Erath County TX - Births, 1926 ==================================================================== USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sonny Hall: 7/10/2001 ==================================================================== _________________________________________________________________ Information in this database comes from the Texas Department of Health. As of March 2000, Birth Indexes from 1926-1995 and Death Indexes from 1964-1998 are available on the Internet, microfiche or CD-ROM. _________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================================================================ Name Birthdate Sex Mother Father County ============================================================================================================================ Abernathy, Clyde, Jr 9-13-1926 M Myrtle Euginia Jones Clyde A Abernathy Erath Adams, Vernon Virl 1-9-1926 M Jessie Posey Robert Doyal Adams Erath Alexander, James Boyd, Jr 8-13-1926 M Moggie Bradley Jim B. Alexander Erath Alexander, Owatha June 11-23-1926 F Jessie Sherrell Edd Alexander Erath Alexander, Ray Littleton 2-20-1926 M Dona Bledsoe H. C. Alexander Erath Alley, Ray Wallace 10-10-1926 M Pearl Hail B. M. Alley Erath Anderson, Lola Marie 3-19-1926 F Rhoda Nelms H. L. Anderson Erath Anstatt, J. L., Jr. 6-8-1926 M Annie Martin J. L. Anstatt Erath Armstrong, Kirkland Truett 7-31-1926 M Millie Morris Roy Armstrong Erath Arthur, George Alvin 11-22-1926 M Roxie Robinson William Claudus Arthur Erath Babb, Hardie Glasier, Jr. 6-21-1926 M Eva Bird H. G. Babb Erath Bailey, Leland, Jr. 7-3-1926 M Naomi Southerland Leland Bailey Erath Baird, Forrest Field 5-18-1926 M Bertha Ray Malloy James H Baird Erath Baker, M. T., Jr. 1-28-1926 M Ida Campbell M. T. Baker Erath Baker, Veleta Irene 5-21-1926 F Vernice Boase C M Baker Erath Barrow, Lucile 7-2-1926 F Lula Belle Isbell Loyd Eugene Barrow Erath Bays, Clarence Polmer 5-28-1926 M Maggie Kelley Louis Vernon Bays Erath Bean, C. A., Jr. 7-20-1926 M Hattie Shanks C. A. Bean Erath Beason, Dorothy 3-13-1926 F Missie Smith William Beason Erath Befruger, Edwice 11-4-1926 M Ruth Groove Gary E Befruger Erath Belcher, Elizabeth 8-12-1926 F Lizzie Perry S. A. Belcher Erath Biggs, Veonea Lavoy 4-21-1926 F Vesta Bradley T. H. Biggs Erath Bills, Densel Andy 4-11-1926 M Zula Dakan Andy Bills Erath Blaine, Will, Jr. 3-9-1926 M Ethel Strang Will Blaine Erath Boase, Oma Lee 7-10-1926 F Flossie Baker C A Boase Erath Bostic, C. B. 11-2-1926 M Carylee Perry F. H. Bostic Erath Bostick, Cecil Albert 6-26-1926 M Maggie Pauline Faireonnoe Albert Bostick Erath Box, Benjamine Garey 2-27-1926 M Emma Glovers G. Y. Box Erath Box, Della Fay 10-18-1926 F Della Smelley H. G. Box Erath Bramblett, Juanita Fay 8-4-1926 F Ira Driver O. E. Bramblett Erath Bright, Nellie Frances 5-19-1926 F Rheta Nell Minnick Elbert A. Bright Erath Briley, Joe Travis 12-11-1926 M Cora Bliss James Mccarty Briley Erath Briley, Robt Lee 5-17-1926 M Bessie Snoddy F. L. Briley Erath Brock, Francio Marie 12-6-1926 F Viva Favors Clyde Brock Erath Brown, Juanita 3-16-1926 F Estelle Perry J W Brown Erath Brown, William Arthur 11-3-1926 M Mattie Johnson J. N. Brown Erath Brundrett, Evelyn Patricia 3-9-1926 F Hazelle Elsie Jackson Harold Mcelvaney Brundrett Erath Bruner, Robert Dale 12-2-1926 M Maude Pauline Bramlett William W. Bruner Erath Bunch, John Clinton 10-24-1926 M Hattie Lou Grimes J. C. Bunch Erath Burks, William Earl 10-16-1926 M Lena Cox R. W. Burks Erath Burnett, Alfred H., Jr. 9-19-1926 M Dora Ables Alfred H Burnett Erath Burney, Mary Catherine 12-6-1926 F Stella White Robert Burney Erath Cales, Patricae Ruth 10-10-1926 F Louise Durham Geo. F. Cales Erath Cameron, Robert Seaborn 9-15-1926 M Relda Marshall R. S. Cameron Erath Campbell, Louie, Jr. 3-25-1926 M Beatrice Covington Louie Campbell Erath Campton, C. C., Jr. 9-10-1926 M Alverta Carr C. C. Campton Erath