Eastland County Texas Archives History - Books .....1923 Cisco High School Students And Faculty 1923 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/txfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Don Brownlee dbrownlee@csun.edu August 14, 2021, 10:55 pm Book Title: The Occidental 1923 The Occidental, 1923 Yearbook of Cisco High School, Cisco, Texas The following students and faculty are pictured in the 1923 edition of The Occidental, yearbook of Cisco High School. They are listed in order of family name, given names and class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore). Abbott, Freda Mae, sr Alsabrook, Oda, so Bacon, Billy, sr Baker, Meredith, so Barber, Jennie, sr Barker, Pearle, sr Barten, Janie Bell, fac Beard, Lowry, jr Berry, Phil, jr Bettis, Clarice, so Bettis, Gaylord, sr Boon, Dan, so Bostick, Berta, fac Bostick, Lecil, jr Boyd, Marvin, so Britain, Joe, sr Britain, Wallace, so Brock, Elizabeth, jr Brock, Glenn, so Brown, Blanche, sr Brown, Edessa, sr Brown, Ethel, so Cahcinell, H., jr Caldwell, Mollie, so Campbell, Linouise, jr Carroll, J. D., so Carroll, Michie, sr Carrothers, Joe, jr Cearley, Wray, jr Chapman, W. B., fac Choate, Dibbon, jr Clark, Louise, so Clements, Gwendolyn, jr Cochran, Curtis, jr Cole, Nona, jr Collins, Con, jr Cook, Wade, sr Cooper, Nona, so Curry, Thelma, so Daniel, Jack, jr Davidson, Grace, sr Davis, Emelda, so Davis, Lawrence, so Dawson, Fay, so Day, Doris, sr Dean, Lawrence, so Dill, Ray, jr Dodson, Alice, sr Dunaway, Alton, so Eddleman, Thressa, jr Elkins, Glenn, so Elliot, Gladys, sr Erwin, Barto Everett, Velma, so Falkner, Lillian, so Foley, Thomas, so Gardenhire, Lynn, jr Glasscock, Gilbert, sr Godbey, J. J., fac Gould, Helen, sr Gould, Vina, so Goyne, Roy, so Grist, Charles, so Guthrie, Isabelle, so Hall, Edna, so Hamer, Avis, jr Harrelson, Lottie, jr Hart, Josh, jr Hawkins, Jessie, so Hazel, Mardell, so Hess, Gwendolyn, jr Hicks, Sye, sr Holmes, Kathryn, so Holmesly, Frank, so Howard, Virgil, jr Hubbard, Fern, jr Hughes, Lloyd, so Hunt, Doris, jr Hunt, Marguerite, jr Irby, Mrs. Alfred, fac Jackson, Vista, so Jeffreys, Earl, so Jenkins, Dorothy, fac Johnson, Thomas, sr Johnston, Delmer, so Kelley, P. L., fac Kennedy, Harold, so Keough, Lawrence, sr Key, Bernice, sr Key, Opal, so Kile, Elbert, so Kinsey, Evans, jr LaMunyon, Viola, so Lane, Neil, so Lane, Ruel, jr LaRoque, Inez, so LaRoque, Lloyd, so Latch, Lela, sr Latson, Mabel, sr Lauderdale, Ira, sr Lauderdale, Margaret, jr Lee, Dudley Lennon, Lola, jr Leveridge, Ethel, jr Lovelady, Byron, so Maddux, Dorah, jr Magness, W. H., sr Mahan, Norma, so Mahaney, Lee, so Malone, Esther, so Martin, Jack, so Martin, Thelma, so Maxwell, Elizabeth, so Maxwell, Florence, sr Mayberry, Caddye, sr Mayer, Elsworth, so Mayer, Olivia, sr Mayhew, Mentora, sr McCanlies, Elroy, jr McCanlies, Maudie Mae, jr McClintock, Andrew, so McClinton, Zelia Blanche, sr McCord, Cecil, so McCracken, Novella, sr McCreay, Yancy, jr McElroy, Katelah, fac McWhorter, Allie, sr Merket, Grace, so Milligan, Ruba, so Milling, Earp, so Milling, Orlena, jr Milling, Roscoe, so Mixon, Fay, so Mixon, Hobart, jr Monsees, Ruth, fac Moody, Alice, so Moore, James Moore, Ruebelle, so Morehart, Franklin, so Morse, William, so Motley, Pauline, so Murphy, Gerald, so Myrick, Porter, jr Nabors, Avalons, jr Norvell, Blanche, jr Norvell, Vera, so Osborne, Lee, so Parker, Nell, sr Parmer, Perlie, so Parsons, Alberta, so Payne, Ruby, jr Pettit, Minnie, so Petty, Rufus, so Pierce, David, so Pippen, Andrew, so Preston, Hazel, sr Price, Lulu, jr Price, Mary Grace, sr Pritchard, Maud, sr Quinn, Irene, jr Rainholt, Loma V., so Ramsey, Barto, so Rasmussen, Fay, so Reeves, Vera, jr Reid, Elgin, so Richardson, Lois, so Richardson, Ruby R., jr Ridgeway, Jewelle, so Roberts, Mildred, jr Rogers, Thomas, so Rominger, Bettie M., sr Sandifer, Willie, jr Shelton, Bess, sr Sherrill, Ivan, so Simmons, Elizabeth, sr Simmons, Lila F., jr Simpson, Anita, jr Smith, Blanche, jr Smith, Elizabeth, so Smith, Eugene, sr Smith, Leo, so Smith, Warren, so Stephens, Blanche, so Stephens, Clifford, jr Stockard, LeeRoy, so Strickland, Boyce, so Stringer, Cleo, jr Stubblefield, Desda, jr Stubblefield, Pressley, so Surles, Leta, so Swindle, Bessie, so Terry, Herman, so Thompson, Mayme, so Tomlinson, Floyd, sr Tomlinson, Idellah, so Tomlinson, Myrtle, so Townsend, Fay, jr Warren, Corley, jr Watson, Sherman, sr Watson, Travis, sr Wells, Annie M., jr Wells, G. H., fac Westerfeldt, Waymond Wheatley, Artex, so Williams, Rea, so Wilson, Ernest Wilson, Ethel, so Wilson, John A., so Winchell, Olivia, so Wright, Cleo, sr Yarborough, Beulah, so Yarborough, Ethelene, jr Yunk, Nellie, fac File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/tx/eastland/history/1923/occident/1923cisc173gms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/txfiles/ File size: 5.1 Kb