Briscoe Co. TX - Births, 1932 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed, please send a request to the County File Manager listed on the Briscoe County, Texas TOC: Be sure to include a copy of the line with your data on it, and the URL of this page to the County File Manager listed above. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Keith Giddeon: 8/25/2000 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. _________________________________________________________________ ======================================================================================================================== NAME BIRTHDATE GENDER MOTHER FATHER COUNTY ======================================================================================================================== Alexander, Jo-Joe 11-29-1932 F Lena Womack Archie S. Alexander Briscoe Arnold, Marian Elgin 11-19-1932 F Gladys Burson Arthur Cyrus Arnold Briscoe Baker, Patrick Clayton 7-13-1932 M Lilly Delphine Brooks Harry Elonzo Baker Briscoe Bedwell, Herman Boyce 3-3-1932 M Amy Gore Henry B Bedwell Briscoe Bell, C. M. Inf Of 10-29-1932 F Sallie Wolf C. M. Bell Briscoe Bingham, Arthur R Inf Of 1-6-1932 M Etna Bell Sumner Arthur R Bingham Briscoe Boling, Billy Joe 2-18-1932 M Marie Gregg Amphers Boling Briscoe Bond, Shearn Ann 10-27-1932 F Lola Haverity Clayton Ward Bond Briscoe Borker, Georgia Barbara 1-16-1932 F Barbara Medina Webb George J Borker Briscoe Boyles, Sadie Marie 10-26-1932 F Wenonah Depury Cecil Floyd Boyles Briscoe Brown, Miram Joy 7-23-1932 F Zemuly Almira Ulysses Dalton Brown Briscoe Buchanan, Robert Lee 7-5-1932 M Margeret Ruth Brown Alfred Best Buchanan Briscoe Burson, Don Crawford 3-15-1932 M Iris Crawford True Burson Briscoe Campbell, Glenna Bell 12-29-1932 F Ethel May Strange Luther D. Campbell Briscoe Chesshir, Claudie L. 8-26-1932 F Mary Bailey Henry Chesshir Briscoe Chitty, Rosa Lee 8-1-1932 F Rosa Lee Morgan Olos Chitty Briscoe Cornett, Micky Dan 8-15-1932 M Elsie Welch Oner Elliott Cornett Briscoe Cox, Stanley 1-11-1932 M Alein Cooper Joel Cox Briscoe Crawford, Rex 5-17-1932 M Eula Woods Thomas B. Crawford Briscoe Davis, Durwood H Inf Of 12-11-1932 M Stilla Weost Durwood H Davis Briscoe Demic, W. D. Inf Of 6-7-1932 F Willie May Dillard W. D. Demic Briscoe Deming, Rosa Lee Inf Of 9-20-1932 M Rosa Lee Deming Briscoe Dillard, Elgie Rayburn 10-18-1932 M Bertha Barker James William Dillard Briscoe Doctorman, Billy Gene 11-9-1932 M Estelle Caulston Joe Doctorman Briscoe Fairchild, Samuel Jackson 8-30-1932 M Anna May Sprabary Samuel J Fairchild Briscoe Gilkeyson, La Rue 8-22-1932 F Ruby Bomar Luther K. Gilkeyson Briscoe Gilmore, Billy Don 2-28-1932 M Katie Hill George Gilmore Briscoe Gilmore, Deephene Wynnona 9-21-1932 F Opal Vera Allen Guss L Gilmore Briscoe Grant, Jimmie Dale 9-27-1932 M Myrtle Whisenant Jim Grant Briscoe Grundy, Aubrey Lou 10-18-1932 F Louise Woods Bert A. Grundy Briscoe Hahn, Edna Lucile 6-26-1932 F Mary W. Ingram James C Hahn Briscoe Hamilton, John Tipps 10-11-1932 M Hazel E Tipps Phillip C. Hamilton Briscoe Hamilton, Fannie Mae 12-25-1932 F Lennie Jo Davidson Ewell J Hamilton Briscoe Hamilton, John T 10-11-1932 M Hazel E Tipps Phillip C Hamilton Briscoe Harris, Edna Maria 7-20-1932 F Flossie Izara Kendrick Garland Edna Harris Briscoe Haynes, Shirley Ann 5-23-1932 F Minnie May Burson Joe Shelby Haynes Briscoe Heffner, Clyde E Inf Of 9-18-1932 M Lola M. Mathews Clyde E Heffner Briscoe Hill, Joe Frank 4-17-1932 M Clara Nelson Orbin O Hill Briscoe Hodges, Johnny William 2-17-1932 M Katie Whittington Wesley Newton Hodges Briscoe Hooper, Benny Joe 9-26-1932 M Revellah Turner Benjamin Franklin Hooper Briscoe Hooper, Joe Keith 8-26-1932 M Pauline Mcintyre Charles Adalee Hooper Briscoe Hostey, Sam E Inf Of 4-25-1932 F Esther Elisabeth Guffey Sam E Hostey Briscoe Hutsell, Flunoy Estes 8-10-1932 M Manessa Riddell Robert Clyde Hutsell Briscoe Johnson, Loyd 6-13-1932 M Mary Elizabeth Traxel William C. Johnson Briscoe Joiner, Virtie Verlyn 4-12-1932 F Virtie Odessa Allard Daniel Gibson Joiner Briscoe Jowell, William Edwin 8-19-1932 M Miram Cross John Edwin Jowell Briscoe Kelsey, Alvin Lawsonjr. 