Carey, Hulon Earline 10-5-1926 M Ida Vera Stone Emmett Henry Carey Erath Carey, Lois 2-20-1926 F Edith Lay J N Carey Erath Carr, Norma Lee 9-18-1926 F Edna Lee Shillingburg Herman Carr Erath Carter, Donald Leon 11-5-1926 M Lois Doris Daggers Calone Bryon Carter Erath Carter, Ruby Lee 11-16-1926 M Nancy Pendergrass Charley Albert Carter Erath Carver, Myrtle Aline 5-3-1926 F May Hill Luther H. Carver Erath Cason, Edna Ruth 5-15-1926 F Armintie Oxley J. J. Cason Erath Cathy, Sidney Joe 10-8-1926 M Cora Belle Mcfall Sidney Cathy Erath Cavitt, Robert Daniel 11-16-1926 M Annie Shely E. M. Cavitt Erath Chambers, Esta Lee 1-29-1926 F Elma Mayfield Jas. Chambers Erath Chambers, Marvin Andrew 9-14-1926 M Zelia May Whitworth Andrew Chambers Erath Chambers, Sarah Francis 12-29-1926 F Nobie Hamans E. M. Chambers Erath Chaney, Jesse Lloyd 10-1-1926 M Muriel Cox Mack Jack Chaney Erath Chapman, Clarence 10-29-1926 M Lela Laura Holbert James Dewey Chapman Erath Childers, Charley Marie 2-1-1926 F Gladin Dewitt William Childers Erath Chism, Andrew Eli 4-25-1926 M Alcia Mitchell Grant Chism Erath Claybourn, Billie James 9-8-1926 M Verona Maud Clearuf Wesley Claybourn,V Erath Clayton, Mary Kathyrn 5-25-1926 F Kate Chatman Elmer Clayton Erath Clensline, Yvonne 12-31-1926 F Jewell Bertha Stanley Rufus Clensline Erath Cobb, Billie May 8-6-1926 F Gertie May Gilbert Billie Cobb Erath Colbough, Billie Bruce 12-5-1926 M Ena Gee B. J. Colbough Erath Collier, Billie Katherine 6-5-1926 F Aradne Katheryn Jones John Lewis Collier Erath Cook, C. B. 5-22-1926 M Mary E Pettit R. J. Cook Erath Cook, Tom, Jr. 2-23-1926 M Lina Loyd Tom Cook Erath Coppedge, Lauda Fay 6-4-1926 F Jessie Marie Bolton James W. Coppedge Erath Coppedge, Santa Fay 6-4-1926 F Jessie Marie Bolton James W Coppedge Erath Cottrell, Mary Elizabeth 5-11-1926 F Mary Ann Lindsey Charles Francis Cottrell Erath Cox, Delma May 3-27-1926 F Beulah May Swamer W B Cox Erath Creighton, Annie Corrine 7-13-1926 F Lura Mcclure W E Creighton Erath Culver, Gladys Estelle 1-19-1926 F Louella Thackerson P. E. T. Culver Erath Daniel, Ellen Laverne 10-28-1926 F Mayme Branson James Roy Daniel Erath Darden, Albert D. 4-17-1926 M Pearl Diffie D. D. Darden Erath Darsey, Allen Dixon 9-11-1926 M Leona Pearl Mayfield Clarence Dixon Darsey Erath Davenport, Bessie Pauline 4-27-1926 F Cora Bell Moxley John Grady Davenport Erath Davenport, Rita May 3-16-1926 F Mary Velma Millican Robert Howell Davenport Erath Davidson, Ila. 10-5-1926 F Myrtle Hawk John Davidson Erath Davis, Fred Watson 7-28-1926 M Addie Gertrude Watson Olliee Burton Davis Erath Dawson, Carol Lee 4-29-1926 F Erma Alice Potts Cloyd H Dawson Erath Defoor, Imogene Beatrice 8-17-1926 F Mary Stillwell F. M. Defoor Erath Derrick, Bobby Dean 8-16-1926 M Jennie Wills J. S. Derrick Erath Dotson, Carl Caine 1-28-1926 M Myrtle Dotson Jesse Dotson Erath Dulaney, Opal Ruth 8-18-1926 F Dovie Dulaney Erath Dunn, Wayne Sliger 8-22-1926 M Sucie Fay Sliger Charlie Albert Dunn Erath Dupree, Earl 5-14-1926 M Stella Stark F. E. Dupree Erath Elliott, William Roy, Jr. 4-11-1926 M Annie May Scoggin William Roy Elliott Erath England, Calvin 5-2-1926 M Flora Edna Dunstow Joseph Eugene England Erath Espinosa, Lorenz 8-10-1926 M Lucile Cobie Mike Espinosa Erath Evans, Rudie Lee 4-4-1926 F Rudie Estell Cross L. C. Evans Erath Fair, Suebonnie 2-19-1926 F Leona Hudgins Arthur Floyd Fair Erath Favors, Mary Christelle 8-10-1926 F Mary Alecie Gryder Hartful Jackson Favors Erath Ferguson, Lester Frederick 8-3-1926 M Addeleau Smith Lester Ferguson Erath Fincannon, P. F. Inf Of 8-19-1926 M Bertha Burnett P. F. Fincannon Erath Fine, Mary Elizabeth 3-2-1926 F Gussie Hancock Harvey A. Fine Erath Flippo, Billie Charles 10-10-1926 M Opal Lometa Stephen Jack Loyd Flippo Erath Forson, Clifford Inf Of 5-20-1926 F Clifford Forson Erath Fox, Billie John 8-24-1926 M Esther Maloney N. C. Fox Erath Freeman, Emerald Vernemma 2-9-1926 