Falls County Texas Archives History - Books .....1937 Marlin HS Students And Faculty 1937 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/tx/txfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Don Brownlee dbrownlee@csun.edu September 12, 2021, 6:41 pm Book Title: The Bulldog 1937 1937 Bulldog, Yearbook of Marlin High School, Marlin, Texas The following students and faculty from Marlin High School are pictured in the 1937 Bulldog. They are listed in order of family name, given names, and class (fac=faculty; sr=senior; jr=junior; so=sophomore; fr=freshman). The remaining students are in lower grades. Adams, Mary Ann, fr Alburtis, Kenneth Alburtis, Lorraine, so Alexander, Frank, so Allman, J. C., sr Anderson, Roy Lee, so Anderson, Wilton, fr Baeuchle, Alfred, so Baeuchle, Louise, sr Baize, Bruce, sr Baize, Gayle, so Barber, Virginia, fr Barclay, Charles Barganier, Doris, fr Barganier, Velma, sr Barnett, Jack, fr Barnett, Jo Jerrine, sr Barnett, Joni Dell, fr Bartlett, Betsy, jr Barrow, Eleanor Joe, fr Barton, James, so Barton, Virginia, fr Baugh, Alma Ruth Black, Thomas, jr Blann, Thelma, so Beard, Ralph Jr., sr Bohn, Frances Mae. Fr Bolin, Herbert, fr Bowdon, Ann, sr Bowdon, Kathrine Bowen, Gene, sr Bowen, Jimmie Bowen, Joan, so Brady, Edna, jr Briggs, Jacqueline Brown, Cordelia Brown, Vernelle, jr Bulgarich, Vivian, so Bunn, Ruby Jean, sr Burleson, Nancy Lou Campbell, Bobbie Mae, so Campbell, Cathryn Campbell, Jack, jr Carter, Louise, sr Carter, Verna, sr Celusniak, Marion, fr Cheshire, Jackie Childs, Hugh, fr Chilton, L. B. Cobb, Dorothy Lill, fr Cobb, Frank Cohn, Warren, so Cook, Dixie, jr Cook, Hettie Maude, sr Cooley, Bessie Louise, sr Courtney, Billy Jo Cousins, Martha Louise, so Crabb, Edna Opal, so Criswell, Ray, jr Crites, Bobbie, fr Crites, Velma Crites, W. L., jr Cullom, Katherine, fr Curd, C. P., fr Curd, Florine, jr Curd, Virginia, sr Dagate, Sam Denton, Mary Lynn, fr Doggett, Barbara Donohoo, Elizabeth Ann Doree, Halley Grace, sr Dowis, Charles Dunkum, Bill Dunkum, Doris, so Eddins, Jessie Eskridge, Merry Beth, sr Etheridge, Lucille, so Etheridge, Willie Mae, so Evans, Edward, sr Fannin, Cam, so Fickey, Ferdinand, jr Fickey, Margaret, jr Fillips, Eugene, fr Fillips, Woodrow, sr Fischer, Leslie, fr Folk, Elmer, sr Forrest, Emily, jr Forrest, Roberta, fr Francis, Evelyn, so Francks, Barry, sr Fullinwider, Miss, fac Gameson, Vera, fr Garrett, James, so Garrett, Ralph, fr Garrett, Ruth Evelyn, jr Geyer, Dorothy Geyer, Irene Geyer, Paul, fr Geyer, William Earl, so Gilbert, John, so Gilbert, Louise, so Gillespie, Esther, so Gilmore, Ernest, sr Gilmore, Walter, sr Goodrich, Mary Goodrich, Thomas, sr Goodson, Babs, sr Gwyn, Barbara Hall, Joy Ann, jr Hammer, Billie, fr Hammond, John, fr Handelman, Ben, sr Handelman, Eva, fr Hanson, Geraldine, sr Harlan, Julia, fr Harper, Inez, jr Hawthorn, Rosalind Hay, Edgar Lee Hay, Lester, fr Hays, Vinnie Hays, Virginia, sr Heflin, Deloras, jr Henderson, Jim, so Hendrick, Olga Mae, fr High, Evelyn, fr Hoblinski, Bill, fr Huesby, Maedell Hunnicutt, Pearl Hutchings, Grady, fr Jamison, Annie June, fr Jamison, Love, so Janeke, Joe, jr Jennings, Bonner, sr Johnson, Elizabeth Ann Johnson, Melba, jr Johnson, Moree Johnson, Tom, fr Justice, Irene, fr Kaiser, Minnie Katool, Isabelle, so Kilpatrick, Allene, jr Kilpatrick, Macelle, so Kinard, Walter, fr King, Clyde Kirkpatrick, Wallace, sr Knecht, Henry, jr Koenig, Dessie, jr Koenig, Warren, fr Koenig, Wilbur, sr