4-20-1932 M Willie Alleen Wakefield Alvin Lawson Kelsey Briscoe King, Jimmie Joyce 2-14-1932 F Belle Bartlett James A. King Briscoe Maddox, Roy Gene 10-31-1932 M Grace Marie Olen Vernon Tillman Maddox Briscoe Mcclendon, Norma Inez 1-7-1932 F Pauline Mccutcheon Hugh B Mcclendon Briscoe Mccormick, Willis Edward 1-23-1932 M Velma B Lemons William C Mccormick Briscoe Mccrackin, Virginia Louis 10-2-1932 F Mage Walker D. A. Mccrackin Briscoe Mercer, Jim Ed 5-16-1932 M Lillie Mae Steel Joseph Bailey Mercer Briscoe Mitchell, Jack Ray 5-8-1932 M Beatrice Blackwell Elemer W. Mitchell Briscoe Morgan, William Rayburn 10-21-1932 M Viola Linn Horace V. Morgan Briscoe Morris, Ima Jean 2-6-1932 F Mamie Mosley Henry Alfred Morris Briscoe Olive, Betty Lou 3-19-1932 F Minerva Belle Copeland Thomas Gray Olive Briscoe Perry, Gwendalyn Joyce 5-15-1932 F Ora Ethel Yates Johnny Hubert Perry Briscoe Ramsey, Charles Edward 2-12-1932 M Willie Cable Arch B Ramsey Briscoe Rhoderick, Lynn Edwin 9-15-1932 M Bertha Hancock James C. Rhoderick Briscoe Robbins, Barbara Jean 10-9-1932 F Coralee Taylor Ovie Robbins Briscoe Seale, Ruth Louise 6-3-1932 F Alice Fay Mosley Lewis Martin Seale Briscoe Sewell, Cecil Price 1-24-1932 M Olive E Hunt Jesse D Sewell Briscoe Sexton, Melvin 10-29-1932 M Gladys Bell Fondy Raymond Dewey Sexton Briscoe Shelton, Jimmie Louise 10-16-1932 F Bertha Hollis W. A. Shelton Briscoe Simpson, Grady Sherman 10-22-1932 M Vera Gibson Andrew Jackson Simpson Briscoe Smith, Dewie Keith 3-16-1932 M Nannie Marie Thomas Doyal Dewie Smith Briscoe Spann, Joseph Odell 5-18-1932 M Oma J Tipps Joseph P. Spann Briscoe Stark, Patsy Jean 3-20-1932 F Madeline Whiteley Orlin R Stark Briscoe Stell, La Juan 10-27-1932 F Vera May Holloman James P. Stell Briscoe Stephens, Elmer Wayne 4-6-1932 M Alma Strange Elmer Lee Stephens Briscoe Stephens, Orreta Maxine 9-13-1932 F Otha Leetta Cavitt Claud Mack Stephens Briscoe Strange, James Theodore 7-17-1932 M Iva Strange William Jennings Bryan Strange Briscoe Strickel, Toby Derald 9-26-1932 M Moody Vines Ralph L. Strickel Briscoe Swallow, Johnnie Lee 7-23-1932 F Ruby Farman Roy Swallow Briscoe Tampke, Mary Charlotte 5-17-1932 F Sarah L. Harvey Lee E Tampke Briscoe Thomas, Constance Lorea 8-10-1932 F Lula Mae Parish Jeptha Richard Thomas Briscoe Tiner, Clarence Ray 4-29-1932 M Mabel A Turner J. B. Tiner Briscoe Tunnell, Fred Larry 5-26-1932 M Agnes F Swift Clyde A Tunnell Briscoe Vardell, Peggy Lynne 3-7-1932 F Alice Irene Vangham William Luther Vardell Briscoe Walker, Aloha La Vonne 1-29-1932 F Edith L Woods Lenzie D Walker Briscoe White, Pierce Wayne 6-15-1932 M Lillian E. Graham J. Pierce White Briscoe Whitehead, George Ray 10-3-1932 M Planie L. Stephens Connie L. Whitehead Briscoe Williams, Billie Lee Joyce 11-13-1932 F Annabelle Nichols George A Williams Briscoe Wood, Roberta Joan 1-14-1932 F Eunice Fay Morris Samuel Roy Wood Briscoe Woods, Clema Dell 2-24-1932 F Mae Dell Martin Clem Woods Briscoe Wynn, Lowell Thomas 8-19-1932 M Geraldine Patton L. V. Wynn Briscoe Young, Calvin Dean 6-16-1932 M Anna Mae Dunn Johnnie Samuel Young Briscoe Ziegler, Jo Ann 11-3-1932 F Hattie Seay Joseph Albert Ziegler Briscoe ========================================================================================================================