Denton County, Texas - 1926 Yucca, Yearbook North Texas State Teachers College, Denton, Texas ******************************************************* This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Don Brownlee November 8, 2002 USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved ******************************************************* 1926 Yucca, Yearbook of North Texas State Teachers College, Denton, Texas The following students and faculty are pictured in the 1926 Yucca, yearbook of North Texas State Teachers College in Denton, Texas. Students in the demonstration school are also listed. For seniors there is a listing of the student's major and club/sports participation. For this information you are welcome to contact Adams, Eva, sr, Denton, 49 Adams, S. D., sr, Denton, 34 Adkins, Thurman W., sr, LaFayette, 34 Adrian, Robbie, fr, Longview, 70 Akins, Bonnie B., jr, Denton, 54 Allen, Commie, so, Grand Saline, 62 Allen, Mae, sr, Ladonia, 34 Allgood, E. M., sr, Denton, 34 Allison, Charlie Fay, jr, Carthage, 54 Anderhub, M. Leon, fr, Wylie, 70 Anderson, J. A., jr, Mount Pleasant, 52 Andrews, Reagan, fr, Childress, 70 Anthony, S. G., jr, Covington, 54 Armistead, Elizabeth, so, Denison, 62 Ashburn, Mary Ward, so, Denton, 62 Atcheson, Carl, demo, Slidell, 81 Atcheson, Thelma, sr, Slidell, 34 Atchinson, Luther, demo, Breckenridge, 80 Atkins, Elmer L., jr, Denton, 54 Babb, Dorothy, sr, Bonham, 49 Bailey, Claribel, demo, Dallas, 80 Bain, Jack, jr, Denton, 54 Bain, Louis, jr, Dorchester, 54 Baird, Jane, jr, Clarksville, 54 Baird, Mary, sr, Denton, 34 Balthrop, Clifford W., sr, Denton, 34 Barnes, E. F., jr, Canton, 54 Barnette, Ferol, fr, Dallas, 70 Bartholomew, Minnie V., sr, Franklin, 34 Barton, J. Emory, sr, Denton, 35 Baxter, Bernice, sr, Lewisville, 35 Beck, Arlis D., fr, Pilot Point, 70 Bedwell, Eugene, fr, Gasaline, 70 Belkin, F. W., sr, Denton, 35 Bell, Olga, fr, Kerens, 70 Bernard, Ted B., sr, Millsap, 35 Berry, Albertine, fr, Winnsboro, 70 Berry, Vera, jr, St. Jo, 54 Bird, Earle, jr, Denton, 54 Bird, Roe C., sr, Denton, 35 Bird, Sam, fr, Olney, 70 Black, Florence Virginia, sr, Mesquite, 35 Blackwell, Lizzie, jr, Chireno, 54 Blackwell, T. J., fr, Denton, 70 Blair, Lora, sr, Denton, 35 Blewett, Mary Margaret, jr, Denton, 54 Boley, George, fr, Poolville, 70 Boley, Mabel, sr, Tyler, 35 Boltz, John A., so, Corsicana, 62 Bonner, Sue, jr, Corsicana, 54 Bowen, Ollie, demo, Denton, 80 Bower, Helen, sr, Mount Calm, 36 Boyd, Louis, fr, Godley, 70 Boyd, Lucy Lena, fr, Godley, 70 Boyd, Roy, so, Idalou, 62 Boynton, J. B., sr, San Saba, 36 Bradford, H. A., fr, Emory, 70 Bradley, Jewel, fr, Ferris, 70 Braly, Palmer, demo, Leonard, 83 