Kowalsky, Floyd, jr Kowalsky, Rose Lee, fr Kroll, Jewel, fr Krumnow, Herbert, jr Levy, Maurine, so Loggins, L. D., jr Lovell, Alice, jr Lynton, Inez, jr Magee, Mary Helen, fr Malone, Gertrude Malone, Lucy, jr Malone, Vernon Mann, Jeanne, fr Mann, Sarah Ruth, so Manor, Billy, fr Manor, Earl Mantooth, Calvin Mantooth, Clyde, jr Mantooth, Marie, so Marek, Dorothy, so Marek, V. T., jr Mark, Carl Martin, J. V., jr McAlpine, Dorothy, fr McAlpine, Juanita, sr McAlpine, Mary Alice McBee, Fay McBee, Willie Mae, jr McElroy, Roy, fr McKnight, Mary Emily, jr McManus, Kathleen, so McQueen, Tom B., fac Mees, Nick, so Melbert, Jimmie, so Melbert, Shirley, sr Meyer, Charles Meyer, Frances, fr Milam, Frank, sr Mires, Evelyn, sr Mitchell, Margaret, fr Mitchell, Mildred, sr Moncrief, Josephine, sr Moore, Geraldine, jr Moore, Mary Katherine, so Morris, Durward, so Morris, Isadora, jr Myatt, Bill, jr Neal, Floyd, so Norwood, Pauline, sr Norwood, Roberta, so Novich, Marjorie Ann, so Ogden, Alice, jr Oliver, Richard, jr Oltorf, Frank, fr Owen, Barbara, jr Owen, Dorothy, jr Owen, Emily Ann, fr Owen, Jack Parsons, George, fr Parsons, June, fr Pate, Johnnie Patke, Frances Patterson, Corinne, sr Patterson, Glenn Patterson, Iris, jr Pauling, Billy Earle, jr Pauling, Evelyn, so Pauling, Marvin Lee, so Peacock, Dorothy Peacock, Mary Louise, sr Peevey, John Perdue, Lilah Peters, Eulalah, sr Phillips, Billy, sr Phillips, Bobby, so Phillips, Edgar Lee, sr Phipps, Barbara, fr Pieper, Alfred, fr Pike, Willa Dean, so Pitman, Dorothy, jr Pittman, Mabel Pointer, Myrlene Pomykal, Willie Mae, sr Portele, Ann, so Portele, Celestine, sr Portele, La Fern, so Powell, Elaine, sr Priest, Fan Alice, sr Priest, Weldon, fr Pyburn, E. J., sr Radford, Juanita, fr Reaves, Claude Reed, Barbara Reed, Frances, sr Reed, Joyce, so Reed, Laverne Reinke, Pearl Mae, so Reynolds, H. D., jr Rhea, Ella Mae, sr Rice, Billy, so Robertson, Mary Elizabeth, so Robinson, Betty Rose Rodgers, Jackie Rogas, Pat, jr Rogers, Betty Jean Rogers, Jane Rae, jr Rogers, Mabel Kathleen, sr Ross, Helen Ross, James, jr Ross, Robert, fr Schindler, Billy, so Schmalz, Herman, so Schmid, Walter, jr Schriever, Alyce, sr Segrest, Carter, fr Shelton, Bill, so Sigut, George, fr Sigut, Louis, fr Smith, Edward, jr Smith, Elwayne, jr Smith, Kenneth Smith, Lela Sue Smith, Maribeth, fr Smith, W. O., sr Snider, Alma, fr Spears, Joe Bob, fr Spencer, Billy Springfield, Morine Springfield, Oscar, so Sprott, C. A., jr Sprott, Tom, jr Stacy, Mary Jo Steele, Billy, jr Steele, Hubert, fr Steele, Robert, fr Stone, Lucile, sr Sutter, Raymond, so Tate, Nina Frances, sr Taylor, Gladys Tibbs, George Torbett, Joy Audine, so Torbett, Oscar Lee, jr Towers, Virginia, jr Tucker, Zulia, jr Tybor, Elizabeth, fr Vandraiss, Billy, jr Van Pelt, George Vinson, Carl, jr Waldo, Bill, fr Walston, Jane Ann Walton, James Ward, Mildred, sr Warhol, Eugene, jr Warren, Larry, so Warren, Ralph, jr Wasylyszyn, Helen, fr Watkins, Carrie Jane Watkins, Margaret, fr Watts, Frank, so Watts, Leona Webster, Louise, jr Weiting, James, sr Wells, Ogden Williams, Elizabeth, sr Williams, Gordon, jr Williams, James, so Wilson, Lucile, sr Wolf, Onie, sr Wolff, Warren Wood, Seth Jr., sr Woodland, Robert, sr Woodward, Clarence, jr Worsham, Dorothy, fr Woychesin, Eddie, sr File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/tx/falls/history/1937/bulldog1/1937marl176gms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/txfiles/ File size: 7.2 Kb