VITAL RECORDS - DEAF SMITH COUNTY, TX - DEATHS 1981 ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Chuck H. Mahaffey - August 23rd, 2001 ************************************************************************ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. ************************************************************************ Date of Marital Name Death Sex Status Andrada, Patricio 21-Apr-1981 M Ashlock, Frank Merida 16-Apr-1981 M Ballard, Irene Perrin 30-Mar-1981 F Banegas, Rosa Flores 26-Sep-1981 F Bell, Leon Jefferson 05-Apr-1981 M Bird, Jack Clayborn 21-May-1981 M Blakney, Edgar Earnest 18-Mar-1981 M Boston, Dorothy Adelaid 22-Jan-1981 F Braly, Cecil Glenn 17-Mar-1981 M Bridges, Merl 26-Jun-1981 M Broadwell, David Redfield 01-Sep-1981 M Brown, Golda Mae 18-Feb-1981 F Burrus, Herschel Isaac 20-May-1981 M Carr, Arnie Bradley 11-Jun-1981 M Cervantes, Irene 05-Jan-1981 F Chavarria, Rita 23-Jun-1981 F Chavez, Martha Ann Shumate 22-May-1981 F Clinard, Lois D 25-Jul-1981 F Cocanougher, Robert Lee 01-Jan-1981 M Cogdell, Henry Benton 02-Jan-1981 M Criner, Havilah 04-Jan-1981 F Cummings, Annie M 17-Dec-1981 F Davila, Juan 16-Dec-1981 M Duggan, Willis Quayle 29-Sep-1981 M Fotheringham, Robert Mars 10-Apr-1981 M Galan, Pedro Vasquez 06-Jun-1981 M Garcia, Teodora 13-Aug-1981 F Gault, Howard William 16-Aug-1981 M Gee, Preston Adrian 21-Jun-1981 M Gilmore, Nora Edna 03-Jan-1981 F Godwin, Lester B 29-Jun-1981 M Gonzales, Johnny Badillo 12-Nov-1981 M Gonzales, Manuel Orazco 13-Dec-1981 M Gonzalez, Tomas 01-Apr-1981 M Gregory, Joseph Charles 20-Oct-1981 M Gruver, Golda Fern 04-Jan-1981 F Guerrero, Tomas S 12-Oct-1981 M Haney, Granville Lee 29-Jan-1981 M Hernandez, Maria Lira 24-Feb-1981 F Herr, Emil Anton 16-Apr-1981 M Hill, Ora Martha 25-Apr-1981 F Hulsey, Bonnie 27-Jun-1981 F Jennings, Waldo James 17-Apr-1981 M Jones, Afton Thomas 11-Aug-1981 M King, Otis Lee 30-Nov-1981 M Kinsey, Henry Marion 19-Jan-1981 M Kinyon, George Francis 17-Dec-1981 M Kissel, Marjorie Nadine 28-Apr-1981 F Knox, Eugene Debbs 13-Feb-1981 M Lair, Gladys Avent 16-Apr-1981 F Lippard, Edna Maude 03-Jun-1981 F Logan, Barbra 13-Dec-1981 F Lopez, Cynthia Aurelia 16-Jul-1981 F Lueb, Walter John 28-Nov-1981 M Maddox, Blanche Betty 31-Dec-1981 F Mccaslin, Carl George 22-Apr-1981 M Mccracken, Richard Dean 01-Jan-1981 M Mccullough, Carnegie 20-Dec-1981 M Mciver, Atha Maudie Lee 05-Jan-1981 F Mclaughlin, Rubey 25-Aug-1981 F Medley, Robert Benjamin 10-Nov-1981 M Merritt, Gilbert Colquitt, SR 22-Aug-1981 M Mims, Arthur Vann 11-Nov-1981 M Miranda, Fonda Carrol 13-Sep-1981 F Murillo, Secundino Rangel 16-Oct-1981 M Neal, Onelas M 14-May-1981 F Norvell, Wanda B 09-Mar-1981 F Ohlig, Leo Joseph 29-Mar-1981 M Olivares, Alejandra A 09-Dec-1981 F Pacheco, Rodolfo 31-Dec-1981 M Parrack, Robert Bruce 14-Feb-1981 M Payne, Mary Emma 16-Dec-1981 F Pendleton, William Edmund 27-May-1981 M Perez, Francisco G 30-Sep-1981 M Phibbs, Cecil M 16-Mar-1981 M Richter, Helene K 10-Apr-1981 F Rizzo, Addie 19-Sep-1981 F Robison, Arthur Audman 07-Apr-1981 M Rockwell, Montie Gertrude 02-Apr-1981 F Schaefer, Frances Linville 07-Nov-1981 F Scott, James R 15-Aug-1981 M Sims, Lester Wilson 17-Jul-1981 M Skypala, Edgar Oswald 19-Jul-1981 M Sowell, William James 29-Nov-1981 M Stevick, Corinne Elizabeth 03-Jan-1981 F Tiffany, Katherine Risk 23-Jan-1981 F Townsend, Shepard Guyce 03-Dec-1981 M Traweek, Arispy Opelia 09-Jan-1981 F Treadway, George Mansfield 13-Dec-1981 M Trevino, James Darrick 07-Dec-1981 M Tucker, Ronnie Lee 02-Feb-1981 M Turner, Thelma Doris 04-Jun-1981 F Turner, Fred 08-Jul-1981 M Valdez, Jose A 29-Mar-1981 M Walker, Edgar Otha 03-Feb-1981 M Walser, Samuel Lafayette 01-Jul-1981 M Weddel, Brenda Kay 29-Aug-1981 F Wilbanks, Richard Phillip 07-Oct-1981 M Wilhelm, Raymond J 13-Nov-1981 M Williams, John Earl 17-May-1981 M Wilson, Woodrow Barrie 19-Oct-1981 M Zamora, Domingo 13-Oct-1981 M