Branscum, Lola, fr, Olden, 70 Brawner, Addie, so, Mineola, 62 Brawner, M. Ilene, fr, Mineola, 70 Brenholtz, Birdie, jr, Turnersville, 54 Brewer, Ophelia, fr, Lillian, 70 Brewster, Weldon, sr, Denton, 36 Brim, Beulah, sr, Denton, 36 Brison, Wilna, so, Pittsburg, 62 Brooks, Alice, fr, Edgewood, 70 Brown, Hurbert, demo, Murchison, 80 Brown, Mary Frances, demo, Sadler, 80 Brown, Rosalie, fr, Delia, 70 Browning, J. Lloyd, so, Keller, 60 Bruce, William Herschel, fac, 21 Bruner, Hazel, fr, Kerens, 70 Buck, Beatrice C., so, McKinney, 62 Burges, John Kearby, sr, Grand Saline, 36 Burk, J. E., fac, 24 Burkholder, Willie Myrtle, so, Sanger, 62 Caddel, Marion, fr, Denton, 70 Calhoun, Faye, fr, Gordon, 70 Caldwell, Eunice, sr, Whitney, 36 Caldwell, Lillian, jr, Carrollton, 54 Callaway, Faye, fr, Point, 70 Camp, Leon, sr, Denton, 36 Campbell, Oda, sr, McKinney, 36 Capps, Maud, sr, Gainesville, 37 Carleton, T. L., sr, Proctor, 37 Carlton, Juanita, fr, Midlothian, 70 Carmichael, Emily, so, Denton, 62 Carmichael, Eva Joe, fr, Burkburnett, 70 Carrico, Kit, jr, Sanger, 55 Carter, Genevieve, fr, Frisco, 70 Carter, Ina, sr, Savoy, 37 Carter, J. D., so, Savoy, 62 Carter, Marvin, fr, Denton, 70 Carter, Marzee, so, Troy, 62 Carter, Maurine, fr, Frisco, 71 Cartlidge, Annie, fr, Kerens, 71 Cartlidge, Velma, fr, Kerens, 71 Cartwright, Norma Fine, fr, Edgewood, 71 Caruthers, Vivian, so, Lewisville, 62 Cernosek, Stanley F., so, Megargel, 62 Chadwell, Olga, jr, Leonard, 55 Chapman, Walter, fr, Brownsboro, 78 Chenault, Marie, fr, Mart, 71 Childress, Alta, so, Grand Saline, 62 Chipman, Genevieve, fr, Celina, 71 Choate, Velma, fr, Roanoke, 71 Clark, Edith Lanier, fac, 25 Clark, Vera, fr, Pilot Point, 71 Clay, Raymond, fr, Jacksboro, 71 Clifton, Turner, fr, Leonard, 71 Coker, Marguerite, demo, Mart, 80 Coker, Mattie, so, Denton, 62 Cole, Mildred, so, Denton, 62 Coleman, Blanche, fr, Josephine, 71 Coleman, Mike James, sr, Izoro, 37 Coleman, Ralph, demo, Izaro, 80 Colley, Hugh, jr, Bowie, 55 Collins, Nebbie Gee, so, Royse City, 62 Collins, Phoebe, fr, Royse City, 71 Colthrop, Beatrice, fr, Terrell, 71 Combest, W. A., sr, Fort Worth, 37 Combs, B. G., sr, Pilot Point, 49 Compere, Valois, fac, 33 Cooke, W. H., fr, Rockdale, 71 Cope, Ella, fr, Atlanta, 71 Cope, Lois, so, Justin, 62 Cope, Mamie, so, Justin, 62 Copeland, Florence, fr, Aubrey, 71 Copeland, Floyd, fr, Bowie, 71 Copeland, Harmon, fr, Bowie, 71 Copp, Rubie, jr, Denton, 55 Cotton, Jonnie Pearl, so, Van Alstyne, 62 Cowan, Evia, fr, Dodd, 71 Cowan, Sam, so, Denton, 62 Cox, J. S., fr, Flynn, 71 Cox, Olin, jr, Celina, 55 Coyner, Gene, fr, Marshall, 71 Craven, Mollie, sr, Houston, 37 Crockett, LaVerne, fr, Plano, 71 Cross, Estelle, jr, Dodd