CALHOUN COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1927 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed, please send a request to the County File Manager listed on the Calhoun County, Texas TOC: Be sure to include a copy of the line with your data on it, and the URL of this page to the County File Manager listed above. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - May 5, 2000 *********************************************************************** Name Birth Date Sex Mother Father Agilar, Maricelde Inf Of 7-2-1927 F Josefa Arroya Maricelde Agilar Allen, Bettie Jean 11-18-1927 F Myrtle Coleman Elzie Allen Anderson, Dorothy Merle 8-6-1927 F Florence Swenson Carl Anderson Arroya, Matras 2-24-1927 M Jesusa Beronis Jose Arroya Baldanado, Valentino 2-11-1927 M Maria Rodriguez Jose Baldanado Belfield, Faye Grace 12-20-1927 F Caloma Dilworth Abner Belfield Birmingham, Ida Mae 6-28-1927 F Mary Yendrey Lee Birmingham Bonorden, Iris Lynn 7-20-1927 F Ella Henrietta Knipling Arthur A. Bonorden Bresino, Manuel 7-18-1927 M Margerita Calzada Manuel Bresino Brown, Dan 5-6-1927 M Minnie Stafford Dan Brown Buffington, Dick Benton 11-9-1927 M Loura M. Gombval Randolph Buffington Camarillo, Dendora 4-0-1927 M Petra Velasquez Castulo Camarillo Chanek, Ruby 11-5-1927 F Mary Kounty Ben Chanek Cole, William Hyman 1-2-1927 M Ivy Lee Ramsower Hyman William Cole Coward, Ida May 3-7-1927 F Ora May Holder Louie Righard Coward De La Rosa, Antonia 9-3-1927 F Adelfa Peres Santos De La Rosa Dean, Douglas Willis 10-28-1927 M Lillian China Julus Dean Dilworth, Ella 6-20-1927 F Ella Dilworth Nugent Dilworth Elswick, Lloyd Ray 9-28-1927 M Lou Langston William E Elswick Elswick, Margaret Ellen 4-16-1927 F Harry Bales Dennis Elswick Etheridge, Charles William 9-23-1927 M Norma Dean Henry Etheridge Ewald, Otto Herman 11-1-1927 M Lena Rose Ehrlich Eddie E Ewald Farrias, Emilio 8-15-1927 M Juan Farrias Farrias, Emilio 8-15-1927 M Frances Percy Juan Farrias Flores, Pedro 8-1-1927 M Dahlia Santos Augustin Flores Flores, Ricarda 2-7-1927 F Maria Morales Victor Flores Fulks, Nacey Lorine 11-11-1927 F Lola Marie Smith Geo. B. Fulks Garner, John Abner 12-24-1927 M Bettie Edris Garner Jack Andrew Garner Garner, Junior 11-6-1927 M Thelma Gladney Richard Garner Geryk, Frances Elizabeth 5-23-1927 F Mary Vojknoka Frank Geryk Geryk, Mary Virginia 9-1-1927 F Annie Vajkuvka Rudolph Geryk Hadley, Joe Ann 8-10-1927 F M R Gregory J K Hadley Harvey, Eddie Mae 1-16-1927 F Maggie Micher Edwin Harvey Hatfield, Geo Washington 2-22-1927 M Fannie Clawson William Anison Hatfield Hawkins, James 6-23-1927 M Elnora Brown Jake Hawkins Higginbothan, Arzlow Van Buron 11-21-1927 M Pauline Clark Geo. Millard Higginbothan Houston, Madelene 11-27-1927 F Isabell Spears Reuben Houston Howes, Clara La Verne 2-13-1927 F Martha Anis Cummingham Albert Bloodworth Howes Jackson, Virgil 5-22-1927 M Imogene Coody Benjamin Franklin Jackson Jinnigs, Robern Allen 4-9-1927 M Lida Mae Curd Charles Meha Jinnigs Johnson, Walter Emmett Jr. 11-24-1927 M Pearl Dixon Walter E. Johnson King, Daisy Jean 9-28-1927 F Laura Gertrude Fagg John Wesley King Kitchen, James 4-20-1927 M Artie Brown Noel Kitchen Lamb, Virgene 7-31-1927 F Minnie May Bone Isaac Nathaniell Lamb Legett, Rosalis 10-18-1927 F Annie Hunnicut Carey Legett Madden, Minnie May 9-23-1927 F Minnie Irine Casterline James Henry Madden Matulik, Clarence Lee 10-4-1927 M Annie Pauncia Robert Matulik Mayhall, Wayne Davis 5-6-1927 M