Dallas Co., TX - Bios: Ambrose C. New ***************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Robert Bennett USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm ***************************************************** Ambrose C. New (28 Nov 1844-17 Dec 1907) Biography on pages 951-952 in Memorial and Biographical History of Dallas County, Texas (Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1892 Transcribed by Robert Bennett 5 Nov 2005 AMBRUSE C. NEW, a prominent and much respected citizen of Dallas county, Texas, residing near Mesquite, is a native of Indiana, born in Hancock county, November 28, 1814. He went to Iowa with his father in 1854, and in that State received his education. He has been engaged in teaching ever since 1864 with the exception of two winters- teaching during the winter and farming in summer. In 1865 he attended a Quaker college in Indiana. He has all his life devoted much time to general reading, is well posted on the topics of the day and is an entertaining converser. After his marriage he came to Texas, and here he has continued the, profession of teaching, together with agricultural pursuits. He owns an eighty-acre farm near Mesquite, has it well improved and under a high state of cultivation. Mr. New comes from Virginia ancestry, his father, Daniel New, having been born in the Old Dominion, October 12, 1789. In 1811 he was married to Elizabeth Ring, and in 1815 went to Indiana. General Harrison was at that time Territorial Governor of Indiana. In 1838 Mr. New's wife died, aged forty-eight years, the date of her birth being January 29, 1790. Following are the names of the children born to them: John; Pollie, wife of Jonathan Limback; Sallie, wife of James Warrum, is deceased; Patsey, who died in infancy; Willie; Elizabeth, wife of Ambrose Miller; David F.;. James J., who died when quite small; and Louisa, wife of Nathan Newby. June 14, 1841, Mr. New married for his second wife Miss Margaret Lewis, who was born September 21, 1820. Her father was a pioneer of Indiana, having settled there in Hancock county, in 1830. Mr. New was a pioneer of several States. He moved from Virginia to North Carolina, thence to Kentucky, in 1815 to Indiana. and in 1854 to Iowa. By his second wife he had eight children: Silas; Thomas M., deceased; Ambrose C., the subject of this sketch; Ellen K., wife of Thomas Snyder; Martha A., Nancy A., and Lewis F., deceased; and one that died in infancy. Mr. New was a man of sterling qualities. In his make-up were found those elements that distinguish the true pioneer in any country. He was the father of eighteen children. His death occurred in 1879, at the age of eighty-eight years, eleven months and twenty- four days. Mrs. New is now living with her son in Texas, and at this writing is seventy years of age. The grandfather of Ambrose C. New was one of five brothers that served in the Revolutionary war and witnessed the surrender of General Cornwallis. One of these brothers was killed at the battle of Brandywine. Mr. New remembers having seen his grandfather. January 31., 1866, Ambrose C. New was married to Miss Mary Porter, who was born June 28, 1848, daughter of A. J. and Sarah A. (Smith) Porter. Her father was born in Kentucky, December 25, 1820, and her mother July 27, 1821, their marriage occurring in 1844. The former died in 1888, at the age of sixty-eight years, and the latter is still living aged seventy. Mr. Porter belonged to the Seventh Iowa Cavalry, and served three years in the Union army. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Porter, whose names are as follows: Lucinda R., wife of G. H. Smith; Mary A., wife of Ambrose C: New; M. P.; Lucy, who died in infancy; Olive and Levona, who also died when young; Elzora, wife of R. P. Curtis; Louisa E., wife of Stephen D. Lawrence; and one that died in infancy. Mr. New came to Texas in September, 1879, and settled on the place where he now lives. He and his wife had nine children: Alice, wife of E. S. Reef, Wallace, Melvina, Virgil M., Cora, Lottie, Silas, Freddie (who died in infancy), and May. Mr. and Mrs. New and three of their children are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and one member of the family is a Presbyterian. Politically, Mr. New affiliates with the Democratic party. ADDITIONAL NOTES; Mr. and Mrs. New are buried at Mesquite Cemetery, Mesquite Dallas, Texas. Addition information on his family may be found in the book, "The Families of Long Creek Cemetery, Sunnyvale, Dallas County, Texas” compiled by Robert Bennett or online at Families of Long Creek, Dallas County, Texas http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=longcreek