City, 55 Crounce, T. V., sr, Perrin, 37 Crowell, Opal, fr, Royse City, 71 Crutsinger, Georgia, sr, Denton, 37 Cullers, Oma, so, Jermyn, 62 Culp, Pearl, fr, Coryell City, 71 Cunningham, Herman, so, Denton, 62 Cunningham, Mattie Belle, fac, 83 Cunningham, Ursula, sr, Denton, 38 Curba, Addie Mae, so, Henderson, 62 Curry, Everett, jr, Mart, 55 Curtis, Cleve, fr, Lewisville, 71 Daffron, Kathryn, fr, Plano, 71 Daniel, Madge, so, Murphy, 62 Daniels, Doris, fr, Edgewood, 71 Davis, Georgia Kirk, fr, Midland, 71 Davis, L. L., sr, Denton, 38 Davis, Pauline, sr, Memphis, 38 Davis, Rebecca, fr, Denton, 72 Decherd, E. Milton, so, Franklin, 62 Dennis, Lola, fr, Athens, 72 Deupree, Addie Lou, fr, Athens, 72 Deweese, Carlie Mae, fr, Wills Point, 72 DeWitt, Mrs. L. V., jr, Dallas, 55 Dickey, Mary Lou, demo, Crafton, 80 Dilworth, Sue Bettie, sr, Bonham, 38 Donnelly, Allen Dalton, sr, Pilot Point, 38 Dooley, Loraine, fr, Plano, 72 Douglas, Charles, fr, Melissa, 72 Douglas, D. F., so, McKinney, 63 Doyce, Franklin, fr, Vineyard, 72 Dunaway, Thelma, so, Belcherville, 63 Dunsworth, H. A. Dean, sr, Trenton, 38 Dyche, Majorie L., sr, Denton, 38 Edwards, Bill, so, Denton, 63 Elliott, Raymond, fr, Bono, 72 Elliott, Rosabel, fr, Denton, 72 Ellwood, Nancy Louise, so, Marshall, 63 English, Nora, fr, Blackwell, 72 Evans, Ruth, sr, Nevada, 38 Fant, Gladys, jr, Linden, 55 Faris, John S., sr, Weatherford, 39 Farmer, Ruby Lee, so, Denton, 63 Ferguson, Olivia, sr, Leonard, 39 Fisher, Beedie, fr, Mineola, 72 Fletcher, Anita, fr, Mullin, 72 Fletcher, James, fr, Hillsboro, 72 Floyd, Dora, so, Denton, 63 Foster, Ethelene, so, Denton, 63 Francis, Loren W., fr, Tom Bean, 72 Franklin, Luvois, fr, Vineyard, 72 Fronabarger, B. F., fac, 53 Fugate, Kearby H., sr, Canton, 39 Fulbright, Flora, fr, Sagerton, 72 Gaida, Effie, fr, Ennis, 72 Gamble, Mada Marion, fr, Murchison, 72 Gardner, J. W., sr, Forestburg, 39 Garver, Lois, sr, Van Alstyne, 39 Gathright, Bobbie Irene, fr, Van Alstyne, 72 Gebhard, Gula, fr, Cleburne, 72 Gentry, C. B., sr, Denton, 39 George, Cecil, fr, Chico, 72 George, Cora Lee, Blooming Grove, 72 George, Rubye, so, Plano, 63 Gilmer, Wiley, so, Sanger, 63 Glover, Jack, so, Venus, 63 Gordon, Ira, demo, Corsicana, 80 Graham, Jewel, fr, Beaumont, 72 Grant, Jewelle, fr, Denton, 72 Gray, Luther H., fr, Sadler, 72 Griffin, Katherine, fr, McKinney, 72 Grimm, Ruth, jr, Thalia, 55 Grizzard, J. Weldon, so, Mineral Wells, 63 Gullett, Cleo, demo, Wills Point, 80 Guyn, Delia, so, Claude, 63 Hall, Elizabeth, sr, Beaumont, 39 Hall, Irene, fr, Farwell, 72 Hall, J. D., sr, Denton, 39 Hallum, Mary, so, Athens, 63 Hamilton, Elithe, so, Coleman, 63 Hamilton, W. M., fac, 61 Hammock, Robert, fr, Bonham, 