LETTERS: Ola Higgins Moore, 1910 - Coke County, TX *********************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced inany format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net Copyright © 2001 Viva Caldwell - vivascott@yahoo.com This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. 10 October 2001 ********************************************************************** Letters written: by Ola Higgins Moore Ola was a young girl writing back home to her friend Viva Stroud also a young girl in Robert Lee, TX. Olas’ family went to OK in search of work I assume from the letters. I will type the letters as I see them. The spelling and wording and punctuation are Olas’. Maysville Okla Sept 3 1910 Miss Viva Stroud Robert Lee Dear Viva_ I will drope you a few lines to let you know I have got here. Well I said got here, we are at Mr Freemans I guess we will get work here sone wheres. Kid they have got a girl here their grand daughter her name is Ethel she is 17 yrs old the 15 of this month and the 3rd grade. Oh say I have been having a hl of time I went to the Babtist church last night David taken Ethel and I and after church Ethel and I was standing there waiting for David and they was a boy just about as big as C.W and said to me have you company to night I told him no then he ask me for my company and I ask to excuse me, why I dident know at all and to day at 11O clock Ethel and I walked and a boy named Ben I dont know his sir name We came nearly home with with me Pa and Ma dont know that I dont know when they will know it either. You ought to hear David tease us he said when he came around last night that the boy had me by the hand he was just ready to take hold of me and bad me of ha ha Wouldent it been funny if he had ha ha Oh Viva I just cry every time your name is mention I can hardly keep from cry ing now I sure wished for you last night Well guess I will haft to ring off Ans soon and a long letter and excuse my bad writing and spelling for I got over my thumb mashed off nearly by the washing machine Well it is late and I may get to go to church to night and to marrow and to marrow night well read what you can and let the rest a long it dont a mount to mutch well by by Ola or Sug to Dixie Dear ________________________________________________________________________ Maysville, Okla Sept. 5, 1910 Dear Viva how are this morning fine I hope I am all Ok this morning. I have sone sone to tell you I didn’t get to go to church Sat night but Sunday morning Ethel and I and aftere church We walked and went and Mr Lenerd Cox came with Ethel and Mr. Ben Akery came with me and Oh how how David and Elbert teased us after we left. Ben is the one that came with us Sat he makes me think of Melvin so mutch you that is the reason that I taken to him. ha ha We sure had a time but, I didn’t get to go last night nor Ethel either so there liked to of been war in camp you know when I get mad there some thing doing and Ethel is still worse than I am and so we liked to have tore little thing up. Well we gots us a cotton picking job yesterday we and we are going to go to it this eve. Lillie and David went to Lillie sister yesterday eving they are coming back this morning and We don’t wont to go off be fore they git back Well I haven’t got the dishes washed so I guess I will haft to ring off By By Mrs. Ben Akery _______________________________________________________________________ Marlow Okla "a" Sept. 30. 1910 Miss Viva Stroud Robert Lee Tex. Dear Viva_ It is with pleasure that I ans. Your most kind and appreaced letter which came to hand a few days ago Certainly proud to hear from you and that you was all O. K as I was when I rec’d your letter Kid I had a fine time at Mr. Gray’s he is just about shitch a sight as David Clubb only “b” worse I think it was every thing that he could think of he said they was a girl Just about a mile from his house that eving kid she made me think of Debbie G. you know she was cute don’t you. And he said that she was from old Texas and I said well I thought she acted like a Texas girl he said yes that they was all idiots and fools down there. I told him that was all I had seen since “C” got to Oklahoma it sure got a way with him. We are picking for a man by the name of Collings he blong to the Christian Church he has 2 boys and a girl but the girl hasent never spoke to me yet and we have been picking ever since Monday I tell you she had better be gan to get use to me for she has got to put up with me has a sister in law she one of the cutes brothers you esir sawed “D” he has dark brown hair and just as curly and dark brown eyes and just about the size of Melvin I tell you he is a Jim dandy and a cracker Jack both and the cutest kid on top side of earth front or back or end either one now if that isent bragin on him enough just let me know and I ll see if I cant think of some thing else ha ha there is a dance in Just a bout 1 mile of here so he ask me to -E- go with him I told him my father didn’t allow any sick work he said that he didn’t know but what I went to them I told him that it wasent because I dident want to hit was gest betause mine pa wouldn’t let me. Oh I think we air getting up a case. I think we will get married by Xmas. Kid I am coming to see you some of these old times but I’ll let you know gest a fore I get ----------F---------- there so you can take down One half of the house down so I can get in I am pretty near as big laying down as I am standing up and getting fatter every day. Kid I know you belive it. Oh I like to for got you tell that there an aw that there good old Brother down there that to gest keep on praying and tell yo good people about that I am nw ‘G’ Jest worshiping and prasing his holly name up here that I am speading the goshepel ever where I go of all the good bad that he has done dow there and will for ever and ever Ah men. Well there is one more thought or 2 or 3 and I guess I will haft to bring my sermon to a close but jest tell him that there is just one thing I would like to do be fore I die and that is -H- to give that up right and honest and noble old head and neck just one twist and have strength enough to pull it off at his shoulders and then he can go where he wants to. I haven’t any father use for him Say Dixie Dear I