 11-23-1931 F Corine Thornton Thornton, J. W. 8-31-1931 M Vernice Thornton Thornton, Travis 9-20-1931 M Gladys Thornton Tinsley, Robert Atkins 12-12-1931 M Roberta Velma Atkins James Robert Tinsley Toliver, Alter Lee 7-4-1931 F Annie Mae Holland Washington Toliver Townsend, John Henry 1-14-1931 M Lessie Bell Hollam Tommie Townsend Tuck, Joan Lee 2-18-1931 F Hattie Irene Smoot Henry Oscar Tuck Turner, Seresta 10-24-1931 F Jewel Kurney Fred Turner Twitty, Estelle 6-6-1931 F Viola Dixon Albert Twitty Twitty, Othello 6-6-1931 F Viola Dixon Albert Twitty Ubernosky, William Clyde 10-30-1931 M Jessie Catherine Royder Clyde Newton Ubernosky Utsey, Clifford Louise Jr. 8-29-1931 M Eva Williams C L Utsey Utsey, Dorothy Kathleen 4-4-1931 F Ruby Lawless John Utsey Vela, Lera 12-4-1931 F Lena Escowd Elita M. Vela Vela, Pedro 12-4-1931 M Lena Escowd Elita M. Vila Villegas, Jesus 1-12-1931 M Guadalupe Soto Julian Villegas Vinson, Livingston Barnes 9-13-1931 M Fanny Novak Harris Larry Vinson Vitopil, Patricia Ann 6-24-1931 F Christine Elizabeth Vitopil Peter James Vitopil Waldon, X. C. Jr. 2-11-1931 M Leona Olevia Ward X. C. Waldon Walker, Connie Welton 5-5-1931 M Annie Maynard Fred Walker Walker, Dorothy Jean 12-14-1931 F Abbie Elliott Johnie Walker Wallace, Carolyn Pearl 9-6-1931 F Claudine Isabel Davis Marvin E. Wallace Jr. Ward, Lean 5-29-1931 F Vollen Raford Johnnie Ward Warren, Delores Ann 5-30-1931 F Ella Green Clarence Edwin Warren Warren, Travis Rex 3-25-1931 M Lillie Mae Berger O. B. Warren Washington, Rufus 11-16-1931 M Ethel Chappel C. D. Washington Watson, Elzie May 1-20-1931 F Lillie Wellhorn Emmet Watson Watson, Isaac 11-21-1931 M Lizzie Young Isaac Watson Weaver, Allen Neil 3-13-1931 M Edna Louise Touchstone Henry Neil Weaver Webster, Ida Mae 7-5-1931 F Mabel Edmerson Clarence Webster Webster, Tom Webber 2-13-1931 M Mariam Rose Webber Cyril Bertram Webster Wellborn, Eva Lee 1-6-1931 F Deaddie Rooks Elliott Wellborn Wells, Leon Jr 1-1-1931 M Francis Parhm Wheeler, Julia Mae 5-6-1931 F Minnie Atkins E. A. Wheeler Wheeless, Bobby Leonard 3-17-1931 M Moddie Gandy Leonard Wheeless Wickes, Mary Lois 8-26-1931 F Ruth Love Hanover Henry Gillette Wickes Wilkerson, Louise 1-28-1931 F Gertrude Zueifel Harmon Wilkerson Williams, Ada 7-7-1931 F Lucy Sterling Will Williams Williams, Albertia 12-17-1931 F Viola Williams Johnnie Williams Williams, Ira Jr 8-31-1931 M Edna Caldwell Ira Williams Williams, J D. 8-31-1931 M Leola Wells Ben Williams Williams, John Garfield 12-1-1931 M Gevener Sims Judge Williams Williams, May Dell 2-4-1931 F Corine Jackson Ollie Williams Williamson, Claude Pearcy 3-21-1931 M Mae Franklin D. D. Williamson Willis, Benjamin 2-12-1931 M Mildred Wilson James Willis Willis, C. J. 10-14-1931 M Irene Carr Chester Willis Willis, Dortha Mae 9-6-1931 F Henretta Hill Julius Franklin Willis Wills, William Ray Jr. 10-27-1931 M Marie Elizabeth Nelson William Ray Wills Wilson, Dan Lee Jr 8-31-1931 M Savana Macey Dan Lee Wilson Wilson, George Henry 2-9-1931 M Maggie Eddington Jim Wilson Wilson, Jim Albert 7-5-1931 M Alberta Harris Tony Wilson Wilson, Joe Lee 12-5-1931 M Mattie Belle Allen Ulmer Hickman Wilson Woliver, Anna Lee 6-6-1931 F Jewel Marie Rogers Roy William Woliver Wood, J. D. 4-20-1931 M Berta May Hedge Lark Wood Wyatt, Jam 4-25-1931 M Willie B Jordon Johnie Wyatt Yegger, Jewel 9-27-1931 F Hellen Mitchel Albert Yegger Young, Curtis 2-19-1931 M Nannie B Taylor James Young Youngblood, Barbara June 9-21-1931 F Ruby Kate Steel Ben Edward Youngblood Youngblood, Juanita Joyce 8-29-1931 F Lillie Mae White George Jackson Youngblood Zubin, Victoria Francis 10-2-1931 F Francis Anna Zak Bohumil James Zubin