72 Hampton, Imogene, jr, Denton, 55 Harbour, Brunie, so, Chillicothe, 63 Hardie, Jesse, so, Teague, 63 Hardy, Rankin, so, Denton, 63 Hargrave, W. B., sr, Denton, 40 Harper, Valera, demo, Springtown, 80 Harrell, Riley B., so, Wolfe City, 63 Harris, E. B., jr, Valley Mills, 55 Harris, Lucille, demo, Wills Point, 80 Harrison, Iva, fr, Ferris, 73 Hart, Era, so, Smithland, 63 Hayes, Elizabeth, so, Chillicothe, 63 Hayes, Elmore C., sr, Denton, 40 Haynes, Oswald, so, Poolville, 63 Hays, Christine, so, Plano, 63 Heath, Lavonia, fr, Henrietta, 73 Hellums, Lucile, fr, Rosser, 73 Henderson, Mary ellen, fr, Blooming Grove, 73 Henderson, S. W., so, Blooming Grove, 63 Hennen, Urbane, so, Denton, 63 Henry, Kathleen, so, Dexter, 63 Herzog, Dolores, ffr, Galveston, 73 Hess, Betty M., so, Farmersville, 63 Hester, Margaret, fr, Denton, 73 Hightower, Edna, fr, Nocona, 73 Hilbish, Nellie, so, Denton, 63 Hill, Lena, fr, Gordon, 73 Hill, Mary Sue, fr, Denton, 73 Hodges, Claudius B., sr, Ector, 40 Hollabaugh, Ina Mae, sr, Denton, 40 Hollis, Jennie Clyde, so, Longview, 63 Holmes, Anna Fay, fr, Fort Worth, 73 Holmes, Ella May, fr, Fort Worth, 73 Holt, William Henry, fr, Whitesboro, 73 Honea, Alice, so, Lockney, 64 Honea, Olga, so, Lockney, 64 Honeycutt, Lois, fr, Henderson, 73 Hooton, Kathleen, jr, Pittsburg, 55 Howard, Bernice Bliss, jr, Howe, 55 Hubbard, Oris, fr, Ranger, 73 Hulse, Frank, fr, Denton, 73 Hyder, Bullock, fr, Lewisville, 73 Igo, Sallie, fr, Clarksville, 73 Inmon, Beatrice, so, Kerens, 64 Inmon, Carrie, fr, Kerens, 73 Jacobs, Winnie, sr, Denton, 40 James, Gladys, fr, Edgewood, 73 Jeffres, Addie, sr, Forestburg, 40 Jeffries, LaVelle, fr, Dallas, 73 Jennings, Annie Love, so, Kerens, 64 Jennings, Dottie, fr, Graford, 73 Johnson, Ben L., fr, Sulphur Springs, 73 Johnson, Blanche A., sr, Denton, 40 Johnson, Emma E., sr, Denton, 40 Johnson, Eunice Howell, sr, Snyder, 41 Johnson, G. K., so, Graham, 64 Johnson, Mrs. Gerald, so, Waelder, 64 Johnson, Goldie Belle, fr, Vickery, 73 Johnson, H. T., jr, Denton, 55 Johnson, Pauline, fr, Denton, 73 Johnson, Violet, fr, Kemp, 73 Jones, Bush, fr, Denton, 73 Jones, C. C., sr, Denton, 41 Jones, Oliver, jr, Roakoke, 56 Jones, Vaughn, fr, Mineral Wells, 73 Jordan, Anna Mae, fr, Grand Saline, 73 Joyner, Myrtle, fr, Annona, 74 Kattner, Bruno, so, Riesel, 64 Kellam, Katherine, fr, Canton, 74 Kelsay, Laura, fr, Perrin, 74 Kennedy, Georgie, fr, Edgewood, 74 Kerr, Mildred, so, Newton, 64 Key, Alyne, jr, Denton, 56 Killough, Winnie, fr, Athens, 74 Kindred, Josie, sr, Denton, 41 Kinsey, B. J., fr, Childress, 74 Kinsey, Effie Lou, fr, Evant, 74 Kirby, Gardner, so, Denton, 64 Knight, Granville C., so, Athens, 64 