like to have for got to tell you Stella is married her name is Mrs Stella Hudgins don’t that sound cute ha ha . I guess I will start for -I- Mr Payne pretty soon you know that I write Viva tell Daisy and Jewell Cowast and Grandma Clubb I will write to them just as soon as we get us a place if I was to write to them it wouldn’t be haft of the time that I would get them Well I will ring off Ans soon as ever your chum Ola . Sug . Ma said tell your ma and Richmond Hello (back side of paper) for her and that she would like to see them tell Richmond that Rover is fat and fine and for him to take good care of my cats for me Viva I forgot to tell you what happened to your letter It came to Maysville and Ada Wiggins got it out of the office and wiggled around until she wiggled it open If I had holt of her I make her wiggle worse than ever ha ha Marlow Okla Oct 1910 Miss Viva Stroud Robert Lee Dear Viva: It is with pleasure that I Ans your most kind and appreaced letter which I rec’d a few days back and also Monday. You said I never said any thing about getting your letter you sent to Marlow I got it the day I sent your off. Well my sister has got so she would speak to me she is like I am about getting aquainted she is all right now I like her fine you said we would end up the best friends in the world we are except Viva and Ola Well you know - that they are so chummy that they are sickening ha ha. I never did like to see any one that way did you. Say kid I dare you to draw good old Bro Brown’s picture I just come down on you gest as quick as I hear about hit ha ho hum Yes I would like to get in my airship and come down there but hit ant no use I think I bet hit wont be any use well I will hush before I make you mad. Iam gest full of My-on meaness I guess you know what that mean’s don’t you I don’t tho. Viva I just think my little fellow is the cutest little man ever seed. I ate dinner with him Sunday. And they play ball at the school house and him and his Uncle wanted me and his sister to go to the ball game and he wanted to take me. I told him that pa wouldn’t let me go. And so I didn’t get to go isent that awful me sink hit vus ausul ont ou ( Ola’s version of French?) I guess you can tell the difference in pencil Well Kid we have moved again we are getting $125 per hundred pa Colling’s was giving’s us 80 cents and Ernest came in Sat and told us about where we could get $125 so just blaired it too it I am getting scared up here they was a man shot Weds and about 3 wk’s ago well we was picking cotton for Mr Gray and he lived on a Indian’s place and the the Indian was a fellow that liked for everbody to toe the mark so they say and he went to town one Sat and he acused Mr Harris of killing his dog’s and Mr Harris cursed him and so they had a few word’s and Mr Lee went for his gun and his gun hung some way are nother and Mr Harris went for his and Mr Harris shot him 4 or 5 time I don’t remember once just over his eye it went through his brain but he lived hr1.20mi but he died so they turned Mr Harris loose everbody seemed to hate him but I sure hated to see that little girl and boy they looked so pitiful they say the old lady dident love him but Pa and Elbert saw the shooting and Pa said she taken it hard there she was in the store when the shooting commenced and she and the little girl ran out and commence screaming and Mrs Lee fainted well that is about all I know about it. Viva you will haft to excuse this for I have been a sleep all morning and just woked up Well by by Lovingly Ola To Viva “A” Moran Texas Nov 21 1910 Miss Viva Stroud Dear little gal:- I will try to drop you a few more lines this morning as pa wrote some to your pa. I told you in my letter to not Ans untill you heard from me again but pa said he guess we would be here and if we wasn’t we could have it to follow us up like the rest did. Say kid I bet we have got a dozen P. B. ha ha “B” Well I guess I will pick some cotton this morn_ I cant pick in a sack but I will pick along in pa’s sack. My shoulder is better Ma think’s the whole piece will rot out I don’t know where it will or not but hope not. Oh I meant I hope it would you know ha ha I guess you know I do. Don’t you. Kid you ask me if I was going to school I don’t know where {over} =Csee= I will or not I have taken several big cries about it I wont to go so bad I cant hardly stand it nor sit down either that to bad isent hit ha ha Kid I for got to tell you sone sone. The other night at Seymour I started in the camp house to cook sone bread and Wylie Adam’s came walking along by the side of me. Do you wont to go to the show to =D= night? And I said I don’t guess I can go to night he said you had better go I sure would like to have you go. I told him I beg to be exused to night. So he went on to the show and next morning was Sunday and they wasn’t any one in the cooking part of the camp house but him and myself and he said you sure did miss lots by not going last night and I said did I he said yes he said I think over =E= It was because you dident want to go with me wasent it I told no that ma was sick had the sick head ache. She was sick but I don’t know what was the matter with her. We sure had sone fun after that well coming on down here ever time one would do any thing the other would say that for the like of sense that was a fine way to talk wasent but I dident care I know he was going to be an old married man pretty soon ha ha F They was another family in their the first time we stayed and this family to and they had one of their neighbor boy’s with them his name was Tom he wore a durby hat he was 17 teen he dident look good to me the family had 2 little girls and 2 little boys and he would tell the girls thing to tell me and he bought more candy and wax and apples than any body I ever saw and he gave me some ever time ever time he pass me would -g- say something to me wasent I getting there ha ha Well I wont to goto the field and help pa and I haft to ring off ans soon and a long letter Sug please try to read this for my sake P.S. I am writing to my little sister in law I don’t think more of her than I do of you no no Don’t get that in your head. Is Kate still a sleep she hasent never ans my letter she said she would do better next time I recon she meant never to write any more.