F Iris Irene Watson John Smith Freeman Erath French, Billie Paul 11-21-1926 M Birdie Wilson James French Erath Frits, Dorothy Imogene 3-24-1926 F Bettie Beatrice Ross Floyd Edwin Frits Erath Fulford, Clyde, Jr. 11-19-1926 M Della Asken Clyde Fulford Erath Fuller, Francis Mozell 9-30-1926 F Pauline Brooks P. K. Fuller Erath Gaither, Weldon Clayton 12-27-1926 M Marguerite Bessie Eokies Melorie Gaither Erath Garner, Ollie Lue 4-10-1926 F Lota Gunter R A Garner Erath Garner, Wayne Gentry 7-1-1926 M Della Clare Gentry James Doil Garner Erath Garrett, Josephine Lee 7-17-1926 F Emma Mae English Herbert Bryan Garrett Erath Garrison, Yvonne 2-16-1926 F Ethel Capehart Ray V. Garrison Erath Gary, C. H., Jr. 11-20-1926 M Loretta Smith C. H. Gary Erath Gee, Billie Ruth 11-9-1926 F Ione Cook Curtis R. Gee Erath Gibson, Martha Pauldean 11-26-1926 F Alice Carroll Adams Paul Gibson Erath Gilbreath, Ural Gene 11-3-1926 F Hellen Katherine Looney Haywood Justen Gilbreath Erath Glover, Nadine Azalee 1-3-1926 F Maudie Bell Thompson John Rafeal Glover Erath Goodman, Harrall Renford 5-18-1926 M Hattie Williams Joe Goodman Erath Goodwin, Jeannette 4-13-1926 F Iva Whisenant Ernest Loyd Goodwin Erath Goodwin, Lela Rose 1-17-1926 F Marcia Marvin Tunnell James Carl Goodwin Erath Gray, Beatrice 11-25-1926 F Sarah Emert E A Gray Erath Green, Dollie Orena 5-4-1926 F Milbrey Land William H. Green Erath Green, Joseph 2-7-1926 M Essie Aaron Willie Green Erath Greenway, William Purves 8-4-1926 M Kate Purvis W. O. Greenway Erath Greenwood, A. L., Jr. 5-25-1926 M Ella Goforth Jewel S. Greenwood Erath Gregory, Gene Anne 8-14-1926 F Lois Elliott Hugh B Gregory Erath Grider, Luis Lucile 2-1-1926 F Leola Coleta Harrod Morris H. Grider Erath Grissom, J. T. 10-13-1926 M Rader Green J. Kyle Grissom Erath Hale, Fannie Ruth 9-5-1926 F Mary Aletha Fincher Albert Noah Hale Erath Hale, Farncis Harvey 5-29-1926 M Marva Ellie Jenkins Joe Hale Erath Hall, Halcie Inf Of 9-4-1926 F Pearl Groy Halcie Hall Erath Hall, Halcie Inf Of 9-4-1926 F Pearl Gray Halcie Hall Erath Hammit, Thelma Mae 3-20-1926 F Fruzie Ann Golightly Edward Augustus Hammit Erath Hammons, Zeva Marie 2-16-1926 F Pearl Brown J. M. Hammons Erath Hampton, Clara Beatrice 9-27-1926 F Ella Coldwell Roy Hampton Erath Hancock, Billie Jack 4-28-1926 M Grace Scott Jack Hancock Erath Harrell, Joseph Edward, Jr. 6-21-1926 M Grace Chandler Jones Joseph Edward Harrell Erath Harris, Harland Loyd 6-16-1926 M Clara Mae Campbell John Elwood Harris Erath Harris, Lena May 9-12-1926 M Leona Spinks N. H. Harris Erath Harwell, Velma Pauline 6-23-1926 F Millie Watkins Emory Paul Harwell Erath Hatcher, Fannie Mary 11-3-1926 F Veta Lois Holburk Emmett Hill Hatcher Erath Havens, Larry Hale 1-9-1926 M Wynta M. Hale Andrew M. Havens Erath Hennessay, Joe Tommie 4-27-1926 F Mattie Rosamand Scill Hennessay Erath Hennessee, Al Dewey 12-6-1926 M Nader Mell Mulloy William Martin Hennessee Erath Herrin, Thelma Marseal 3-27-1926 F Rudie Hazel Brunnett C. F. Herrin Erath Higginbotham, Hazel Flourine 5-13-1926 F May Roberson Fred Higginbotham Erath Higgs, Rufus Franklin 1-31-1926 M Johnie Sullivan R. F. Higgs Erath Hill, Jimmie Mae 5-2-1926 F Hattie Maye Simms James Hill Erath Hill, Rayford 9-5-1926 M Eldora Hope Luther Hill Erath Hodges, Evelyn Earl 3-27-1926 F Goldie Marie White N. E. Hodges Erath Holcomb, Mary Francis 5-19-1926 F Bertha Holcomb James C Holcomb Erath Holland, Iris Geneu 9-26-1926 F Holly Farris Lon Holland Erath Holliday, James Roy 3-30-1926 M Pearl May Easton Buford D. Holliday Erath Holt, Walter Raymond Inf Of 8-31-1926 F Rosie Lee Rhoades Walter Raymond Holt Erath Hook, Estelle 9-24-1926 F Ethel Stephens Jack Hook Erath Hook, Lora Lorie 3-18-1926 F Beaulah Gage W. O. Hook Erath Hook, Mary Marie 3-18-1926 F Beaulah Gage W. O. Hook Erath Hooks, Paul, V 11-19-1926 M Mabel Lidia Kinneth Hooks Erath Howle, Ruby Marie 9-20-1926 F Bettie Thornton