CONCHO COUNTY, TEXAS - BIRTHS 1928 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed, please send a request to the County File Manager listed on the Concho County, Texas TOC: Be sure to include a copy of the line with your data on it, and the URL of this page to the County File Manager listed above. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gina Heffernan - May 24, 2000 These files should only be used as guides for ordering copies of the originals from the Texas State Health Department. Transcription and typographical errors are possible. *********************************************************************** Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father Adams,W. J. Jr 8-19-1928 M Bertha May Nebors Walles J. Adams Ake,Leonard Henry 8-1-1928 M Cora Elrima Hardin J. H. Ake Anderson,May 4-4-1928 F Bessie St Clair Ellis Anderson Atwood,Sylvia Oleta 10-10-1928 F Nellie Atwood Harvey Atwood Aylor,Oneta 6-8-1928 F Sophronia Roberta Lee John Tomas Aylor Baird,Ora Lucille 11-18-1928 F Madge Evans R. T. Baird Bell,Martin Luther 8-12-1928 M L E Mcmutter E C Bell Benge,Lura Corine 8-3-1928 F Alta Josephine Cheatham Charles J. Benge Biggs,Mary 5-13-1928 F Elsie Stukey B. A. Biggs Billingsley,Lenora Frances 8-4-1928 F Fannie Gertrude Riley Jim Vernon Billingsley Boone,Billie Joyce 2-1-1928 F Texie Merle Skipper Lloyd Ulrie Boone Brewer,Meno 7-26-1928 M Rosa Blaylock C. C. Brewer Buckelew,William Calvin 10-7-1928 M Vera Eloise Swinney James Madison Buckelew Burk,Oddis Gail 4-15-1928 M Effie King W. H. Burk Cane,Levi Tolbert 3-13-1928 M Elizebeth Montgomery Levi Tolbert Cane Carr,William J. 11-16-1928 M Vida Carr Will Carr Carrell,Marion Eugene 8-9-1928 F Ida Virginia Mccartney Alvie Rado Carrell Cary,Billie Fey 4-10-1928 F Jewel Garner Oliver Cary Champion,Randa Jean 2-29-1928 F Maranda Horseman W. W. Champion Chaote,Mary 10-15-1928 F Clara Meff H. C. Chaote Conley,Gene Dale 11-3-1928 M Thelma Barr Earl Conley Cooper,Eugene Harrell 10-10-1928 M Edeltha Halbert Minor Pinkney Cooper Cox,Milburn Stuart 8-30-1928 M Fannie Josephine Stuart M. G. Cox Cox,Oscar Weldon Jr. 9-26-1928 M Mary Renolds Oscar Weldon Cox Cox,W. L. Jr 8-20-1928 M Ellen E Kennedy W. Lee Cox Cupe,Jessie Nell 2-27-1928 F Etta Fisher Fletcher E Cupe Curtis,Modena Pearl 3-19-1928 F Amanda Williamson N. E. Curtis Daniel,Dorris Yvounne 4-4-1928 F Jewell Lafern Barker Jno. W. Daniel Duncan,Elmer 6-1-1928 M Annie Long Edwin Duncan Eckert,Mary 9-22-1928 M Lena Derrich J.H. Eckert Eckert,Ramona Geraldine 12-18-1928 F Johnnie Mae Griggs B. Eckert Ellis,Billie Joyce 8-12-1928 F Alice Peel James William Ellis Eureste,Aurelia Rodgers 5-29-1928 F Lula T. Rodgers Dennis Eureste Fletcher,Linnie M. 8-12-1928 F Mary C Collier Thomas Sloan Fletcher Flippin,Glendell Ray 8-15-1928 F Alma Vena Howard William Raymond Flippin Flores,Manuel Inf Of 9-11-1928 M Feliciana Alvarado Manuel Flores Fowler,Ilene 8-23-1928 F Eara Bell Bradford Claud C. Fowler Fowler,Robert William 8-23-1928 M Pearl Voila Page William Lewis Fowler Gaddy,Barbara Elaine 11-4-1928 F Virginia Hazel Dinkard Herschell B Gaddy Garcia,Edmundo 10-19-1928 M Eufemia Garza Jesus Garcia Gentry,Ludie Louise 6-2-1928 F Alma Hamilton Geo. Gentry Gill,Hellen Louise 11-28-1928 F Olga Swinney C. A. Gill Gill,Ola May 10-22-1928 F Cathrin Bishop J. W. Gill Gill,Ora Fay 10-22-1928 F Cathrin Bishop J. W. Gill Graham,Mary G 9-11-1928 F Abbie Mcdonald A. E. Graham Gromatzky,Edward Anton 9-22-1928 M Olga Meyer William Eric Gromatzky Halfmann,Albert Inf Of 11-2-1928 M Annie Multer Albert Halfmann Hallmark,Bennie Ray 6-9-1928 F Terza Ethel Deason W. L. Hallmark Harris,Evelyn Louise 3-25-1928 F Evelyn Irene Brown Dewey Edgar Harris Harris,Nila Lou 7-20-1928 F Gladys Bates C. E. Harris Haverkamp,Bernice 8-5-1928 F Elizabeth Weisman John J. Haverkamp Haverkamp,Bertha 8-5-1928 F Elizabeth Weisman John