Brown Co., TX - 1917 The Trail Yearbook, Daniel Baker College ************************************************************* This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Don Brownlee USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved ************************************************************* 1917 The Trail, Yearbook of Daniel Baker College, Brownwood, Texas The following students and faculty from Daniel Baker College are pictured in the school's 1917 yearbook, The Trail. They are listed in order of family name, given names, class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr= freshman), hometown (for seniors only), and yearbook page. For seniors, the yearbook includes a listing of their student activities. For this or other information from the yearbook you are welcome to contact: Anderson, Edward K., sr, Brownwood, 16 Arthur, Bess, fr, 35 Black, Serena, so, 28 Blair, fr, 35 Blue, Annie Laurie, fr, 35 Boom, fr, 35 Bradshaw, Hugh E., fr, 35 Bradshaw, Ruth, fr, 35 Brewer, Cora, fr, 35 Brown, Gladys, so, 28 Bullard, Estelle, fr, 35 Case, Truman, fr, 35 Cochran, J. W., so, 28 Cone, Edward O., 46 Cook, Maude, sr, Brownwood, 16 Cox, Florence Watkins, fac, 12 Dargan, Marion, fac, 10 Eoff, Willis, fr, 34 Folliard, J. Crawford, so, 29 Freeland, Jennie, so, 28 Freeland, Theo, 33 Gaston, W. H., fr, 34 Gillon, Grace, jr, 26 Gray, H., fac, 37 Greer, B., fr, 34 Greer, B. D. D., fac, 10 Greer, Jack, jr, 26 Griffin, Caroline Thomas, fac, 13 Harlan, Mabel M., fac, 11 Harrell, Emma, fr, 34 Hoon, Frances, jr, 26 Junkin, T. P., fac, 8 Lathem, fr, 34 Lee, fr, 34 Locklin, fr, 34 McCullough, Malcolm K., sr, Brownwood, 17 McKinley, Tom, fr, 34 McLelland, Mrs. B. T., fac, 14 McRay, Margie, fr, 33 Morris, Martha Wilson, fac, 13 Overcash, Whitson M., jr, 26 Oxford, Henry, sr, Turnersville, 17 Palmer, Katherine, fr, 33 Patton, Claudia, so, 29 Perry, fr, 33 Perry, Rufus, fac, 37 Phillips, Edwin L., sr, Brownwood, 18 Pierce, Frank, fr, 33 Pliler, Irene, fr, 33 Porter, A. E., fac, 8 Prentice, Melvin J., sr, Brownwood, 18 Reagan, Claude, so, 29 Robertson, Charles D., sr, Morrilton AR, 20 Short, J. W., so, 29 Smith, Brooke, fac, 7 Smith, J. Claude, sr, Brownwood, 20 Smith, L. N., fr, 33 Stapleton, Harry S., sr, Victoria, 19 Summerlin, Josephine, fr, 33 Talbot, Pearl, fac, 11 Tidwell, fr, 33 Turner, Joe, jr, 26 Van Valkenburgh, Horace Bulle, fac, 9 Vernon, fr, 33 Watkins, fr, 33 Wheatley, Katherine E., fac, 12 Wilkinson, Noel P., sr, Brownwood, 19 Williams, Juanita, so, 28