J. J. Howle Erath Hudson, Bobbie Jene 4-11-1926 M Estella Mahan Geo. W. Hudson Erath Hudson, Thomas Walter 9-27-1926 M Nellen Starling Thomas J. Hudson Erath Humphries, J. C. 6-25-1926 M Cora Ellis John Thomas Humphries Erath Hunter, Clayton 5-14-1926 M Crecie Mccoy E. E. Hunter Erath Hurley, Arthur Lawrence 5-12-1926 M Ada Brooks J. C. Hurley Erath Huse, John 9-16-1926 M Tincy Samuels J. W. Huse Erath Hutchins, Janie Lanoe 7-27-1926 F Thelma Jane Peehitle James Carol Hutchins Erath Huxford, Willie Ernestine 4-12-1926 F Ethel Smith O W Huxford Erath Inabnet, Wilmath Janell 8-7-1926 F Janie Leota Gray Willis Inabnet Erath Jackson, Avis Lavida 5-6-1926 F Lois Lucile Woods William Arthur Jackson Erath Jacobs, Bernice Rachel 3-19-1926 F Ada Bell Boose E. H. Jacobs Erath Jenkins, Johnie Elizebeth 2-18-1926 F Glayds Roades Johnie Golden Jenkins Erath Johnson, Carlos Elliot 9-20-1926 M Flora E. Moffett William Thomas Johnson Erath Johnson, Donna Ray 4-26-1926 F Addie Jackson Cliff Johnson Erath Johnson, Hazel Ruth 6-15-1926 F Mamie Lee Sullivan Olin Fred Johnson Erath Johnson, L. P., Jr. 7-22-1926 M Iva May Hopper Lindsey Johnson Erath Johnson, William Burton 5-8-1926 M Jewell Bristow C. W. Johnson Erath Johnston, Jim Allen 1-6-1926 M Hellen Roberson Noble Ray Johnston Erath Johnston, John Ramond 4-21-1926 M Alma Knox W. T. Johnston Erath Jones, Helen Louise 10-4-1926 F Nina Maggie Winn Johnie Jones Erath Jones, Jesse Harral 7-4-1926 M Leone Tyler Jesse Joe Jones Erath Jones, Jimmie Clayton 11-5-1926 M Marie Alexandere Ernest Jones Erath Jones, Thomas Elton 2-26-1926 M Nantie Fae Thomas Wayne W Jones Erath Jones, Tom Ted 4-11-1926 M Lula French T. W. Jones Erath Jordan, Jessie A Inf Of 11-17-1926 F Bonnie Delbert Harris Jessie A Jordan Erath Jordan, Jessie A Inf Of 11-17-1926 M Bonnie Delbert Harris Jessie A Jordan Erath Jordan, Jno Whitney 5-1-1926 M Alice M Minnick John F Jordan Erath Keith, Sarah Ann 7-25-1926 F Myrtle Ethel Patton Fred Lancaster Keith Erath Keller, Charles Lawrence 11-26-1926 M Ruby Dabney Lawrence Keller Erath Kelley, Chas. Wayne 3-31-1926 M Ahinvo Wood J. Kelley Erath Kelly, Albert Bruce 10-7-1926 M Cloyse Hicks N. B. Kelly Erath Kendall, Reta May 6-29-1926 F Ora Lee Campbell Oscar Waller Kendall Erath Kin, Carrol Sikes 4-8-1926 M Bessie Sikes J H Kin Erath King, Daniel Bowen 2-23-1926 M Bertha Walrup E. L. King Erath King, Dorothy Clayton 3-15-1926 F Lela Davis F. C. King Erath Kirkland, Bettie Joe 1-15-1926 F Ruby Goodson Loyd T. Kirkland Erath Kirkland, Bobby Jean 1-15-1926 F Ruby Goodson Loyd T. Kirkland Erath Knight, Billy 5-13-1926 M Mennie Knight Erath Knight, T A 3-29-1926 M Thelma Killian A R Knight Erath Knox, Boyd Dale 11-12-1926 M Corrilla Belle Martin Dudley Leslie Knox Erath Lackey, Francis Everett 12-19-1926 M Maggie Pearl Vandergriff Thomas Everett Lackey Erath Landeroz, Saragosa 4-28-1926 M Juana Rangel Jose Landeroz Erath Landes, Cecil Eddard 10-16-1926 M Dora Emma Malone Jesse Lee Landes Erath Lane, Julius Kight 4-10-1926 M Katherine Kight Lincholn Lane Erath Lang, Miriam Constance 7-13-1926 F Lula R. Morrow Lewis R Lang Erath Lawson, Cara Nell 1-23-1926 F Hollie Hastings Alford Lawson Erath Lawson, Ila Blanch 8-1-1926 F Mattie L Cowdon Jess A. Lawson Erath Lawson, Robert Kenneth 11-23-1926 M Terita Minnie Hilburn J W Lawson Erath Lay, Mary Nell 1-11-1926 F Nina Lee Thomas J Lay Erath Lay, Odis Rayford 8-16-1926 M Ruby May Black Odis Parris Lay Erath Leatherman, Ruby Geneva 1-15-1926 F Willie Belle Christian Samuel Burton Leatherman Erath Lecees, Bassel Wayne 7-25-1926 M Lova Beatrice Holloway Bassell Lee Lecees Erath Lee, Mary Evona 4-24-1926 F Ruby Gentry Leonard Lee Erath Lee, Thelma Furne 3-19-1926 F Inez Killiams C L Lee Erath Lewis, Betty Jo 3-1-1926 F M. A. Saunders Nathan D. Lewis Erath Lewis, Hattie Fay 5-3-1926 F Daisy Taylor Lee Lewis Erath Lingle, Ellen Marie 9-28-1926 F Katy A. Crank Hugh E. Lingle Erath