Koonce, Jack, jr, Denton, 56 Krell, Moveta Evelyn, so, Fort Worth, 64 Lacy, Jennie Mae, fr, Graford, 74 Langford, Fern, so, Breckenridge, 64 Latimer, Ed, fr, Mount Calm, 74 Latimer, LaRue, fr, Mount Calm, 74 Laxon, Thelma, demo, 81 Layfield, Nannie Belle, fr, Justin, 74 Leahy, Anna, sr, Fort Worth, 41 Leamon, E. H., jr, Franklin, 56 Ledbetter, Wellie, so, Pilot Point, 64 Lee, Lillie, so, Denton, 64 Lee, R. C., so, Forney, 64 Lee, Ruby E., fr, Denton, 74 Lee, Roy, fr, Denton, 74 Leggett, Jesse, demo, Denton, 80 Lewis, H. E., sr, Royse City, 41 Lewis, John B., sr, Denton, 41 Lewis, Vida Ruth, jr, Denton, 56 Lewis, Wanda Wetsel, fr, Bellevue, 74 Ligon, Florence, jr, Denton, 56 Long, Eva, so, Comanche, 64 Looney, Carribel, sr, Denton, 41 Love, Wybelle, fr, Roanoke, 74 Lovelace, True, fr, Bonham, 74 Lovvorn, Zola Mae, fr, Baird, 74 Lowrey, Bertha, so, Windom, 64 Lowrey, Margaret, demo, Windom, 80 Lowry, Lois, so, Copperas Cove, 64 Lumpkin, Lillie Mae, so, Richland, 64 Lunday, Gladys El Myra, sr, Denton, 41 Lunday, Lena Mary, sr, Naples, 42 Malone, Alfred L., jr, Denton, 56 March, Bill, so, Nocona, 64 Marney, Wella Mae, fr, Farwell, 74 Marquis, Richard, demo, Denton, 80 Marquis, Robert, demo, Denton, 80 Marquis, Robert Lincoln, fac, 19 Martin, Alta, fr, Grand Saline, 74 Martin, Georgia Mae, so, Denton, 64 Martin, Lucile, fr, Eastland, 74 Matthews, Cecil R., sr, Thalia, 42 Matthews, Mildred, fr, Dawson, 74 Matthews, Stanley D., sr, Denton, 42 Maxwell, Walter, sr, Kirkland, 42 Mayfield, Connie, so, Shannon, 64 Mayfield, Jewell, fr, Jay, 74 McAnally, Vieta, so, Hico, 64 McBride, Otis, sr, Sanger, 43 McCarty, Aline, so, Barry, 64 McCarty, Robert H., jr, Barry, 56 McCarty, Ruby Onis, sr, Barry, 43 McCaslan, Zalene, so, Chicota, 64 McClendon, LeRoy, jr, Midlothian, 56 McCombs, L. L., sr, Denton, 43 McConnell, W. J., fac, 23 McCrary, Juanita, jr, Denton, 56 McDonald, Gwenith, so, Pilot Point, 64 McDonald, Percy, demo, 83 McDonald, Ruby, sr, Montalba, 43 McEachern, Irma, fr, Lillian, 75 McElhany, Eva, fr, Athens, 75 McElhany, Rufus L., fr, Athens, 75 McElroy, Eulah, so, Ponder, 64 McElroy, Mary, so, Ponder, 64 McFadden, Elmer, fr, Glory, 75 McKean, Gladys, sr, Lometa, 43 McKelvey, Ray F., fr, DeLeon, 75 McKinney, Maurine, jr, Denton, 56 McLaren, Emma, fr, Graham, 75 McNabb, Ogden, fr, Bowie, 75 McPherson, Mary Ella, demo, Bowie, 80 McPherson, Merle, so, Bowie, 65 Mehaffey, Margaret, fr, Clarksville, 74 Merritt, Helen, fr, Celina, 74 Merritt, Homer, fr, Celina, 74 Meyers, W. A., sr, Denton, 42 Meyers, Mrs. W. A., sr, Denton, 42 Miller, Caldon C., sr, Covington, 42 Miller, Delphine, so, Denton, 65 Miller, Geraldine, so, Plano, 65 Miller, Lowell, fr, Tom Bean, 74 