VITAL RECORDS - CRANE COUNTY, TX - MARRIAGES 1971 *************************************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. The information in this file is in the public domain, as set forth by the TX State Legislature. However, we respect your right to privacy. If you find your name on this list and want it to be removed, please send a request to the County File Manager listed on the Crane County, Texas TOC: Be sure to include a copy of the line with your data on it, and the URL of this page to the County File Manager listed above. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chuck H. Mahaffey - August 29th, 2001 ************************************************************************************************** Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ************************************************************************************************** File Husband Husband Wife Wife Marriage Number Name Age Name Age Date 115627 ACOSTA ISRAEL G 21 ALMENDAREZ ESPER 20 02-Oct-1971 128497 ALLEN STANLEY G 21 SEABOURN RITA A 19 05-Aug-1971 40136 ANGEL HAROLD W 39 DEGAGNE JEANNINE 36 26-Feb-1971 115605 BAILEY JERRY D 23 BRAZEAL LINDA G 19 12-Nov-1971 115620 BALLARD ULYSSES L JR 28 CARTER DELPHIA N 21 04-Sep-1971 115613 BILBO BARBER L JR 27 MARSHALL SALLY L 21 09-Jul-1971 40141 BLACKMAN ROBERT A 18 BLUE VICKI D 16 09-Apr-1971 40133 BLAKE CURTIS O 19 LIGHTFOOT DEBORA 18 28-May-1971 53781 BLAND GEORGE R 33 MOORE GLENDA N 25 05-Jun-1971 115628 BLOCKER LEON W 41 MCDOUGAL DOROTHY 30 30-Oct-1971 115610 BLUE BOBBY G 21 SPENCER DEBORAH 19 06-Jul-1971 1575 BOWLING ROBERT H JR 19 TUCKER DIXIE L 17 08-Jan-1971 40138 BOX BILLY E 20 CHANDLER KAY L 17 02-Apr-1971 40142 CADENA CARLOS C JR 20 HERNANDEZ DIANA 15 08-Apr-1971 115606 CARTER DONALD L 21 HORNER TERESA A 20 27-Nov-1971 128490 COPLEN JESSE W 46 HACKER ALICE F 41 06-Dec-1971 115622 COX ELYAN L JR 22 SMITH SHIRLEY D 19 07-Sep-1971 115615 DANVERS ROBERT F 59 RAMSEY LONNIE C 44 19-Jul-1971 115609 DEVORE RONNIE D 23 BROWN MELISSA A 19 18-Jun-1971 40128 FLORES BENITA R 20 CLARK NACITA C 18 07-May-1971 115621 FOSTER RICKY L 21 TURNER JACQUELIN 18 04-Sep-1971 115608 GONZALEZ RAMIRO A 23 ESPARZA HELEN A 19 26-Jun-1971 40135 HAYNES THOMAS R 17 ROGERS TANNA S 18 28-May-1971 1574 HESTER JAMES N 19 MARRS CARLA S 18 01-Jan-1971 40137 JOINER JAMES P 67 PERKINS MILDRED 60 21-Mar-1971 115607 JONES ANTHONY W 19 DACY LINDA F 19 11-May-1971 128494 KISER JACKIE D 20 EARLY VICKI L 17 26-Dec-1971 128493 LEFLER CHARLES JR 42 WEDDLE FLEEDA J 40 25-Dec-1971 115614 LOFTIN JIMMY D 25 MOELLERING WANDA 26 20-Jul-1971 115625 LOONEY KIRK P II 24 PAUP DONNELL L 20 24-Sep-1971 40127 MATHIS DANNY W 20 DANIELL DONNA K 19 08-May-1971 115616 MCFADDEN EARNEST C 41 BUCKLEY SHERIAN 27 24-Jul-1971 40140 MCHORSE MICHAEL G 20 WEBB PATTY A 21 03-Apr-1971 115611 MCLEVEEN MONTY D 21 CONLEY MARGARET 15 02-Jul-1971 40131 MINTER CHARLES D 19 STUTEVILLE CINDY 16 22-May-1971 128495 MOLINA JOHN M 24 GARCIA GUADALUPE 21 31-Jul-1971 40139 MOOMEY ROYCE W 18 GARCIA CYNTHIA D 18 03-Apr-1971 40126 MORTON JOHNNY R 22 TIMMONS MINNIE L 16 03-May-1971 40134 NORVELL GARY F 19 TIPTON EUGENA G 17 24-May-1971 53780 PERRY FREEMAN B 37 TAYLOR JUANITA D 36 26-Mar-1971 115619 PETTIT J B III 22 SHAFFER TONI K 22 21-Aug-1971 128491 RAMIREZ JUAN R 23 VILLEGAS MARY 24 11-Dec-1971 128492 REY DAVID E 26 AGUILAR MARGIE C 25 18-Dec-1971 115623 REY RUBEN E 21 DOMINGUEZ NIRMA 18 18-Sep-1971 115624 RICHARDSON GROVER M 61 NEW RUBY J 54 16-Sep-1971 40129 SCHOONOVER VICTOR V 22 CUNNINGHAM KAREN 23 10-May-1971 115612 SCHUL MICHAEL L 21 HANNON KERRY M 18 10-Jul-1971 115618 SMITH GERALD D 20 ROBERTSON PEGGY 20 07-Aug-1971 40132 SMITH KENNY C 20 PARKER VONNA L 19 21-May-1971 115617 SNYDER RANDY G 19 GLASS MARY J 16 11-Aug-1971 115626 TIMMONS JESSE D 22 LAYTON PATRICIA 14 21-Sep-1971 115629 WEST DAN A 17 THOMAS TAUNE J 17 29-Oct-1971 40130 WILLIS JASPER L 32 HENDERSON CONNIE 19 19-May-1971 128498 WOOD MICHAEL J 24 ROBINSON DIANA G 19 03-Aug-1971 128496 WRIGHT CHARLES E 21 HAMBERG MARY G 18 29-Jul-1971