Erath Co. TX - Obits: Mrs. Mary Lou (Herring) Goodman ***************************************************** This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb by: Gene Neff USGenWeb Archives. Copyright. All rights reserved ***************************************************** Stephenville Empire-Tribune   Friday, October 23, 1953 Last Rites Oct. 16 for Mrs. Mary Goodman Mrs. Mary Lou Goodman, member of one of Erath County's pioneer and highly respected families, died in Fort Worth Oct. 14 at the family residence after a long illness. She was 88 years of age and is the widow of the late Henry Goodman who passed away five years ago. Funeral services were held at the Hightower Cemetery, near Morgan Mill, Friday, Oct. 16, at 2 P.M. with Rev. Parks, pastor of the Indian Oaks Baptist Church in Fort Worth officiating. The Harveson & Cole Undertakers were in charge of arrangements. Pallbearers were her grand-sons. They are Maxwell Goodman, Douglas Goodman, Gary Goodman, Carl Armstrong, Buster Roberson, Joe Cohen and Edgar Huffman. Survivors are three sons, C. P., L. O., and J. D. Goodman, all of Fort Worth; five daughters, Mrs Marvin Roberson, Fort Worth; Mrs. Dave Bryant, Dallas; Mrs. Sam Culpepper, Austin; Mrs. Paul Crawford, Calif.; and Mrs. Jim Armstrong, Fort Worth.  Also there are three sisters, Mrs. J. W. Huffman, Fort Worth; and Mrs. Avery Huckaby and Mrs. Garland Williamson, Morgan Mill; three brothers, Bob Herring, Morgan Mill; John Herring Santa and Frank Herring, New Mexico.  There are 19 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman moved to Fort Worth about 20 years ago (1933) after disposing of their farm and ranch land north of Morgan Mill where they had lived for long years and where they were so well and favorably known.  The Goodman home is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thompson and prior to that, R.P. Condo held title to the property. It is in close proximity to the Hightower Cemetery where she was laid to rest Friday, Oct. 16, and where so many of the family friends and relatives were buried. In earlier years Mr. Goodman was one of the successful ranchmen and farmers of that section of Erath County. He made frequent business trips to Stephenville and had a wide acquaintance here. Before their marriage she was Miss Mary Lou Herring. One of the tragedies of their lives was the death of a son, Cecil Goodman, who lost his life in World War II, in June 1945. At that time he was stationed in England. All members of the family are well known throughout most of Erath County. K.O. a son, and Mrs. Lena Culpepper, a daughter both lived here until about 20 years ago. ---