Mountain Peak Cemetery, L thru P, Ellis County, TX MOUNTAIN PEAK CEMETERY Ellis County, TX Donated by Sarah E. Stead February 21, 1999 The cemetery is located in Mt. Peak, TX, on Highway 875, 6 miles south of Midlothian. This list was compiled from my personal transcription of the cemetery completed in February 1999. The cemetery has a number of unmarked graves and some unreadable tombstones. The names are grouped by surname, not location of the gravesite. At the end of the entry there may be the letters h for husband, w for wife, d for daughter, s for son, m for mother, and f for father. Due to the large number of tombstones, the list has been submitted in four sections, A to D, E to K, L to P, R to S, and T to W. In most cases, electronic photos of a tombstone may be obtained by contacting Sarah E. Stead at Lambert L. A. (Lee) 11-3-1887 10/11/76 h/o Lydia? Lambert Lydia J. 6-9-1892 10/2/84 w/o Lee? Lankford Chester 6-17-1893 11-11-1895 s/o W.E. & A.S. Lauderdale Frankie 1883 1936 Lawson Willie F. 1920 1921 Lawson Maggie Suggs 1887 1927 Lee Jeffrey David 3/3/63 4/6/94 Lee Joey Eugene 10/28/52 1/7/77 Lee E. H. John 12-25-1901 11/30/73 h/o Laurene Lee Laurene 7-23-1901 2/25/74 w/o E.H. John Lee James J. 11-19-1873 3/1/48 h/o Abena Lee Abena 10-2-1877 1/31/49 w/o James Lee Nannie Rickets 10-16-1880 10-9-1899 w/o J.W. Lee Vicie 12-11-1847 1-5-1891 Lee V. V. Jr. 2/13/32 2/15/32 Lee V. V. (Monk) 10/3/05 6/8/69 h/o Edna Lee Edna R. 11/3/05 4/2/98 w/o Monk Logsdon Frankie May 12-7-1903 7/13/05 Long Juanda Lee (no date) 6/13/24 Look Ann 1828 1898 Looney Mary Naomi Shaw 11/23/18 4/23/86 Loyd ?annie L. 3-10-1867 (date hidde w/o Thos. Loyd M. P. A. (no dates) Could be footstone Mahanay E. P. 11-10-1849 7/30/12 h/o Dora Mahanay Dora 1-27-1861 8/2/08 w/o E.P. Mahanay Fannie no dates Mahanay Mammie no dates Mahanay B. M. 6-12-1821 4-8-1900 Mahanay Edward M. 6-23-1859 12-15-1893 h/o L.E. Mahanay I. P. (no date) 6/9/04 Mahanay Louise 2-1-1856 7/23/07 w/o Edward M.? Mahanay Martha J. 10-1-1853 8-15-1894 Major Margie Ann (no date) 1937 Manning Seymoure 5-27-1895 6/5/11 Marsh Floyd Ralph 8-9-1894 2/23/78 h/o Ressie Lea Marsh Ressie Lea 5-25-1897 9/16/69 w/o Floyd Ralph Marsh Floyd Ralph 1894 1978 Martin Georgie Bonner 5-4-1880 12/16/59 Mason Ralph Truett 1/11/04 12/12/86 Mattingley William E. 1894 1967 h/o Martha Mattingley Martha A. 1900 1975 w/o William Mattingley Joseph E. 1919 1954 McAlpin Vernon Jackson 12/3/25 (no date) h/o Naoma McAlpin Naoma Montreau 9/26/23 9/25/85 w/o Vernon McAlpin Charles Wayne 12/19/29 2/28/89 h/o Ruby McAlpin Ruby Frances 2/24/31 6/28/76 w/o Charles Wayne McAlpin Fannie C. 4-16-1891 8/8/41 w/o H.A. McAlpin Hugh A. 9-15-1880 7/27/70 h/o Fannie McAlpin Laura May 7/28/14 12/29/17 d/o Mr. & Mrs. H.A. McAlpin McAlpin J. W. (Bill) 2/20/13 (no date) h/o Myrtle McAlpin Myrtle W. 9/4/13 2/9/96 w/o J.W. (Bill) McBrayer Dossey 11/4/11 12/6/19 w/o Woodrow? McBrayer Woodrow 11/10/16 11/27/16 h/o Dossey? McBrayer Floyd H. 10/21/10 8/15/96 h/o Rosa McBrayer Rosa Lee 7/20/08 5/3/72 w/o Floyd McBrayer J. H. (Buddy) 1927 1972 h/o Marjorie