1911 LOCAL NEWS NOTES , Falls County, Texas Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Theresa Carhart theresacarhart@hotmail.com Many thanks to Kay Cunnigham for typing this information. All spelling and grammar as written: Kay Cunningham ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net *********************************************************************** 1911 Local News, Marlin Democrat Falls County, Texas Copyright © 2002 by Theresa Carhart. This copy contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives. theresacarhart@hotmail.com *************************************************************************** THE TWICE-A-WEEK DEMOCRAT MARLIN, TEXAS SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1911 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Rush Atkins of Rosebud was a visitor in Marlin Thursday. Ralph Beard has returned from a visit to his home in Alabama. Miss Williemae Warrock of Rosebud and Miss Mary Waite of Waco are visiting Miss Lucile Rogers. Mark W. Harwell of Big Springs was in Marlin Thursday, having come over to visit former friends. He came down from Big Springs early in the week and has been visiting friends west of the river. He says the Big Springs country is in better shape that it has been for two years, the feed crop being good and cototn promising. Miss Libbie Aronsohn is visiting friends in Waco. Hon. D. E. Decker of Quanah is a visitor to Marlin. Theo. Marburger of Ballinger is a visitor to Marlin. Capt. J. A. Martin came up from Austin Friday to attend the funeral of Judge L. W. Goodrich. W. F. Hoelscher of Westphalia was a Marlin visitor Friday. Mrs. C. W. Adams and son are visiting her parents in Clarendon. Married at San Angelo. Mr. A. L. Carpenter, son of R. J. Carpenter of Marlin, and Miss Georgia mays were united in marriage at San Angelo on July 20 in the presence of quite a number of admiring and congratulating friends. They will make Marlin their home. Marlin's First Bale In...Grown on B. L. Reed Farm by Will Taylor. The first bale of the 1911 crop of cotton was received in Marlin Wednesday evening, July 26. The cotton was grown by Will Taylor, a tenant on the home place of B. L. Reed, east of town. The cotton was brought to the Marlin Oil Company gin, but the gin was not ready. The gin steamed up Friday morning and ginned the cotton. This is an early bale for Marlin. Steve Wells Acquitted. The jury in the case of the State of Texas vs. Steve Wells, charged with assault, brought in a verdict at noon Thursday acquitting the defendandt of the charge. Securing Final Papers. Quite a number of parties of forgeign birth who have in previous years filed their declaration to become citizens of the United States, are now perfecting their citizenship rights by getting their final papers. Mr. Graves, representing the national goverment, is here to secure a list of them for filing at Washington. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Stark of Orange are vistors to Marlin. For Sale---100 cords of wood, on farm 3 miles east of Chilton. J. B. Landrum 6-17-St-aw For Sale---My residence, ten rooms, strickly modern; about 2 acres of ground. A fine opportunity to secure a good home in Marlin. Mose Levy. 7-6-d-swtf For Sale---Good prairie hay; guaranteed first class. Poland China pigs, first class. Telephone No. 355-3R O. H. Huseby. 4t-sat-sw