Littleton, James Allen 12-7-1926 M Eoalena Miller Leroy Littleton Erath Livingston, Troy 3-21-1926 M Letha Pearl Hill G. J. Livingston Erath Lowery, William Boyce 8-21-1926 M Flora E Davenport William Elmer Lowery Erath Lunardon, Amelia Louise 4-18-1926 F Anita Farrero Prenio Lunardon Erath Magee, Roy Lee 11-2-1926 M Willie La Baume Willie Jones Magee Erath Maikel, Jno, Jr. 9-11-1926 M Mabel Weems Jno Maikel Erath Malone, Trimmie Pearl 8-22-1926 F Alice Griffith E. N. Malone Erath Martin, Anita Catherine 9-10-1926 F Wilma Cook Herbert B. Martin Erath Martin, Hoyit Gaston 4-15-1926 M Lottie Savage J. M. Martin Erath Martin, Ray 9-10-1926 M Mattie Meadows Albert Martin Erath Masengale, Edward Earl 12-27-1926 M Eva Todd S. E. Masengale Erath Maxwell, Louise 10-26-1926 F Mary Howell J. D. Maxwell Erath Mayo, Florence Lavada 5-21-1926 F Annie Norris Robert Nathan Mayo Erath Mc Kinney, H. F., Jr. 7-31-1926 M Lucy Rasmussen Henry F. Mc Kinney Erath Mc Kinney, Thurman 5-10-1926 M Iva Lee Gray J. C. Mc Kinney Erath Mccleery, Delma Lee 4-30-1926 F Lola Warren Will Mccleery Erath Mcclusky, James Neal 3-2-1926 M Pearl Fallin Marshel Mcclusky Erath Mccown, Herman Wayne 4-3-1926 M Ada Lou Mounce Roger Mccown Erath Mccoy, Ruby Joe 1-7-1926 F Eulla Bell Morris Edgar Blake Mccoy Erath Mcdowell, David Bryan 5-21-1926 M Beulah Harris John Mcdowell Erath Mcginnis, Billie Gene 11-25-1926 M Mildred Roberts William Mcginnis Erath Mckinney, Sibyle E. Lane 4-24-1926 F Lillie Richey S. O. Mckinney Erath Mclaughm, Dorcus Elizabeth 3-19-1926 F Ruby Mae King Arthur E. Mclaughm Erath Mcnuich, T. C., Jr. 9-23-1926 M Rader Harbin T. C. Mcnuich Erath Mcvay, Betty Gene 9-2-1926 F Cornelia Elizabeth Smoot William Lee Mcvay Erath Meadors, Edna Fay 2-20-1926 F Sarah Elizabeth Acre Joel J. Meadors Erath Melton, Johnnie Mae 4-3-1926 F Gertrude Daniel John W. Melton Erath Mercer, Dorothy Dean 7-22-1926 F Mozelle Stephens John Mercer Erath Metsgar, James Leonard 8-23-1926 M Sara Elizabeth Williams Walter Green Metsgar Erath Milhollin, Robert Mabry, Jr. 3-7-1926 M Ila Bonita Keahey Robert Mabry Milhollin Erath Millen, J. A., Jr 5-13-1926 M Pearl Herricks J. A. Millen Erath Miller, Francis Saffin 7-12-1926 F Modena Mooney R. T. Miller Erath Miller, J.H. 10-20-1926 M Pearl Allen Henry Miller Erath Miller, Joyce Fayne 9-20-1926 F Abbie Norris Fred Miller Erath Mills, Dorothy Irene 9-3-1926 F Opal Burnett Less J. Mills Erath Mills, Johnnie Bell 10-26-1926 F Lola Bell Benton John Dennis Mills Erath Moody, Alda Bois 12-4-1926 F Willie Lawson J F Moody Erath Moody, Dorothy Faye 11-23-1926 F Millie Davis Allie B. Moody Erath Moon, Burl Edward 1-18-1926 M Dixie Keahey Edd Moon Erath Moon, Edwin Day 9-11-1926 M Esteline Hamilton Willis Day Moon Erath Moon, Floy May 10-1-1926 F Stella Coalyle Emmett R. Moon Erath Moon, J. W. 7-14-1926 M Georgie Elizabeth Stone Marcus Regan Moon Erath Moore, Billy Charles 1-27-1926 M Velma Laveda Carr Jesse Waymond Moore Erath Moore, Dorothy Earl 8-6-1926 F Mollie Miller Calvin Moore Erath Moore, Dorothy Fay 10-23-1926 F Effie Pearl French Lee Roy Moore Erath Moore, Harold Don 3-1-1926 M Therma Cason W C Moore Erath Moore, John Allen 8-19-1926 M Ruth Allen Jno W. Moore Erath Moore, Vernon Loyd 11-15-1926 M Beulah Chaney Horace Moore Erath Moreno, Visente 8-5-1926 M Fascuala Moreno Ygnais Moreno Erath Morgan, Dorthey Faye 2-12-1926 F Vera Baze Chas. Morgan Erath Moring, Marcus Vance 11-25-1926 M Odessa Brown Wm. Vance Moring Erath Morris, Daniel E. 3-4-1926 M Gaudee Gertrude Grider Lomma C Morris Erath Morton, Myrna Pearl 5-26-1926 F Mayme Viola Vandever George Lee Morton Erath Moss, Daniel Wayne 8-5-1926 M Cleo Haggard J. A. Moss Erath Mulloy, Charles Edward 2-12-1926 M Narcissa Howell Edgar Mulloy Erath Murray, Jasper Anthony, Jr. 6-16-1926 M Stella Lee Gallahan Jasper Anthony Murray Erath Muse, Kindud Dall 9-29-1926 M Ora May Baker Kindud W Muse Erath