McBrayer Marjorie 1928 (no date) w/o Buddy McBrayer Howard Victor 1901 1961 h/o Mary Eddie McBrayer Mary Eddie 1906 1995 w/o Howard Victor McBrayer Marvin Minet 12-9-1893 12/14/72 h/o Mary Ethel McBrayer Mary Ethel 9-19-1898 10/15/81 w/o Marvin Minet McBrayer Lillie May 1/17/14 4/16/21 d/o M.M. & M.E. McBrayer Clarence 1897 1981 h/o Viola McBrayer Viola 1895 1971 w/o Clarence McBrayer Don Douglas 5/2/23 4/17/91 McBrayer Dora 1-15-1872 10/26/14 w/o J.N. McBrayer John N. 7-20-1862 9/9/21 h/o Dora McBrayer Cecil 4/20/05 9/6/08 s/o J.N. & Dora McBrayer Kirby Madison 1921 1987 McBrayer L. L. 5-27-1888 12/30/18 h/o Cora L. McBrayer Cora L. 8-16-1890 4/20/35 w/o L.L. McBrayer Willis 1/29/08 3/25/08 s/o L.L. & C.L. McBrayer Nannie A. 3-16-1861 7/15/1896 McBrayer N. M. 1-28-1840 11/16/11 h/o Edna C. McBrayer Edna C. 4-10-1844 4/29/34 w/o N.M. McBrayer Ada 6-5-1877 2-2-1903 d/o N.M. & E.C. McBrayer Ida 6-5-1877 3-23-1903 d/o N.M. & E.C. McClain Joyce Lynn Radney4/26/50 9/3/93 Granddaughter of Arthur and Bertha McClendon Reta Marie 10-17-1903 11/18/53 McClendon Earnest 8-8-1898 12/22/86 h/o Ernestine McClendon Ernestine A. 1/14/20 (no date) w/o Earnest McDaniel Lucy P. 10-13-1850 9-26-1886 w/o P. McDaniel Ruby E. 1-27-1886 8-26-1886 d/o P. & L.P. McGee James E. 1-2-1847 7-7-1882 McGlish Elbert 10-3-1898 10-19-1899 s/o J.L. & M.A. McGlish M. A. 2-19-1867 can't read w/o J.L. McKay Annie A. 9-3-1886 11-7-1886 d/o W.C. & N.S. McKay George W. 2-13-1885 5-20-1886 s/o W.C. & N.S. McKee Thomas W. 11/13/19 (no date) h/o Mildred McKee Mildred 9/4/24 (no date) w/o Thomas McKeever Flossie Jewell 2/5/04 2/20/06 Grand Dau of A.M. & M.A. McMackin Monroe Maurice 11/7/10 9/8/95 h/o Frances McMackin Frances Lorraine 5/15/14 12/29/86 w/o Monroe McMackin Lucius L. 1888 1970 h/o Lydia McMackin Lydia Love 1887 1949 w/o Lucius McQuatters William A. 4-15-1838 2-9-1894 McQuatters James 11-1-1812 8-20-1878 h/o Ruth? McQuatters Ruth 6-14-1826 10-10-1882 w/o J. (James?) McWilliams Ethel 1899 1930 Meador Jewell 2-12-1900 8/28/04 d/o J.A. & I.P. Meredith Margaret A. King 2-16-1855 8/21/11 w/o T.C. Meredith Thomas C. 9-16-1849 3/16/14 h/o Margaret? Meredith Miriam 11-3-1887 9/27/18 w/o O.A. Mikeska Doris Mae 5/22/23 5/20/90 Milne Lavina B. Watson 2-20-1864 10/18/40 Mobto James Yancy 6-8-1881 s/o J.M. & B. Moor Jonathan P. 1-7-1860 6-30-1887 Moore George W. 1-3-1818 6-25-1895 h/o E.J.? Moore E. J. 9-15-1821 5-12-1890 w/o G.W. Moore Leonard 5-14-1895 11-8-1895 s/o J.A. & Dollie Moore Julia Ann 9-18-1828 11-3-1882 d/o W.C. & M.J. Moore James A. 1-19-1886 s/o Elisha A. & Jane A. Morgan Willie Rankin 8-2-1890 10/29/80 h/o Mirtie Morgan Mirtie Estella 1-11-1892 6/6/59 w/o Willie Morgan (Twin Girls) 12/31/28 12/31/28 d/o W.R. & Estella Morgan Walter J. 1-6-1892 12/24/16 Morgan S. N. 12-20-1878 12/25/06 1sth/o Eliza Morgan Battles? Morgan Infant son 12-23-1884 12-23-1884 s/o H.M. & L.E. Morris Earl Wilson 6/7/05 10/27/76 h/o Ambrosia Morris Ambrosia F. 3/25/05 5/11/97 w/o Earl; nee Forbes Morris Grady S. 1/20/10 7/25/94 h/o Rinetta Morris Rinetta F. 1/2/12 (no date) w/o