Millican, Eual, fr, Farmersville, 74 Millican, Laura, so, Farmersville, 65 Mills, Blanche, fr, Edgewood, 74 Mills, James Alton, fr, Edgewood, 75 Milner, Louie Kate, so, Winnsboro, 65 Mitcham, Merlin Lee, so, Murchison, 65 Mitchell, Arthur G., sr, Canton, 42 Moffitt, Ocie, fr, Ferris, 75 Monroe, Cecile Bell, sr, Denton, 43 Moore, Nancy Joe, sr, Clarksville, 43 Moore, Ollie, demo, Gordonville, 80 Morgan, Thelma, fr, St. Jo, 75 Morris, C. C., fr, Edom, 75 Moseley, Margaret, fr, Dallas, 75 Moss, Lucille, so, Valley View, 65 Mulhollan, Dorothy, fr, Dallas, 75 Mullican, Catherine, fr, Baird, 75 Murphy, Emma, sr, Longview, 43 Murphy, Willie Catherine, so, Petty, 65 Murray, Robert, demo, Blueridge, 80 Neal, Violet, jr, Gainesville, 56 Neely, Joe O., so, Denton, 65 Newton, Inez, fr, Grandview, 75 Nickels, Lucille, fr, Farmersville, 75 Niell, Anna Maye, fr, Thalia, 75 Noble, Nell, fr, Farmersville, 75 Norman, Berta Mae, jr, Denton, 56 Norton, Frances, fr, Plano, 75 O'Dell, Ideres, demo, Denton, 80 O'Dell, Inez, demo, Denton, 80 Oliver, Nettie, fr, Canton, 75 Oliver, S. H., fr, Canton, 68 Oliver, Wendell H., so, Canton, 65 Orton, Edna, jr, Bellevue, 56 O'Shields, Esther, sr, Denton, 44 O'Speer, Ruth, so, Carbon, 65 Owen, Lewis, fr, Athens, 75 Owen, Opal, fr, Athens, 75 Owens, Jewell, fr, Denton, 75 Owens, Vera, fr, Fort Worth, 75 Oxford, Gertie Lee, so, Rico, 65 Parker, Bertha, sr, McKinney, 44 Parker, E. A., jr, Ivanhoe, 56 Patterson, Flora, fr, Clairette, 75 Payne, Alice, fr, McKinney, 75 Pearson, Denton, fr, Fort Worth, 75 Peavey, Grady, demo, Murchison, 80 Peeler, Lois, so, Dallas, 65 Perdue, Claudia Bell, so, Denton, 65 Perkins, Ina, so, Fort Worth, 65 Perryman, C. C., sr, Forestburg, 44 Perryman, Olivia, jr, Denton, 56 Pettie, Theurmon, sr, Denton, 44 Pickle, Otha, fr, Cleburne, 76 Pierson, Loraine, jr, Midlothian, 57 Piper, Gladys, so, Adamsville, 65 Piper, Minnie, sr, Adamsville, 44 Pitts, Marjorie, sr, Denton, 44 Pollan, Tippie Anson, sr, Rice, 44 Pollan, William D., sr, Rice, 44 Pool, Anabel, fr, Annona, 76 Pope, Flora Lee, so, Grand Saline, 65 Porter, Ernest, so, Atlanta, 65 Presley, Ozella, fr, Farwell, 76 Preston, Beatrice, fr, Illinois Bend, 75 Price, Anice, fr, Snyder, 76 Price, Leola, so, Paducah, 65 Price, Lota M., sr, Montalba, 45 Priddy, Ruth, jr, Mineral Wells, 57 Pruett, Evel, fr, Slidell, 76 Pryor, Guy C., so, Mabank, 65 Rainey, Anna, fr, Marietta, 76 Ramsour, Lee, fr, Richland Springs, 76 Rankin, Louise, so, Groesbeck, 65 Ray, Inez Edwards, sr, Dallas, 45 Ray, Irene, fr, Olden, 76 Redway, Reginald C., fr, Loveland, 76 Reece, Carmen Billy, fr, Brownwood, 76 Reid, eloise, so, Woodville, 65 Richardson, Ruth, so, Groesbeck, 65 Rickman, Lillian, sr, Boyd, 