Mvono, Ballntiono 6-28-1926 M Cerinto Baraqus Ambwsha Mvono Erath Myers, Helen Marie 7-13-1926 F Bertha Hope J. R. Myers Erath Myers, Wiley Ray 9-2-1926 F Vesta Mcalkine Ivey Myers Erath Nix, James Terrell 10-7-1926 M Mildred Ivey Phillips Mike Nix Erath Norris, Lois Wayne 9-3-1926 F Ollie Goolsby O. S. Norris Erath Norris, Louis Wayne 9-3-1926 F Ollie D Goolsby Oliver S. Norris Erath Northcutt, Garland Benton 2-24-1926 M Vayle Daniels E. W Northcutt Erath Oakes, Warren 11-18-1926 M Rena Warren G E Oakes Erath O'bryant, Carroll Richard 5-8-1926 M Suejett Cherry Arthur O'bryant Erath Osburn, Flossie 11-5-1926 F Mary Stausberg Oscar Osburn Erath Owen, Winnie Fred 4-16-1926 F Winnie South Fred L. Owen Erath Oxford, Martha Jane 2-21-1926 F Opal Barham S. S. Oxford Erath Pack, Agnes Lucie 11-25-1926 F Mary Watson Thomas J Pack Erath Pack, Billy Eugene 11-14-1926 M Francis Pearl Stone Edgar Lewis Pack Erath Pack, Mattie Abrella 10-23-1926 F Alice Robesso Melnquie Robin Edmond Pack Erath Pair, Joe Day 6-16-1926 M Ora Barron Cloud Pair Erath Parks, Helen Lucile 9-5-1926 F Damaris Leatherwood Harold Parks Erath Parnell, Mary Lorena 11-8-1926 F Jimma Parnell Joe C. Parnell Erath Parr, Joyce Wren 7-18-1926 F Myrtle Lee Carey Ben Turner Parr Erath Pearcy, Tammie Josephine 7-21-1926 F Artie Cole A. R. Pearcy Erath Pendleton, Vermon Earl 6-11-1926 M Lee Pendleton Erath Perez, Jose 8-17-1926 M Aurora C. Perez Miguel Perez Erath Phillips, Helen Wanda 12-24-1926 F Elfie Loranie Reagan Elmer Garner Phillips Erath Pickard, Lanier, Jr 8-2-1926 M Gladys Mullins Lanier D Pickard Erath Pickett, John Daryl 7-29-1926 M May Johnson N. C. Pickett Erath Pipes, Billie Cale 8-17-1926 M Maggie Cale Brown David Pipes Erath Plant, Floyd, Jr. 7-16-1926 M Faye Willhite Floyd Plant Erath Pock, Robert Carrol 3rd 12-13-1926 M Myrtle Stain Robt Pock,Jr. Erath Pope, Pauline Etta 11-23-1926 F Ernestine Johnson Nolan Pope Erath Powell, C. R., Jr 6-4-1926 M Carrie Pittman C. Ray Powell Erath Pratt, Audrey 5-27-1926 M Birdie Stanley H. T. Pratt Erath Prescott, Lonnie Leon 11-4-1926 M Lola Eades L. H. Prescott Erath Pryan, William Roger 10-10-1926 M Edna Cannon Oliver Preyan Erath Pryor, Louanna 5-31-1926 F Lulu Young Alfred H. Pryor Erath Pryor, Tyler Wayne 12-6-1926 M Nettie Viola Sparks Albert Archie Pryor Erath Ramsay, Helen Ruth 12-30-1926 F Mary Audra Hurley Theodore Virgil Ramsay Erath Rasberry, Francis Louise 7-8-1926 F Mertle Little Boston P Rasberry Erath Ratliff, Floyd Clayton 10-23-1926 M Nettie Stubbs N W Ratliff Erath Reed, James William 1-22-1926 M Dora Cook J. Neal Reed Erath Rhodes, Fayne Maxine 5-28-1926 F Minnie Barron Claud Rhodes Erath Richards, Billy Gene 10-11-1926 M Willia Mae Riodan Roy Columbus Richards Erath Richardson, Raymond D. 7-29-1926 M Iva Edna Wallace Thomas Wiley Richardson Erath Richey, N., Jr. 2-4-1926 M Hattie Bolton N. Richey Erath Riley, Ester Lee 3-13-1926 F Vera Carter F. M. Riley Erath Robbins, Ellaneita 10-8-1926 F Leta Wright Ted. C. Robbins Erath Robbins, Robert Ralph 1-23-1926 M Buna M. Pittman Artie L. Robbins Erath Roberts, Clarce Nadine 3-23-1926 F Ada Edwards C. T. Roberts Erath Robertson, Willie Louise 3-27-1926 F Pearle Hutchins Richard E Robertson Erath Robinson, Delbert Wayne 3-20-1926 M Eva Moore J H Robinson Erath Rogers, H J Inf Of 10-7-1926 F May Ator H J Rogers Erath Rogers, Master Carrel General 7-25-1926 M Alto Dobbs J. B. Rogers Erath Rogers, Tina Agnes 8-7-1926 F Avis Nelms W. L. Rogers Erath Rogland, Mary Louise 8-24-1926 F Faslina Cline G. W. Rogland Erath Roy, Crag Waymon 3-4-1926 M Elva Lena Wallace Amos Clint Roy Erath Rsini, Mary Marguerita 12-1-1926 F Rosie Skinner Jack Orsini Erath Rucker, Elsa Mae 7-8-1926 F Indy Mcitosh Alex Rucker Erath Salyers, Martha Marie 12-29-1926 F Wanona Bruner J. R. Salyers Erath Samford, Ruby Lee 7-26-1926 F Lydia St. Clair A. N. Samford Erath Sanderfer, Clinton Lowell 2-16-1926 M Effie Jenson