J. Haverkamp Hayfield,Mary 3-5-1928 F Macie Fisher T. W. Hayfield Hayhurst,Curner Wayne 5-16-1928 M Mamie Webster Leonidas W. Hayhurst Hernandez,Certining 10-25-1928 F Bartola Cordero Mareslo Hernandez Hill,Edward Boyd 11-20-1928 M Maud Kate Moggford Joe Wesley Hill Hill,Norma Jean 11-28-1928 F Galdy Ella Laman George Henry Hill Holland,J P Inf Of 8-3-1928 F Luvetta Booker J P Holland Hollaway,May 9-22-1928 M Cynthia Blokman H. F. Hollaway Hooker,Richard Lyle 2-12-1928 M Emma Prehn E. D. Hooker Huff,Fay 10-12-1928 F Armour Blanch Taylor V. M. Huff Huff,Ray 10-12-1928 M Armour Blanch Taylor V. M. Huff Jacobson,Arce Kenneth 2-1-1928 M Sophia Matilda Skimmer Archibald Jacobson Jacoby,Joseph Chester 12-4-1928 M Lola Mae Kruse Frank Jacoby Joiner,Mary 12-10-1928 F Florence Harrison W.S. Joiner Jones,Mary V 4-9-1928 F Grace Russell Jack Jones Keele,William Thomas 5-13-1928 M Irene Joiner T. A. Keele Kellar,Dollie Viola 5-7-1928 F Orene Burnham Raymond Keller Krause,Cleo Maye 7-18-1928 F R M Foster R Krause Krause,Theo Faye 7-18-1928 F R. M. Foster R Krause Laing,Bertha 8-29-1928 F Viviana Rios Genarro Laing Layman,Arlie Noah 2-24-1928 M Isma Sweeter N. P. Layman Lefevre,Mary June 2-27-1928 F Hazie Davis E. W. Lefevre Leonard,Billy Gene 1-24-1928 M Victoria Mc Daniels M. L. Leonard Lopis,Mary 10-13-1928 F San Juana Pedrosa Paul Lopis Lopis,Mary 10-14-1928 F Waneta Pedriz Juan Lopis Lumbley,Wayne Flippin 2-17-1928 M Ruby Flippin W. Q. Lumbley Martin,Dorothy Juanita 8-3-1928 F Lela Cravens Vernon Martin Martinez,Consancion 12-8-1928 F Cliotilde Escamilla Teodora Martinez Mc Neely,Donald Burton 10-16-1928 M Theo Mc Neely Burton J. B. Mc Neely Mccartney,Thelma Lee 11-15-1928 F Minnie May Read Jonnie Mccartney Mcclure,William Carl 9-6-1928 M Essie Lee Carbell John Payne Mcclure Mcdaniel,Harold William 2-6-1928 M Beula Trugg W. J. Mcdaniel Meyer,John Carl 6-30-1928 M Esther Elizabeth Eldred Carl H. Meyer Mosley,Francis 7-2-1928 F Analliza Graham Cecil Mosley Muse,Albert William 5-25-1928 M Vera Beatrice Beck N. H. Muse Naciensenas,Idowigen 10-17-1928 F Selsa Cardenas Isaac Naciensenas New,Robert Willis 3-28-1928 M Mary Daughtery L. J. New Patterson,James Eddy 11-18-1928 M Malenda Jane Thirlkill W. F. Patterson Pearson,Chas Martin 12-4-1928 M Mandy Rhodes Claude Pearson Pedrosa,Aristeo 9-3-1928 M Elena Aredon Nolberto Pedrosa Pendleton,Minor Marion 2-20-1928 M Ferna Verona Hardin V. W. Pendleton Pope,Tom David 12-9-1928 M Anne Novian Everet Pope Potter,Maellan 7-12-1928 F Norma Swank T.C. Potter Procise,Berlie Elma 4-1-1928 F Olive B Green I. H. Procise Ramos,Guadalupe 7-15-1928 M Angela Morin Enricue Ramos Reid,Mary 5-18-1928 F Ada Cook Paul Reid Reid,Mary 8-29-1928 F Laura Kelley C. A. Reid Reyes,Juan 8-22-1928 M Nieves Lopes Polo Reyes Rivas,Jose Maria Inf Of 10-25-1928 M Antonia Garcia Jose Maria Rivas Rofuemore,John 10-14-1928 M Mary Mc Cann L. C. Rofuemore Shearer,Mary Ellen 8-4-1928 F Mattie Gardner O. R. Shearer Shultz,Lan V. Inf Of 3-30-1928 M Lizzie Layman Lan V. Shultz Simpson,Garland Ellime 4-26-1928 F Elvie Henry W. H. Simpson Sivells,Harold Dean 10-9-1928 M Lessie Ferell Stephens Howard Carroll Sivells Skaggs,Helen Marie 4-18-1928 F Lillie B Skaggs Gaar H Bishop Smith,John 5-5-1928 M Clara Perkins J. C. Smith Smith,Leonard Lawrence 2-7-1928 M Elsie Louise Kinkler P. C. Smith Steward,John 2-29-1928 M Sophia New Isom Steward Stuke,Mary 8-11-1928 F Olga Behrens R. B. Stuke Stukey,John 5-1-1928 M Mannie Morman Joe Stukey Jr. Sweeten,Willie Robert 8-4-1928 M Deanie Lee Manor Robert Pinkney Sweeten Sweeter,Maxwell 2-26-1928 M Ruie Nickens A. P. Sweeter Thompson,William Joe 6-13-1928 M Jeffie May Hopson Roy Thompson Townley,"J." "D." 3-1-1928 M Jessie Lee Townley Walker Dewey Roosevelt Townley Williams,Euna Lee 1-29-1928 F Beula Alice Lee J. P. Williams Young,Lawrence August 2-8-1928 M Hulda Johnson G. E. Young