45 Ritchie, Vera, fr, Canton, 76 Roach, Blake, fr, Henrietta, 76 Roberts, Pearl, so, Bowie, 65 Roberts, Thelma, fr, Atlanta, 76 Roberts, Willie, fr, Anson, 76 Robinson, Duncan, fr, Cleburne, 76 Robinson, Fay, so, Grand Saline, 65 Robinson, Louise, fr, Crafton, 76 Rollans, Nina, demo, Shannon, 80 Rosendahl, Evelyn, fr, Rio Hondo, 76 Rowe, Margaret, fr, Crafton, 76 Rucker, J. A., so, Quitaque, 65 Rucker, Lois, so, Grand Saline, 65 Rudd, Jasmine, demo, Denton, 80 Russ, L. W., sr, Forestburg, 45 Rutledge, Lois, so, Vernon, 65 Sarles, Della, sr, Fort Worth, 45 Scales, Irene, so, Dallas, 66 Scott, Ben A., fr, Travis, 76 Scott, Neva, fr, Howe, 76 Scott, W. R., sr, Denton, 45 Sealy, Emma L., sr, Brownwood, 45 Searcy, Margaret, fr, McKinney, 76 Sears, Marie, jr, Lipon, 57 Sears, Wayne A., jr, Lipon, 57 Sheppard, Lucile, jr, Denton, 57 Sherrod, Cynthia, jr, Kingsville, 57 Sherrod, Dorothy, sr, Kingsville, 45 Shinn, W. H., so, Ben Wheeler, 66 Shipley, Opal, fr, Crandall, 76 Simmons, Edna, fr, Denison, 76 Simmons, Ruth, demo, Grapevine, 80 Simpson, E. G., so, Garza, 66 Simpson, Mary I., sr, Denton, 46 Skeen, Lena Marie, fr, Deport, 76 Skelton, Ona Belle, fr, Grand Saline, 76 Skiles, Burney, jr, Denton, 57 Skinner, Evelyn, fr, Eastland, 77 Slack, Fred, sr, Childress, 46 Sloan, J. R., jr, Jermyn, 57 Sloan, Vena E., so, Jermyn, 66 Smith, Clarice, fr, Albany, 77 Smith, Ella L., so, Farmersville, 66 Smith, Fay, fr, Chico, 77 Smith, Jessyee, sr, Junction, 46 Smith, L. D., fr, Athens, 77 Smith, Mary Lou, demo, Coleman, 80 Smith, Naomi, so, Celina, 66 Smith, Ruth Miller, sr, Denton, 46 Smith, W. P., sr, Park Springs, 46 Smyers, Bertha, so, Denton, 66 Snoddy, Ruth Moyers, jr, Denton, 57 Sowell, Elizabeth, jr, Lubbock, 57 Spencer, Frances, fr, Frost, 77 Splude, LaBelle, fr, Beton, 77 Sportsman, Charles C., sr, McKinney, 46 Stafford, Margie, fr, Denton, 77 Stafford, Ruth, fr, Canton, 77 Stapleton, Eva, jr, El Paso, 57 Stapp, Virginia, jr, Denton, 57 Starr, Dwight H., sr, Gainesville, 46 St. Clair, Minnie, sr, Sulphur Bluff, 46 Stenson, Christine, fr, Paducah, 77 Stewart, Cleo, sr, Snyder, 47 Stiles, Corinne, fr, Annona, 77 Stiles, Isabel, sr, Denton, 47 Stockard, Gerald, so, Garza, 66 Stone, Irene, so, Center, 66 Stout, Louise, sr, Denton, 47 Strickland, Flora, fr, Burleson, 77 Stringer, Ida Mae, jr, Alford, 57 Stuart, Mack, sr, Denton, 47 Stubblefield, Desda, fr, Cisco, 77 Swearinger, Ethel, so, Jasper, 66 Tackitt, E. M., ffr, Denton, 77 Taliaferro, Leon E., sr, Denton, 49 Taliaferro, Paul, sr, Denton, 47 Tate, James O., sr, Post, 47 Taylor, Fannie Will, fr, Van Alstyne, 77 Taylor, Gordie, fr, Mabank, 77 Taylor, Lillian, fr, Roanoke, 77 