C. W. Sanderfer Erath Savage, Donnie Merle 9-5-1926 F Verna Danley C A Savage Erath Sawyer, Maomi Ruth 11-16-1926 F Bertha Florene Welty T L Sawyer Erath Scorborough, Billie Louise 12-29-1926 F Irma Rinnion J. F. Scorborough Erath Scott, Odessa 9-21-1926 F Lillian Chism Ow Scott Erath Scott, Wendell Winfrey 7-20-1926 M Goldie Koomman J. W. Scott Erath Sellers, Jesse Ray 3-7-1926 M Lillie May Shelton Jesse Warren Sellers Erath Sharpe, J. H., Jr. 5-8-1926 M Linnie Gayle J. H. Sharpe Erath Shelby, Travis Delton 10-10-1926 M Ruby Leona Wilson Andrew Richard Shelby Erath Sheltan, Jason Ralph 9-3-1926 M Nora Paschal J. R. Sheltan Erath Shuffield, Charlie Bob 5-4-1926 M Tennie Sagaser Charlie Shuffield Erath Smallwood, Willie Joe 4-2-1926 M Minnie Ola Gibbs John M Smallwood Erath Smelley, Imo Jean 5-27-1926 F Maudie Jones John Smelley Erath Smith, D. W. Inf Of 1-24-1926 M Florence Day D. W. Smith Erath Smith, J. B. (Initials Onl 5-25-1926 M Maggie Shelton Earnest Smith Erath Smith, James Edwood 6-12-1926 M Georgea Teague Henry Smith Erath Smith, Joe Hugh 12-21-1926 M Loleta Audrey Briley William Homer Smith Erath Smith, Ross Wayne 12-18-1926 M Josie Darley Frank Smith Erath Snow, Alma Deane 6-9-1926 F Ethel Fay Fanning Floyd Burr Snow Erath Sones, John Wesley 9-20-1926 M Johnnie Edward Cook Guy Franklin Sones Erath Sones, Robert Ray 5-6-1926 M Clara May Sauller Henry S. Sones Erath Southall, Zera Lee 10-10-1926 F Deatta Kimmell Jim P. Southall Erath Sowell, Harley Ray 5-4-1926 M Estelle Whisenant E. A. Sowell Erath Spain, Evelyn 7-25-1926 F Julia Knight Ross Spain Erath Spanks, Mary Katherine 4-27-1926 F Arna Sears Tom Spanks Erath Spears, Marjorie Loraine 12-5-1926 F Cora Coon J. S. Spears Erath Spires, Truman Eugene 10-6-1926 M Hattie Stephens Vernon Eugene Spires Erath St. Clair, Vera May 4-23-1926 F Ruby Slater C. F. St. Clair Erath Stanford, Dorothy D. 10-21-1926 F Erna Powell E. N. Stanford Erath Starr, Leveria Beatrice 3-10-1926 F Freda Edna Robinson Thomas Elveer Starr Erath Stephens, Andy Inf Of 7-4-1926 M Fanne Robberts Andy Stephens Erath Stephens, Billie Jean 5-18-1926 F Myrtle Maxwell D. J. Stephens Erath Stephens, Marjorie Lavell 8-27-1926 F Earnestine Carlton Reed John Oliver Stephens Erath Stephenson, Mary Evelyn 10-23-1926 F Mary Green G. W. Stephenson Erath Stewart, Albert Carroll 8-31-1926 M Clory Ophelia Stone Ira Carroll Stewart Erath Stewart, Wm Johnathan, Jr 10-3-1926 M Nellie Frances Sims William Johnathan Stewart Erath Stinnett, Mary Katherine 2-1-1926 F Maggie Wood S A Stinnett Erath Stockton, Calvin Clayton 11-30-1926 M Mable Ragland Burt Stockton Erath Stokes, Ana Lee 9-22-1926 F Ruby Mayfield Hal Stokes Erath Stone, A G 5-12-1926 M May Turley Osie William Stone Erath Stone, Helen Louise 10-1-1926 F Annadell Lucus Leonard J. Stone Erath Stone, Helen Marie 12-17-1926 F Beatrice Kilcrease Edgar H. Stone Erath Stone, Ollie Loyd 10-20-1926 M Lois Hellen Clifford Ollie Lee Stone Erath Story, Albert Clyde 4-17-1926 M Ida Madaline Smith Byron Clyde Story Erath Stracueer, Ruth Maxine 7-28-1926 F Maude Ethel Mcmurry Emmette Olen Stracueer Erath Stroud, Ermanell Gay 10-13-1926 F Amy Thackerson H. Tull Stroud Erath Sublett, William Ben 1-9-1926 M Norma Schremsher Alex Sublett Erath Swaner, Robert Vester 2-23-1926 M Bessie Gladis Venable D. P. Swaner Erath Tackett, Milton Wayne 12-16-1926 M Victoria Moody T W S. Tackett Erath Tallant, Ory 10-10-1926 F Bessie Riggs Wesley Tallant Erath Tampke, Maurine Elizabeth 11-5-1926 F Mabel Elizabeth Long Albert A. Tampke Erath Tate, Doil Don 9-26-1926 M Mattie Lee Owen Roy Lee Tate Erath Taylor, Daniel Neal 5-18-1926 M Clara Dunn William Ivan Taylor Erath Taylor, Marvin Lee 11-3-1926 M Velma Reagan W. M. Taylor Erath Telles, Mary 5-21-1926 F Ynes S. Telles Jesus Telles Erath Thieland, H. E., Jr. 1-1-1926 M Lonie Wilson H. Emil Thieland Erath Thurman, Robert Lee 11-30-1926 M Nancy Tucker Robert Edgar