Grady; nee Forbes Morris John A. 1876 1961 h/o Sarah Morris Sarah Ann 1876 1962 w/o John; nee Herring Morris Chas. P. 12-23-1884 11/3/36 Morris Charles R. 1893 1975 h/o Mary Morris Mary Edna 1896 1968 w/o Charles Morris Joycy Ray 1933 1935 Morris William Allen 10/9/30 12/6/34 s/o Earl & Ambrosia Morris John W. 12-24-1842 12/3/33 h/o Mary Jane Morris Mary Jane 1847 1931 w/o John W.; nee Summers Morris Harvy 8-11-1869 1-12-1884 s/o J.W. & M.J. Morrow Roy 1904 1984 h/o Effie Morrow Effie 1905 1988 w/o Roy Morrow Loys H. 11-18-1901 6/12/71 Murphree Margarett 5-12-1821 4-23-1898 Murphree T.(Thomas) M. 2-3-1863 6/1/04 S/O William A Murphree & Isabel J White Murphree Jesse B. 1837 1901 h/o Nancy A. Murphree Nancy A. Bynum 12-5-1833 4-5-1891 w/o Jesse? Murphy Frances J. 12-11-1848 2-25-1894 w/o W.E. Myers Mary Ellen 10-10-1856 8/22/34 Nesmith Martha E. 5-26-1845 7-30-1877 w/o U.W. Newby James W. 10-29-1823 4-5-1878 Newton Jimmie T. 12-7-1802 2-12-1891 Ogles Sewell 10-29-1885 10/28/08 Overstreet John S. 11-29-1815 8-7-1878 Page John 4-19-1852 10-1-1883 h/o Dicy Page Kilgore? Page Elizabeth I.A. 7-16-1860 9-22-1882 w/o Z.D. Parker John W. 1-21-1901 5/9/70 h/o Willena Parker Willena H. 4/6/09 1/14/81 w/o John W. Parker Johnnie Ray 5/6/28 (no date) h/o Lavern Parker Lavern Emma 4/9/36 (no date) w/o Johnnie Parker Robert K. 4-6-1846 7/2/16 h/o Sallie Parker Sallie E. 9-2-1842 2/11/22 w/o Robert Parker Donnie V. 4-6-1872 7/8/43 Parker Luther C. 1-20-1882 12-5-1892 s/o R.K. & S.E. Parker Earnest E. (Red) 12/13/04 10/24/83 h/o Della Mae Parker Della Mae 4/13/11 12/29/93 w/o Red Parker Wm. Franklin 8-3-1874 11/4/58 h/o Annie Parker Annie Roy 7-10-1881 9/20/49 w/o Wm. Franklin Parker baby (no dates) child of WF & Annie? Parker Lula 1880 1913 w/o A.S. Parr Travis E. 9/7/15 (no date) h/o Dorothy Parr Dorothy Spain 4/28/17 (no date) w/o Travis Patton Oscar W. 11-11-1888 3/16/32 Peace Lou Willie 1859 1894 nee Clark Pena Jason Lee 8/8/90 9/2/94 Pentecost Monique C. 9/3/68 8/7/96 Perry Jula E. 8-5-1849 6-8-1889 w/o W.H. Phelps Billy Mack 6/5/37 3/26/97 Phelps Charles Aubrey 2/6/30 2/1/89 Phelps J. E. 5/22/07 10/14/88 h/o Ruth Marie Phelps Ruth Marie 11/25/10 7/31/92 w/o J.E. Phelps Anderson Ward 6-7-1894 12/30/69 Phelps Clifford Wayne 9-14-1892 10/10/75 h/o Ella Jenettie Phelps Ella Jenettie 4-24-1890 4/16/83 w/o Clifford Wayne Phelps Mary Katherine 3-2-1879 5/12/84 Phelps Bessie 7-22-1889 11/1/85 Pickard Isabella 10-2-1883 6-4-1887 d/o C.M. & M.L. Pickard Basil 5-18-1893 3-15-1898 Pitts Rennard M. 8/27/16 1/9/89 w/o Claude? Pitts O. Claude 5/6/13 6/21/32 h/o Rennard? Pledger Melvin 9-11-1882 2/3/60 h/o Addie Pledger Addie 2-16-1884 5/13/43 w/o Melvin Powell Josie C. 4-26-1894 7/5/05 d/o J.R. & M.A. Price W. H. 1853 1930 h/o Mary Price Mary 1865 1938 w/o W.H. Proctor Mrs. F. C. 3-5-1827 2/24/04 Pruitt Claude Ira 7/1/10 7/31/85 Pruitt Andrew Jackson 8-29-1875 1/21/39 h/o Laura Etta? Pruitt Laura Etta 12-8-1886 1/6/64 w/o Andrew Jackson? ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ***********************************************************************