Taylor, Melville, fr, Quitman, 77 Terry, Odessa, so, Wills Point, 66 Thacker, Oleta, demo, Decatur, 80 Thomas, Lillian, so, Justin, 66 Thomas, O. C., sr, Weatherford, 47 Thomas, Robert E., fr, Sulphur Springs, 77 Thompson, Imogene, fr, Denton, 77 Thompson, Lois, so, Denton, 66 Thompson, Mary, demo, Henrietta, 80 Tilson, Ophelia, jr, Whiteflat, 57 Tinney, Charles, so, Forrestburg, 66 Townsend, Eva, fr, Adamsville, 77 Trachta, Anna Marie, fr, Muenster, 77 Troxell, Gladys, jr, Rhome, 57 Truitt, Lucille, fr, Pittsburg, 77 Tucker, Grace, jr, Denton, 57 Tucker, Jessie, sr, Clarksville, 47 Tunnel, Jennie, so, Ben Wheeler, 66 Turner, M. R., sr, Burkburnett, 48 Valentine, Martha, demo, Edgewood, 80 Varnell, Ethel, so, Barry, 66 Varnell, Fay, jr, Forreston, 58 Vaughan, Gracie, fr, Josephine, 77 Vickery, Gladys, fr, Edgewood, 77 Wade, Joe C., so, Rockwall, 66 Waide, Clay, sr, Sanger, 48 Waggoner, Louise, so, Denton, 66 Walker, Ellis, fr, Denton, 77 Waller, Gladys, so, Seymour, 66 Wand, Alyne, fr, Marietta, 77 Ward, Mary Louise, fr, Clarksville, 77 Watkins, Irene, ffr, Royse City, 77 Watkins, Randell, fr, Savoy, 78 Watson, Ella B., jr, Clarksville, 58 Watson, Gertrude, so, Santo, 66 Webb, Irene, fr, Bonham, 78 Webb, Lela Mae, so, Thalia, 66 Webb, Lucile, fr, Bonham, 78 Webb, Morris A., fr, El Campo, 78 Wellborn, Paul C., fr, Henderson, 78 Wells, Nanilla, jr, Denton, 58 Wells, Rolfe G., so, Sulphur Springs, 66 West, Elizabeth, so, Denton, 66 West, W. B., jr, Denton, 58 Wetsel, Lela Naomi, fr, Bellevue, 78 Whatley, Alma, so, Lewisville, 66 Wheat, Hubert, fr, Mabank, 78 Whitaker, Elizabeth, fr, Clayton, 78 Whitaker, Ernest B., jr, Jacksboro, 58 Whitaker, Ruthie, demo, Jacksboro, 80 White, Gladys, fr, Canton, 78 White, Grady, so, Mount Enterprise, 66 White, J. B., sr, Gorman, 48 Whitsett, Hattie Jo, fr, Munday, 78 Whorton, Arrie, fr, Albany, 78 Wilkins, Eugene, sr, Denton, 48 Wilkins, Frances, fac, 83 Wilks, Samuel S., sr, Denton, 48 Wilks, W. Clint, sr, Denton, 48 Williams, Carolyn, fr, Hamilton, 78 Williams, J. M., fr, Hillsboro, 78 Williams, Ollie, fr, Mosheim, 78 Williamson, James M., sr, Cleburne, 48 Willingham, Clarence R., jr, Denton, 58 Willis, Eupha, fr, Whitesboro, 78 Willis, Susie Lee, fr, Zephyr, 78 Wills, Ruth, jr, Clayton, 58 Wilroy, Mattie, sr, Huntington, 48 Wilson, Jimmie, sr, Garza, 49 Wilson, Johnnie W., fr, St. Jo, 78 Wilson, Lee, fr, Krum, 78 Wilson, Leonard, demo, Poolville, 80 Witherspoon, Ruth, so, Denton, 66 Wood, Floyd, so, Rochland Springs, 66 Womack, David N., jr, Denton, 58 Womack, Mrs. David N., sr, Denton, 49 Wright, Eulallie, fr, Denton, 78 Wright, Vera, so, Troup, 66 Yarbrough, Eloise, fr, Alvarado, 78 Yarbrough, Ouida Belle, so, Denton, 66