Thurman Erath Tibbs, James Alvia 5-27-1926 M Pearl Lillie Polk James Fred Tibbs Erath Tolar, Omeg Talmodge 8-18-1926 F Helon Mccomb T. G. Tolar Erath Toler, Arvazena 5-18-1926 F Francis Burt Vester Toler Erath Tudor, May Corinne 5-1-1926 F Virgie Mobley S. Ross Tudor Erath Turley, Douglas Eugene 11-25-1926 M Bertha Joe Merrill A. G. Turley Erath Turney, Frances Queenelle 2-28-1926 F Jewell Mae Ray Ray Holland Turney Erath Vaughn, Billie Ray 2-15-1926 M S. L. Thomas T. B. Vaughn Erath Vaughn, Doyle Floyd 6-10-1926 M Bertha Eades T. E. Vaughn Erath Venable, James Hartland 5-31-1926 M Thelma Alvia Thornton Lois B. Venable Erath Walker, Emmet Allen 6-30-1926 M Agnes Johnson Emmet Walker Erath Walker, Harold Dean 5-13-1926 M Willie Emma Stone Charles Adolphus Walker Erath Walker, Hazel Emogene 2-18-1926 F Carrie Jordan J C Walker Erath Walker, James Edward 6-17-1926 M Kate Daffen A. J. Walker Erath Walker, Mary Helen 1-14-1926 F Lela May Price Wm B. Walker Erath Walker, Wanda Louise 5-25-1926 F Bula Carver B. C. Walker Erath Wallace, Joe Wayne 10-1-1926 M Katie Wallace Clay Wallace Erath Ward, Eva Moizelle 2-17-1926 F Bessie Cowden J C Ward Erath Ward, Jack 4-20-1926 M Maud Trench Doc Ward Erath Warren, Mattie P 2-20-1926 F Nettie Phelps J. C. Warren Erath Weathers, Peggy Joyce 1-17-1926 F Dora Iola Reynolds John Hardy Weathers Erath Weathers, William A. 9-8-1926 M Pearl Bradshaw W. H. Weathers Erath Webb, Betty Jo 12-15-1926 F Annie Ethetton H. E. Webb Erath Weems, Albert 1-16-1926 M Oma Henderickson A Guy Weems Erath Westfall, Dan Gordon 7-23-1926 M Nora Carr A. W. Westfall Erath Whisenant, John E, Jr. 4-17-1926 M Mary Roselee Hughs John E Whisenant Erath Whitehead, Hazel La Rue 3-3-1926 F Grace Lee Holiday William Perry Whitehead Erath Whitehead, Nanetta 1-18-1926 F Annie Denham Jess. F. Whitehead Erath Whitfield, Betty Lou 12-28-1926 F Lola Afton Biggs Orus Lloyd Whitfield Erath Whitfield, John Waylan 3-16-1926 M Erin Cook A. Walker Whitfield Erath Whitfield, Lennie Pauline 6-6-1926 F Myrtle Hancock L.A. Whitfield Erath Whitfield, Mary Evalyn 12-1-1926 F Willie Bertha Halines William Whitfield,I Erath Wier, Marjorie Ruth 10-13-1926 F Mabel Perkins J. L. Wier Erath Wier, Robbie Marvin 2-11-1926 F Lutie Culwell J. Guy Wier Erath Wiley, Mary Elisabeth 8-24-1926 F Lucile Inez Soyaces William Jennings Wiley Erath Wilhite, John Jarman 6-20-1926 M Nora Arington C. B. Wilhite Erath Wilkenson, Ernest E., Jr. 6-13-1926 M Hattie O Scruggs Ernest E. Wilkenson Erath Williams, Carrol Donald 8-25-1926 M Flora C. Fry George Carrol Williams Erath Williams, Josie Mae 5-22-1926 F Minnie Donley Willie Williams Erath Williams, Laura 6-24-1926 F Laura Newman Tim Williams Erath Williams, Mozelle 6-26-1926 F Lonie Belle Barnes C. V. Williams Erath Williamson, Bonnie Charline 5-2-1926 F Ruth Lee Elmer Gary Williamson Erath Willis, Katherene 2-28-1926 F E. E. Cox W. N. Willis Erath Wilson, Martha Yvonne 4-20-1926 F Ura Howell S. L. Wilson Erath Wilson, Robert Earl 5-28-1926 M Lois Marie Mcalpine Bennie Dean Wilson Erath Wimberly, Donald Mack 9-30-1926 M Kate Moore E. E. Wimberly Erath Winn, Floyd Raymond 2-11-1926 M Myrtle Lee Lowe John A. Winn Erath Winn, Jack Larry 9-3-1926 M Zea Ala Merrell Fred Martin Winn Erath Wolfe, Leland Henry 12-1-1926 M Bernice E. Koonsman Jewell Redwine Wolfe Erath Womack, Laura Maxine 1-8-1926 F Jessie Dee Martin James Hiram Womack Erath Wood, Charles Ray 7-23-1926 M Marie Hill Roy H. Wood Erath Wood, Lois Pauline 7-22-1926 F Inez Watson Bryan Wood Erath Wooley, Cecil L. 3-7-1926 M Dora Jones H. J. Wooley Erath Wooley, Dorothy Evelyn 5-12-1926 F Mautie Christian E Wooley Erath Wooley, John Thomas 9-3-1926 M Blanche Gilbreath P. F. Wooley Erath Wyche, Clyde Wayne 7-12-1926 M Elzie Young Reo Smiley Wyche Erath Wylie, Howard Nelson 4-15-1926 M Etoy Shelby Richard Thomas Wylie Erath Young, Susie Virginia 10-20-1926 F Linnie Diffee W R Young Erath