Josephine Peck Sam Marvin Mayhall Mc Curdy, Evelyn Jannetta 1-8-1927 F Nora Dickerson Willie Mc Curdy Mc Donald, Countess Fay 1-15-1927 F Dena Linda Mc Donald John K. Mc Donald Medrano, Guadalupe 8-30-1927 F Isidora Abundez Martin Medrano Mikeska, Marjorie Joyce 8-7-1927 F Lillian Marek Joseph P. Mikeska Mildonardo, Elonso 11-17-1927 M Marie Lopez Mike Mildonardo Miler, R. L. Jr. 11-8-1927 M Clara Goats R. L. Miler Mitchell, Anita Elvira 9-14-1927 F Tomosa Perez Enrique Mitchell Modden, Alan Ray 9-23-1927 M Minnie Irine Casterline James Henry Modden Montgomery, James Oliver Jr 11-1-1927 M Ozella Etheridge James Oliver Montgomery Montray, Mildred Jeanne 4-8-1927 F Mildred May Clark W. W Montray Moore, Lauerene 8-2-1927 F Margerett Carr Vern Everett Moore Neill, William Francis 12-9-1927 M Lillian Heinroth William Bryant Neill Newlin, Wesley Inf Of 2-11-1927 F Cora Cash Wesley Newlin O'choa, Diego 11-12-1927 M Loutus Bocanabro Felix O'choa Perry, Jeff M. Inf Of 3-29-1927 F Georgia Ann Mcanelly Jeff M. Perry Pettigrew, Doris 3-3-1927 F Katie Queen Jodie Ernest Pettigrew Priddy, Joseph William 1-2-1927 M Lottie Dorries Joseph Carr Priddy Ramirez, Juanita 5-6-1927 F Carlota Ramirez Rawlings, Marsh 10-15-1927 M Della Reed William Rawlings Reedy, Jack Lee 11-21-1927 M Edith Mcdaniel James Addie Reedy Rendon, Alfredo Inf Of 2-12-1927 F Fannie Mena Alfredo Rendon Reyes, Joel 11-23-1927 M Marie Gomez Ablo Reyes Rios, Gregoria 11-17-1927 M Lotalia Samora Jose Rios Roberts, Daphne Ruth 6-18-1927 F Clara Buelah Wood Ellis Melvin Roberts Rogers, Ollie Burniece 3-27-1927 F Ollie Lee Levingston John Edward Rogers Rylander, Charles Lloyd 4-5-1927 M Maud Montier Matthew P. Rylander Sanders, Jewel 2-6-1927 F Lulu Mae Jester Samuel Mary Saunders Shafer, James Edward 8-1-1927 M Beulah Mae Stewart Oather Estes Shafer Shanon, Athaboola 5-30-1927 F Bobby Hope Ray Shanon Shippey, Mary Ruth 12-9-1927 F Myrtle M. Daniel N. Perry Shippey Siwally, Grace 4-19-1927 F Gladys Grace Cook Sam. S. Siwally Smart, Kenneth Dais 8-8-1927 M Alma Rogers N. W. Smart Smith, Elnora Asilee 11-8-1927 F Bertha Hagedom Chesler Smith Smith, Maurice Lynn Jr. 11-22-1927 M Sallie Oleta Davis M. L. Smith Sneed, Myrtle Ruth 7-20-1927 F Ollie Ethel Morris John O. Sneed Solano, Samuel Jr 11-13-1927 M Rafina Martinez Samuel Solano Soto, Juliana 1-9-1927 F Flora Garcia Frank Soto Spriggs, Ben 2-3-1927 M Plona Henderson Ben Spriggs Storey, Patricia Nix 11-24-1927 F Mary Frances Robuck John Sterling Storey Sweusen, Hilene Kances 4-23-1927 M Charles Lois Kances Ricbles Sweusen Tiller, Joyce Louise 11-23-1927 F Mary Carol Wilson Walter Edward Tiller Truelove, Monroe Welden 8-12-1927 M Dorothy Mae Boyd Meldin M Truelove Tucker, Lester Paul 5-15-1927 M Leola Tucker Kolb Edward Lester Tucker Unangst, Helen Louise 2-16-1927 F Jewell West Glen George Unangst Velasquez, Marcelina 1-31-1927 F Martina Contreries Victor Velasquez Veloguez, Marie 11-21-1927 F Marie Cervatez Salvader Veloguez Vick, Elva Gertrude 7-23-1927 F Desmer Daniels Otto Vick Vile, Jake Rodgers 9-28-1927 M Bettie Bronard Rodgers Walter Vile Vojtek, Olga 12-0-1927 F Anna Rokelje John Vojtek Walker, Mary Alice 3-9-1927 F Myrtle Malisa King Louie Walker Williams, Robert Stanley 9-6-1927 M Emma Mcintyre Harvey Williams Winfield, Phillip Boyd 12-12-1927 M Maggie Meeks Alfred Winfield Wood, Douglas Vernon 3-13-1927 M Virginia Lesley John A Wood Zimmerman, Ruth Elaine 3-23-1927 F Ola Adaline Kisiah Daniel George Zimmerman